Major brands scaled back Pride Month campaigns in 2024. Here's why that matters. (2024)


By Emily Mae Czachor

/ CBS News

Breaking down the history of Pride Month

Fifty-five years after a raid on New York City's Stonewall Inn sparked riots that catalyzed the gay liberation movement and became a cornerstone of modern LGBTQ advocacy, Pride celebrations are bigger and bolder than ever. Meant to commemorate the Stonewall uprising each June,Pride Month in many parts of the world has grown into a four-week extravaganza marked by parades, parties, concerts and an array of cultural events that pay homage to its roots in free expression and identity.

Corporations have cashed in on the festivities, especially since the U.S. legalized marriage equality in 2015.

But this year, public-facing Pride campaigns at some of the world's largest brands were quieter than usual. At other companies that previously had them, they were completely absent. Fewer public campaigns mean less visibility, which LGBTQ advocates and consumers in the community say can be dangerous in myriad ways.

Last year's conservative backlash

"Corporate Pride" entered mainstream conversations last summer as a flashpoint in the political debate over LGBTQ rights and, specifically, rights for transgender students and young people. To that end, 527 bills to limit those rights were introduced between 2023 and 2024 in legislatures in all but nine U.S. states, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Dozens have already passed.

In the shadow of that legislative trend, and as the mounting election cycle continued to polarize the country on issues around queer and trans rights, a handful of the world's most prominent brands contended with a firestorm of backlash over their Pride campaigns leading up to, and during, Pride Month last summer.

Major brands scaled back Pride Month campaigns in 2024. Here's why that matters. (1)

Attacks on Target and Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, were among the most visible. At Target, which had been releasing Pride-themed collections for more than a decade, some customers took aim at a swimsuit labeled "tuck-friendly" that was intended to be trans-inclusive. Social media users claimed the swimsuit was designed for children, even though Target only sold it in adult sizes.For Bud Light, a longtime supporter of the LGBTQ community, a collaboration with trans social media star Dylan Mulvaney stoked conservative fury.

What began as disapproval from loud and impassioned fringe groups on the far right quickly spiraled into a wider crusade that at one point involved some Republican leaders, commentators and even some celebrities. Along with fierce calls for boycotts against both companies, Target said customers angered by the Pride collection had knocked over displays in some of its stores and gone so far as to threaten employees. In a viral video, one customer was seen confronting a Target worker over the brand's "Satanic Pride propaganda."

Target initially responded to the backlash by moving Pride collections to the backs of its stores in several Southern states, while Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth addressed the controversy indirectly in a statement that said the company "never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people." Leading LGBTQ organizations accused the brands of caving to conservative pressure at the expense of queer and trans people, in a moment where the allyship those companies claimed to value was being put to the test.

Bud Light and Target each reported a drop in sales in the aftermath of the controversies, with one Target executive attributing the decline to the "strong reaction" to its Pride merchandise.

A toned-down Pride Month

This year, Target announcedit was cutting back on the number ofstores that would carry Pride Month-related merchandise, after previously featuring the annual collection at all of its 2,000 or so locations. The Minneapolis-based corporation saidthe 2024 Pride line would be "in select stores, based on historical sales performance," but available in its entirety online.

"Target is committed to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride Month and year-round," a Target spokesperson said in a statement to CBS News in May, noting Target's programs to support queer employees and its internal plans to celebrate Pride in 2024.

"Beyond our own teams, we will have a presence at local Pride events in Minneapolis and around the country, and we continue to support a number of LGBTQIA+ organizations," the statement added.

This was also the first year since 1999 without a Pride collection from Nike, which was historically a vocal ally. The company found itself facing criticism over a collaboration with Mulvaney leading up to Pride in 2023 and said it was turning its focus this year toward programming and ongoing support for the LGBTQ community in place of its traditional apparel line.

"Nike exists to champion athletes and sport — and for us that means all bodies, all movement, and all journeys," a Nike spokesperson said in a statement to CBS News. "Nike has a long history of standing with the LGBTQIA+ community, which focuses on uplifting, inspiring and educating through community grants, employee engagement, athlete partnerships, public policy, powerful storytelling, and products that celebrate the community."

"While there is no global Be True product collection for 2024, Nike remains deeply committed to this work," the spokesperson said.

A survey of executives at major corporations, including Fortune 500 companies, conducted earlier this year byGravity Researchfound that one-third of the responding brands labeled "consumer staples" — like retail companies — planned to change their engagement strategies for Pride Month in 2024 compared with the approaches they took in 2023.

LGBTQ organizations are taking a hit

Advocates say Nikehas built up its allyship behind the scenes — which, they emphasize, is what matters most — and it isn't alone in doing so.

Still, as public-facing brand campaigns for Pride have partly fizzled, the consequences have trickled down to LGBTQ nonprofit organizations and LGBTQ influencers. Nonprofits have received fewer material resources from their corporate partners this year, according to Paul Irwin-Dudek, the deputy executive director for development at the LGBTQ advocacy organization GLSEN. And influencers said they've seen fewer commitments from clients since the 2023 controversy.

Around the time that Target announced its plans to scale down Pride displays in retail stores, the company also ended a decadelong partnership with GLSEN, which runs a huge network of programs centered around queer and trans youth as well as workplace inclusivity, said Irwin-Dudek. GLSEN helps companies shape their Pride campaigns, among other things.

Irwin-Dudek told CBS News that other corporations took a step back from previous partnerships with the organization — and from Pride Month — this year because they didn't know how to engage with it without becoming part of the Target narrative or facing additional blowback themselves.

"At the end of the day, nobody wants to be part of that narrative," said Irwin-Dudek. "I think, and I can say this across the entire landscape of queer organizations, we have all taken a hit to our revenues this year because of the setback that many corporate partners have done in the month of June."

Members of the LGBTQ community who spoke to CBS News — and who aren't affiliated with any political or advocacy organization — were largely disappointed by this year's diminished corporate Pride displays, but they weren't surprised. It was evidence, several people believe, that companies will only be allies for as long as it's comfortable and convenient for them.

"We already had our criticisms of Pride being a hollow thing, and I think that's what pushed brands to actually put more material support behind it and that meant that brands were listening to the queer audience about Pride, about how they could make Pride more inclusive or more reputable or legit," said a 30-year-old queer and trans writer living in New York who asked not to be named. "So, the fact that they're now listening and kowtowing to the right is very scary. Because suddenly we're not in the demographic that they're catering to. Regardless of whether the demographic they're catering to is about money, it shows how they see our identities as being financially conditional."

"Rainbow washing" and corporate values

Some research has shown that American consumers are twice as likely to buy from a brand or use its products if that brand publicly supports and shows commitment to the LGBTQ community.A December 2022 studyfrom GLAAD, a prominent LGBTQ nonprofit that focuses on media monitoring and representation, and the Edelman Trust Institute, a think tank, found that most Americans expect businesses and their leadership to stand up for LGBTQ rights.

For some companies, outward displays of support for LGBTQ rights and inclusivity during Pride are an extension of their support over the other 11 months of the year.

Other companies, however, roll out flashy Pride campaigns once a year without making sincere commitments to the people and issues they impact — drawing accusations of opportunistic advertising, virtue signaling and profitable exploitation. Some critics believe that launching arbitrarily Pride-themed product lines offends and belittles the cause that the merchandise claims to defend.

Some corporate attempts to make sales off of Pride Month with fleeting, and, by some accounts, haphazard, campaigns has fueled skepticism from LGBTQ consumers frustrated by the prevalence of "rainbow washing," where Pride regalia is used as a profitable marketing tactic by brands that don't offer lasting or meaningful support. Also called "pinkwashing" and "rainbow capitalism," the practice is widely considered exploitative, and, with the rise of social media, it's also becoming well known. Comedian Meg Stalter's impersonation of a small-town butter shop employee who opens an ad with "Hi gay," and says her business is "sashaying away with deals" for Pride Month, has been viewedalmost 2.2 million times.

"We know that our community is critical of companies who pop in to be supportive for one month out of the year and then leave," said Meghan Bartley, the brand engagement lead at GLAAD. "It feels like we aren't cared about as a community."

The British retailer Marks & Spencer's notorious"LGBT sandwich"— a BLT with guacamole — is one example of the seemingly random array of goods that brands tend to refurbish in kaleidoscopic packaging come June, stamped with logos and taglines linked to Pride despite being evidently unrelated to it. Items that get the seasonal Pride treatment run the gamut from special edition lattes to Johnson & Johnson's line ofrainbow-packaged Listerine, and the list goes on. This year, iHeartRadio listeners in New York City who tuned in on June 1 would have heard a commercial for toilet paper tenuously crafted under the banner of Pride.

Yet as imperfect as corporate Pride marketing can be, critics of rainbow washing or trivializing Pride displays largely agree that the opportunity to critique LGBTQ brand campaigns is a privilege, and many say the fact that those campaigns exist is usually better than them not existing at all.

Many members of the LGBTQ community who talked to CBS News say that even rudimentary Pride displays, like rainbow flags or graphic T-shirts in a storefront window, provide some level of visibility that can help normalize LGBTQ identities and, ultimately, move the needle in terms of acceptance among people outside of the community.

Bartley, with GLAAD, echoed their sentiments and said the visibility that public Pride campaigns offer can have a measurable impact on the daily experiences of people who are closeted, or who've come out in an environment that doesn't welcome who they are.

"Greater visibility for Pride campaigns has allowed more and more people who are in our community, and maybe not comfortable coming out, understand that there's a space for them to be accepted when they see more and more visibility and acceptance in their lived spaces," said Bartley.

The future of Pride campaigns

Some corporations that push Pride campaigns have made an effort to be allies beyond Pride Month alone.

Johnson & Johnson's thematic Listerine bottle was released in 2019 as part of its ongoing "Care With Pride" initiative, which partners with LGBTQ advocacy groups to foster an inclusive workplace and has so far donated at least $1 million to LGBTQ nonprofit organizations, according to the company. The Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group, has also ranked Johnson & Johnson as one of the best places in the U.S. for queer people to work.

Disney, Hollister, REI and Proctor and Gamble are a few more brands that advocacy groups have commended for taking steps toward consistent allyship — both publicly and behind the scenes.

When looking at the overall landscape, the LGBTQ advocacy groups that talked to CBS News don't believe corporate Pride campaigns will disappear in the long term.

Both Irwin-Dudek and Bartley said companies can change their ethos by ensuring LGBTQ people are at the table whenever marketing plans are conceived and developed for Pride, whether they're employees of the company or outside resources. And Eric Bloem, vice president of programs and corporate advocacy at the Human Rights Campaign, told CBS News in a statement that the organization's own research shows "that the business environment, despite the best efforts of fringe groups to derail long-standing principles of inclusion, has and always will be pro-equality."

CBS News has reached out to Target, Disney and Anheuser-Busch for comment.

  • Pride
  • Pride Month
  • Nike
  • Anheuser-Busch InBev
  • Target

Emily Mae Czachor

Emily Mae Czachor is a reporter and news editor at She covers breaking news, often focusing on crime and extreme weather. Emily Mae has previously written for outlets including the Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed and Newsweek.

Major brands scaled back Pride Month campaigns in 2024. Here's why that matters. (2024)


Why companies should celebrate Pride Month? ›

Celebrating Pride Month in the workplace reinforces to your employees that they are always accepted for who they are, no matter who they love or how they identify. Doing so promotes awareness and equality within the company and increases understanding of the issues faced by those in the LGBTQ+ community.

What companies support LGBTQ? ›

Companies That Support The LGBTQ+ Community
  • Addepar.
  • IBM.
  • PayPal.
  • Getty Images.
  • Skillshare.
  • Kazoo.
  • QuestionPro.
  • QuickBase.

What is the theme for pride 2024? ›

Celebrating its 40th year, Heritage of Pride|NYC Pride announces our official theme for 2024, “Reflect. Empower. Unite.” as it kicks off this year's programming.

Why is it so important to celebrate pride? ›

Why celebrate Pride? Pride is celebrated to promote the constant fight for equality in this community. It is a platform to promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Is Coca Cola supporting LGBTQ? ›

We have an active LGBTA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally) Business Resource Group that helps us stay at the forefront of LGBTQI community needs. We support many LGBTQI-focused organizations and programs in our communities —from the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund to The Trevor Project.

Is Starbucks LGBT friendly? ›

From the very beginning, we've strived to create a culture of inclusion where every one of our partners and customers feels respected and safe. Our commitment to the LGBTQ+ community goes far beyond flying a rainbow flag at our Starbucks Support Center (which we've been doing since 2014).

Does Pepsi support Pride? ›

Many other big companies are sticking to their sponsorships as well, including PepsiCo, Starbucks, General Motors and Jeep parent Stellantis — all of which said they have been supporting Pride events for decades and aren't hesitating to back them again this year.

Why does pride matter in the workplace? ›

The most important reason why celebrating Pride Month at work matters is that it builds workplace inclusivity. Most organizations claim to value diversity, inclusion, and belonging in their workplace — but it's important to make sure that you're demonstrating these values through tangible action.

Why is it important to celebrate Pride Month for disabilities? ›

What is the history of Disability Pride Month? On July 26,1990, after a hard-fought battle from disability advocates and allies, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. This landmark legislation ensured disabled people had greater access to employment, transportation, and the community.

What is the significance of pride Day? ›

Pride Month, sometimes specified as LGBT Pride Month, is a monthlong observance dedicated to the celebration of LGBT pride, commemorating the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture and community.

How do you engage employees Pride Month? ›

23 Pride Month ideas and activities for work:
  1. Create a collaborative Pride playlist. ...
  2. Raise funds for a charitable cause. ...
  3. Expand your diversity training and education. ...
  4. Volunteer to support LGBTQ+ causes. ...
  5. Empower LGBTQ+ employees through networking events and conferences. ...
  6. Facilitate a Pride Month “lunch and learn”
Jun 13, 2024

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