Limited Run Games (producing physical copies of digital games) (2024)

I'm surprised no one else here is bringing up these guys. Seems right up our alley between the collectability of a physical copy + the rarity of a tiny print run (even smaller than much ballyhooed rarity of Gaijinworks' releases). Here's some info:

I can't say I had even heard of the games they're starting off with, and I can't say they sound or look that great either (Breach & Clear has pretty lousy reviews). But it's still an interesting prospect. Considering the low print runs and fairly low price for the games, I might nab them anyway, just to give them a shot. Or least for any Vita games they release, since I like the platform and it gets so few physical releases as it is. I hear Breach & Clear is at least improved from the digital release, so perhaps it's now not as bad as the reviews make it out to be.

If they can actually manage to keep this business going, I hope they can advance beyond C-tier indie games. I'd especially love to see some Japanese games, but they don't localize and I kinda doubt the publishers who have localized Japanese games for digital-only releases would hand over their IPs. But there is some nice stuff coming out on Vita digitally that could sorely use a physical copy.


Since Limited Run Games has been in business for a while now, I thought it would be worthwhile to create a master list of their catalog.

For the time being, all releases have their print runs split in half on the day of release, with the first half available at 10 AM EST, and the second half available at 6 PM EST. A minimal stock of canceled orders is also made available at a later date. Order limits are generally one, sometimes two, per game (or one per platform if the game is available on multiple platforms).

The Limited Run Games PlayStation Library:

#1: Breach & Clear (Vita - 1500 copies)
#2: Saturday Morning RPG (PS4 - 1980 copies)
#3: Saturday Morning RPG (Vita - 2500 copies)
#4: Oddworld: New N' Tasty (PS4 - 5000 copies)
#5: Oddworld: New N' Tasty (Vita - 2500 copies)
#6: Futuridium EP Deluxe (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#7: Futuridium EP Deluxe (Vita - 2000 copies)
#8: Xeodrifter (PS4 - 2300 copies) *
#9: Xeodrifter (Vita - 2300 copies) *
#10: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4 - 4500 copies) *
#11: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Vita - 3500 copies)
#12: Lost Sea (PS4 - 3000 copies) *
#13: Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype (Vita - 3200 copies) *
#14: Breach & Clear: Deadline (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#15: Rainbow Moon (Vita - 3000 copies) *
#16: Rainbow Moon (PS4 - 3000 copies) *
#17: Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4 - 7500 copies) *
#18: Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#19: Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice (Vita - 3000 copies)
#20: Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics (PS4 - 5000 copies)
#21: Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics (Vita - 5000 copies)
#22: Thomas Was Alone (PS4 - 4000 copies) *
#23: Thomas Was Alone (Vita - 4000 copies) *
#24: Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut (PS4 - 6000 copies)
#25: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (PS4 - 6000 copies)
#26: Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark - Ultimate Edition (PS4 - 3600 copies)
#27: Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark - Ultimate Edition (Vita - 3600 copies)
#28: Volume (Vita - 4800 copies) *
#29: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (Vita - 4500 standard copies + 1000 PSX variant copies) *
#30: Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (PS4 - 3600 copies)
#31: Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (Vita - 3600 copies)
#32: Firewatch (PS4 - 7300 copies) *
#33: Curses 'N Chaos (Vita - 2800 copies)
#34: Curses 'N Chaos (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#35: Aqua Kitty DX: Milk Mine Defender (Vita - 2800 copies)
#36: Aqua Kitty DX: Milk Mine Defender (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#37: Oxenfree (PS4 - 4500 copies)
#38: The Swapper (PS4 - 3300 copies)
#39: The Swapper (Vita - 3300 copies)
#40: The Swindle (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#41: The Swindle (Vita - 3000 copies)
#42: Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (PS4 - 5000 copies)
#43: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Vita - 3500 standard copies + 1000 PAX variant copies)
#44: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (PS4 - 3500 standard copies + 1000 PAX variant copies)
#45: Nova-111 (Vita - 2800 copies)
#46: Nova-111 (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#47: Pang Adventures (PS4 - 4500 copies) *
#48: DariusBurst: Chronicle Saviours (PS4 - 2800 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies)
#49: Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae (PS4 - 4500 copies)
#50: Ray Gigant (Vita - 5000 copies)
#51: Astebreed (PS4 - 4500 copies)
#52: Drive! Drive! Drive! (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#53: Mutant Mudds Deluxe (Vita - 3000 copies)
#54: Mutant Mudds Deluxe (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#55: Mutant Mudds Super Challenge (Vita - 3000 copies)
#56: Mutant Mudds Super Challenge (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#57: Risk of Rain (Vita - 4000 copies)
#58: Risk of Rain (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#59: Flinthook (PS4 - 4500 copies)
#60: Broken Age (PS4 - 4500 copies)
#61: Broken Age (Vita - 4500 copies)
#62: Furi: Definitive Edition (PS4 - 4800 copies)
#63: Deemo: The Last Recital (Vita - 4500 copies)
#64: Bard's Gold (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#65: Bard's Gold (Vita - 2800 copies)
#66: DariusBurst: Chronicle Saviours (Vita - 4000 copies)
#67: The Bunker (PS4 - 3700 copies)
#68: Rive (PS4 - 3800 copies)
#69: Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (Vita - 3000 copies)
#70: Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#71: Plague Road (Vita - 2300 standard copies + 700 Kickstarter cover variants)
#72: Plague Road (PS4 - 2400 standard copies + 600 Kickstarter cover variants)
#73: Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (PS4 - 5000 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#74: Night Trap (PS4 - 5000 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#75: NeuroVoider (PS4 - 3500 copies)
#76: Jotun: Valhalla Edition (PS4 - 4800 copies)
#77: Lili: Child of Geos (PS4 - 2900 standard copies + 1900 collector's edition copies *)
#78: N++ (PS4 - 4800 copies) *
#79: Asdivine Hearts (Vita - 3800 copies)
#80: Asdivine Hearts (PS4 - 3800 copies)
#81: Ys Origin (Vita - 6575 copies + 3000 collector's edition copies)
#82: Ys Origin (PS4 - 8400 copies + 3000 collector's edition copies + 1500 PAX West variant copies)
#83: The Flame in the Flood (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 1000 cover variant copies)
#84: Caladrius Blaze (PS4 - 4000 copies) *
#85: Absolute Drift: Zen Edition (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#86: Chariot (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#87: Mecho Tales (Vita - 1500 standard copies + 1000 developer edition copies)
#88: Mecho Tales (PS4 - 1500 standard copies + 1000 developer edition copies)
#89: Crawl (PS4 - 3800 copies)
#90: Nex Machina (PS4 - 4500 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies + 1000 PSX variant copies)
#91: Windjammers (Vita - 3000 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#92: Windjammers (PS4 - 3800 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#93: La-Mulana EX (Vita - 3000 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies *)
#94: SteamWorld Dig (Vita - 3000 copies)
#95: SteamWorld Heist (Vita - 3000 copies)
#96: Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut (Vita - 2700 copies)
#97: Skullgirls: 2nd Encore (PS4 - 7109 copies sold) *
#98: Senko no Ronde 2 (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 2000 limited edition copies + 1000 PAX variant copies)
#99: Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut (PS4 - 2700 copies)
#100: Skullgirls: 2nd Encore (Vita - 3831 copies sold, with 5010 produced) *
#101: Claire: Extended Cut (Vita - 2500 copies)
#102: Claire: Extended Cut (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#103: River City Melee: Battle Royal Special (PS4 - 2900 standard copies + 1900 collector's edition copies) *
#104: Double Dragon IV (PS4 - 3900 standard copies + 1900 collector's edition copies) *
#105: 2064: Read Only Memories (PS4 - 6192 copies, with 2064 copies for each of three cover variants)
#106: Super GunWorld 2 (PS4 - 2000 copies) *
#107: Yesterday Origins (PS4 - 2700 copies)
#108: Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire (PS4 - 2800 copies) *
#109: Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion (Vita - 2800 copies) *
#110: Revenant Saga (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#111: Revenant Saga (Vita - 3000 copies)
#112: The BIT.TRIP (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 900 PAX variant copies)
#113: The BIT.TRIP (Vita - 2300 standard copies + 900 PAX variant copies)
#114: Screencheat (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#115: Sky Force Anniversary (Vita - 2300 copies)
#116: Sky Force Anniversary (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#117: Croixleur Sigma (Vita - 3000 copies)
#118: Croixleur Sigma (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#119: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD (Vita - 3000 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies + 1000 PAX variant copies)
#120: Organ Trail: Complete Edition (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#121: Factotum 90 (Vita - 2500 copies)
#122: Factotum 90 (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#123: Nurse Love Addiction (Vita - 2300 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#124: The Metronomicon (PS4 - 3000 copies) *
#125: Organ Trail: Complete Edition (Vita - 3000 copies)
#126: Lethal League (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#127: Home (Vita - 2500 copies) *
#128: Home (PS4 - 2500 copies) *
#129: Super Hydorah (PS4 - 2000 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#130: Kero Blaster (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#131: Thimbleweed Park (PS4 - 3500 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#132: Kill the Bad Guy (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#133: Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (PS4 - 4800 copies) *
#134: Pixel Gear (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#135: Typoman Revised (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#136: Future Unfolding (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#137: Siralim (Vita - 1800 copies)
#138: Siralim (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#139: Magicka 2 (PS4 - 3500 copies)
#140: Volume (PS4 - 3000 copies) *
#141: Escape Goat 2 (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#142: Ace of Seafood (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#143: Aaero (PS4 - 2500 copies) *
#144: Cosmic Star Heroine (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#145: Cosmic Star Heroine (Vita - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#146: Antiquia Lost (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#147: Antiquia Lost (Vita - 3000 copies)
#148: Toto Temple Deluxe (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#149: Super Hydorah (Vita - 2000 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#150: Pixel Junk Monsters 2 (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#151: Iron Crypticle (PS4 - 2300 copies) *
#152: Splasher (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#153: Kingdom: New Lands (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#154: Musynx (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size)
#155: Musynx (Vita - number of preorders determine print run size)
#156: Xenon Valkyrie+ (PS4 - 2300 copies) *
#157: Xenon Valkyrie+ (Vita - 2300 copies) *
#158: Exile's End (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#159: Exile's End (Vita - 2800 copies)
#160: Va-11 Hall-a (Vita - 4800 standard copies + 2300 collector's edition copies)
#161: 2064: Read Only Memories (Vita - 2000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#162: Observer (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#163: Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! Full Course (Vita - 4800 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#164: Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds Overdrive (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 1900 collector's edition copies) *
#165: Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds (Vita - 2500 standard copies + 1400 collector's edition copies) *
#166: Salt and Sanctuary (PS4 - 2800 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#167: Salt and Sanctuary (Vita - 1800 standard copies + 1000 collector's edition copies)
#168: Everspace: Galactic Edition (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size) *
#169: Hue (Vita - 2300 copies)
#170: Hue (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#171: NeuroVoider (Vita - 2300 copies) *
#172: Thumper (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1000 collector's edition copies) *
#173: Bastion (Vita - number of preorders determine print run size) *
#174: Bastion (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size) *
#175: Gunhouse (Vita - 2300 copies) *
#176: Gunhouse (PS4 - 2300 copies) *
#177: Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Vita - 1500 standard copies + 1000 collector's edition copies)
#178: Late Shift (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#179: Narcosis (PS4 - 2800 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#180: Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (PS4 - 2000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#181: Layers of Fear: Legacy (PS4 - 4000 copies)
#182: 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#183: Dragon's Lair Trilogy (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 2300 collector's edition copies)
#184: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PS4 - 5000 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#185: Defender's Quest DX: Valley of the Forgotten (Vita - 2300 copies) *
#186: Defender's Quest DX: Valley of the Forgotten (PS4 - 2800 copies) *
#187: Mages of Mystralia (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#188: To the Top (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#189: Dragon Sinker (Vita - 2300 copies)
#190: Dragon Sinker (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#191: Siralim 2 (Vita - 2100 copies)
#192: Siralim 2 (PS4 - 1500 copies)
#193: Night Trap (Vita - 1400 standard copies + 1400 collector's edition copies) *
#194: Double Switch (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#195: Rabi-Ribi (Vita - 2800 copies)
#196: Rabi-Ribi (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#197: Battle Chef Brigade (PS4 - 2500 standard copies + 1300 collector's edition copies)
#198: Race the Sun (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#199: Race the Sun (Vita - 2300 copies)
#200: Butcher (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#201: Lumines Remastered (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1000 Deluxe Edition copies + 400 Ultimate Block Rockin' Edition copies)
#202: Headlander (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#203: Rain World (PS4 - 2500 copies)
#204: The King of Fighters '97: Global Match (PS4 - 5000 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#205: The King of Fighters '97: Global Match (Vita - 2300 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#206: Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai (PS4 - 2500 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#207: Celeste (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#208: Sundered (PS4 - 3000 copies)
#209: Iconoclasts (Vita - 3000 standard copies + 1000 collector's edition copies) *
#210: Iconoclasts (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#211: Neonwall (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#212: Jak II (PS4 - 7500 standard copies + 3500 collector's edition copies) *
#213: Tacoma (PS4 - 2800 copies)
#214: Dragon Fantasy: Volumes of Westeria (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#215: Fernz Gate (Vita - 2300 copies)
#216: Fernz Gate (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#217: Game Tengoku CruisinMix Special (PS4 - 2000 standard copies + 1400 collector's edition copies)
#218: Light Tracer (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#219: Proteus (Vita - 2300 copies)
#220: Spelunky (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 3000 collector's edition copies)
#221: Spelunky (Vita - 3000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#222: Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!! (Vita - 2000 copies)
#225: Guacamelee! (Vita - 2600 copies)
#226: Pix the Cat (Vita - 2000 copies)
#227: Forma.8 (Vita - 2000 copies) *
#229: London Detective Mysteria (Vita - 2800 copies)
#232: The House in Fata Morgana (Vita - 2300 standard copies + 1000 collector's edition copies)
#233: Nurse Love Syndrome (Vita - 2000 standard copies + 2000 collector's edition copies)
#234: Dragon Fantasy: Volumes of Westeria (Vita - 2000 copies)
#235: Chronus Arc (Vita - 2300 copies)
#236: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Vita - 2000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#240: Alone With You (Vita - 2000 copies) *
#241: Alone With You (PS4 - 1800 copies) *
#242: Chronus Arc (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#243: ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#244: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (PS3 - 4000 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies)
#245: Forma.8 (PS4 - 1800 copies) *
#249: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies)
#250: A Hole New World (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#251: Bomb Chicken (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size) *
#252: Stikbold! (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#253: Project LUX (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#254: Giga Wrecker Alt. (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#255: The First Tree (PS4 - 2300 copies) *
#257: Prison Boss VR (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#258: Jak 3 (PS4 - 7500 standard copies + 3500 collector's edition copies) *
#259: The House in Fata Morgana (PS4 - 2000 standard copies + 1000 collector's edition copies)
#261: Aegis Defenders (PS4 - 2000 copies)
#262: Freedom Planet (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1000 collector's edition copies) *
#263: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 (PS4 - 3000 standard copies + 1500 collector's edition copies) *
#264: A-Train Express (PS4 - 2300 copies)
#266: The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker (PS4 - 1500 copies)
#267: Desert Child (PS4 - 1800 copies)
#268: Strikers Edge (PS4 - 1500 copies)
#269: Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings (PS4 - 1500 copies) *
#270: Oddworld: New N' Tasty (PS3 - 2500 standard copies + 1800 collector's edition copies)
#271: Psychonauts (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies)
#272: Accounting+ (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1500 collector's edition copies) - Available: June 26, 2019
#275: Tharsis (PS4 - 1500 copies)
#276: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (PS4 - number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) - Available: June 10, 2019 *
#278: Pix the Cat (PS4 - 1500 copies)

The Limited Run Games Switch Library:

#1: Thimbleweed Park (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#2: Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 Tribute Treasure Box copies) *
#3: Flinthook (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 Tribute Treasure Box copies) *
#4: Pixel Junk Monsters 2 (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#5: Saturday Morning RPG (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#6: Slime-san: Superslime Edition (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#7: Kingdom: New Lands (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#8: Night Trap (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#9: Thumper (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#10: Oxenfree (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#11: West of Loathing (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies)
#12: Dust: An Elysian Tail (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#13: Yooka-Laylee (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#14: Furi (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#15: Golf Story (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 4000 collector's edition copies) *
#16: Broken Age (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#17: Outlast: Bundle of Terror (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 Murkoff Briefcase copies) *
#18: Outlast 2 (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 Murkoff Briefcase copies) *
#19: Battle Chef Brigade (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies + 5000 Best Buy copies) *
#20: Cosmic Star Heroine (number of preorders determine standard print run size) *
#21: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2900 collector's edition copies) *
#22: Windjammers (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1900 collector's edition copies) *
#23: Celeste (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#24: Danmaku Unlimited 3 (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#25: Iconoclasts (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#26: Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 1000 collector's edition copies) *
#27: Lumines Remastered (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 Deluxe Edition copies + 600 Ultimate Block Rockin' Edition copies) *
#29: ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2500 collector's edition copies) *
#30: The Escapists: The Complete Edition (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#31: Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) *
#32: Bomb Chicken (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#33: Giga Wrecker Alt. (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#34: Aegis Defenders (number of preorders determine print run size) *
#35: Freedom Planet (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#36: Dragon's Lair Trilogy (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#37: Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 2000 collector's edition copies) *
#38: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (number of preorders determine standard print run size + 3000 collector's edition copies) - Available: June 10, 2019 *

Releases outside of the numbered Limited Run collections:

The Silver Case HD (PC - 1970 copies)
Strafe (PS4 - 2000 copies sold through Special Reserve Games + 1000 variant copies sold through LRG)
Shadow Warrior 2 (PS4 - 2500 copies sold through Special Reserve Games + 1000 variant copies sold through LRG)
LawBreakers (PC - number of preorders determined print run size)
LawBreakers (PS4 - 5000 standard copies + 2500 collector's edition copies)
Night Trap (PC - 2000 copies) *
Absolver (PS4 - main print run sold through Special Reserve Games + 1000 variant copies sold through LRG)
Broforce (PS4 - main print run sold through Special Reserve Games + 1000 variant copies sold through LRG)
Enter the Gungeon (PS4 - main print run sold through Special Reserve Games + 1500 variant copies sold through LRG)
Ruiner (PS4 - main print run sold through Special Reserve Games + 1000 variant copies sold through LRG)
Pixel Junk Monsters 2 (PC - number of preorders determine print run size) *
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (Switch - number of preorders determine print run size)
Kingdom: New Lands (PC - 500 collector's edition copies)
GALF (NES - 1050 grassy green copies + 450 golf ball white copies) *
Layers of Fear: Legacy (Switch - number of preorders determine print run size)
SIGIL (PC - number of preorders determine print run size)
Sundered (PC - number of preorders determine print run size)
Celeste (PC - number of preorders determine print run size)
Spelunky (PC - 1000 collector's edition copies)
Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition (Wii U - 6000 copies) *
The Messenger (Switch - number of preorders determine print run size) *
The Messenger (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size) *
Frog Fractions 2 / Glittermitten Grove (PC - 1000 copies)
Minit (Switch - number of preorders determine print run size) *
Minit (PS4 - number of preorders determine print run size) *

Currently unnumbered upcoming releases:

YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG (PS4 & Switch)
Fault Milestone One (PS4)
Nuclear Throne (PS4)
World End Economica Episode 1 (PS4) - Available: 2019
World End Economica Episode 2 (PS4) - Available: 2019
World End Economica Episode 3 (PS4) - Available: 2019
Narcissu: 10th Anniversary Anthology (PS4) - Available: 2019
Battle Princess Madelyn (PS4 & PC)
Mercenary Kings (PS4) - Available: June 28, 2019
Icey (PS4)
The Good Life (PS4 & PC)
Tokyo Chronos (PSVR)
Starflight 3 (PC)
Jak X: Combat Racing (PS4)
Super Meat Boy (PS4 & Vita & Switch)
Super Mutant Alien Assault (PS4 & Vita)
Va-11 Hall-a (PS4 & Switch)
Forgotten Anne (PS4 & Switch)
Atari Flashback Classics (Vita)
Atooi Collection (3DS)
Bad North (Switch) - Available: 2019
Blaster Master Zero (Switch) - Available: 2019
Blazing Chrome (PS4 & Switch)
Corpse Killer (PS4) - Available: 2019
The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)
Damascus Gear Operation Osaka (Vita)
Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo (Vita)
Dark Devotion (PS4 & Switch)
Double Switch (Switch) - Available: July 2019
Hover (PS4) - Available: July 26, 2019
Metal Slug 3 (Vita)
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge (PC)
Night in the Woods (PS4 & Switch) - Available: 2019
Papers, Please (Vita) - Available: 2020
realMyst (Switch) - Available: 2019
Red Faction (PS4) - Available: July 12, 2019
Revenant Dogma (Vita)
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken (Vita)
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (Vita)
Rogue Legacy (Switch) - Available: July 19, 2019
The Secret of Monkey Island (PC)
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (PC)
Shenmue III Collector’s Edition (PC & PS4) - Available: November 2019
Star Wars (NES & Game Boy) - Available: June 28, 2019
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (PS4) - Available: June 28, 2019
Star Wars: Dark Forces (PC)
Star Wars Episode I: Racer (PC & N64)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES & Game Boy)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight (PC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast (PC)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PC)
Star Wars: Racer Revenge (PS4)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault (PC)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC & N64)
Star Wars: TIE Fighter (PC)
Star Wars: X-Wing (PC)
Transistor (PS4 & Switch) - Available: July 5, 2019
Turok (Switch) - Available: 2019
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (Switch) - Available: 2019

* = includes booklet or map or other kind of insert

Limited Run Games (producing physical copies of digital games) (2024)


Limited Run Games (producing physical copies of digital games)? ›

Limited Run Games is a premium publisher of physical games. We're here to bring your favorite digital releases to life on a number of systems — including the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and 5, retro consoles, and more!

Does Limited Run Games have a physical store? ›

Retail Store! Located at 107 Edinburgh S Dr #211, Cary, NC 27511. Open every Friday - Sunday!

Can you buy physical copies of games? ›

Online games happen mostly in the cloud regardless of whether you buy a physical or digital copy. And PC Games, at this point, are more-or-less only available as a digital purchase. For me, though, when it comes to offline games I prefer a physical copy.

Do you really own your digital games? ›

When you buy a physical item, you've got it. It's yours. But when you click the “buy” button on a digital product, it really depends. You may have access to it only while you have an active account with the platform or website that sold it, or only for as long as that platform or website stays in business.

Will Pentiment get a physical release? ›

The physical version of Pentiment will cost $34.99 regardless of your chosen platform, and the links in the box below will be live so you can place pre-orders from 1 pm EST on February 22, 2024.

Do Limited Run Games release digitally? ›

We're here to bring your favorite digital releases to life on a number of systems — including the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and 5, retro consoles, and more!

Are physical copies of games cheaper? ›

Both discs and digital games cost about the same, and they provide a gaming experience and interface that is often identical.

Is it better to buy digital or physical copies of games? ›

The main difference is that physical games tend to go down in price after a while, much faster than it happens with digital copies. Physical copies are therefore a better choice than digital ones if you're usually buying the game months after its release.

Are PC games sold physically anymore? ›

You can still find physical copies of PC games, but (A) it's a very small selection and (B) the main games I've seen physical copies of consisted of collections of games (2 or more) usually pertaining to the same subject or genre.

Is it legal to make backup copies of games? ›

Under section 117, you or someone you authorize may make a copy of an original computer program if the new copy is being made for archival (i.e., backup) purposes only; you are the legal owner of the copy; and any copy made for archival purposes is either destroyed, or transferred with the original copy, once the ...

What percentage of games are bought digitally? ›

That said, digital game purchases accounted for over 70% of all game sales in 2022 according to a NewZoo report, and the data anecdotally plays out in deserted Best Buy gaming sections around the country, which feel more like ghost towns at this juncture than flowing fountains of interactive entertainment.

Do I legally own my Steam games? ›

The Content and Services are licensed, not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Content and Services. To make use of the Content and Services, you must have a Steam Account and you may be required to be running the Steam client and maintaining a connection to the Internet.

Can digital games get sold out? ›

Can a digital-only video game release sell out? A:No, because it's impossible to make digital games sold out.

Is there a physical copy of Hi-Fi Rush? ›

Limited Run and Tango Gameworks announced in February that Hi-Fi Rush's physical edition will be available on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

Will etrian odyssey origins have a physical release? ›

Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection will have a physical release on Nintendo Switch, the physical version will be exclusive to Asia, unfortunately western fans will only have the digital version.

Will eiyuden chronicle have a physical release? ›

The digital release will be simultaneous on all platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. However, the physical Switch edition will release on May 21.

Where are Limited Run Games located? ›

Limited Run Games, Inc. is an American video game distributor based in Apex, North Carolina.

Will The Last Faith have a physical copy? ›

The Last Faith enters the realm of physical distribution on July 5th, 2024. The game will be available on: 🔵 PlayStation 5 🔴 Nintendo Switch Xbox Series X|S in two versions: The Nycrux Edition and The Standard Edition.

Will GigaBash get a physical release? ›

Product Details. GigaBash is on a region-free physical cart for the Nintendo Switch.

How to get a physical copy of Sea of Stars? ›

Releasing on May 10, 2024, the standard edition of Sea Of Stars' physical version is available to buy through various retailers by following the links in the box below. No announced pre-order bonus just yet, but the physical version does come with a double-sided poster regardless of where you order it.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.