Sanctuaries - dante0220 - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Aredian's Arrival Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Elaine's Plight Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Observations Disturbed Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Rescue/Challenges Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Uther and the Royal Marriage Market Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Shared Discoveries Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Accolon's State of Affairs Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Mithian Deals with Bernard Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Morgana Gets Answers Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Dropped Off in the Dreamscape Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Revelation Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Merlin and Mithian Return to Nemeth Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Tedious Litigation Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Confronting Prejudice Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Morgana's Return to Camelot Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Meetings Across Boundaries Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Connections Revealed Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Balinor and Merlin Meet Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Morgana's Introspection Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Arthur and Gwen Discovered Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Tables Turned Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Fomorroh Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Accolon's Entrance into Camelot Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Reassurances Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Merlin as "Vagabond" Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Gawain's Discovery Upon Arrival Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Rodor Recognizes Gawain Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Accolon and Morgana Communicate Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Irony Finds Uther Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Freeing Kilgarrah Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Merlin's Return to Nemeth Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Gaius' Runin with Meleagant Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Uther's Way Out Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Setting Gaius Straight Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Arthur's Notions Disabused Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Lady Guinevere Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Yet Another Lineage Discovered Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Royal Acknowledgements Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Mithian's Pep Talk Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Running Into Friends Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 43: Hall of Heroes Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 44: Passing the Torch Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 45: On Being a Prince (and not a Prat) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: Merlin Plans a Wedding Surprise Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 47: Connections and Presentations Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 48: Sentiments Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 49: Mithian Meets Hunith Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 50: Hunith's Decision Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 51: New Age Begins Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 52: Adjustments Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 53: First Diplomatic Dinner Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 54: Wake Up to Bliss Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: FAQs

Chapter 1

Chapter Text


The triple goddess observes….

A gardener tends a plot of land. Loving hands till the earth. Seeds drop into furrows. Water and Sun nourish the ground. Ideal conditions raise harvest from shoot through growth to maturity. Benefit comes from such crops’ flowers and fruit. Each sustains the other. Symbiosis links them.

If only men would understand. Men and their hate…Men and their Intolerance…What they can’t control, they crush. Vanity rules such beings rather than necessity. Consideration would lend itself to coexistence rather than coercion.

Tell that to the Pendragon….

I have bewailed such behaviors on the respective parts of Uther and Arthur Pendragon. In this case, Uther reaped fear from his planted mindset within Camelot. He summoned Aredian the so-called “Witchfinder.” Much as with the so-called “Inquisition” of a later age, False Evidence, Forced Confession and Coercion met his ends. He sent many of my children to their untimely end.

Tears fall with each pyre. Their souls proceed to their reward. That I can do at least.

Emrys, it seems, had his issues around Camelot. Depression weighed on him. Mourning distracted him following Freya’s death at Arthur’s hands. His mind wandered. As you all have seen, Errand in the woods left him with a moment to himself. Meditation desired Entertainment. Spell shaped smoke to look like a horse. Alas, Uther’s fear caused a woman to overreact. Thus, Intolerance’s spark landed amidst Ignorance’s hay. The inferno spread quickly. Aredian arrived soon after. Gaius, despite his earlier sins against me, did not deserve that torture. Emrys and Morgana Pendragon are too central to my plans.

The Bards’ twists made it appear as if the matter was settled in Camelot. The truth, however, was much, much different. Fortunately, Emrys has friends in other places. As we shall see, United Front would need to deal with Stupidity and Intolerance. Despite the authority, all hung in the balance….

Chapter 2: Aredian's Arrival


Count Bernard of Astolat welcomes Aredian to the Isle of Shalott for a job. His daughter has fled...

Chapter Text

Chapter 1 [Afternoon before the “Witchfinder”]

Steel-gray overcast hung low in the sky. Fog and Chill obscured Woods and Roads alike. Hearty souls pressed on with tasks. Pigs and Livestock grazed over last yellowed grasses. Nuts and berries gathered for Winter’s stores. Merchants and tradesmen filled Marketplace’s stalls.

Expected Duties occupied some…Others ran for Sanity and Life itself….


[Manor of Astolat, Isle of Shalott, Nemeth]

Fall set the inhabitants’ schedule. Serfs and villeins brought in the last crops. Some guided Count Bernard’s pigs from Summer’s graze back toward stalls or final appointment with Butcher’s axe. Hay stalks dried. Mills ground wheat for Winter’s sustenance.

Outside visitors remained rare. Rodor’s surveyors came once a year. Otherwise, no one else bothered with the remote isle or its people.

At least until that day….


Bernard of Astolat pulled his cloak tighter about himself. Raw and Chill reddened his face. Frosted breath drifted through the air. Elements reddened his face. Still, Necessity demanded his presence at the dock. “Is everything in order? Aredian is to have complete cooperation! Am I clear, Caedmon?” He spat onto Oak planks underfoot. His eyes narrowed back toward the house.

Lady Elaine lingered in her chamber. The door’s lock and accompanying charms barred escape. Her mother’s affliction infected her as well.

Acquiescence forced a bow from the white-haired man. Caedmon’s eyes remained averted from the Count. He and the other servants loved her. As her mother before her, Gratitude warmed their hearts at Elaine’s displays in Kindness’ and Charity’s service. She cared. First sniffle and illness’ signs brought herbalists and Master Antonius’ medical treatment. Hunger remained nonexistent among the serfs and villeins alike. Her roses and flowers bloomed across the isle.

Pity Magical accidents doomed her in her father’s eyes. Intention never guided Elaine’s hand with sorcery. It’s just…well…a sneeze…or a cough…caused accidents. Showers of rose petals. A glow about herself. Spontaneous levitation before coming down to the ground several sands’ passage through the hourglass later. Apologies spewed from her mouth. Shame and tears flowed from her eyes…

…tears bringing flowers along her path…

Beauty literally in every beholders’ eyes…except for one. Unfortunately, Count Bernard ruled over Shalott….

Bernard curled his lip. He spied an approaching barge. On it, two servants rowed in unison. Between them, a tall, gaunt man dressed in black with a large hat looked about. Impatience wanted to pull the transport to shore faster. Pity the King overlooked Reyna’s witchcraft! I dealt with her as necessary! Pity that our child is infected with her disease as well! Plans brewed. Agents scoured the countryside for potential marital alliances. Continuity demanded another heir…this one without such impediments. I tried! Oh, how I’ve tried! Elaine won’t do what she’s told!! Even the blasted mushrooms won’t work right. Disgust narrowed his eyes.

The barge landed at the dock. Caedmon tied it there. “Good morrow, Sirrah.” He bowed again. “Milord the Count welcomes you to Asolat and our Isle.” He buried his true feelings deep. Duty instead kept a tight leash on his tone and manner.

Aredian raised an eyebrow. Barest of nods acknowledged Caedmon. His bootfalls echoed against the oak planks. He strode toward Bernard. “Greetings, Count Bernard. My apologies. I came as soon as I was able.”

“I wish to add to Caedmon’s greetings, Aredian. Welcome to Astolat. I wish it wouldn’t require such a purpose to bring you here.” Bernard nodded to his guest. “It seems Reyna’s issues did not stop with her.”

Aredian narrowed his eyes. “I suppose not, Count Bernard. You followed my advice from the last time?” He knew of Elaine and her issues. Directives shoved the prescribed mushrooms down Antonius’ and poor Elaine’s throats.

“I did. They do not work. Alas! I fear magic’s infection runs too deep in Elaine.” Bernard exhaled a sharp breath. “She’s locked in her chamber. Perhaps this time, you can convince the King?”

Sarcastic snort escaped Aredian’s lips. He shook his head. “The only reason justice was done the last time, Count Bernard, was because of King Uther of Camelot’s intervention. King Rodor favors sorcerers. He turns a blind eye toward their perfidy!” Disgust curled his lip. “I wish I could bring her to Camelot and arrange one of those…displays…you wrote to me about.”

“Well, why don’t you? I can cast her out. Anything to be rid of her!” Bernard hissed through clenched teeth. “She cannot be cured! Let her be cast out!”

Aredian nodded. Bernard’s certainty of purpose eliminated Doubt’s questions therein. “Very well. Let us collect her then. I will take her to Camelot and deal with her. You have but to transfer guardianship to me.”

Bernard bit his lip. “Very well.” He turned on his heel. Purpose overrode Reluctance and Love in that case. He led Aredian and Caedmon up the dirt path toward the two story structure. “Caedmon, see to Aredian’s meal and drink. Be quick about it!”

“Aye, Milord!” Caedmon sprinted around them and into the house. Pity’s tears welled up in his eyes. Wish would undo the locks and aid in Elaine’s escape. Still, Duty prevented him from doing anything else. He disappeared through the door.

“You shall see, Count Bernard. What we are doing is a necessary thing. Sorcery must be rooted out and eliminated!” Aredian studied the house. “Your servant feels sympathy for the Lady. You should deal with his disloyalty.”

“Get rid of the disease. That will go too. Caedmon is loyal. I am not worried about him.” Bernard stomped into the house. “Elaine’s upstairs. Let us fetch her.”

“Indeed. I would keep my eye on her at all times.” Aredian met the servants’ eyes with his own. Resentment simmered in their eyes. Unspoken impudence pressed them past him. Their recollections held him in low regard…

…mourning for Countess Reyna, it seemed, continued….

Bernard ignored the servants’ rebellious attitudes. He stomped up the stairs and down the passage. “She’s still in the same room, Aredian. I used the locks and charms like you taught me.”

“Very good, my Friend. At least that still works.” Approval prompted a more demonstrative nod. Anticipation had already taken the household’s rebellious attitude into account. Memories ran deep in his mind over Countess Reyna’s arrest and removal from that household.

Sympathies, it seemed, still ran deep and stubborn course….

Bernard stopped in front of the third door on his right. His fist banged on the oak. “ELAINE, IT’S TIME! STEP BACK FROM THE DOOR!” He undid Chains and Charms on the door’s latch. An iron key turned in the lock. He pushed the door open. “I HOPE YOU ARE PACKED!” He looked about the chamber. “ELAINE? ELAINE!” He searched the area. Hands flung open wardrobe’s doors. He pushed gowns aside in the closet. He peered under the bed. “WHERE IS SHE?”

Aredian’s hand stifled a cough. His eyes rested on the cause. “Not here it seems.” He strode over to the window. His hand pushed it open. “The Lady has escaped, Count Bernard.” Respect, it seems, had underestimated Elaine. “Is there any other way off the island?”

“There’s only one dock and….” Bernard’s eyes rolled. Curses hissed through his teeth. “HER BOAT! I…” He rushed back out of the room. Feet nearly tripped on the way down the stairs.

Aredian set his jaw. Despite Reyna’s arrest, Memoria held onto Failure’s lasting bitter aftertaste. His fists clenched at his sides. He stepped back over the threshold and into the passage. His eyes turned to the right. They rested on another door at hall’s end….

…a door barred by Camelot’s and Nemeth’s physicians, Masters Gaius and Wyngate…a door barred by Rodor’s final authority on the matter…

Who was in there? His eyes narrowed. Countess Reyna, despite Uther’s and Bernard’s suspicions, could not have cast the spells on the battlefield back then! They sheltered the sorcerer! If only I’d broken her, I’d have chased that one all the way to Hell if needed! Lady Elaine will not escape as that one did!

Wisp-like, Gaius’ remembered form stood in his way. Eyebrow pushed his hairline back. Jaw set. Purpose and Determination smoldered in his eyes. Like Lioness or Tiger, Protectiveness would not allow him to be moved from that door…not for anything….

Suspicion held onto several theories. Opportunity perhaps would avail him another chance to test them at another point.


Aredian turned to face an expectant Bernard. “Any sign?”

Dark scowl twisted Bernard’s face. “NAY! The knights search the shoreline! Blast! If she gets to the other side….” Experience anticipated Elaine’s thinking in that regard. “She’ll set safety at the court!”

Dismissal shrugged Aredian’s shoulders. “One girl on foot against knights on horseback? There is only one path toward Whitgate. The river leaves her too exposed to be a useful escape route. The Gedref will offer her little. Camelot would burn her at the stake. I have men watching on the other side. How fortunate for you.” He pushed past his host toward the door.

The girl would not escape. Aredian would guarantee that….

Chapter 3: Elaine's Plight


Lady Elaine flees Aredian, her father, and the hunters....

Chapter Text

Chapter 2 [A Turn and a Half of the Hourglass Later—A League Away]

Elaine leaned against a tree. Breaths spurted out in chilly huffs. Exhaustion burned her lungs. Her legs dragged like lead. Chill dampened and reddened her skin. Hair stuck out every which way. Blood dripped from scratches on her arms. Water sloshed in her shoes. Her ankle protested every step. Anxiety pressed constant looks over her shoulder. Tears reddened her eyes. Mud sucked at boots. Soiled gown tore against briars and thorns. Fear paled her face. Her body required rest and food.

Dirt road ran parallel to her progress. It teased and enticed her toward an easy direct passage. Safety would seem closer than ever….

…if not for Pursuit’s constant presence….

Bernard prided himself on pursuit and the hunt. His dogs’ noses tracked down rabbits, deer or any other game. Knights ran after fugitives across meadow and brush alike.

She listened. Only Breeze and Leaves’ rustle greeted her ears. She braved another look. Nothing of note yet. I should keep going. Father will hunt me down. He wants to kill me as he did Mother! Sobs wracked her. Several deep breaths composed herself. Maybe the dogs won’t find my scent. I did let the rowboat drift downstream. Maybe they’ll follow that? It wouldn’t have mattered. They’d find me before I got to Whitgate. Why did Father send for that awful man AGAIN? Was it not enough he helped Camelot’s King to execute Mother? She crouched behind a bush. King Rodor favors magic. I am not bad! I want to help people! A tear streaked her bruised cheek. The previous day seemed like any other day. She’d walked about the enclosed terrace. Last rose blooms warmed her heart. Adjacent meadow’s scents caressed her nostrils.

Alas! Pollen caused a sneeze….

…Sneeze caused petals to shower across the area….

…Petals and magic brought out the worst in Count Bernard (again). As with her mother, he’d see her burn for sorcery. If not in Nemeth, then at Uther’s hand….

Memoria recalled Sympathy’s grace from King and Princess. Decision instantaneous. Pity pressed the servants for their aid. Drusilla unlocked the window. Bush under the window broke her fall. She limped through Roses’ and Hedges’ cover. Several others left her rowboat in a spot known only to her. She managed to row across to the other shore before serfs, villeins or knights spied her flight. Afterwards, she’d allowed the boat to drift downriver. She’d waded through the frigid waters and away from the manor. Only after a hundred steps (more or less) did she climb back up on the grass. Only then did she head into the woods.

Situation grew desperate. Hunger growled in her stomach again. She ground her teeth. With these noises, anyone will hear me! Depression sank her mood. She rubbed her soaked arms to warm them. She shivered. Pain stabbed through her ankle yet again. Throat burned. Then, she stiffened.

Barking…distant but there…echoed to her ears….

“NAY! ALREADY?” Fear ate at her. Choice offered no options. Her heart beat faster and faster. Akin to Rabbit, she bolted from that spot. She crashed through brush. Mud squished under shoes’ soles. Roots tripped her more than once. Desperation forced her back up and down the path anew.

Exhaustion’s burn or Stake and Fire’s burn….

Rodor’s Justice or Uther’s Prejudice….

Ways remained in short supply….

Pursuit drew closer. Hooves thundered up the dirt road and through woods. Dogs’ baying grew louder still. Brush and branches rustled as if disturbed. Men yelled back and forth to one another. Shrill whistles cut on the wind to her.

Is there no one for me? Lady, please! HELP ME! Tears streaked down her cheeks. Her ankle throbbed. Her pace slowed to a mere hobble. Her lungs burned. Exertion pushed her beyond the breaking point. Another glance affirmed worse fear.


Nay! What did I do to them? I did NOTHING! Just like Mother! She struggled slowing step after slowing step. This isn’t even Father’s domain any longer! Can’t he stop? Her flight stopped.

Pursuers surrounded her. Dogs whined and howled. The men grabbed her arms. Rough hands shoved cloth into her mouth. They pulled and pushed her down to the road. “WE HAVE HER!!!”

She trembled and quivered. She fell to her knees. Her eyes remained riveted to the ground. Failure sank in. Inevitable loomed in front of her. Trial would reach predetermined conclusion. Only Nemeth or Camelot? Torture, Persuasion, Humiliation and Death awaited her somewhere. Those destinies remained a certainty. Will they just kill me out here? Father hates me anyway!

Bernard and Aredian pulled up on their respective horses’ reins. Irritation and Anger darkened their expressions. They dismounted. Their eyes bored into the pain-wracked, dirt-encrusted escapee. Lips curled.

Bernard stalked up to her. “I TOLD YOU TO STAY! YOU’D RUN ON ME? I’M YOUR FATHER!” His hand slapped her across the face. “I gave you how many chances? Huh? HOW MANY?”

Her lip swelled. Bruising purpled her face. She couldn’t bear to look at her father. There’s nothing. No justice!


“That does not seem to have the desired effect.” Aredian shook off Bernard’s secondary assault. Poker face restrained and concealed Disdain and Disgust from view. “Well now…we have another one!” His eyebrow raised. His shoulders shrugged. “Take off the gag. I am not afraid of her.”

“But, Sirrah! She…!” Protest blurted from one knight’s mouth. Desperate looks shared between his comrades and himself.

“NEVERMIND! I HAVE THIS!” Bernard ripped the cloth from her mouth. Indignity pressed a scoff from his lips. “Well? What do you have to say for yourself?” He pointed to Aredian. “I have granted Aredian guardianship over you, Elaine! I disavow you!”

Sobs and tears choked speech and blurred her vision. Dejection sapped her strength. “How…how…could you? This…this…” She forced her eyes upward to meet Aredian. “This monster. The man who lied and cheated to kill Mother! All she did was HELP PEOPLE!”

Wry cough escaped Aredian’s mouth. “She was a witch and a sorcerer. She betrayed the law. She paid the price. So will you.” He pulled her to her feet. “You will come with me to Camelot. I am your guardian. King Uther will deal with you accordingly.”

“NAY!” She shoved back against Aredian. “That butcher? NAY! King Rodor is my sovereign!” Granted, her legal knowledge remained minimal at best. “We…we…are not on your manor, Father. That transfer is not right! YOU CANNOT DO THAT!” She raised her head. “AS WE ARE IN THE ROYAL DEMENSE, I APPEAL TO KING RODOR AND PRINCESS MITHIAN! I THROW MYSELF AT THEIR FEET! AS IS MY RIGHT AS THEIR SUBJECT AND THE LADY OF SHALOTT!” She kneeled to the ground. “GODDESS, YOU ARE MY WITNESS! HELP ME PLEASE!!”

Aredian sniffed. “That myth has not helped any of your kind against my justice! She does not exist! She will not….”

Deep roar shattered sylvan stillness.

Challenge made…response forthcoming it seemed….

Chapter 4: Observations Disturbed


Mithian seeks refuge in the hunt and her thoughts. Disturbance ahead sets Malodius off. Forces her and the others to action....


A/N: Usual copyright notices for Mithian’s crew here. Britomart is from Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Malodius and Ywain are from Chretien de Troyes’ Yvain: the Knight of the Lion. Josiane is from Boeve de Haumtone.

Chapter Text

Chapter 3 [A Quarter League Away and Half of an Hourglass Turn Earlier]

Hunting party progressed through the woods. Servants and Hangers-On bustled through the area. Yells and screams echoed across the area. Eyes remained alert and ever-watchful for bushes’ rustle, leaves’ skittering or streak of brown through the thicket. Deer, rabbit, or bird ranked high on Hunter’s list.

Charity and the table first…a bit of Sport’s pastime too it seemed….


Mithian watched the others’ activity from a little ways back. Her eyes swept through the forest. That clearing reflected its counterparts. Activity remained at a standstill. A frown pulled at her mouth. Anticipation had desired Chase and Pursuit. Hunger would gnaw at her subjects’ bellies within Luna’s next two cycles. Politics and issues pressed down on her as well.


Tension knitted her brow. Her back and shoulders tensed. Concerns and Disputes burdened Whitgate’s court more so than usual. Nobles argued over shared boundaries. Greed sought to push taxes and tolls above Custom’s rates. Brigands lurked in desolate stretches. Border regions needed new surveys. Then, the Old Religion’s followers cried out for intervention. A pattern emerged from the reports. Dark clothed vigilante proceeded from village to village. He’d pressure elders. A “trial” commenced. Pre-determined guilt assigned. The stake and flames claimed the accused soon after.

Perhaps, Rodor’s suggestion to hunt there held a dual purpose. Perhaps, the proverbial stone could kill both birds at once?

Her eyes rolled. Snort escaped her nose. Her eyebrow arched. Gedref is not far from here. I know Father wishes we could have a bigger presence here. Count Bernard likes to make a big display on the Royal Council. He should focus on governing his lands instead. Astolat’s relative low yields had concerned Lord Blumenwald and Rodor for years. Bernard fought against royal audits. Wars and concerns prevented Whitgate’s intervention in such matters. Suspicions however focused on one man….

…Vigilante? Aredian….

Memoria never let her forget that awful day. Guilt riddled Rodor’s conscience. Reyna’s screams. Elaine’s tears. Her vow to stop such things….

…Vow now spat on….

Count Bernard’s hatred must spur this on! She ground her teeth. Gedref’s border lay ten leagues at most to the east. Perhaps he encourages Aredian once again? Her fingers tapped the saddle.


Mithian hand stifled a cough. She spied her fire-haired chambermaid/bodyguard/best friend riding up on her own chestnut-brown steed. She accepted the latter’s offered water skin. She swallowed a mouthful from it. “You know my mind better than I do, Britomart.”

Britomart bowed at the waist. “I do what I can.” She surveyed the woods ahead. “The game’s scarce.”

Mithian’s shrug conceded that fact. “Not much escapes you.” She rubbed the back of her neck. Her response held nary a trace of Sarcasm’s barb to it. She sucked in a deep breath. “Even in the deadest of winter, there’s always something around here.”

“Perhaps Count Bernard poisons that too, Princess Mithian?” A dark-skinned woman rode up beside them. Her cloak obscured the gleaming chain mail underneath. A curved blade sat on her back. Resentment billowed in her eyes. “Sir Ywain and Malodius went on ahead.”

Pronounced sniff puffed from Mithian’s nose. Eyebrow arched toward the newcomer. “Out here, it’s simply Mithian, Jasmine. You’re a Princess as well as I am.”

Exiled Princess. One day, that will change. For now, I am honored to be your companion, Pr…Mithian.” Respect coaxed a royal nod from Josiane. She drew her cloak closer about herself. Frosty cloud wafted from her mouth. “As you are to your father. King Rodor values your aid.”

“Aye. That he does.” Mithian conceded a nod. Queen Taene’s death a decade earlier had brought her brother, Prince Kay, and her into Rodor’s political orbit. Marital and diplomatic endeavors drew Prince Kay away from Whitgate and abroad. Alas, Reader! Close calls caught up to him. An unknown enemy’s axe gored Prince Kay’s back. Envoys brought the ashes back to Whitgate….

…leaving Mithian to shoulder Advisor’s, Councilor’s, Crown Princess’ and Daughter’s respective burdens by herself. Gratitude warmed her for her blessings…namely these companions, Rodor’s High Chancellor, Lord Blumenwald, and First Knight, Sir Galahad….

“You are invaluable, Milady. We respect you.” Britomart cleared her throat. Conspicuousness reddened her face.

“Thank you, Britomart. I appreciate that.” Mithian spied the returning bush beaters. “I believe we have an update. Josiane?”

“I am with you.” Josiane urged her white horse after Mithian’s. Her eyes noted Frustration and Weariness in the bush beaters’ eyes. Furthermore, not even a bird flew by overhead. Even the nearby stream flowed with less than normal force.

Deep Roar echoed over the ridge. Warning alerted the party.

“That was Malodius!” Mithian ground her teeth. Threats and Danger precluded (yet another) hunt for her. “We are close to Astolat. What would be here?”

Sarcastic cough escaped Britomart’s mouth. Protests and accusations against Bernard—even to Mithian—still remained above her station. Her eyes narrowed. That man rebels against the King at every turn! When will he and Milady see that Count Bernard is nothing but trouble? She drew her sword. “Behind me, Milady!”

Jasmine dismounted from her saddle. She removed a rolled up woolen bundle. “I will find out for myself.” She unrolled the carpet. “Be good, Whisper.” She patted her horse’s flank.

Whisper whinnied.

“I know.” Jasmine tied the reins around the closest tree’s branch. “I am sorry, Dear One.” She stepped onto the woolen transport. A mental cue later, she floated into the air. Then, she streaked off toward Malodius’ roar. Mindset shifted from hunt to confrontation. Cannot that useless count oversee his lands? Really? Perhaps Ywain has this matter in control? By the Prophet! I hope so! She set her jaw as the carpet streaked over the treetops.

Mithian turned to the servants. “Dagobert, remain here with everyone. Britomart and I will be right back.” She noted the heavy set man’s nod. “Britomart!” She spurred her own horse on.

“Milady, wait!” Britomart shook her head. Rashness urged Mithian ever onward in most regards. Sir Galahad and the King would lecture me soundly. Still, Princess Mithian is right. If it is that vermin, Count Bernard, he has to be dealt with! Hang on, Milady! I’m coming! She urged her own horse to a full gallop. Pursuit built up speed toward the brewing confrontation.

Purpose would uncover much more than bargained for it seemed. Hunt had different game than anticipated….

Chapter 5: Rescue/Challenges


Mithian stops Aredian and Bernard from taking Elaine. Camelot's knight gives Aredian a reprieve.

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Chapter 4

Fear and uncertainty unsettled Elaine and pursuers alike. Horses neighed and reared. Possessions jostled from saddle bags. Reins came loose. The aforementioned horses bolted and galloped away.

“AFTER THEM!” Bernard threw his hands up in the air. Consternation darkened his mood. A definitive pointed finger told the hangers-on his mind. Besides, they’d have little chance against the looming threat in the woods. “Get her out of here, Aredian! I will hold them off.”

Aredian seized Elaine’s arm. “We are leaving! Camelot will know how to deal with you!” He pulled her toward his horse.

“Nay! NAY! I am within my rights! You have to respect….” Protest blurted from her mouth. Her heels dragged in the dirt underfoot. Either Accident or Intention caused her to fall.

“GET UP!” Bernard narrowed his eyes. Unlike Aredian, he knew the exact cause. “Aredian, get her out of here. Ywain and his beast are around! Sorcerous abomination!” He spat on the ground. He nearly pulled her arm from its socket to get her back upright. “YOU’LL GO WHERE HE TELLS YOU TO!”

“It will be worse for you if you struggle.” Menace narrowed Aredian’s eyes. Chill and Sharp edge lent themselves to his tone.

“You want to kill me! Just like my mother! You’re a MONSTER! You….” Her hands pushed and shoved at Aredian to no avail. Bushes’ rustle and snarls stiffened her. Fear chilled her blood. Like a fly under glass, circ*mstance caught and held her fast.

Malodius stomped onto the path. Breeze billowed through his mane. Emerald eyes narrowed. His tail swished back and forth. Paws landed on dirt with nary a sound. Snarls antagonized and warned Bernard and the others. Old Accounts and Vendetta came to mind. Paw stomped on the ground….

…Challenge delivered….

A scowl darkened Aredian’s features. Memoria recalled his last encounter with this particular lion well. “Count Bernard, you did not tell me that this creature would be here!” His hand moved toward his weapons.

“It should be back in Whitgate!” Panic paled Bernard’s features. “Swords will not work on its damned hide!”

“Nay.” Aredian grabbed for his crossbow. He slid a bolt into it and took aim. “Let’s see if it likes being blinded and….” He stopped in mid-shot. His eyes went wide.

“Put it down.” Josiane hovered on her carpet. Scimitar’s blade sparkled in Sol’s light. “The bolt will only anger him.” She pointed at Aredian. “I know of you…”

“To your dread I’m sure, Witch!” Scorn and disdain stewed in Aredian. He trained the crossbow on her.

“Lower the crossbow, Sirrah.” A blonde-haired and bearded knight stepped to Malodius’ side. “Malodius and Princess Josiane are companions to Princess Mithian. You know this is King Rodor’s land.” Ywain turned to Bernard. “You have much to learn about chivalry, Count Bernard. Entertaining the Witchfinder, are we?”

“You do not have the authority to stop me! Elaine is my daughter! I have given Aredian guardianship over her! He’ll deal with her infection!” Bernard spat. “Bad enough King Rodor overlooked her mother’s deficient quality!”

“Father! H…How can you say that? HOW?” Sobs wracked Elaine. Shock and horror overwhelmed her. “Mother loved us! She helped people!”

“She was a filthy sorceress who got precisely what she deserved!” A snigg*r escaped Aredian. “As these two will one day. King Uther will deal with them, I’m sure.”

Whispered Arabic curses hissed from Josiane’s mouth. “That butcher can try.” Her blade patted against her open hand. “Let the Knights of Camelot come! They know I am not easy prey. Neither will you have it so easy.” Dare raised her eyebrow at Aredian. “I know your kind. I have killed more than a few of you. Diplomacy stays my hand. Unhand the Lady Elaine if you are wise.”

Malodius snarled. He took another step forward.

“Hold, Malodius! He is not worth the trouble. Bigoted low-educated fool.” Ywain stepped to his friend’s side. A slight head shake sought to defuse the situation. “Let Princess Mithian have her say.”

“She comes. Does not such an arrangement require the King’s seal?” Supposition raised Josiane’s voice. Challenge dripped from her tone as well.

“I am her father!” Arrogance stiffened Bernard. “You cannot tell me anything, False Princess! Witch!” Hoofbeats echoed to his ears. “Blast!”

Ywain sheathed his sword. “Show respect, Count Bernard, in Royalty’s presence.” Respect coaxed bows from Malodius and himself. “Princess. We have a situation.”

“Oh?” Mithian dismounted from her horse. “Count Bernard? Lady Elaine? What has happened here? What…?” Her eyes alighted on Aredian. “I see the hunter has returned.”

“Princess? Princess Mithian, I presume?” Aredian shook his head. “You have no authority here. I have permission from Count Bernard to deal with his daughter. I am taking her to Camelot for purification.” He grabbed Elaine’s arm again.

Mithian arched an eyebrow. Her eyes narrowed. “I believe you are confused, Aredian. It is you who does not have authority. I remember you all too well. We are in Nemeth. I am Crown Princess. My companions and I speak on King Rodor’s behalf. The Lady Elaine is not yours to claim. Count Bernard had no right to call you. He knows my father’s mind on such things.”

“Count Bernard has granted me guardianship.” Aredian held the folded parchment up for view.

Mithian scoffed. “Oh? Has he now? I was not aware of such a thing. Only my father could finalize such an arrangement to make it legal, Aredian. I would know. I would’ve fought against it. I can assure you, Aredian. My father would NEVER agree to allow you to take Lady Elaine especially not to Camelot for King Uther’s so-called justice!” She looked to Ywain. “Sir Ywain, I wish to see that.”

“As you wish, Princess.” Ywain strode toward Aredian. “Her word is law, Hunter.”

“She is but a Princess. I have authority!” Aredian shrugged. He shoved the document at Ywain. “Very well, Knight. The arrangement has concluded. If you wish war, I can return to Camelot and say….”

“Say what, Aredian?” A frown twisted Mithian’s mouth. Her eyes narrowed further still. “You’re saying that a mere Count matters more than a King? Even if I am Princess and a woman, I am still King Rodor’s daughter! I speak on his behalf and with his authority. I can assure you. Many at court remember your last time in Whitgate. I do not require a reminder of your relationship with King Uther. My father and I had it seared into our psyches to our shame!” She accepted the document. “Thank you, Sir Ywain.” She read over the agreement. Sharp cough escaped from her mouth. “Just as I thought. No seal. No signature from my father and Lord Blumenwald. Britomart?”

“Aye, Milady?” Britomart rushed to Mithian’s side. Aredian stopped her in her tracks. Her hand drifted toward her sword’s hilt. “Is that not…?” Anger flared in her over Elaine’s condition.

“Aye. It is.” Mithian tucked the document into her belt pouch. “Britomart, Lady Elaine can ride back with you. Princess Josiane, can the Lady Elaine ride back to Whitgate on Whisper’s back?”

“Of course. Whisper and I are delighted to be of service in such matters. What of them?” Josiane turned toward Aredian and Bernard. Icy tone hissed the question. Threat hung with each word on Frosty Breath.

“You can try. I would relish a good challenge on the ground of course.” Aredian saw Bernard’s hangers-on skulking between the trees.

“Stay!” Mithian raised her hand. Slightest of headshakes conveyed Disapproval. “Sir Ywain! Britomart! Malodius! Be aware! Count Bernard! Men of Nemeth, stand down! King Rodor will understand that you follow Count Bernard! Back away! The Count is in enough trouble as is. Do not commit treason!”

“Men! You do not have to listen! She….” Bernard stared at Mithian and then at his men. He set his jaw. He stomped his foot on the ground. Indignation boiled in his blood. He shook his head. “COWARDS!” Disbelief soured his outlook.

The subordinates looked at one another. Their eyes took in the entire scene after that. Odds stacked against them in a potential confrontation. Treason…well…Mithian outranked Bernard. They slithered back several steps. Their weapons dropped to the ground. They bowed to her.

“Thank you, my Friends.” Appreciation and Gratitude prompted a nod from her. Events brought up dire turn for Rodor, her and Nemeth on the whole. Proof and Witnesses attested to Bernard’s treason and forgery. Sir Ywain, restrain Count Bernard. He is to come with us! King Rodor will want to know about this matter. Aredian.”

More hoofbeats echoed up the road from behind Bernard and Aredian. A knight wearing Camelot’s colors rode into view. He stopped a few horse lengths shy of the confrontation. “What matter is this? Sir Ywain?”

“Perhaps your King supports our position?” Aredian flicked a glare into the new knight’s eyes.

“Count Bernard and the so-called Witchfinder press their luck, Sir Mortimer. Perhaps you might ask Princess Mithian?” Ywain nodded to his counterpart. He motioned toward Mithian. “My lady?”

“Thank you, Sir Ywain.” Mithian smoothed her white tunic. Her lip curled at Aredian’s impudence. “Greetings, Sir Mortimer. On behalf of my father, King Rodor of Nemeth, welcome. Might I inquire to your business here?” Expectation raised her brow even higher. “I pray it is a peaceful endeavor?”

Mortimer bowed to her. “Apologies, Princess.” He held a parchment document up. “My King…King Uther…requests Aredian’s presence. There is a need in Camelot for his services. I hold King Uther’s summons here.”

Mithian inspected Mortimer’s document. Her frown twisted further in on itself. “Very well, Sir Mortimer.” She handed the document back to him. Preference wanted to drag both Bernard and Aredian back to Whitgate. Grudge and the others’ impudence merited a hearing before Rodor’s court. Diplomacy, however, would not start a war over such an issue. She shook her head. “It seems King Uther has handed you a reprieve, Aredian.”

Sarcasm’s smirk spread across Aredian’s face. He stifled his desired response. “I suppose it does, Lady.” He opened Uther’s summons. His eyes skimmed the document. “It seems the war against sorcery draws me back to those who truly understand.” He pocketed it. Snideness shone in his eyes. “You remember it seems.”

“I need no reminders, Aredian.” Mithian clenched her fists at her sides. She glanced at Elaine clutching at the dirt….

...present dirt…past ash….

“Father rules for all of his subjects. If sorcerers co-exist with everyone else, they should be able to live in peace.” Mithian pointed to Josiane. She stepped to Malodius’ side. She patted his head. “All of our subjects.” Her eyes smoldered into Aredian’s. “Make sure to remind King Uther of that.”

“Such blind foolishness.” Aredian shook her message off. “Have a care, Princess. You may start a war with such words.” He got back up on his horse. Without another word, he spurred his horse on. Within heartbeats’ passage, he’d already disappeared from view.

“Wait! You just cannot leave me here!” Desperation raised Bernard’s voice. Sweat beaded across his forehead. Akin to Scared Rabbit, his eyes flitted from place to place. His heart pounded. “William! James! Someone help me!”

“They know better.” Ywain stepped forward. “Do not make this any harder on yourself, Count Bernard. Just come with us please.”

Bernard seethed. Disbelief overwhelmed him. For years, Mithian had confounded him on the council. She’d opposed every move. She’d convinced Rodor in many regards. Sorcerers and creatures stood with Nemeth’s knights. He couldn’t abide the overall situation. He shoved his sword hilt first at Ywain.

“Take it slowly, Lady Elaine.” Britomart eased Elaine to her feet. She assessed Elaine’s bruises. “I have some medicines back at camp. They will get that swelling down. A splint will help that ankle. Sir Ywain?”

“I believe we can both help her to your horse, Britomart.” Ywain eased Elaine’s right arm over his left shoulder as Britomart did the same on Elaine’s other side. They eased her toward the waiting horse.

“Mithian?” Josiane called from her vantage point overhead.

“Hmm? Aye.” Mithian stirred herself from Reverie’s embrace. She watched Ywain and Britomart help Elaine onto a horse. Then she led them back toward the waiting servants.

Hunt, it seems, netted a different quarry….

Chapter 6: Uther and the Royal Marriage Market


Uther basks in his arrangements for Morgana's engagement to Prince Accolon of Tintagel. His eye turns to a marriage between Arthur and Mithian. Arthur, of course, has other ideas....

Chapter Text

Chapter 5 [Camelot]

Activity buzzed about the city. Merchants, reeves and artisans offered goods from their booths. Hammers rang out on anvils. Servants bore water back from Upper Town’s pump for Citadel’s needs. Others arranged streamers and flowers around the plaza.

In the citadel, preparations were underway….

Visits…state and emergency…awaited….


[Council Chamber]
[A/N: Yes, this is *really* different.]

Uther’s fingers tapped Frustation’s tune across the throne’s armrests. His lip curled. Impatience sharpened his tone. Diplomatic negotiations passed back and forth between Camelot and Tintagel. Favorable factors aligned for their alliance’s continuation. Friendship and Comradery in Arms bound Uther with King Ruthbert. Each wanted Sorcery’s elimination. Arthur and Prince Accolon fought together in battle and under Melee’s banners. And then, Morgana remained a consideration.


A smile cracked across Concern-drawn face. Memoria reminded him of Interest and Warmth between Ruthbert’s son and his ward. Children’s smiles and play. Friendship’s letters exchanged between realms. Tours under royal watch of each other’s kingdoms. Accolon’s requests for greetings carried by Arthur. Recent Flirtation with Arthur proved ceremonial.

Uther knew better….

“A smile, Father? That is a good thing.” Arthur observed him from the doorway. “Pardon me. The door was open.” He walked into the chamber. He and the Knights searched the Lower Town. Interrogation raked the usual suspects. Efforts rifled living quarters and turned everything upside down to no avail.

Uther stood. He strode toward the table. “It is. I was thinking of Morgana, Arthur. I believe I have an alliance for her.” He raised a gilt goblet in Toast’s well wishing. Satisfaction eased his mood. Pride lit up in his eyes.

“Prince Accolon.” Approval prompted a nod from Arthur. “That will make Morgana very happy, Father. King Ruthbert is a worthy ally. Accolon fought well in Hispania. I look forward to serving with him again.”

“Aye. He did indeed.” Uther drank a mouthful from the goblet. “That is an excellent assessment, Arthur. Certainly, he and you can continue King Ruthbert’s and my policies. We must be ever watchful.” He set the goblet down. “This matter with the magical smoke will not set well, however.” His eyes narrowed. “I pray that the Witchfinder will seek out the responsible parties.”

Incredulity raised Arthur’s eyebrow. “Father, surely you do not mean…?”

Uther sucked in a terse breath. “Aye, Arthur. That is precisely who I mean! I will not allow magic and sorcery to take root in Camelot once again. It was hard enough to cleanse the first time.” He turned toward the window. “I heard Aredian was heading west. I sent Sir Mortimer with my request for his services.”

“Sir Mortimer will find him if anyone can, Father. Other than Leon, I trust no one more with that errand.” Arthur considered his father anew. Gossip and Rumor floated about the citadel and town. Memoria reminded him of Shalott and Uther’s imposed sentence on Lady Reyna from a decade earlier. Discomfort shot a shudder through him. “That man is a fanatic.”

Uther shook his head. “Perhaps.” His eyebrow flicked upward. “His methods have proved useful enough in the past. We found that sorcerer who affected the battle at Shalott, did we not? I would say it was a good thing.” A shrug punctuated the point. “Especially since it showed Rodor who is most powerful.”

Arthur averted his eyes. He understood Magic’s potential for misuse. He carried out Uther’s orders to the letter. He’d lectured Merlin among others on its evils. “Aye, Father.” Still, he disagreed on Nemeth. He failed to see the need for antagonism. Experience had shown him that Rodor wanted to govern his realm in peace. He contained magic away from Camelot. Co-existence was the aim…

…but tell that to Uther….

“Perhaps I will ask Ruthbert to intervene with Rodor is concerned? His daughter still remains unmarried. It represents an opportunity for Camelot.” Uther allowed a silence to linger. He turned to Arthur. “You are unmarried as well.”

“I am. I wait for the right woman. She has yet to present herself to me, Father.” Protests raged in Arthur’s heart. However, he kept a straight face. Heart and Mind, however, floated from the room…

…but to Morgana’s chamber and a certain chambermaid rather than Whitgate….

Sharp cough shot from Uther. “You need not concern yourself with that, Arthur. Leave that to me. Your marriage is a state matter. Surely, you understand the situation? Look to Morgana and Accolon. Their marriage meets every established criteria. It will cement an alliance between Camelot and Nemeth for a generation. It will end the strife within Tintagel over the throne. We agree on policies. King Ruthbert has other alliances across the seas that can benefit us. The fact that Morgana and Accolon care for each other is a bonus. I am happy for them. Even if they hated each other, the marriage would still occur.” He shook his head. “Marriages for us concern duty not love. Think on that well, Arthur.” He smiled. “King Ruthbert, in fact, has agreed to speak with King Rodor on our behalf. Prince Accolon and Princess Mithian are still friends despite their failed engagement. He could convince her of the benefits in a Nemeth-Camelot marriage.”

As if I’d ever marry someone that I do not love? Not likely!! Rebellion and Skepticism raised Arthur’s eyebrow. “That is all well and good, Father. There is one problem. King Rodor would never agree to it.”

Uther narrowed his eyes. “It will happen. King Rodor understands Cawdor’s and Mercia’s respective threats. King Ruthbert favors Camelot over Nemeth. Even Rodor will cave to such political realities. Hold yourself in readiness, Arthur. Your marriage will resolve our shared border. I aim to control the Gedref. Besides, Camelot cannot allow a haven for sorcerers and creatures so close to our borders.” Disgust contorted his face. He raised his hand. “Make sure that everything is in order. I want Tintagel and Nemeth to see Camelot at our very best. Aredian will insure they understand how magic is to be regarded. You may go.”

Arthur fumed. “I will start preparations.” He nodded and headed down the passage. Protests rode from every heartbeat. He ground his teeth. Edict infuriated him.

Time for counsel….

Chapter 7: Shared Discoveries


Merlin broods following Freya's death and Uther's summoning Aredian. Morgana offers support and news. She discovers Merlin's magic.


I’m moving Freya’s appearance before ‘the Witchfinder’. By the way, the deal with Shalott, Nemeth and the battle with Cawdor is referred to in many of my fanfics. I’ve never written it but it’s in my mind. Anyhow, here goes….

Chapter Text

Chapter 6 [Physician’s Chambers—A Quarter of an Hourglass Turn Earlier]

Merlin stood the old broom back in its corner. Consternation jumbled his thoughts up. Mourning continued to drown his heart. His mind wandered. Instinct and Repetition guided him through the household’s daily tasks. Still, Effort sank to perhaps half of his normal output….

….People, needless to say, noticed….

Reactions spanned the gambit. Gwen and Morgana offered comfort, support, and patience. Support alternated with discipline for Gaius. George pressed over inconsequential polish and brown nosing. Kitchen staff harped on every portion and appearance. Audrey strained his last nerve. Trailside cooking lacked the usual spice and technique. Untucked beds and reeking chamber pots marred Arthur’s chamber. Royal bellows of “IDIOT!” echoed off of passages’ granite walls.

He rubbed his forehead. Malaise and Distraction ate at him. Why did she have to tell Uther? WHY? I mean *really*? He shook his head. Gaius is really scared about that Aredian! He’s not saying anything. I’ve never heard Uther or Arthur talking about him. He rubbed the back of his neck. Uther cannot stop himself! His bounty hunter caged Freya. Instead of helping her, he treated her like some slave at the block! Indignation stewed in his gut. Who else would deal with Cornelius Segan, the fake Queen Catrina and help to rescue Gwen from her kidnappers? Who else could pull Victory from Defeat on Arthur’s behalf? Who else would be stupid enough to go up against King Meleagant of Cawdor without armor?

On cue, Pain stabbed through his left shoulder.

Yeah. Idiot. That’s me. At least I hid everything. His eyes rolled. Stiffness and aches nagged at the shoulder. The arm raised overhead albeit with effort. Too bad George couldn’t be adequate at anything but polishing. I really could use the rest. Good luck getting that from Arthur and Gaius. If it wasn’t for Uther ordering me to stay here, I’d go and visit Mother. “I wish Gaius would’ve made up more of that paste before he left. Hope he’s back by tomorrow.”

A sharp knocking came from the door.

Now who? He forced himself to his feet. Gaius really wanted the apparatus cleaned. I already cleaned out that Witchfinder’s chamber. He shook that notion off. That Aredian’s the last person we need right now! He shuffled to the door and opened it. “Morgana?” Instinct prompted a bow.

Morgana cleared her throat. She looked up and down the passage. “Thank you, Merlin. May I come in?”

“Of course.” He stepped to the side and allowed her inside. Questions bubbled up in his mind. Aredian’s very mention had jarred her in the throne room. Visions interrupted her sleep. Gwen’s and her ordeal shook her loyalty to Uther. “Sorry. Gaius left for the provinces. Guess there’s the plague.” A tentative glance. “If you wait, I can try and get you more of those sleeping powders?”

“Thank you, Merlin.” She shook his offer off. Her eyebrow raised. “I know you’re a friend. I am grateful for your help in rescuing Gwen. Even if Arthur will not say so.” She motioned toward his left shoulder. “How much of our last expedition to Nemeth do you remember?”

Merlin offered her a shrug. Memoria recalled most of that expedition. He recalled the battle and Meleagant’s ambush of Prince Kay. Even if he didn’t see it, Lady Reyna’s execution still cut at him. Dinner later proved especially difficult. Diplomatic chasm separated Uther and Rodor to be polite. Elaine’s pain and Bernard’s attitude proved especially hard to take. “It’s all a blur really. I remember Uther sending Arthur with the knights. Meleagant and Cenred allied against Nemeth. We were there. So were the Amazons. Arthur led the knights in. Gaius told me to keep my head down.” His eyes rolled. “I helped defend the wagons. A Cawdorian sword wounded me. I was in bed for a long time. The noblewoman helping me disappeared. After that…” The frown tightened on his face. “There was that dinner in King Rodor’s hall. That girl…she was so sad. I tried to help her…”

“The Lady Elaine.” She nodded. “Merlin, you were so kind to her that day. Aye you helped her.” Her eyes narrowed. “Uther told Arthur to send you away. He was so heartless! But Gwen, Princess Mithian’s servant and I appreciated it. Did Arthur tell you that Princess Mithian expressed the same to us?” Her eyebrow quirked. Teasing and a jab sparked in her eyes.

“Really? Must’ve slipped Arthur’s mind.” His eyes met hers. “I know it is not my place. I overheard talk about Princess Mithian. It is not very nice. Speaking as a servant, she treated her maid—that red haired woman—very well. I just picked some flowers at Astolat before coming back to Whitgate, Morgana. One of Count Bernard’s servants told me those were the Lady Elaine’s favorite.”

“Aye. She seemed to like them very much.” Morgana looked him over again. Insight detected Evasion’s part in his response. “Aye. She sniffed them for much of the meal. You are quite fortunate, Merlin.”

“Her mother helped me.” He sucked in a terse breath. “Gaius told me she used magic to save my arm.” He bowed his head. “I have my arm. Because of me, Lady Reyna went through what she did. I know magic’s evil, Morgana. But it helped me.” He squirmed. Necessity’s lie and facetiousness required effort. Moreover, he noted her intent attention.

“I know the King believes that, Merlin. I think it is in how it is used. It is like any weapon. No more. No less.” She offered a tacit nod. “I know the walls have ears. I respect that. Gratitude, however, is a necessary thing as well. It is hardly a crime to be grateful for help. At least you did not have to endure Lady Reyna’s mockery of a trial. That man, Aredian, that the King mentioned earlier? He rigged the entire thing! He and Uther forced Rodor to pronounce sentence! Why?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Because she used magic? They wanted the sorcerer who turned the battle around! It certainly was not her!” Crimson darkened her face. Exasperation and indignation sharpened her tone. “Nay, Merlin. Arthur did not express such things.” She brought out a folded parchment. “Uther forbade him from justifying your efforts in the dining hall. The Princess, therefore, gave this to me.” She opened it. “This is what she said….

Lady Morgana,

Thank you for your courtesy and respect during this difficult time. King Rodor and I may have our issues with Camelot. They are certainly not with your maid, Guinevere, or Prince Arthur’s servant, Merlin. In fact, I wish to express appreciation to Merlin for his kindness. The King and I know how he risked King Uther’s wrath to support Lady Elaine in her sorrow. His kindness and yours are lights in this dark hour.

Prince Arthur and King Uther will not allow King Rodor or me to tell Merlin. Therefore, I must seek a favor. Can you let Merlin know that he is not to blame for Lady Reyna’s death? She chose to follow the triple goddess’ path and service. She would never have let a fly or a mouse suffer around that estate. It was her choice and duty to heal Merlin. It was King Uther’s crass betrayal and the butcher, Aredian, which brought about the miscarriage of justice. King Rodor himself expressed thanks. Queen Radegund adds her appreciation and respect. I express my thanks as well for his valor, bravery, and good will in the face of such troubles.

If ever he or you have need, Lady, the gates of Nemeth are open. We remember your service always and will hold you as friends in spite of what has happened.

Blessings on you, Guinevere, Master Gaius and Merlin. Take care.

On Behalf of Rodor, King of Nemeth, Radegund, Queen of the Amazons and myself….

Mithian, Crown Princess of Nemeth”

He stared at her. “She really wrote that? I was in bed for most of that time. King Rodor and she were really upset.” Grimace twisted at his mouth. “I thought the King would throw me in the dungeon for trying to be kind.”

“Arthur and Gaius would have seen to your release. I would have spoken up.” A playful shrug raised and lowered her shoulders anew. “Besides, if word had reached Nemeth or Amazonia, Uther would have invited more issues for Camelot. Despite the Knights of Camelot, he will avoid trouble. So, Merlin, you have the respect of Queen Radegund, Princess Mithian and King Rodor? I know Prince Accolon of Tintagel holds your service in high esteem as well.” A nod bobbed her head up and down. “I’d tell Uther to make you a diplomat.”

He shook his head. “I wish to stay by Arthur’s side. Just like Gwen stays by yours. We serve.” His bow punctuated that notion. He squirmed. I am just a servant. Why would King Rodor or she care? Gaius told me that only King Rodor, his High Chancellor and he know about what happened with Meleagant. Gaius said they’d keep my secret. Paranoia, however, stabbed a cold shudder through him. What if Aredian figures it out? He and Uther will try to make an example out of me!

Calm yourself, Merlin. Your fretting is giving me a headache!

He fought to keep a straight face. Suspicions already led him to her magical potential. Her visions and dreams evoked drastic measures from Gaius and him.

“Merlin, did you hear someone?” She furrowed her brow. Panic pushed her back toward the passage. “That voice! I know it from somewhere. I know I have heard it.”

“Voice?” Merlin raised an eyebrow. “I did not hear anything.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Merlin, I know when you’re lying to me. I know there is more to what happened in Nemeth than what Uther and Arthur believe. Rodor wishes for you to keep it to yourself. I can understand that. On the other hand, I heard that voice loud and clear. It was addressing YOU. MERLIN!” Her frown twisted in on itself. “Care to rethink your answer?”

His mind muddled through the situation. She had overheard Kilgarrah’s telepathic complaint. Worse, she heard the Great Dragon address him specifically. She heard you.


A gasp escaped her mouth. “MERLIN!” Shock and Amazement froze her in place. Her mind spun through memories and events with them at court and elsewhere. She pushed the door shut. Her eyes wouldn’t leave him. “You’re the one! You’re the sorcerer!”

“Me? A sorcerer? What? I….” He attempted to laugh it off. “Morgana, I’m too clumsy and….”

She folded her arms across her chest. “I know better than that, Merlin. Now it all makes sense. Now….”

THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH! A commanding female voice boomed in their minds.

“I heard that!” Now he looked all around the chamber as well.

“Whoever that is just spoke in our minds. And…” Morgana pointed to the corner. “Merlin! Where’s that coming from?”

“Where’s what…?” As he turned, Mists enveloped them both. Within a heartbeat, they’d vanished from view.

Intervention, it seems, was deemed necessary….

Chapter 8: Accolon's State of Affairs


After his father's death, Accolon ponders his future and that of Tintagel. Morgana remains very much on his mind...


And now, we see Uther’s scheming at work (or rather, going awry). LOL!!

Chapter Text

Chapter 7 [Camp—Tintagel/Nemeth Border]

Sol descended toward Horizon’s west edge. Raw and Damp breeze picked up from Eastern Sea. Overcast promised Downpour coming that evening. Campfires burned around the site. Cooking scents filled noses and tempted palates. Orange clad knights patrolled the perimeter.

Necessity demanded sustenance, rest, and meditation. Diplomacy required clear heads after all….


A tall muscular man took a draught from his gilt goblet. Blonde locks brushed against his shoulders’ chain mail. His eyes swept across the encampment. Two knights sparred off to the side. He watched the aforementioned security at woods’ edge. He leaned back against a tree. Life’s balance had remained elusive. Education proved enjoyable. Military achievements came easily on battlefield and in tournaments. Diplomatic connections developed only with time…and then only overseas. Strife required balance between Father’s followers and Gorlois’ supporters. Domineering neighbors dictated care in his conduct. Old Religion’s path offered alternatives. So much to learn. Experience pulled layer after layer away before his eyes.

Chaos and instability had followed Ruthbert of Tintagel everywhere. Battlefield glory and strong arm tactics witnessed his rise from lowly servant. Ambush served him well. His sword stabbed many backs. “Accidents” littered Melees. Service to both Gorlois and Uther positioned him well. Gorlois’ death helped him to the throne. Shared philosophy linked him to Uther and Tintagel to Camelot. Ambition pushed Tintagel’s borders ever outward at Neighbors’ expense. Attempts to marry his son off to other kingdoms’ princesses melted away faster than Ice before Spring’s warmth. Arguments ensued between him and the younger man.

Consternation darkened the man’s face. Happiness had come in bits and starts for him. Desire fulfilled itself in service and assistance not in gains for himself. Friendship bound him to Mithian and Rodor despite Engagement’s failed negotiations. Picnics, hunts, and observation in Nemeth’s council chamber revealed her depth to him. Clearly so. They deserve better! The fools think Mithian a Tom Boy! If only they knew the truth underneath. Memoria recalled well the other royals’ shunning her. Lady Morgana knew better at least.

Lady Morgana….

Wistful smile gentled his expression. Amor twinkled in his eyes. His heart skipped a beat and then another. Sigh escaped his lips. Cupid had ensnared them both within Childhood’s encounters. Cordial visits elicited feelings. Ruthbert’s trusted ladies at court oversaw their picnics, horseback rides and polite talk. Morgana’s forthright manner and earnestness in spite of Uther drew him akin to Moth and that Flame. Close call against Emperor Doun’s forces cut through games and agenda. The triple goddess offered him the way to Heart’s Desire. Peace and Healing would be the prices.

Prices he’d willingly pay….

Morgana and Mithian both want better for everyone around us. His eyes brushed over Parchment in his hands. In one regard at least, Ruthbert had served him well. His father’s and Uther’s shared bargain opened the door to Heart’s Desire at last.

Cailleach drew him through her Veil soon after.

The goddess works in her own ways. Consideration regarded Tintagel’s crown resting on his head. Morgana and I can heal the kingdom’s internal strife. Then, perhaps Prince Arthur and I can work together to heal matters. Uther believes that he’s still dealing with my father. He believes I will simply fall in with his policies. Let him. I honored Father and Tradition both. Both sides approve of this proposal. The hardliners can go away. We’ll give magical beings and sorcerers sanctuary. That will thrill Uther to no end, I’m sure. His fist stifled Wry Cough’s stamp on said assessment.

Alliances however secured support for that endeavor. Tolerance, it seemed, had its own adherents. Bors, Annis and the Amazons’ Queen tired of Uther’s Purge. Not that Conversion suited their interests, mind you. Co-existence, however, did meet common agendas.

Pity Uther’s denial and lust for power blinds him. His eyes followed the road’s winding way toward the north. Six more hours to Whitgate. I wish we were there tonight. I’d get us there if I know how the knights would react.

Tact is a wise course, Accolon. Thank you for your consideration.

Accolon stiffened. Lady? He looked about the campsite for her presence.

I am in my realm. You know I can speak to you from anywhere. Mists allowed the triple goddess to watch him. I must speak with you. The others will not know you are gone. Come to me now.

His head bobbed up and down. His hands twitched. Canary flashed through his eyes. Mists enveloped him. Then, he vanished.

Summons must be heeded after all….

Chapter 9: Mithian Deals with Bernard


Mithian deals with Bernard's issues and Elaine's lack of mobility. The goddess calls...

Chapter Text

Chapter 8
[Mithian’s Campsite]

Mithian tied her horse’s reins to a tree. Resentment burned at her over Bernard’s attitude. Concern kept her eyes fixed on Elaine. She rubbed her hands together. Chilled breath puffed from her lips. Disappointment soured her outlook. She wanted a break from politics. Her mind wanted downtime.

Priorities, however, called her back to the arena….

Her eyes narrowed at Bernard. He looked down on her. Arguments and insults continued in the meetings despite royal warnings. Prejudice and bigotry spewed from his mouth on Hardliners’ behalf. He’d strode the line just keeping from Rodor’s bad graces. With Treason’s implications, she had him. His allies, Aredian and Uther, could not save him that time. Despite Life Debt, Last Chance had evaporated akin to Frost before Sol’s warmth. Father does not have a choice this time! Count Bernard went behind his back. He brought in that snake, Aredian. He conspires with Uther. Distaste evoked a shudder and deep frown from her.

“The King will not touch me. He gives you too much ground.” Bernard met her glare with his own. His hands struggled against the binding ropes. “I am still her father.”

Ywain shoved him. “Show respect! She is our Princess! Traitor!”

Bernard curled his lip. His eyes narrowed. “I am the traitor? Says the one who favors bastard creatures!” He spat on Ywain’s boots. “Know of who you speak, Knight! I am still your better!”

Indignation burned in Ywain’s craw. He raised his hand and allowed it to linger there for several heartbeats.

Dare flared in Bernard’s eyes. He knew well that Rodor would punish Ywain either way. Satisfaction would be his either way. “Go ahead. I will see you flogged or worse.”

“Stop, Sir Ywain!” Mithian grabbed his hand. Her head shook at both men. “He is not worth it. The King will punish him. Do not force the King to punish you as well. It would break his heart and mine.” Her eyebrow arched Ywain. “Please.”

Malodius harunged from where he reclined beside Elaine and Britomart. He shook his maned head.

Ywain ground his teeth. “Very well, Princess.” He relaxed his arm. “Pardon me. Thank you. I only wanted him to respect Malodius and you.” He added a bow. “There is my own wife as well.”

“Aye. I know. Everything happens in its proper time. I am sure Lady Laudine would tell you the same? Count Bernard tries to drag you down to his level. Do not let him.” Mithian stepped away. “Thank you. We have to restrain ourselves. Watch him. Do not let him get to you. I have to see to Lady Elaine.” She took in a composing breath. Mask of State reasserted itself on her face. She disregarded Bernard’s odious presence. “How is your patent, Britomart?”

“I am almost finished, Milady.” Britomart checked the cloths’ knots and the wooden sticks against Elaine’s leg. “I believe that should do it.” A frown twisted her mouth. “I wish we had a wagon. She cannot ride on horseback in that state.”

Elaine sulked. “Maybe there’s something we can do? I cannot inconvenience the Princess!” She threw her hands in the air. “Stupid me! I had to twist my ankle.” She bowed her head. Canary glinted in her eyes.

Rose’s petals materialized. Akin to Blizzard, petals swirled about the area. Pink, red and white hues blinded them to everything else.

“YOU SEE? SHE’S A MENACE!” Bernard snapped.

“BE STILL, COUNT BERNARD!!” Anger reddened Mithian’s face. Her hand scooped up some petals. “Roses and nice ones as well.” She smelled deeply of their scent. “Mmmm! I appreciate this, Lady Elaine. The stench was getting to me.” She glared at the accused traitor. “You are most certainly not inconveniencing any of us. Josiane?”

“I can fly her back to Whitgate on my carpet. Master Wyngate will assist with her leg.” Josiane beckoned her carpet over toward them. “We can back there very soon indeed. I can also bring Count Bernard as well.”

“Princess, I agree with Princess Josiane. Perhaps you might accompany them? Britomart, Malodius and I can see to matters here.” Ywain bowed again to Mithian and Josiane. “If that is acceptable?”

“I will not fly on that thing! You will not enchant me, Witch!” Bernard tugged at the ropes anew. “I will ride on a horse or die out here!” He backed away.

“You WILL ride on it, Count Bernard! I have done so. It is a means of transport! Nothing else!” Mithian pointed to it.

Josiane passed her hand through the air to Bernard’s right. “Perhaps, you are right. I want you to relax.” Scheme brewed in her mind. Lavender glow left a trail. Her touch changed air to valerian root. She turned and walked away. Her hand pulled her cloak over nose and mouth.

Suspicion poked at Bernard’s mind. “You are up to something. You…you…” Valerian entered nostrils and mouth. Stress and exhaustion combined with mist. His eyelids weighed down. His legs felt heavy. “What? What…did you?”

“What I…did?” Josiane narrowed her eyes. “I just helped you to relax, Count Bernard.”

A snort escaped from Mithian’s muffled nose. She watched Bernard slump against a tree. Within a few heartbeats, snores rattled woods’ silence. “Nicely done, Josiane. Help me to get him on the carpet. Britomart, can you help Elaine onto it please?”

“Of course, Milady.” Britomart held out her hand to Elaine. “Lady Elaine, we can help you. It is safe.”

It is indeed. Elaine of Astolat, Mithian of Whitgate, Malodius, I have need of you. The triple goddess stepped into view. Greetings, my Children.

Malodius bowed his front legs to her. Purrs escaped his mouth.

Elaine gasped. Her hands covered her mouth. “You are the triple goddess! My mother told me about you!” Respect guided her into a bow. “I cannot help. I….”

Do not underestimate your role, Elaine of Astolat. You both and Malodius are needed. Josiane of Alexandria, take Bernard of Astolat to Whitgate. Rodor has to judge his role in fostering the hate against you and other magical beings. Count Bernard has been contained. However, Prejudice’s bitter weeds infest my garden. I will say more there. You will inform your sire upon your return. Prepare yourselves. The goddess waved her hands.

Mithian, Malodius, and Elaine disappeared into more mists.

“Milady!” Britomart jumped up. She rushed over toward the dissipating mists.

They are quite well. I will return them to Whitgate when everything is complete. The goddess vanished into the woods once more. Discussions awaited in her realm. Key matter loomed before them all.

“King Rodor.” Ywain rubbed his forehead. “What will we tell him?” He looked overhead. “The sun will set soon. Princess, you should get Count Bernard back to Whitgate. The sun will set within a turn of the hourglass. His followers could be waiting for nightfall to attack.”

“Aye. I will take that so-called Count to King Rodor. How I wish Edgar was with him.” Rage seethed inside of Josiane. Memories of Uther’s support of her beloved’s rightful position heated her blood to near-boil. She dragged Bernard onto the carpet. “I will return to play my part in guarding the camp. Perhaps Sir Galahad might send some knights? I would assume King Rodor will not wish to leave that land unmanaged?” She nodded to Ywain and Britomart. Then, she willed the carpet to float upward and streak into the darkening gloom.

“I will get the others to help me cook and set up camp. Pardon me, Sir Ywain.” Britomart bowed to him. Then, she hustled over toward the servants.

Ywain rubbed the back of his neck. Bernard’s attitude chafed his patience. Hope held out for Rodor’s final judgment toward the abusive father/negligent manor lord. He followed Britomart toward the camp. Instinct advised him to follow Josiane’s observation where Bernard’s men were concerned.

Perhaps Mithian failed in her desired hunt. She bagged another prize instead. Bigger strings, however, were attached….

Chapter 10: Morgana Gets Answers


Morgana presses for more answers....

Chapter Text

Chapter 9 [Within the Mists]

Morgana groped about at all-encompassing mists. Chill dimpled and reddened her skin. She flailed about batting wisps this way and that. Her heart raced. Sweat beaded across her forehead. “Merlin! What is this? What have you done? Who’s that voice?” Demands spat akin to crossbow bolts at him.

Merlin’s hands brushed up against the mists. “That’s the first time I’ve heard it too, Morgana. I have no idea!” Exasperation pounded at his temples. Kilgarrah? Kilgarrah, are you there? Really could use some advice.

“Who’s Kilgarrah? That other voice we heard earlier?” She wheeled about. Her eyes narrowed. Challenge sparked in them. Her arms folded across her chest. “Do tell. I mean Arthur would never believe his idiot servant really is a sorcerer and a telepath too. Imagine that?”

“Not helping, Morgana. That is private.” He rubbed his forehead. “Besides, you would never believe it anyway.” He ground his teeth. He looked for a door. Fruitless attempts wore him down. Attitude wore on his last nerve. “I really do not need for Uther or Arthur to know about this. You are not going to believe it.” He shook his head.

“We left ‘believable’ back in the Physician’s Chambers, Merlin.” Snark dripped from her retort. Indignant sniff hissed from her nostrils. “Go ahead!”

His lip curled at her. Her demand stiffened him. “Go ahead what?”

Her hand batted at the wisps. “Really, Merlin?” Snort escaped her nose. “Fine! Use your magic! Get us out of here! Then, you can tell me who those voices are!”

Instinct picked through his mind. Potential excuses and half-truths went out the window. “Oh fine! Whatever!” He set his jaw. He pointed his hand at the mists. “Sgrios!” Canary flashed in his eyes. Spell’s energies flew from his fingers.

Once more, Incredulity widened her eyes. “So, you really do have it?” She shook her head. “I wish Arthur was here. Now that would be worth watching.” Amusem*nt gave way to Dread. Memoria recalled Ealdor after the battle. She and everyone else heard Arthur’s lecture to Merlin about magic.

Assumption pinned it on Will…Will’s dying lie supported that mindset….

“Did you use your magic at Ealdor, Merlin? Just be honest for once!” Frankly, Circ*mstance frayed her patience and temper.

He sucked in a terse breath. “Nothing.” He felt her eyes boring into his back. “The magic’s stronger than mine.” He shrugged. “We are stuck.”

“Stuck? Oh, this is just wonderful!” She threw her hands up. Frustration boiled up inside of herself. Pinpricks jabbed her skin. Static burned her. “Now what? I….I…” Spasms wracked her entire body. “OH, NOT AGAIN!!” Her scream pierced both their ears. Canary flashed through her eyes.

“Morgana?” He tried to get to her side. Recoil, however, bowled him from sight. He flew backward and ever backward still. Expectation braced him for a painful impact with the wall….

…an impact which never came….

Calm yourself, Emrys. It will be all right.

“Emrys? Who? What?” Bright light dazzled his eyes. As with Mists, Light swept him away….


Nausea buffeted Morgana’s stomach and throat. Magical outburst had sapped her. Her hand clamped down over her mouth. Questions popped up in her mind. “That…that was magic. I…have magic? How…How can I…?” Dread chilled her. “Nay! I…cannot! That witch finder! He will….” Nerves unsteadied her yet further. Visions and nightmares unsettled Royal Court’s sensibilities. Suspicions seemed to point to sorcerers around Camelot. Vengeance could be a cause….

….now, Transitions and transformation lay before her. She was a sorceress….

…a sorceress…

Did Merlin and Gaius know? Is that why Gaius sought to drug me? Was he trying to keep my magic from manifesting itself? Suspicion now burned within her mind. Merlin would not. Would he? He’s a warlock himself. He’d help me. Gaius would though. He’d keep me sedated so I couldn’t use my magic. Resentment bubbled up within herself. Her stomach added another unpleasant rumble.

The sleeping powders react with your abilities, Morgana Pendragon. They will soon wear off completely. The nausea is to be expected. Brilliant light conveyed the goddess to that spot. Her gown’s hem hovered just above Morgana’s knee level. Flowing hair reached to her shoulder blades. Emerald hue glowed from her eyes. I am the triple goddess.

The triple…? Words failed Morgana. That revelation spun her mind yet again. Legends and myths had peppered her education. Uther spat on her at every turn. Pity had moved her toward the floating woman’s followers. Memoria recalled Mordred’s escape (with Merlin’s and Gwen’s help). Commiseration kept her silence over Merlin’s stolen food and gown for the refugee Druid girl. Magical creatures’ and beings’ threats hung over Camelot at every turn. Awe, fear, and uncertainty defined magic within the kingdom’s borders…

…and Uther did everything to define his understanding beyond said borders as well….

You already understand Uther Pendragon’s ignorance. I am glad your understanding grows, my Child. You will need that understanding soon enough. As for your abilities, aye. You have magic. You need to master it. Uther Pendragon summons a dark shadow across everything I wish to achieve. Aredian the Butcher. Anger darkened the goddess’ face. Nemeth has rebuffed him. Now, he returns to Camelot. I will tell you the rest in short order. Emrys…the one you call Merlin…and the others await us.

“Others?” Morgana shielded her eyes. Light’s intensity brightened some and then more. Once more, Disorientation unsettled her.

Then, everything changed again….

Chapter 11: Dropped Off in the Dreamscape


Everyone gets put into the dreamscape. Merlin drops in (literally) and makes quite the first impression.


Those folks who’ve read Refuge and my Divides Crossed series know this place.

Chapter Text

Chapter 10 [Dreamscape]

Unlike Autumn’s barren and chill, Sol brushed Meadow’s waving grasses. Puffy clouds raced across royal blue backdrop overhead. Summer’s breeze billowed through trees’ leaf-laden canopies. Gentle stream meandered between its banks.

Pristine area stood ready for its guests…


Dissipating mists dropped the goddess’ intended audience in the meadow’s midst. Accolon regained his bearings first. Weather and Friends surprised him to say the least. “Princess Mithian? Malodius?”

“Prince Accolon? I was led to believe you were in Gaul.” Mithian raised an eyebrow. “King Bors was victorious?” She held out her hand.

“Emperor Doun remains a threat to the East. His allies across the Roman Sea support his forces.” Accolon patted Malodius’ head. “They still want Princess Josiane dead.”

Malodius snarled. Threats stiffened his resolve. Emerald flashed in his eyes. Claws had rent German chain mail decades earlier.

“I understand, my Friend.” Accolon bowed his head. “I only offer warning.”

“Princess Josiane? Why?” Elaine pretzeled. “Father talks against her. She seems so nice.” She turned to Mithian. “Princess? Why does everyone hate her?”

Mithian narrowed her eyes. “Princess Josiane is the rightful Sultana of Egypt. She is an exile. The usurper Mustafa holds her throne. The Eastern Roman Emperor, Alexander, and his brother, Alys, want her dead as well. Her mother languishes in Constantinople.”

“She has a half-brother, Cligés. He and I have a common situation. The Cailleach has claimed Emperor Alexander and my father.” Accolon nodded to Elaine. “I am sorry. I am afraid we have not met. Princess?”

“My apologies. She is Lady Elaine of Astolat. You know her father, Count Bernard. Lady Elaine, Prince Accolon of Tintagel.” Mithian caught herself after the introduction. “Wait. Why did we not hear anything about your father’s passing? Does that mean…?”

“Actually, I am now Tintagel’s King. My coronation happened two days ago. I need to apologize as well. We did not have a formal coronation. King Rodor and we should speak on certain matters, Princess.” Accolon sucked in a deep breath. “I would like Gorlois’ treaties with Nemeth renewed. Be careful of Camelot. Uther seeks your hand for Prince Arthur’s.”

“Father and you should speak then. I believe you will find him in agreement.” Sharp snort escaped Mithian’s nose. “As for Uther, does he really think we would agree to that? Does he think we have forgotten?” Her expression darkened. “Never. Father would never consent to such a thing. You know me better than that, Sire.” Her frown curled in on itself. “I know he and you are friends. I appreciate your warning.” Her eyebrow raised. “Uther would expect me to go along with his genocidal Purge. Never.”

“Aye. I do wish you could find someone suited to you, Princess.” Accolon rubbed the back of his neck. “I have my own wish at hand. I go to Camelot for that purpose.” His face brightened.

Mithian clapped her hands. “Can it be? Uther has finally consented to your place with the Lady Morgana? Aye. I wish you success. Now, perhaps, a suitable man will fall out of the sky? I fear no man wants me as a partner.” Downcast sigh escaped her lips. Disappointment sagged even her practiced Face of State.

Accolon raised Mithian’s hand. His lips whispered Reassurance’s balm across her knuckles. “It will happen. I….” Magical energy surge strummed Accolon’s senses. “Now what?”

Malodius roared. His eyes followed Accolon’s. Merlin? Lady! Can we save him?

“Is that someone up there? I…” Mithian’s eyes went wide. “He’s falling! However, did he…?” Desperation forced her to look around.

Alas, Reader! Nothing lay at hand or close by!

If Princess Josiane were here, she’d catch him with her carpet! Memoria recalled Accolon’s secret. "Forgive me, Sire. Can you…?”

Canary flashed in Accolon’s eyes. “Aye. I have him….and…” He watched the falling one’s approach. Recognition registered in his mind. “Merlin? It cannot be! What magic pushes him into free fall? My spell had no effect!”

“Merlin? As in Prince Arthur’s servant?” Mithian narrowed her eyes. Concern and Worry nudged at her heart. Granted, Merlin’s service to Nemeth proved exemplary. Kindness and fortitude toward Elaine merit special consideration. Rodor admired Merlin as well. Wishes that Merlin could serve in Whitgate alongside Britomart had arisen….

…good luck with that…

“It seems to be, Milady.” Accolon pointed toward Merlin. “I can slow him down.” His eyes flashed again. “Goddess, stand with us!”

Merlin’s free fall decelerated. Still, Pace threatened Crippling or Fatal Impact with meadow below. Morgana’s unintended energies defied Accolon’s spell.

Elaine sucked in a mournful breath. Her fingers slid into her pocket. Fingertips slid across parchment with Sympathy’s dried flower therein. He helped me…He endured the wrath of that awful King for me! She raised her face skyward. Why can’t I…control…it. Nay! Concentration knitted her brow. Her teeth ground against each other. Sweat beaded in her face. Lady! HELP ME PLEASE!

As you have asked, Child, in my name and to help another, so shall I help! The goddess interjected.

Elaine jerked. Energy flooded into her. Glow surrounded her. “AHH!!”

Malodius loped to Elaine’s side. He whined at her. His paw rubbed her arm.

“Lady Elaine?” Panic flared inside of Mithian. “Not now! Sire, she cannot control her magic!”

I am helping her, Mithian of Nemeth. Support her now. Accolon of Tintagel, keep up your efforts.

I…I can do this too, Milady! Elaine narrowed her eyes. Her hands edged upward. “Float mar itaeg!” Canary flashed therein. Energies flowed from her fingers.

Elaine’s efforts combined with Accolon’s. Together, dual spells negated Merlin’s velocity. Her spell negated Gravity’s claim on his falling body. As with Feather, Merlin floated on warm breeze. Fall turned to drift. Descent slowed to a crawl. Distance shortened. Odds shifted.

Strain, however, overwhelmed Elaine’s capabilities. Her magic gave out. “AHH!! I…MERLIN!! SORRY!” Tears dribbled down her cheeks. Regret weighed down on her.

Spell dropped. Gravity tugged at Merlin anew. He fell into Brook’s rushing water. Cool impact pulled him back to his senses. “Huh? What? I…?” He spat mud and water from his mouth.

“Stay with Lady Elaine, Sire.” Mithian hustled toward the riverbank. Unlike others, she valued servants. Moreover, Merlin held Nemeth’s respect. He held her respect. Sacrifice, Bravery, Duty and Compassion magnified Merlin’s presence to her at least. If only he had all three of the required acts! He could be freed! He could be raised up! He….

Her heart skipped a beat. Warmth rushed up her spine.

Stop! He is a servant…Prince Arthur’s servant! Merlin’s bound to Camelot. Denial attempted to shrug those feelings off. Duty to King and Realm. Social status. Obligation to Crown. Britannia’s stability. Merlin. See to him. Last thing we need is another incident with Uther!

Heart, however, skipped a beat. Cupid proved a better hunter than her it seemed….

Her feet skidded to a halt along the riverbank’s very edge. Relief eased her mood. “Merlin?”

Merlin stood slowly. Water and mud soaked his clothes. Arms and legs moved normally at least. His neckerchief wiped his eyes clear. “Now…where am I? What?” He regarded Princess Mithian. “Princess Mithian? What? Where’s Morgana? Last she and I both knew, we were in Camelot.” He took in the meadow around them.

“We appear to be in some meadow, Merlin. You do amaze. Not many could survive a fall like that.” Mithian arched an eyebrow at him. Impetuous smirk spread across her face. She offered her hand. “Let me help you out of there.”

“Thanks.” Merlin took her hand. He climbed/was tugged up onto the riverbank. “Where did those mists take us?” He stepped away from her. “It’s almost like summer.” He bowed. “My apologies, Princess.”

“Thank you, Merlin. I believe a fall like that allows you some leniency.” A playful snort escaped Mithian’s lips. “The triple goddess brought Lady Elaine, Malodius and me here. She brought King Accolon here as well. He will want to know more about Lady Morgana.” She looked him over. “You seem none the worse for wear. What happened?”

Deliberations ran through Merlin’s head. How much should I tell her? “Princess, something happened in those mists. It knocked me off my feet. Last thing I knew, I was falling into a bright light.” Merlin added a shrug to further sell the point.

Mithian remained unconvinced. Instinct deduced that he was holding something back from her. Once again, her eyes drifted toward his left shoulder and the wound under his jacket and shirt. I know we owe him for defending the baggage train. There’s something else. What could it be?

“Something wrong?” Merlin kept a straight face. Defensiveness kicked in over her interest in the left shoulder and the scar. Still, he refused to take her bait or engage in that conversation.

She filed the notion for later consideration. She understood that Loyalty remained paramount. Despite her own standing, Morgana remained Uther’s ward. As such, she was his de facto mistress. “Very well. Let’s join the others.” She led him toward the spot. They could see Accolon getting back up from his knees. Morgana embraced Accolon. “I take it we have congratulations to express?”

“Aye! Morgana agreed! She agreed.” Joy brightened Accolon’s face.

“Of course, I agreed!” Morgana put her hand on Accolon’s right arm. “We have cared for each other since we were children. Why would I not?” Her smile spread across her face. “I see Merlin’s all right. He disappeared as we were being brought here.” She decided not to say anything about his magic…at least for that particular point in time.

“Thanks to King Accolon and Lady Elaine.” Merlin bowed to Accolon and Elaine. “Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Merlin.” Accolon motioned for Merlin to stand. “It’s good to see you as well. I believe we’re even.” He shook his head. “I’m going to have to talk with King Uther and Prince Arthur. I cannot believe you’re still a servant.” A chuckle came from his mouth.

“Merlin is very loyal and serves at Arthur’s side.” Morgana raised an eyebrow. “Uther and Arthur will never raise Merlin up. I know he’s there with Arthur and the knights on expeditions. He fights more than most servants. But….?” Doubt and questions glimmered in her eyes and tone. Is this about his magic? She turned toward Merlin. Realization dawned on her. He’s used it to help Uther and Arthur! Right under their noses! Her hand stifled a cough.

Accolon patted Morgana’s hand. “There’s a great deal about Merlin that you don’t know. With his permission of course.”

“Father and I would have him as a servant and free man, Sire, if we could,” Mithian chimed in. Once again, her eyes focused on his shoulder. “Nemeth owes Merlin a great debt.”

“Great debt?” Morgana looked at Merlin. “You mean his shoulder?”

Merlin squirmed. Discomfort unsettled him. Anticipation conceived Gaius’ next lecture in his mind’s eye. Morgana had to find out when we were in those mists. Did King Accolon find out at Shalott? Princess Mithian’s pushing to find out. He ground his teeth. “Maybe we might think of what we can do to get out of here instead?”

I would agree! The goddess appeared in their midst once more.

Seemed the main point was about to come up….

Chapter 13: Revelation


The goddess reveals Merlin and describes what is to come...

Chapter Text

Chapter 11

The group’s eyes turned to their glowing hostess. Morgana, Mithian and Elaine all curtseyed. Accolon and Malodius bowed to her. Merlin, on the other hand, puzzled over their reactions. “And who is this? Sorry but I have not been introduced.”

Fair enough, Emrys. I am the triple goddess. This is but one of my realms. I have brought you here for a reason. Most of your realms are allied with one another. Camelot has agreements with some and is antagonistic to others. The goddess surveyed their numbers. Despite your origins and viewpoints, you all have ties to sorcerers and magical beings. Most of you have already exhibited your abilities. Some have barely scratched the surface. Some hide who they are. She looked to Elaine, Morgana and Merlin.

“Lady, who is this Emrys? There is nobody here by that name.” Mithian rubbed her chin. Her eyebrow raised. “Sire, you are very well schooled and read. Have you heard of that?”

Accolon nodded. “Aye. The goddess refers to either someone named after the legendary Druid figure or that figure himself. Other than Morgana and you, the rest of us have magic.”

“Rest of us? Merlin?” Mithian looked at Accolon, Merlin and back to Accolon again.

“Some of us just found out for ourselves.” Morgana folded her arms across her chest. “Merlin, do you know who this ‘Emrys’ is? He’d best not be in Camelot if he knows what is best.”

“In the mists just now, that’s the first time I’ve heard that.” Merlin shook his head. Once again, Gaius’ fears about Morgana’s emerging magic echoed across his psyche. How powerful is she? Was Gaius right to do what he did?


Have a care, Morgana Pendragon. Emrys wished to help and work with you. Gaius, however, decided to suppress your abilities. He has betrayed me in favor of Uther. The goddess narrowed her eyes. I feel your anger, Emrys. I know how close you both are. Morgana is correct. As much as I defend you to her, you are still his accomplice. Necessity is a double-edged sword. True, you have to survive at Camelot. You work around Uther and Arthur Pendragon. You have frustrated my agents in their efforts to end the Purge. You protect Uther from his own stupidity. Now, I fear his stupidity endangers all. His rabid dog returns to Camelot. He seeks an answer. You offered him opportunity, Emrys. Now, the dog, Aredian, needs to be put down. The Lady of Shalott died protecting your secret. He suspects you, however. Morgana, you will be his target as well. This one is ruthless in his methods. I have endured enough of him as well.

Merlin bowed his head. He ground his teeth. Loyalty and his heart wanted to lash out anew. Gaius protected and provided for him. In many ways, Gaius was his father figure. Despite disagreements and cumbersome methods, situations worked out for the best. Still, Consequences and Outcomes now reared their ugly heads. Morgana’s pain screamed at him. The others’ unspoken questions echoed through their thoughts to him. “How could he know?”

“Mother…was?” Elaine put her hands over her mouth. “You? You were the hooded man! You’re the one who was in the back room! You’re the one she concealed in the passage!” She pointed at Merlin. “That awful Aredian was looking for you!” Sobs choked off her speech.

Malodius rubbed up against Merlin’s leg.

Morgana rolled her eyes. “Uther rants on about that! Meantime you were limping around the citadel. You were wounded on the battlefield defending the wagons.”

Accolon curled his lip. “That’s what Gaius would have you all think.” He glanced at Merlin. “I saw what you did. So did Elena of the Amazons, King Rodor and Britomart.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve seen spells, Merlin. Other than the triple goddess, I’ve never seen anything like that!” He bowed to the goddess.

Mithian raised her hand. “Wait. I understand Merlin was grievously wounded. He should have lost his arm. That was from a Cawdorian sword.”

“It was from Meleagant’s sword actually. He sought to ambush Prince Kay. Merlin took the blow instead. Somehow, he bowled Meleagant over with a spell. Then, he slipped away. There’s that. There’s also his earthquake spell. That’s what I meant before by the unbelievable spell. That shook up the whole battlefield! That is why Aredian wants you dead, Merlin. If Uther knew, he’d kill you for sure.” Accolon took a deep breath. “Merlin, I know Gaius wants you to stay. I know how loyal you are to Prince Arthur. I commend you for that. You are not safe there.”

“If Uther found out, he’d make a public spectacle out of your execution, Merlin.” Accolon grimaced. Imagination played out Auto da Fé in his mind. “Aredian would see Morgana and you burn at the stake. Nay. I’d have you go to Tintagel. You will be safe there.”

“Now wait!” Protests spewed from Morgana’s mouth. “I am not helpless! Besides, Uther could start a war! He will think you abducted me!” She grabbed onto his arm. “We are so close! I do not want a diplomatic incident.” Desperation raised her voice. “Please, Accolon! We do not want to ruin things!”

“She’s right.” Merlin rubbed his forehead. Implications and consequences ran through his head. “I could try to get Prince Arthur to speak with you. What Morgana said would be the least of our worries.”

Mithian cleared her throat. “Father would insist on pulling you back to Whitgate, If he knows, he will insist on granting you sanctuary. Uther would not threaten us again as he did!” She clenched her fists.

Uther Pendragon does not care, Mithian of Nemeth. The one you speak of returns as we speak. You should return to Whitgate. Aredian will turn back to Nemeth once he has found Emrys and Morgana. The goddess turned back to Merlin. You will not be safe there. Despite what Gaius and others believe, Emrys, your time has drawn to a close in Camelot. There is something awaiting you in Whitgate. Someone is coming. You and he must meet. It is of vital importance. Mithian of Nemeth, I will send Emrys back with you. There are others who can attend to Kilgarrah’s liberation.

“Kilgarrah?” Mithian stared at Merlin. “The Great Dragon is alive? We thought him dead! He has been gone all of these years!”

“Nay. He is alive.” Merlin rolled his eyes. “Morgana heard him earlier.” He weighed over the goddess’ plan. He had to admit that Aredian’s presence proved a big threat. Duty pushed Merlin toward Arthur. Despite the threat, he still felt that Arthur’s destiny as Once and Future King was more important than even his own life.

“That voice! That’s the dragon underneath Camelot? He talked to us?” Morgana put those facts in with everything else. “They will love that. Unfortunately, knowing Arthur, he will want Merlin back to clean everything. He will know Merlin’s missing.”

You can come up with an explanation. I am sure of that. I will send you back with Accolon, Morgana Pendragon. Good luck, my Children. See to the threat at hand. Change is upon us. The goddess’ eyes glowed bright emerald.

Light built up around the group. Flash swept them away toward Destinations.

Another transition, anyone?

Chapter 14: Merlin and Mithian Return to Nemeth


Merlin and Mithian return to Nemeth's citadel. She realizes her state of affairs. They talk to Kilgarrah and head for Rodor's throne chamber.

Chapter Text

Chapter 12 [Whitgate—Council Chamber]

Merlin blinked. Disorientation left him disconnected from his surroundings. His feet floated. Shadows shifted. His hands groped in front of him.

Merlin? Merlin, where are you? What is this? This? Mithian’s voice echoed…not in his ears…but through his mind. Her fingers grabbed onto and tugged on his sleeve.

Princess? What’s going on? I’m hearing you in my mind. He reached toward the grabbing sensation. His hand brushed over her riding top’s sleeve. Emotions…Panic…bombarded him. “It’s….” His eyes adjusted. They blurred back into focus. “Everything’s a blur.”

“Aye.” She took a calming breath. “Why did I hear you just now in my head? I felt your emotions. I have never done that before.” Something else brushed up against her left leg. “Merlin, you are on my right. Who’s on my left?”

Malodius purred at them. He rubbed up against her.

Malodius seems to be on your left, Princess Mithian. It has been a long time, a voice chimed in her head.

I heard that! She groped around herself. “Who’s there now?” The blurs focused in gradual fashion. Features came into focus. Shapes defined themselves. Her eyes rested on Malodius. “You do not speak. So who?”

You heard me, Princess. We last met when you were but a baby in your mother’s arms. I am Kilgarrah, the Great Dragon. It seems that being around Merlin has opened your mind. I am trapped in a cave beneath Camelot. Uther imprisons me here, Kilgarrah introduced himself.

“You are alive! I am sorry! We thought you were dead!” Apology and Lament dampened her outlook. She noticed Rodor’s council chamber all around themselves. “We are back in Father’s citadel!” Her hand brushed across the oak table’s top. She patted Malodius’ head.

I would appreciate your father’s assistance, Princess. It has been so long. Merlin’s friendship is valuable. I would like my freedom, however.

I cannot free you. I would if I could! Merlin threw his hands up in the air. Exasperation burned at him. “There is a chain and shackle around one of his feet. It is forged from massive iron links. We’d need powerful magic to break through them.”

“Iron holds Kilgarrah? Magic can free him.” Mithian narrowed her eyes. “If Princess Josiane were to get down there, she could free him with her blade or by turning the iron into something else. We just need to get her down there.”

“We can deal with Aredian first. Then, we can free him. He has been down there too long as it is.” Merlin looked to the ceiling. We need to figure out how to get our friend down there. She can free you. I don’t want you hurting anyone.

No promises of that, Merlin. I think we have made enough promises. Kilgarrah ground his fangs. Resentment from Years’ Long imprisonment fumed within himself.

I believe we can speak to Uther on your behalf, Kilgarrah. Father holds you in high esteem. We cannot give up. You are a better being than slaughtering innocents. Have patience. Know that we care, Mithian implored.

I can feel your compassion. Remind King Rodor of the life debt. He will understand. Thank you, Princess. Merlin…. Kilgarrah went silent at that point.

“Follow me, Merlin. I….” Mithian started to head for the door. Necessity dictated their audience with Rodor in short order. Diplomacy and Urgency pressed for quick resolution. Nobody needed a repeat from the plaza outside.

Elaine appeared across the chamber. Blank eyes stared at the surroundings. “It was so bright! Now, it is so dark! Why can I not see anything?”

“It is all right, Lady Elaine.” He rushed to her side. His eyes found Mithian’s. “She should be there as well. We can let King Rodor know about Aredian.”

“And Count Bernard as well.” Mithian motioned toward Elaine. “Lady Elaine, take a deep breath. Your eyes will adjust.” She supported the other woman. “Father can wait. She needs to get herself together.”

He took a step back. Admiration took in Mithian’s consideration for Elaine. Newfound Empathy picked up on emotions about himself. Mithian’s warmth drew him toward her akin to Moth and a warm light. Elaine’s pain, however, screamed out at him. Simultaneous cascades/collisions jarred his sensibilities. Impacts jarred and broke through Mourning’s cocoon. For the first time since Freya’s death, Feelings cane back online again.

“Merlin?” Mithian turned back toward him. Concern jerked her attention away from Elaine. “Merlin, are you all right?” She rubbed his arm. “You have not lost your wits. Have you?”

“Huh? I…” Her touch restored his awareness. Her presence soothed and calmed him. “Princess? Oh, pardon me. I…” He rubbed his forehead again. “All of this telepathy and now the emotions…it’s giving me a headache.” His eyes drifted up toward hers….

…and in them, Reflection and Purpose awaited….

“Master Wyngate can help us with that. Come. Father awaits us.” Mithian offered her hand. “You can walk?”

Somehow his eyes didn’t roll at her. “Aye. I can.” He started toward the door.

“Princess? Where is Father? How are we back here again? I thought we were going back to the camp?” Elaine pressed.

“The goddess wanted us to be here. Come. Father awaits. We have to tell him about Aredian and Count Bernard.” Mithian walked past Merlin and out into the passage. Implications now clashed and collided in her mind as well. A serious discussion awaited.

Present and future seemed in flux…

Chapter 15: Tedious Litigation


Rodor deals with a contentious case...with layers....

Chapter Text

Chapter 13 [Royal Throne Chamber]

At Citadel’s other end, a grand chamber loomed over all else. Ionic pillars of Classical Age far gone held up railed limestone overhang. Sol’s light poured through a large circular window into the chamber. Rodor’s monthly court stirred Citadel and Kingdom alike. Subjects came to present their issues and be heard. Nobles watched from assembled numbers atop the aforementioned overhang and toward the chamber’s rear wall. Knights led subjects across polished oaken floor toward the dual thrones at the chamber’s front end.

Rodor sat on the highest set throne. Consideration and Observation guided his attention toward the current case. His ears listened to the litigants and barristers. His eyes watched their body language and reactions. An occasional glance shot toward the elder emerald-robed man to his right. Mostly however, Rodor preferred to listen. Clarification did demand a question or two from said case’s litigants. In this case, a boundary question reared its generational head (yet again). Finesse would coax a solution. Still, without Mithian, closer attention would be required….


Silence hung over the accompanying throne. Preferences—hers and his—would have her right there. Still, Purpose and Necessity guided him to send her forth. Her eyes could discern Bernard’s real actions under the grand courtly display. Besides, hunts did her good. Meditation provided a mental reset and introspection. Fortuna provided game for the royal kitchens and the people as well. Rodor picked up on Relief’s vibe throughout the gallery. Insight and Instinct guided Mithian in cases and the Royal Council. Oftentimes, a minor point got her attention. Her question would overturn Façade and reveal Truth. He valued her advice….

…alas that many nobles did not. Worse still, they shared Bernard’s attitudes….

Pity them. There are many such intelligent women in Nemeth not to mention Britannia! His fingertips tapped the armrest. Impatience stewed in his craw. Maybe if their wives were overseeing matters instead of them, we wouldn’t have to deal with such things. His mind turned to his beloved late wife. Taene would’ve lectured them soundly. He stirred himself from Reverie’s grasp. “Lord Appleby, Lord Rothgar, is there a reason why the Foxborough River is no longer a suitable boundary?”

A portly man bowed with effort. His long beard threatened to catch on his belt buckle. His stomach touched his knees. “Sire, we should have territory. One should make our ends meet.”

Throats cleared. Chuckles and coughs, despite efforts to stifle them, echoed throughout the chamber.

Rodor’s eyebrow rose. Imagination created Mithian’s potential retort to the man’s observation. “Aye, Lord Rothgar, we should. But I would remind you of greater things. Both of you need such things to maintain balance. Survival for self, aye. However, are we not part of the common good? Should we not look out for each other? You both have an obligation to Nemeth and me as well?”

“Of course, my King.” Rothgar kept a straight face. “My father and I have sent knights. I have paid my scutage. I take care of the serfs on my lands. What else is there? Lord Appleby neglects the land there.”

“Does he now?” Rodor leaned back. Appleby’s smoldering eyes and stiffening form spoke volumes. His fingers rubbed his chin. “I find that difficult to believe, Lord Rothgar. Lord Appleby fought beside my father and me on the battlefield. He is very detail oriented. Lord Blumenwald, you have met with his reeve. What say you?”

Blumenwald set the parchment and quill down. He bowed to Rodor. “Mortimer’s records are precise if not impeccable, my King. His records match the landed receipts and yields to a single grain. If I may, I have ridden along the river with Lord Appleby. He has built a mill on his family’s traditional lands. He encourages the people to grow different crops in addition to the standard wheat and barley. Blueberry plants grow by the river on his side of the traditional boundary. It is an ambitious plan. He has also paid his fair share for such endeavors to the treasury. Forgive my overclarification.” He bowed again.

“Nay. You have answered the question. Thank you, Lord Blumenwald.” Rodor took a draught from his goblet. “I simply wished to dispel Lord Rothgar’s assumptions. I would not consider such attitudes to be those of a neglectful man. Lord Appleby, such industriousness benefits his manor and Nemeth. Thus, it is to be commended.”

A slender flaxen-haired man bowed next. “Thank you, Sire. What is our right to hold land and be in charge if we do not seek to improve what we have for the benefit of all? I admit that my other talents come into play. Why not use them for the greater good?”

Rodor nodded. “Why not indeed, Lord Appleby? Such displays might heal the schisms in the outlook toward magic. I welcome them and encourage you in your noble purpose. I would caution you to be careful. Continue on your noble purpose. Be mindful of those around you. I would not want Lady Reyna’s fate to be yours.”

Jealousy and Malice burned in Rothgar’s eye. He, Bernard and several others detested Appleby. Sabotage’s head often reared in multiple fashions. Schemes pushed at boundaries, burned crops and harassed locals. Let Aredian deal with him after Bernard’s brat! Perhaps Uther Pendragon will support us in a coup! Then, we will have real rulers who will understand how deviant Appleby and his ilk really are!

“Thank you.” Appreciation’s smile spread across Appleby’s face. “I appreciate the concern. There is a matter I wished to be heard on with your grace and indulgence, Sire. It is related to your point.”

“Of course.” Rodor noted Concern unsettling Appleby’s face and posture. “And what of your fruit bushes and trees? Are they bearing or not?”

“They were, Sire. Then, it was most curious. The fruit started to disappear. A day later, Lord Rothgar’s banquet table bore pies with that produce! It was the only place he could have acquired the fruit!”

“You can just conjure up more, Appleby! Why do you care?” Rothgar’s face darkened. Impertinence sharpened his tongue and tone.

“LORD ROTHGAR! BE STILL!” Rodor slapped his armrest. Indignation blazed in his eyes. Majesty boomed in his voice. He shook his head. “Lord Appleby, please continue.”

“Aye, Sire. I appreciated Lord Rothgar’s hospitality. I do not appreciate, however, seeing my food presented in such ways. Mortimer, thank the goddess, is still alive. He suffered a frightful beating from brigands who crossed the river. He would have come but he’s confined to his bed. Master Wyngate and your maid, Britomart, saved his life. Thank you.”

“Master Wyngate would say it was his pleasure and duty. Still, I will relay your gratitude to him.” Rodor turned back to Rothgar. “Well, Lord Rothgar, theft, assault, and trespass, is it? That seems to open more issues for you. Perhaps your manor would be better served with a new lord? I remember your father and you standing with Camelot against me. On Lady Reyna’s insistence, I forgave you and your faction. Still, the attacks continue. I would have my representatives hear Mortimer’s words. We’d best hope those with ill intentions are not offered harbor within Nemeth’s borders. There is no payment for treason.”

“Such evidence exists, Sire!”

The matter added layers still….

Chapter 16: Confronting Prejudice


Mithian and Merlin bring Elaine into the court chamber. Mithian hands Rodor the wardship document. Rodor takes it out on Bernard.

Chapter Text

Chapter 14

Mithian offered Royal Nod to the throne. “Pardon us for interrupting the case at hand. We only returned from the forest. It was a most…unusual return…at that. Camelot’s servant, Merlin, Malodius and Lady Elaine of Astolat are with me. Lady Elaine requires a chair. Her ordeal caused her to twist her ankle.”

Appleby bowed. “Milady Princess.”

Rothgar bowed albeit unwillingly. Chauvinism and Ill Regard soured his outlook. He’d see her married, raising children and silenced rather than in male dress and making pronouncements.

“Of course, Daughter.” Rodor signaled to two knights. “Should she not be in the Physician’s Chambers?”

“Aye. She should. I wish for her testimony to be heard before we do so. I would not take from Lords Appleby and Rothgar however. Merlin, help me please.”

“Aye.” Merlin eased Elaine into a vacant chair. “Now you can relax that ankle.” He stepped back. Conspicuousness made him feel out of sorts. He bowed. “King Rodor, greetings. Pardon me.”

“You are always most helpful, Merlin. I welcome your presence. May you inspire others in your realm to have such an open outlook. Please observe. I would speak with you later as well,” Rodor replied.

Merlin nodded. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, Sire, Milady, and Merlin. I…I appreciate it.” A tremble shook Elaine. She managed a bow at the waist for Rodor’s benefit. “I am sorry. That is the best I can do.”

“I see your respect, Lady Elaine. Thank you.” Acknowledgement prompted a nod from Rodor as well. “Now, as to the case at hand, Lord Rothgar, you have admitted yourself to crossing the border between the two manors. You have stolen Lord Appleby’s produce. You willfully trespassed on those lands. You have aided and abetted at least one direct assault on his people. I would speak further with Lord Appleby’s reeve and see it for myself.”

“Pardon me, Sire. What’s to stop Lord Appleby from conjuring up an injury to slander me? Sorcerers can do such things!” Rothgar hissed through clenched teeth.

“I have no reason to do so. You have your land. I have mine. Not everything can be done by a wave of the hand. Honest work, good sweat, and effort breeds satisfaction. I do not take shortcuts.” Appleby bowed to Rodor. “Whenever you would like to visit, please send word, Sire. We will have a proper welcome.”

“Thank you. Lord Rothgar, you owe Lord Appleby recompense for the stolen fruit. Until I can see to the final details, you will stay in my dungeon on the stealing charge. I would not render final verdict on the other matters until I have seen everything for myself.” Rodor turned to Blumenwald. “Can you see to the overseeing of Lord Rothgar’s manor in the meantime?”

“I shall see to it.” Blumenwald quill scratched out that last detail across the parchment’s bottom.

“Very good. Princess Mithian, now that we are finished for the present, I believe you requested to be heard?” Rodor turned to Mithian. “What concerns us? And why is Lady Elaine in such condition?”

Mithian sucked in a deep breath. “Malodius and I found Lady Elaine in the forest in this manner, Sire. She was fleeing from her father and his men. In addition, Aredian was there.” Her eyes narrowed. “He had his hands on her arm.”

“Aredian?” Rodor stiffened. “Are you certain?”

“One does not simply forget that man, Father. Count Bernard was with him. In fact, he’d invited Aredian into Nemeth. And there is this document. If I may approach?” Mithian produced the folded parchment.

“Aye.” Rodor beckoned her forward. “What is this?”

“This is a wardship agreement. Count Bernard attempted to hand Lady Elaine to Aredian without your consent.” Mithian handed him the parchment. “Princess Josiane was to have returned with Count Bernard. Elaine and I came ahead of them.” She nodded to him.

Murmurs and whispers echoed through the chamber. Outrage mixed with Anger. Coughs and guffaws punctuated discussions.

Rodor read Bernard’s document. A knocking from the door echoed to his ears. “AYE?”

“Pardon me, King Rodor!” Josiane stepped into the chamber. She offered a slight bow. She beheld the situation. “I return from the forest. Princess Mithian has explained?”

“Aye! She has. Do you have Count Bernard with you?” Rodor looked up from the document. He handed it over to Blumenwald. “Have you seen this before, Lord Blumenwald?”

Blumenwald read the document over. He stared at Mithian and then at Josiane. “Princess Mithian? Princess Josiane? I did not authorize this! I would never!” His face paled. “Sire.” He held the document to Rodor.

“Make certain that it is secure. Lord Appleby, Lord Rothgar, I wish for you both to observe. That is why I advised Lord Appleby to take care!” Rodor strode forward. Anger narrowed his eyes. “Bring Count Bernard in.”

“Of course.” Josiane stepped back into the passage. “You are Merlin? Perhaps you might help me?”

Merlin rushed out after her. He discovered the semi-conscious Bernard floating on the carpet. “You brought him here like this?”

“Did you think we would risk a horseback ride? There is no telling what lurks in those woods.” Josiane watched the carpet lower to the floor. “Help me with him.” She picked up Bernard’s feet.

“Fine.” Merlin hefted Bernard’s shoulders. He guided her into the chamber. “The carpet could have floated him in here.”

“These men could not handle that. I would not incite the magic haters, Merlin. I should not have to remind you of prejudice.” Josiane sniffed. “Keep a firm grip. He starts to awaken. We would not wish for this buffoon to crack his skull before King Rodor lays sentence. Would we?”

Bernard stirred. His mouth contorted. His eyes blinked. “Mmm…what? Where am I? What is going on?” His eyes opened. “YOU WITCH! PUT ME DOWN! I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE ON THAT BLOODY CARPET! YOU HEAR ME?”

Amusem*nt arched Josiane’s eyebrow. “You have heard the man, Merlin? He wants to be put down. Grant his wish.” She let his feet drop to the floor. Then, she stepped back.

“Fine.” Temptation urged Merlin to simply fling Bernard to the floor. Instead, he helped the other man to his feet. “She’s already brought you back here, Count Bernard.” He stepped back from Bernard. “You might want to turn around.” He pointed toward Rodor and Mithian. Pronounced wince contorted his face.

“Brought me? Turn around? Wait! I know you! You are Prince Arthur of Camelot’s servant! I should have known! I will drag you back to King Uther himself! He will hang your worthless carcass from the walls!” Bernard scoffed. “Why would I…?”

“Aye, Count Bernard. DO turn around!”

Bernard stiffened. Recognition grasped onto Rodor’s voice. Akin to latter day child with the hand in the cookie jar, he slowly edged around bit by bit. He took in the throne chamber around himself. Pity, curses, narrowed eyes and rolling eyes greeted him in the process. He stopped to find Rodor and Mithian standing in front of their thrones. “Sire! I…” He fell to his knees. “Whatever the Princess said, I can explain! She is mistaken! I didn’t….”

Mithian quirked an eyebrow. “I assure you, Father. The evidence is quite clear. Only King Uther’s summons prevented me from bringing Aredian here as well.”

“Pity, Daughter.” Rodor set his jaw. “I’d want that one’s head for myself.” He took a composing breath. “Still, you did the right thing. Uther would start a war over that. As it is, we have enough problems.” He strode toward Bernard. “Are you impugning Princess Mithian, Count Bernard? You would not accuse her of lying, would you? I would think very hard before you do that!” He shook his head. “I have had my fill of sorcerers being hunted because of their magic!” He pointed to Blumenwald. “I HAVE SEEN THE PROOF! COUNT BERNARD, YOU KNOW BETTER! BAD ENOUGH YOU DID WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR WIFE! NOW, LADY ELAINE TOO? FOR SHAME!” He shook his head. “I have given you MORE CHANCES! You have used up your usefulness to me! You are charged with attempted kidnapping, forgery, and treason!”

“Treason?” Bernard ground his teeth. “I never betrayed you!”

“YOU BETRAYED ME WHEN YOU INVITED THAT SCOUNDREL AREDIAN INTO THE KINGDOM! YOU KNOW I BANISHED HIM!” Rodor pulled Bernard back to his feet. “Join Rothgar in my dungeon! Your sentence, Bernard of Astolat, is death! I am glad Lady Elaine lives. She will inherit Astolat. I will see her with a competent husband and steward to help her to run it properly!” He signaled to Galahad. “Take Lord Rothgar and him away!” Dismissal prompted a backhanded wave.

“SIRE! SIRE, WAIT! I!” Bernard struggled as two Nemethian knights dragged him backwards from the dais and the chamber itself.

“I know the way! I go with you peacefully!” Rothgar snarled at the knights. He narrowed his eyes at Rodor.

“Do not look at me in that manner, Lord Rothgar. Take him from my sight before I charge him as well!” Rodor made a face. “They both try my patience!” He looked about the area. Indignation and Outrage darkened his face. “Everyone is dismissed! Come, Daughter!” He squinted at Merlin and Josiane. “You both as well! I must know everything! Lord Blumenwald, please see to Lady Elaine. Have her brought to Master Wyngate. Then, join us.” He shook his head. “I will get to the bottom of this mess!” He marched out of the throne chamber.

Nothing was ever easy…Things, however, were about to get a lot more complicated….

Chapter 17: Morgana's Return to Camelot


Morgana returns to Camelot. Discovers the truth behind Merlin's act especially where Arthur's concerned.

Chapter Text

Chapter 15 [Camelot, Physician’s Chambers—Mere Grains of the Hourglass following Morgana’s and Merlin’s Disappearance]

Disorientation unsteadied Morgana yet again. Glare blinded her. Her mind buzzed. She ground her teeth. Warmth however faded in face of Reality’s chill. Magic burned within herself. She sucked in several composing breaths. Where am I now? Her eyes blurred back into focus.

Once again, Gaius’ chamber loomed about her. Everything seemed as it had been before the goddess teleported Merlin and her to that side realm. Books piled on table. Herbs and elixirs awaited patients’ needs. Apparatus awaited procedures. Sol streamed through Overcast’s veil and windows.

Differences, however, threatened to overwhelm her. Energies buffeted her. Whispers echoed off of the stones. Auras bobbed and floated out in the passage. Visions floated before her eyes. “Merlin? Merlin?” She looked around. Anxiety and Nerves numbed her mind. Instinct pressed her to hide in Merlin’s room. “Merlin, where are you?”

I sent him back to Whitgate with Mithian of Nemeth and Elaine of Astolat. You are back in Gaius’ chambers once more. You can speak with Merlin and Mithian if you so wish. You can also speak with another. Is that not right, Kilgarrah?

Aye. I will speak with her. Kilgarrah rolled an eye. Trust in Morgana remained in short supply. Uther is enough of a threat to Merlin and you. You must exercise great care. I will remind Merlin as well. One slip with this man is enough.

Wait! Morgana rubbed her forehead. I am hearing you in my mind? Really? Are you really that dragon in the caves below?

Aye, Morgana. I am that same dragon. Merlin and Gaius would tell you as much. No one can know. Through Merlin, I know of your friendship with the maid. You cannot tell her, Arthur, or Uther. Any of them would turn you into this Witchfinder. Again, you must take great care, Kilgarrah clarified.

Just know you are not alone, my Lady Morgana, Accolon interjected.

Relief eased her mood. Accolon! Thank the goddess! I am back in Camelot and in Gaius’ chamber. Where are you?

I have returned to my camp. My knights and I will depart shortly. We are coming directly to you. Follow Kilgarrah’s advice. It is sound. Take care. Remember, now that Uther and my father agreed to our marriage…now that we have offered ourselves and accepted ourselves…now that the Lady has blessed our union…you are my Queen. If Aredian touches you, it will mean war. King Rodor and Princess Mithian will support me. Accolon set his jaw. Despite his apparent certainty, Worry chilled his resolve. Determination would see him and his consort ride into Camelot in short order.

Nemeth? They are but a small kingdom! Against the Knights of Camelot? Accolon! Uther’s knights outnumber his! Doubt and disbelief quirked her eyebrow and raised questions. A chuckle raised further questions in her mind.

Not everything comes down to numbers of knights. Uther is well aware of Rodor’s capabilities. You have seen some of them but not all. Aredian has already breached the peace in Nemeth. If he raises a finger against Merlin or you, he will have another incident. Accolon cleared his throat.

Another incident? Sarcastic raspberry sputtered past Morgana’s lips. Arthur will try to stop Aredian and protect Merlin of course. Still, he cannot stand against Arthur by himself. Ealdor is but a peasant village in the Essetir. Uther would burn Merlin if he knew the truth!

There is another tie being confirmed, my Children. Emrys’ lineage is being exposed. Within a few turns of the hourglass, he will discover this for himself. Now, prepare, Morgana, Arthur approaches. Remember, you must seem as you have always been. Think of Emrys and his actions. Trust in yourself. With that, the goddess went silent.

I can hear you. If something happens, call out. I will hear you, Accolon confirmed. If she cannot, can I rely on you, Dragon?

You can. The goddess wishes our cooperation. I am watching. I hope that I can be released. We will speak on this soon, Morgana Pendragon. Kilgarrah cut off his conversation as well.

Morgana rubbed her forehead. Assumptions had framed her understanding of Camelot’s affairs. Observation had granted her insight. Now, however, Revelations betrayed hidden secrets and affairs kept from her. Merlin’s and Accolon’s magic, Kilgarrah’s intelligence, the goddess’ interest in her. Her own magic cinched that matter.

Aredian posed a real threat to Merlin, her and everything else. Uther restrained that mad dog by fraying leash. Alas! From Empathy’s vibes across the shared links, she’d discerned the others’ reactions to the hunter. Despite Changed Status, he’d target her as well. Hesitation would not hold him back.

Banging came from the door. “MERLIN!!!” More banging followed. “MERLIN!! I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” He forced the door open. “Morgana?” Surprise almost pushed him back into the passage.

“Aye, Arthur.” She smoothed her gown. “I was looking for a remedy.” She surveyed the room. A frown curled at the sides of her mouth. “Merlin was supposed to be helping me.” An exaggerated sigh and eye roll helped to sell that point.

He coughed. “He’s probably at the tavern again. Father will have his head! He wants the guest quarters prepared for Prince Accolon immediately. Aredian is to made welcome. And what does Merlin do? He just disappears!” He threw his hand up in the air.

Somehow, she managed to keep a straight face. Merlin actually has Arthur fooled. Completely fooled! Amusem*nt, however, had its secret jest at Arthur’s expense. “Leave Prince Accolon to me. I will ask the King if I can be there to greet him when he arrives.” And it’s King Accolon not Prince! Who’s the idiot now, Arthur? I will greet him as his prospective Queen not just some simpering ward!

Patience, Morgana Pendragon. Remember, we cannot give Uther any reason to go back on his word, the goddess interjected.

Aye, Lady. Morgana curled her lip. She wanted to be in Tintagel right then and there. Any place but Camelot. She could even give Gwen everything as well. Everything….

…wait…Amor’s fly buzzed about in that soup…scratch that….

Gwen would make that choice. She rubbed her forehead. “I wish I had that remedy. These headaches and the sleepless nights….”

Arthur’s face darkened. “Just wait until Merlin gets back here….”

“Arthur, Merlin’s probably out gathering herbs for Gaius. At least that’s what he told me. Anything for the Crown. Right?” Nemeth’s and Mithian’s rather than yours, Arthur. She motioned toward the passage. “On second thought, I think some wine would help me to relax. We should be at our best for those guests.”

“Aye. We should.” He glanced around the chambers again. Gaius’ errands or not, Uther’s matters held priority. He’d remind Merlin about that (again). He led her from the area and shut the door behind them.

Deception wove its web in such ways….

Chapter 18: Meetings Across Boundaries


Ywain runs into his wife's steward who informs him of others close by. Meantime, Lancelot, Percival, and Gawain help Balinor to get to Whitgate.


Laudine and Lunete are from Chretien’s Ywain. By the way, yes, we are twisting still further. A few more folks we are familiar with from the series are showing up here as well....

Chapter Text

Chapter 15
[Halfway between Mithian’s former campsite and Whitgate—Sunset]

Sol settled toward Horizon’s western edge. Reds, golds and purples burnished parting Overcast’s skies. Breeze rustled through bare branches and yellowed grass. Cold dirt had frozen rock hard. Flurries danced about in the darkening air overhead.

Another of Jack Frost’s chilly specials coming up….


Ywain set his sword down against a tree. He took a deep draught from his water skin. I hope Princess Mithian and Lady Elaine are all right. Malodius is with them. It is the triple goddess herself who took them away from here. She said she’d bring them to Whitgate. Princess Josiane took Count Bernard back to the King for security. Britomart can handle herself in a battle. I am sure Lady Laudine is watching us.


A dark frown curled the sides of his mouth. He glanced up into the darkening skies. Luna already ascended toward her zenith. He shook his head. Another month and it will be a year. I owe her a visit. I wish I could bring her to court! King Rodor would welcome her. She shares the same outlook with Princess Mithian and Princess Josiane. Lunete and Britomart would get along well.

I am glad you are thinking of our lady, Brave Knight. A slender woman slipped out from behind a central birch tree. Her chocolate brown tresses poked out from her hood. Emerald eyes glinted at him. “I do have our Lady’s court to run, you know.”

“I am very well aware. Bigotry still presses down on sorcerers and magical creatures. I do my duty to the triple goddess.” Guilt sagged on his conscience. Duties clashed with Duties. “Can I let the world go? Laudine should know that my mind is always on her.”

“She knows. She would appreciate a visit however.” Lunete watched Britomart start the campfire. “That one has more facets than even she knows.”

“Perhaps Laudine might move to Whitgate? King Rodor and Princess Mithian would welcome her. Perhaps an arrangement could be made where she and I can be together between Whitgate and the Fountain?” Ywain signaled to Britomart.

“The goddess would favor such an arrangement. Perhaps it might happen. It would favor all concerned.” Lunete glanced at the trees behind Britomart. “There is another reason I came. There are three men traveling out there. They need to get to Whitgate to see your King. One of them is a very old friend of yours. Go ahead. I will speak with the Fire Hair.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. As usual, Lunete’s cryptic clues kept him on edge. Still, Trust in her remained at a high level. “I will return.” He grabbed his sword. “Britomart, watch the camp. I will be right back.” He passed her and disappeared into the trees.

“Where is he going?” Britomart stopped short of Lunete. She slid her blade from its scabbard. “And why would Sir Ywain leave you here and go off alone?” Caution pressed her to size the newcomer up again.

“Perhaps because I am his wife’s steward? I bear a message from Lady Laudine and another from the goddess, Britomart. Such matters will concern you as well.” Lunete nodded. “You might wish to prepare. There will be another patient soon enough.” She studied the woods anew.

How can she know that? Britomart sheathed her blade once more. Her eyes followed Lunete’s.

Mysteries abounded...Connections awaited….


[A Few Hundred Yards Away]

Just out of the Nemeth camp’s sight, Lancelot brought an armful of wood into another small clearing. Mercenary opportunities had fallen off. He’d fought well for King Bors in Gaul. Still, Uther’s banishment order discouraged some rulers. Tintagel stuck close to Camelot (although they still let him pass through the kingdom). Sporadic work had enabled him to get by.

King Rodor, word had it, had Recruitment’s door wide open. Quality character and ethics mattered of course. Unlike Uther’s clinging to the Knight’s Code, Rodor balanced that against the Capability Laws. Three extraordinary tasks for Nemeth merited noble status.

Bors wrote about my duty for him. Let’s hope Rodor takes that! He set the wood down not far from the fire. “That feels good!” Gratitude brightened his expression. A smile across his face. He rubbed his hands together and blew on them.

Percival grinned. “Warm yourself up, Lancelot.” He fed a few sticks to the fire. “Gawain’s still not back.” He motioned toward the saddlebags. “I hope he remembered what I told him. Royal land’s not far from here.”

Lancelot rolled his eyes. Irreverence seemed to guide Gawain in most regards. Still, his hunting skills netted game on most days. “I have to believe that he will find something. Our stomachs depend on it. I am going to check on Balinor.”

“Aye. He was asking about Gawain and you.” Percival scratched his head. Downpour three nights earlier forced impromptu shelter in a cave. There, Gawain, Lancelot and he ran into the ragged Balinor. Despite his aloofness, they noted Balinor’s weakness. Lancelot and he convinced Balinor to come with them. They rode in bits and starts. “We are still three days away from Whitgate at this rate.”

“His sickness?” Concern raised Lancelot’s eyebrow. He shot another glance toward the fur bundle across the clearing.

Percival offered only a shrug. “Balinor holds his own. Beyond that, I cannot say. I agree with Blancheflor. We need Master Wyngate to look at him. I am not a healer. Neither are Gawain or you.” He waved Gawain over. “We were thinking you were never going to come back.”

“You need to learn some patience, Percy. You know that?” A snort escaped Gawain’s nose. He held up two skinned rabbits. “Had to chase them clear back toward Mercia. These woods are dead!” Frustration narrowed his brow. He grabbed a water skin. “Hey, Balinor! Thirsty?”

Balinor nodded. “Thank you. Glad to see you brought back something.” He forced himself to sit up. “What’d you find?”

“Two rabbits. Nothing around here like you said. Backtracked and found ‘em by the stream a ways up.” Gawain pointed northeast. “Didn’t see anyone.” He handed him the water skin. “Drink up.”

Balinor took a deep mouthful. “Glad someone does something like that.” He handed the skin back to Gawain. “You filled at the spring. Good. We should eat before heading any further.” He raised a bony finger toward the west. “That’s royal demesne. We cannot hunt on that land.”

“That’s what Percy and Lance told me too. Whatever.” Gawain looked at the sick man. “Maybe we can take off and make up some time? We can get to Whitgate that much sooner.”

“Riding through the woods at night? Gawain, who knows what is out there?” Lancelot brought over a pair of branches. “See you found something.”

“Lance, Balinor’s getting warmer. I’m not a healer. I know what sick feels like. He’s getting hot.” Gawain bowed his head. Memoria berated him over his mother’s decline and death a decade earlier. Determination would not let it happen again.

“Listen to him, Lancelot!” Balinor’s fist stifled a rasping cough. “I…I need to eat. Then, we can leave.” Fur blotted his forehead. Several deep breaths punctuated by coughs pushed from his mouth. Phlegm spat on the ground. “We…we are riding too slowly.” His lungs heaved in another breath. “Wyngate will know.” His head bowed. If only Kilgarrah was still alive, he would know. Uther had to murder every dragon! He ground his teeth.

“You seemed ready to fall out of the saddle this morning. You just woke up a quarter hourglass ago.” Lancelot glanced back at Percival by the fire. He discerned heavier sweat glistening on Balinor’s face. “We are….” He stiffened.

Rustling in the woods reached their ears.

“Yeah! I did all right!” Gawain drew his sword. “I know I did not lead anyone back here! I stayed out of that royal land too. I’ve got enough with Uther and the Big Red Can up north!”

“Tell me about it!” Lancelot held his own sword at the ready. “Percival! There’s someone out there!” He stood. “COME OUT! WE KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE!”

“So, you do, Lancelot.” Ywain pushed his way through the undergrowth. “Apologies! I saw the fire. I had to make sure you were not poachers.”

Gawain snorted. His eyebrow twitched. “Ol’ Rodor doesn’t have to worry about us. We know the line’s about thirty yards that way.” A saucy finger pointed west. “Hey! Friend of ours needs a healer. That guy…Win…with you?”

“Nay. Britomart is back in the other camp. I am sure she will help your friend.” Snigg*r escaped Ywain’s lips. “She may backhand you though.”

“Backhand?” Lancelot stared at Gawain. “What did you do?”

“What did I…?” Gawain’s hand stifled a cough. “Red has to always get the last word. Well, Brit won’t get it around me.” He cleared his throat.

“Does anyone ever?” Ywain shook his head. In the few meetings at tournaments, Gawain’s irreverence turned him off. “Where is this friend?”

“Sir…Sir Ywain?” Balinor supported himself against the nearest tree. “By the goddess! It has been years….” A grunt pushed from his mouth.

“Sir Balinor!” Ywain stared at his long-lost colleague. “We thought you were dead!” Joy brightened his face. He threw his arms around Balinor. “Our camp is but a few hundred yards from here into the demesne. We will get you back to Whitgate. Master Wyngate will cure you.”

“Wyngate’s still there.” Balinor forced himself to his feet. A smile spread across his face. “And Prince Rodor?”

“He’s now King. His daughter is now Princess Mithian. They will be delighted to see you! Malodius will as well! He is still at his post in Whitgate.” Ywain slid his arm under Balinor’s left arm. “I can help you over to the other camp.”

Or you can get some help? Lunete appeared in a puff of mist. “Greetings, Sir Balinor. I have heard Sir Ywain lament to Lady Laudine over your absence. The goddess herself smiles on you. She has purpose for you back in Whitgate.” She placed her hand on Balinor’s shoulder. She discerned his illness. Let this Wyngate tell him. He has one purpose there that the goddess wishes for him anyhow. More mists swirled about Ywain, Balinor and her.

“Find Britomart and the servants! Tell them that I am in Whitgate!” Thickening mists swallowed Ywain whole as he, Balinor and she vanished from sight.

Gawain grabbed the rabbits. “Guess that’s that.” Scowl contorted his face. Lectures and haranguing awaited him in that camp. He stalked over to his horse.

“I’ll put the fire out.” Percival motioned to Lancelot and then over toward Gawain. Then, he headed for the campfire.

The things we deal with. At least they can see not all magic is bad! Lancelot picked up Balinor’s discarded furs. We can find a use for these later. He started to collect everything for a ride over to the Nemeth camp.

Details could change plans….

Chapter 19: Connections Revealed


More stuff about Merlin comes out...

Chapter Text

Chapter 17 [Royal Dining Chamber, Whitgate—A Quarter Turn of the Hourglass Following Chapter 14]

Servants bustled about the area. Torchlight reflected off the oak table. Utensils and goblets awaited their use in front of each chair. The fireplace maintained covered plates’ warmth. Wine, water and mead sat in their vessels on the chamber’s other side.

Preparation done…The King’s mood scurried them apart like mice….


Rodor stormed into the chamber. Anger and frustration frothed inside of himself. Violated sovereignty and threats struck to his core. Bernard’s insubordination wore down Obligation’s protection. Aredian’s kidnapping attempt proved the final straw. His squinted eyes glared at Mithian and the others. “I cannot believe this! I banished Aredian!” His fist crashed down onto the table. Impact shook the chamber.

Merlin held Elaine back in the passage. His eyes met Josiane’s. Anxiety swelled within himself. Do I tell them why Aredian was called back to Camelot? He sucked in a tortured breath. Should I tell them that I did that? I let my guard down. For once, I was that idiot Arthur keeps calling me. I deserve that. Aredian’s hunting me next. Morgana’s magic will make her a target. He bowed his head.

“Merlin? Merlin, what is it?” Josiane put her hand on his arm.

Merlin shook Josiane off. “Not yet. Let King Rodor and Princess Mithian deal with Aredian and Count Bernard.” He motioned toward the resident royals. Guilt worked over and over in his mind. “Lady Elaine did not deserve her father’s or Aredian’s abuse.” He helped Elaine toward the table. “Take it slow, Milady.”

“Merlin, thank you. You should not trouble yourself with me.” Elaine settled into a chair at the table. Pain shot through her ankle. She ground her teeth.

Mithian turned toward a woman in an emerald dress. “Matilda, fetch Master Wyngate immediately! Bring him back here.” She ran her hands through her hair. “Sire, how can Count Bernard act in this way?”

Matilda curtseyed to Mithian. Without another word, she hustled toward the door and passageway beyond.

Rodor sucked in a calming breath. “His hatred of sorcery overwhelms his common sense, Daughter. I have tolerated his attitude because of his service long ago. I am sorry. No more! He committed two treasonable offenses against me. His abuse of Lady Elaine cannot stand either. Is it her fault that she cannot control her magic? No one ever worked with her. Britomart and Master Wyngate have reported on the mushrooms to suppress her abilities. He refused to bring you to court, Lady Elaine, despite repeated invitations to do so. He ignored my insistence. Now, he invites an enemy of the Realm into our kingdom and seeks to collaborate with King Uther of Camelot against my prerogative. Why should those with magic, magical creatures or those of are both suffer because of ignorance or hate? I say nay! NAY!!”

“That is Uther Pendragon, King Rodor.” Josiane tapped her fingers on the table. “His support enables this Aredian to disrespect Princess Mithian. He challenged me to a battle. It is only due to Sir Ywain and Princess Mithian that I did not cross blades with that braggart.” Disdain’s sniff flared through her nostrils. She raised an eyebrow.

“I did not want a bigger incident.” Mithian frowned. “Count Bernard disrespected our royal prerogative. He claimed his right as a father overrode your authority as King. Aredian disregarded me. He treated me as an ignorant child. Our views will start a war? I think not.”

Rodor raised an eyebrow. “Did he now?” He looked over the unsealed parchment again. “As I said in the throne chamber earlier, rebellion simmers. I cannot say that King Uther wants a rebellion. I will say that his support emboldens Aredian and Count Bernard. Still, to openly challenge you on royal hunting land? Nay. I am fed up with such insolence!” He shook his head. “He has challenged your grandfather’s rule and mine too often. This has to stop.”

“But how, Father? His army outnumbers ours. Even with Malodius’ capabilities, we would be hard pressed to defeat them. King Accolon might help but…” Mithian bit her lip.

“Hold! King Accolon? You mean Prince Accolon of Tintagel?” Rodor cleared his throat. He signaled the remaining servant to fill their goblets. “King Ruthbert is still on the throne.”

“His father passed through the Veil, Sire. Accolon is now King. Pity that there are no more dragon lords to help us such as in days of yore.” Mithian shook her head.

“Just as well.” Josiane shook her head. “Boeve has told me enough of them.”

“They are not so bad. One has helped me…to help Camelot.” Merlin slipped out. He drank a few gulps from his goblet.

The royal trio turned to him all at once. Disbelief stiffened them. Shock and Surprise knocked their thinking offline. Merlin, it seemed, had yet another level.

What did I just….? Merlin chastised himself. Great. Let that secret go.

“Sire, Merlin is referring to Kilgarrah, the Great Dragon. He spoke to me earlier today. It seems he is alive. Uther has him imprisoned beneath Camelot. He and Merlin have a link as well.” Mithian stole a look over at Merlin. Do not worry, Merlin. Kilgarrah is a hero to us here in Nemeth. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with him.

“Wait!” Rodor raised his hand. “So, you say Kilgarrah’s alive? After all of these years, he has been trapped by Uther’s malice?” Compassion and Lament bowed his head. “Alas! My comrade! I owe him my life on more than one occasion. So does King Bors of Gaul. It is a pity that his rider disappeared years ago.” He ground his teeth. “You talk to dragons, do you, Merlin? Your skills never cease to amaze. Uther and Arthur truly do not appreciate you.”

“I talk to him. I do not control him or manage him, Sire.” Merlin bit his lip. Kilgarrah, can we trust King Rodor?

Of course, Merlin! Do send him my regards. One day, it is my fondest hope to return to Nemeth and visit with him again, Kilgarrah agreed.

“He sends his regards, King Rodor.” Merlin took a draught from his water goblet. Assurances eased his mind and mood. Once more, he turned back to the problem at hand. “I wish I could free him.”

Rodor puzzled over that insight. “He just talked to you? Right now?”

“Aye, King Rodor. He did so.” Merlin’s nerves flared within himself. Despite Reassurance’s promises, Rodor’s outlook still concerned him. Despite differences with Uther and Arthur, he felt pulled back toward Camelot and Arthur. “This is the first time I heard him in my mind.”

“Only Dragon Lords have that gift, Merlin. You should take care around Camelot. Alas! I fear for you there. As for Kilgarrah, aye. He should be freed. Once more, Uther’s perfidy knows no bounds!” Rodor stewed over that insight. “Pardon me, Merlin. I forget myself. He is your King.” He shook his head. “He’d kill you if he knew that you were talking with Kilgarrah. The fact that Kilgarrah’s guidance helped you to help Camelot would drive him to the brink of insanity. His hate is that strong.”

“Pity. Kilgarrah and his fellow dragons served. King Uther lured them to their deaths through lies and deceits. One rider escaped. One day, it is my hope that he will return….” Mithian turned to Merlin. “The last Dragon Lord is still out there.”

“It has been too many years, Princess Mithian. Balinor is dead. He has met your goddess.” Josiane bit back her caustic comment. Hate rode her beloved’s prejudice through her mind. “Does he speak to you even now?”

“He speaks to us both. I am grateful for his trust. I hope to meet him one day soon.” Mithian turned to Merlin. “I know we have our situation. Still, I have to ask. Who are your parents? Perhaps you are related to a dragon lord?”

“Balinor had no children.” Rodor exhaled a deep breath. “When Uther threatened us, he was about to bring his beloved back here from a village in the Essetir. Instead, he could not bear to harm her or us. He fled north. That was the last we saw of him. I often wonder what became of that woman in that village.”

“Such a tragic tale. It is a pity that he is not here. He could help to control the dragon.” Josiane shook her head. “Did he say her name? The woman?”

“Aye. I remember.” Rodor nodded. “It was Hunith.”

Merlin froze. His latest mouthful of water went down the wrong way. “Did…Did you say Hunith?” Shock raised an eyebrow. Could my father be this Balinor? If so, why did Mother never mention him?

“Aye. I did. That is all he said. He said they’d spent only a few weeks together in her village. I remember he wanted her to have more than that existence.” Rodor studied Merlin. Observation took in the younger man’s disconcerted appearance. “Why? Did you know this Hunith?”

Mithian put her hand on Merlin’s arm. Shock and Surprise resonated across her senses. Recognition jarred her as well. “Merlin? Whatever it is, it is all right. I can see you at least knew her.”

Merlin sucked in a deep breath. I do know her. He bit his lip. “Hunith is my mother. The village is Ealdor. I never knew my father. Mother would never talk of him. She never remarried. She did say he was not there for long. A season perhaps?”

“By the goddess, Merlin.” Rodor allowed a smile to spread across his face. “You are Sir Balinor’s son. You are no mere servant. You are a true nobleman by blood and deed. No wonder you fight at Prince Arthur’s side as you do.”

“You are his son? That means you have the talent!” Mithian blurted out. Excitement bubbled up inside of herself. Imagination played visions of Merlin riding on Kilgarrah’s back into battle. “Father, Merlin has to stay here! We cannot let him go back to Camelot with Aredian and King Uther waiting to kill him!”

“Princess Mithian has raised a telling point, King Rodor.” Josiane regarded Merlin once again. Boeve’s admiration for her fellow guest was very familiar to her. Merlin’s deeds read like Epics of Old in her mind. “Uther Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon would kill him if they knew about him.”

More so than you know. As if his magic was not a considerable enough force? Now, he’s a potential Dragon Lord as well? We should be fortunate that his outlook is what it is. How I wish he was my subject rather than Uther’s! I would allow him to grow as he would need to. “Aye they would. Others have paid dearly to protect Merlin’s secret already.” Rodor rubbed his chin. “I wish I could simply request your services, Merlin. I do not think Uther would allow us that. He cannot get suspicious….”

“Thank you for the consideration, Sire.” Gratitude and Relief eased Merlin’s state of mind. Consternation and Debate raged within himself. On the one hand, Loyalty pulled him back toward Camelot and Arthur’s service. Prophecy demanded Arthur’s ascension as the Once and Future King. Gaius needed aid. Sorcerous threats arose to threaten Camelot’s existence. On the other side, however, Promise abounded in his current place. Alternatives seemed to abound in Nemeth. Co-existence rather than hiding in the shadows. Understanding rather than ignorance. Collaboration with others like himself. Family and Nobility tugged at him…

…and then, there was Mithian’s concern versus Arthur’s bellowing…


What the? Merlin’s brow furrowed. Her excitement and fascination registered in his mind. Still, Warmth, Curiosity and Interest warmed him. His heart skipped a beat. His eyes squinted toward her. Reaction sent questions buzzing about in his mind.

Mithian, for her part, glanced back at him. Twinkle danced about in her eyes. A simple nod…almost imperceptible at that… Smile’s barest tug of her lips…again almost imperceptible…but both there nonetheless.

A sharp knocking interrupted this interchange. “Sire! Princess Mithian!” Ywain stuck his head into the chamber. “Pardon my interruption. Master Wyngate sent me. He has an urgent patient. Right now, he operates to save the man’s life.” He bowed to Rodor. “He has returned! I fear for his health but he has returned!”

Rodor rose from his seat. “Thank you for letting us know about our physician, Sir Ywain. Who has returned?”

“Our long lost Dragon Rider. Sir Balinor is upstairs with Master Wyngate, Sire! Perhaps you should follow me?” Ywain opened the door still wider.

“He’s here?” Mithian turned to Merlin. “Merlin! You can meet him! Let’s go!” She got up from her own seat. “Sire, maybe Princess Josiane can stay with Lady Elaine? We can go with Sir Ywain up there?”

“A worthy plan indeed, Daughter. Come along, Merlin. Let us see my long lost friend and comrade.” Rodor guided them from the chamber.

My father? I could know my father? Merlin scratched his head. He had difficulty with grasping that. Loyalty pulled him back toward Camelot. Still, Heredity and Curiosity tugged im toward the Physician’s Chambers.

Conundrums were never easily solved….

Chapter 20: Balinor and Merlin Meet


Balinor lingers in the Physician's Chambers. Rodor, Mithian, and Merlin come in. Rodor and Mithian reassure Balinor of his standing. Merlin meets his father at last. Balinor explains the Dragon Lord's mantle. Then, he passes on leaving the mantle to Merlin. Mithian's realization of her feelings starts to happen here.

Chapter Text

Chapter 18 [Physician’s Chambers]

An elderly man shuffled about his sanctum. Tomes lined bookshelves along the walls. Lab apparatus, glass vessels and candles sat on a chipped oak table. Balinor reclined on a cot to his right. “Praise be! I cannot believe you are alive!” He examined the prone man’s wounds. Despite Healing’s efforts, Infection festered and burned at the gashed right side and leg. Sweat beaded on his forehead and soaked his hair. He confirmed Gawain’s earlier suspicions. Wine and rose water attempted to clean the wounds.

Balinor set his jaw. Firm Resolve refused to waver. “Cen…red’s raiders. Mmm! Gawain and Lancelot found me.” A deep breath pushed from his mouth. Chill numbed his arms and legs. Effort became more and more necessary for him to move. “Master Wyngate, I…need to speak with the King and Prince Rodor.”

“Rodor is now our King, Sir Balinor.” Wyngate patted Balinor’s hand. “He understands why you left. His gratitude and appreciation are well known. Sir Ywain will bring him and the Princess up here.” Consideration determined the proper elixir. He shuffled over to the patient’s side.

Balinor nodded. A terse grunt hissed through clenched teeth. Resignation knew the Cailleach lurked nearby. Necessity and Conscience dictated last words to his Prince…now King. Regret hung over his head. Lament wished for a last ride to the Essetir…and a certain village there….

…to Hunith…

Pained sigh deflated Balinor’s lungs. He slumped back onto the cot. Memoria took him back. Diplomatic journey to Mercia’s court ended sooner than expected. Leisurely return took him south. Unfortunate ambush left him wounded. Kind villagers found him. Hunith tended to him. Care and concern turned to friendship. Warmth ignited Amor’s flame. The couple drew closer. He and she consummated their feelings just before his departure. He promised to return.

Alas, Reader! Promise unfulfilled….

Hunith had to have found someone else. A woman of that quality stands above all others. A smile cracked across Balinor’s face. Surely, she has a man and family to care for her. If anyone deserves that, it is Hunith. He shook his head. Kilgarrah must hate me if Uther has not killed him.

“Preserve your strength, Sir Balinor. Take some of this.” Wyngate held the elixir to Balinor’s mouth. He eased the lime green fluid into the other’s mouth. “My apologies. It is bitter.”

“I know your medicines are good, Master…Wyngate.” Balinor swallowed hard. Coughs echoed from his mouth. “At least…I can…give allegiance once more. I…I…wish there’d been…a son to pass…mantle on to.” Pain stabbed through his side. Grimace twisted his mouth.

Where is Ywain? He knows Balinor’s state! Wyngate dabbed Balinor’s forehead again. Desperation shot his eyes toward the door. His own frown deepened. “Uther gave you little choice.” He heard the door swing open.

“Master Wyngate?” Ywain hustled into the chamber. “I found them! There is someone else with them. The King wanted Merlin here as well.”

“Merlin?” Wyngate’s eyebrow arched. “Arthur’s servant and Gaius’ ward?” His eyes narrowed. “If that is King Rodor’s wish.” He stepped off to the side. “Sire! Sir Balinor awaits you!”

“King…Rodor?” Balinor braced himself up on his arm. Effort pushed him onto his good side. “Pardon me,…Sire. I…I cannot kneel….” Despite Age’s frosting of Rodor’s hair and beard, he recognized his friend and liege. “Thank…you for seeing me. I…abandoned….”

Rodor hustled to Balinor’s bedside. Joy warmed him over the latter’s return. Wyngate’s eyes and posture, however, alerted him to the grim outcome. “You sacrificed for Nemeth. You abandoned no one! Father and I kept your place. It will be all right, Sir Balinor. I wish we would have been at full strength. Queen Taene, our children and I appreciate your sacrifice. There are two others you need to meet.” He turned toward Merlin and Mithian. “Daughter, Merlin, please come in.”

“Daughter? Merlin?” Balinor watched Merlin and Mithian enter the chamber. “Princess…Mithian?” He studied Merlin. “Did Master…Wyngate say Merlin is Gaius’ ward…Arthur’s servant? He…serves Camelot?” His eyes narrowed. Suspicion darkened his thoughts. “Uther…send him?”

“He does because his mother sent him to Camelot, Sir Balinor.” Mithian edged her way up to Balinor’s bedside. Admiration overwhelmed her. “Father and the others have told me so much. Your deeds are preserved downstairs in the Hall of Heroes. Your service and sacrifice are well known. It is an honor to meet you.” Chill assaulted her senses. “Thank you.”

“Well said, Daughter.” Rodor rubbed her shoulder. “Nay, Sir Balinor. Uther did not send Merlin. He accompanied Princess Mithian back here. He is also one of Nemeth’s heroes. He is important to you.”

“Important?” Disbelief pressed a cough from Balinor. “H…How is that boy important to me?” He regarded Merlin anew. “So, Merlin is it?” He ground his teeth. His throat cleared.

“Aye, Sir Balinor.” Merlin drew closer to Balinor. He met Wyngate’s, Rodor’s, Mithian’s and then Balinor’s eyes in turn. “Merlin of Ealdor actually. I am told you knew Hunith?”

Balinor stiffened. “Aye. I knew her for a brief time…a too brief time. It was long ago. You are from that village? You must know her as well.” He relaxed slightly. His eyes locked in on Merlin’s. Affirmation sought out any clue…any trace of Lie or Deceit in the younger man.

Merlin bit his lip. Balinor’s acknowledgment answered his first question. “I know Hunith very well. She is my mother.” He exhaled a deep breath. “She would never tell me about my father.” He shook his head.

“Your…father?” Balinor narrowed his eyes. “Hunith…must have remarried. She…”

Merlin shook his head. “She and I are all the family we have. She never married.” He studied the dying man. “She remains strong. I wish…I….” He bowed his head.

Skepticism faded ever so slightly for Balinor. He could see Reverence in Merlin’s demeanor. Furthermore, Merlin’s age corresponded to his time in Ealdor. “I…I…am glad someone was there for her. I am…am sorry it could not be me.” Sharp breath rasped through his teeth.

Merlin nodded. “King Rodor and Princess Mithian have helped me to understand. I wish Mother could be here. She should be.” Recriminations burned in his brain. Demands lay on his tongue. Balinor’s regret, however, silenced those things. Instead, Determination pressed to know more from him.

Balinor scoffed that notion off. “She…thinks I deserted her. I deserve that. Listen to me. Cam…Camelot…is dangerous, Merlin. Af…After my death, you must take great care. If you are my son, you will receive my gift. Uther will kill you for it.” His hand seized onto Merlin’s. “Do you hear me?”

Merlin stiffened. Uther’s threat remained constant to Gaius and him. That shadow fell across Morgana as well. Harassment and execution awaited any captured sorcerer. Despite Duty and Life Debts, Merlin held no illusions. Penalty remained constant….

…Uther and Aredian together made that doubly so…

“Gift?” Merlin guessed at Balinor’s intent. Still, he needed to know for sure. “I already have magic. Were you a sorcerer?”

Wry sniff and cough served as Balinor’s replies to him. Once more, his throat cleared. “Nay, Merlin. As King Rodor…and Princess…Mithian have said, I am a Dragon Rider. Ability…passes…” He wheezed. “…passes from father to son upon the elder’s death….I…I am going….” He reached out to Wyngate. “Water please.”

“Sir Balinor, you should relax. Merlin, I am sure….” Wyngate handed him the cup. Concern knitted itself across his brow. He shook his head at Merlin. He wanted his friend and patient’s comfort not to be uptight or harassed.

Balinor drank another mouthful. He shook the notion off. Exhaustion weighed on his limbs and shoulders more and more. “Nay. I have to say this to Merlin. If he is my son…he…he must know.” Another cough punctuated his response. “Merlin, listen…well. Dragon Lord has to be strong…has to have purpose. No doubt. Look the dragon in the eye. Remember, the Dragon’s heart is on the right side. You will be…that one’s brother. You will be bonded to each other. He or she has to listen to you. You also should listen…” Coughs spewed forth. Phlegm and droplets of blood dribbled from his mouth.

Merlin dabbed Balinor’s mouth with a rag. “I…I understand. I have to free Kilgarrah. He is the last.”

“Kilgarrah…lives?” A tear sparkled in Balinor’s eye. “Uther killed…dragons…and other riders….”

Merlin rubbed his forehead. “Nay.”

Rodor placed his hand on Balinor’s shoulder. “Uther has kept the Great Dragon chained under Camelot in a cave. Merlin found him.”

“He called out to me when I arrived there. He sensed my presence,” Merlin affirmed.

Balinor nodded. “Then, you are my son. Our…our bond was already manifesting…manifesting in you. When I…I…pass on, you will…will be the last Dragon Lord. It will be you…and our heirs…to carry on line…Please, Merlin….”

Merlin nodded. Purpose steadied him in that heartbeat. Once more, he looked to Rodor and Mithian. “I will. I promise.”

“Promise me that you’ll free Kilgarrah. Give…give my best…to Kilgarrah. I have…asked Ywain to do so as well. Tell your mother I never…forgot…her. I am…am…sorry for ab…abandoning…her and you.” Balinor grabbed Merlin’s hand harder still. “Be that servant…serve others not… just… Pendragons…”

“He is that, Sir Balinor. I can assure you. He has already saved Nemeth from Cawdorian incursion.” Rodor placed his hand on Balinor’s arm. “We will be watching as well.”

“We will be friends and support as we can be.” Reverence spread a smile across Mithian’s face. Purpose weighed on her shoulders. Unlike other men and previous suitors, Interest stirred her. Belonging drew her toward its Lodestone…toward its center…


Her hand squeezed Merlin’s. Instinct seemed to override conscious thought. Heart beat faster…and faster still. Her eyes drifted up toward the Warlock’s. As we can be, Merlin. As I can be….

Her grip jarred Merlin. Telepathic affirmation further pressed him. Loyalties pressed him. Camelot and Nemeth. Protection of Sovereign vs. Protection of Heart.

“Listen, Merlin.” Balinor turned to Mithian. Surprise and Realization took their turns in his mind. “You have your grandfather’s gift…Princess. Destiny and goddess work here. Already, Transition is at…work. Thank…you…Princess. Thank you…Sire. Merlin, tell Hunith…tell her…I…I love her….” His eyes fluttered but remained fixed on Merlin. Defiant sparks belied his increasing weakness even as Eyelids covered them. His hand sagged and drooped. Last breath gasped from his lungs.

Merlin shook his head. Denial burned at him. His fingers probed Balinor’s wrists and neck for Pulse’s sign. “Father? Father! Come on!” Tears burned at his eyes. “I need you! I need….” He bowed his head. Mourning sagged down across his heart.

“He is with your ancestors now, Merlin. He has earned a measure of grace.” Rodor set his hand on Balinor’s brow. “Good bye, my Friend. Be at peace. Know that you did not abandon us. You saved Nemeth from war and destruction through your sacrifice. We will do what we can for you and yours. That I promise you.” He glanced at her and motioned to Merlin.

“Your father…Sir Balinor…was a true hero. His deeds are remembered in the Hall of Heroes. Perhaps, you might like to see them?” Mithian turned to Rodor. “Surely we can show him?”

“Certainly. I would like Merlin to know about Sir Balinor’s feats. He should understand his heritage and his opportunity.” Rodor patted her hand. Merlin’s situation fit within the Capability Laws. Balinor’s revelation and hereditary knighthood opened Opportunity’s door to Merlin. His spell disrupted Cawdor and Mercia’s advance. He’d faced Meleagant and nearly died. He’d saved Prince Kay without hesitation. His service to Camelot and Nemeth in spite of Injury’s duress stood out. Proof was irrefutable.

Malodius rubbed against Merlin’s leg. Purrs attempted to ease his fellow being’s suffering.

“I will get the window.” Wyngate ambled across the chamber. His eyes kept turning between that window and the bedside scene. He unlatched the window and pushed it open. “There!” He turned toward the others. He noted Mithian’s drawing closer to Merlin. Mixed feelings tightened inside of himself. Class Distinctions and Attitudes slammed into his thinking. Disapproval unsettled him to say the least. Unspoken disagreement with Rodor burned at him.

“I should be getting back. I cannot leave Morgana to face Aredian by herself.” Merlin ground his teeth. Impulse and Emotion wanted to lash out. Tears welled up in his eyes. Once more, Mourning and Death swamped him. Freya’s passing chilled him. Balinor’s loss hit him harder still. Efforted breath followed efforted breath. “King Rodor? Princess? I am sorry. I….”

Rodor shook his head. “Merlin, your father has just died. I believe you have due reason to mourn his passing. Any servant is still a human being. There are needs to consider. We like to consider ourselves to be just and fair in that regard. Aredian is not someone to face with any less than a clear mind. Do you hear me? Princess Mithian and I admire duty. You have nothing left to prove to us. If you were not Uther’s man, I would free and make you a knight right now. You have the required tasks for Nemeth and for Camelot as well. Uther and Arthur are blind to that. You suit their interests in your servile role. Consider your role in the greater expanse of things. Do not run into danger without full capabilities.”

Mithian stared at him. Her hand hovered in the air mere inches from Merlin’s. Desire and Friendship pushed her to take his hand. Admiration wanted to support Merlin further…in spite of Royal Propriety and all of that. Rodor’s eyes, however, burned at her. Awareness made abundantly clear Rodor’s and Wyngate’s presence in that regard.

“Thank you.” Merlin felt Mithian’s warm support. “I appreciate it.” He regarded Balinor. For years, he and Hunith had formed their own nuclear family. They’d interacted and lived alongside families with both parents and children. War, pestilence, hunger, famine, and Cenred’s raids on the Essetir claimed neighbors and friends. Hunith conditioned Merlin to deal with the current situation. Will’s loss made Balinor’s absence seem more regular than an unusual occurrence. Hunith’s close call years before exposed him to this loss. Freya’s death tore his heart.

Balinor’s corpse drove the point home.

He ground his teeth. Mourning’s flood swamped him. He doggie-paddled through emotions. Breaths rasped from his lungs through his mouth. Tears drizzled salty trails over his cheeks.

“You are human I believe, Merlin. You have the right to mourn and cry for your father.” Mithian rubbed his arm. Once again, Instinct pressed her to embrace him. Friendship and Amor wanted to comfort him. Expectations, however, kept her rooted in her role. “We are here, Merlin. Remember that.” Her eyes met his. You are not alone. You are *never* alone. Never again. She stepped back. “Father, we should see to Lady Elaine. She is still in the dining chamber with Princess Josiane.”

“Aye. We should indeed.” Rodor assessed her with Merlin. Change seemed to dawn over her. With all but Accolon, Courtesy yet Restraint ruled her mindset. Accolon drew her interest. Before Negotiations’ failure, Hope seemed plausible. Her look and manner with Merlin struck the same chord.

Granted, Aredian and the current situation loomed. After that, however, Opportunities awaited for Father, Daughter and Dragon Lord alike.

Opportunities and Crossroads alike….

Chapter 21: Morgana's Introspection


Morgana mulls over Merlin's true nature and her evolving role. Accolon advises patience. A crisis needs to be dealt with...

Chapter Text

Chapter 19
[Morgana’s Chamber—Camelot]

Morgana stared out the window into Nocturne’s deepening dark. Overcast broke up. Luna and stars brushed the landscape with their light. Knights patrolled cobble-stoned plaza below. Others rode the meadow beyond the drawbridge. Uther ordered Arthur to round up the usual suspects for Aredian’s interrogations. Scowl twisted her lip. Fear’s chill stabbed up her spine.

Persecution’s endless wheel spun round yet again….

How can anyone be safe? She bit her lip. Uther’s ferocity unnerved her just a half an hourglass earlier. Prejudice sickened her. Thank the goddess that Gaius is still away. I do not need those powders shoved on me at this point. At least Merlin will not be doing that anymore.


Her eyes rose over the walls and trees beyond them. Her mind flew across Severn, Gedref and Nemeth to Whitgate itself. His secrets spun her mind. Disbelief questioned his survival against Uther’s odds. How does he manage to use his magic here? Memoria recalled Nimue’s beast in the cistern. Sudden tornado turning the tide in Ealdor. The flaming lance against Griffin’s assault. Arthur’s survival against Valiant’s shield and its snakes. Segan’s threat went by the boards.

He is really Emrys of the Druids? She shook her head. Sadness, however, swamped her in that moment. Visions swirled in front of her eyes….

…a blonde knight in Nemethian emerald surcoat assisting an elder man into a granite chamber…

…Merlin talking with Rodor, Mithian and two other familiar women whose names escaped her. Seriousness revealed more points. Secrets and Ties peeled away further….

…Merlin spoke with the aforementioned elder man. Reverence bubbled up within him. Lament over something missed stabbed through both men. An energy surge passed from the elder to Merlin. Death’s chill claimed the elder after that….

…Once more, Mourning’s chill numbed Merlin. Once more, his head drooped. Sorrow welled tears behind his eyes. Previous month’s issues arose again….

…Mithian’s eyes turned toward Merlin. She rubbed his arm. Her eyes met his. Warmth and Feeling blossomed within her. Duty held her back. Still, much as Accolon reached to her, she reached toward Merlin….

Mithian? Really caring for someone? Morgana scratched her head. Intrigue arched an eyebrow. Mithian struck her as a Tomboy Hunter/Prince in Petticoats. Duty obsessed her with political agenda, social welfare, or the hunt. Amor and she never met up in Negotiations’ court….

…until now it seemed…

Who would have thought it’d be Merlin? Really? She peered into the wardrobe. Her fingertips brushed past hanging dresses and gowns toward a tattered lavender gown. Consideration regarded it. Merlin had taken it. Arthur had returned it after Cath Palgau’s death. Freya’s pain bled from the fabric. Merlin’s mourning chased right behind that….

…Mourning for Girl and Stranger…Support and Interest from Previously Uninterested….

That must be why Merlin was so morose! She set the dress back in the wardrobe and closed its doors. She returned to the window. What about Accolon and Aredian? How will Uther respond to Accolon’s acceptance?

Have faith, Morgana. All will be well.

Her heart skipped a beat. Accolon? Where are you? She surveyed the plaza outside. Her eyes raised toward the walls and meadows beyond. Inky darkness veiled everything beyond the immediate vicinity. Impatience pressed onward.

I am just entering the meadow below. Remain calm. We cannot expose you especially given Uther’s feelings and Aredian’s threat. Once Uther and I sign and seal the agreement, you will be beyond danger. Not even Aredian would touch a Tintagel Princess, Accolon replied.

I hope you are right. Despite Assurances’ promise, worries pressed down on her. This is Uther. He is notorious about his double standards. Morgana bit her lip.

I will leave him with little choice. I am almost there. Perhaps you might wear the dark blue gown for me? You know the one, my Love, Accolon requested.

Smirk spread across her face. I am wearing it right now. It was meant that you have come tonight, my Prince. Be careful. I shall see you soon. I love you, Accolon.

I love you, Morgana. Thank you. Warmth caressed her mind and heart anew. Accolon’s commitment and bond strengthened her resolve even as he went silent.

She walked up to the mirror. Reflection’s appearance offered distinct counterpoint. Ward soon to be no longer. Soon to be Princess and Queen in her own right. Her hands smoothed wrinkles from the blue material. Soon, we will reunify Tintagel. We will heal the wounds in my father’s land. We will restore the Old Religion. She set her tiara around her head. “There! I believe he will approve.”

Discord’s vibes reflected off of the passage’s walls.

“FATHER! I WILL NOT!” Arthur’s voice protested.


Morgana rolled her eyes. This? Now? She marched out into the passage.

Some scenes shouldn’t be played out in front of guests after all…..

Chapter 22: Arthur and Gwen Discovered


Arthur stews about his situation. Gwen reassures him. They commit. Uther discovers them. Morgana intercedes.

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Chapter 20 [A Quarter Turn of the Hourglass Earlier]

Arthur hustled from his father’s council chamber. Frustration seared his brain and heart. He glared back at the chamber’s doorway. I know Merlin’s an idiot but really? He ground his teeth. His boot falls echoed to his ears. His mind struggled with the next move.

Uther planned his strategy well. Five of Hourglass’ turns earlier, his offer to Rodor for Mithian’s hand rode with Sir Reginald for Whitgate. His observation noted Morgana’s close relationship with Gwen and Merlin. Besides, Decorum not Bad Influence should rule in Arthur’s immediate circle. New servants would report on the following morning. Accolon and Morgana would enjoy Gwen’s and Merlin’s efforts in their regard.


Father is so obsessed! First, that woman screams bloody murder. Father calls that Aredian to do his dirty work. Accolon comes to finalize that alliance. He does not think I act properly enough. I do my duty. I know how to run my life. I know my heart as well. Arthur curled his lip. He smacked the wall. A ragged breath escaped his mouth. His head bowed. Dejection stabbed at his heart. Personal Rubicon had flowed through Ealdor. First Morning’s Lecture about food stung his Pride. Strength and Belief sparked in dark eyes. Mouth set in firm line. Head shook at him….

Her head…


Why is she still a servant? She has done enough! There are the Capability Laws! She would be a worthy noble woman and Princess! Father, of course, does not care! He will determine what is a proper feat and what is not! Merlin was an idiot at Shalott. He saved our supplies. He even impressed King Rodor and Princess Mithian with his service. He should have still been in bed. Even if he acted like a *girl*, he still impressed. He and Gwen did more good between our realms. Father’s insistence on burning that witch caused more harm than good! Now, Father wants to sack them both?


He stiffened. His heart skipped a beat. He turned to his left to find Gwen watching him in turn. Linens piled in her wicker basket. Sweat beaded on her forehead. A few hairs sprayed here and there. Still, speech and breath itself abandoned him. Unfair judgment rendered her a servant still.

Servant with common sense? Nay…anyone with sense knew Gwen should be Princess…his Princess….

“Pardon me, Gwen. The King and I had a most difficult meeting just now. Matters of state require certain changes here at court.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Have you seen Merlin at all tonight?”

She shook her head. “Nay. Not since Uther questioned that woman in front of the entire court.” Nerves banged up against her stomach. “You don’t think there’s a sorcerer around. Do you?”

“That is why Father summoned Aredian, Gwen.” Arthur furrowed his brow. “The man is a fanatic. We do have to be committed about our stand against sorcery. Still….” He went quiet. Meditation pulled him into his own thoughts. Memoria reminded him of Reyna’s suffering anew.

“Still…what? Sire?” Gwen stepped toward him. Amor’s budding shoots inside of her heart raised her hand. Intention wanted to comfort and support him. In that heartbeat, everything else seemed to fall away. Protocol and Reality, however, stopped said hand in its place.

He shook his head. “I do not want another trial like the one in Nemeth.” He sucked in a deep breath.

Gwen’s eyes went wide. “That was Aredian!” A gasp escaped her. Realization slapped her hands over her mouth. A tortured breath sucked past hands and lips. “It was my father all over again!” She shook her head. “Sire, I…I…can’t watch that again. It is not right!”

“I know.” Restraint now held him fast. Impulse wanted to sweep her up in his strong arms….to draw her near. Despite Situation’s dire nature, his feelings deepened. Admiration warmed him. How can they feel she is not qualified? She has done enough to be freed and made noble! Gwen is strong, brave and capable. Surely, Father and his advisors can see that! “The King, however, is the King. He has called for Aredian. He wants this dealt with.” He looked into her eyes. “Gwen, about your father, I am sorry about what happened to him.”

She set her jaw. A slight nod bobbed her head up and down. “I know that. As you said, you are not King…yet.” Her hands touched and then settled on his biceps. “But you will be one day, Prince Arthur. I know you will be different. You will rule for all people not just your favorites!”

Her belief crashed into the conditioned wall within his mind. Father’s in-ground lessons cracked and splintered against Purpose’s assault. His heart’s harp strummed to her words’ play. Protocols fell away. Nothing else mattered. He just saw *her*. His ears heard *her*. His hands squeezed her hands. His lips met hers.

His heart had its Queen. It bowed to her. Token offered to Amor’s service. Service on her behalf. Gwen…not some Princess from Nemeth…not anyone else….

“For all.” Affirmation whispered past his lips to her ears. His eyes met hers anew. Amor’s twinkle sparkled in his eyes.

“For all.” Tears welled in her eyes. Smile spread across her face. Heart skipped to Joy’s beat. “One day, it will be us.”

Arthur nodded. His own smile spread across his face. “One day.”

“I believe not!” Uther ground his teeth. Disapproval smoldered in his eyes. Despite Arthur’s care with his feelings, reports had reached the King’s ear. Dalliance or Tryst could’ve been dealt with. Affirmation and Commitment of this nature? Threats to his purpose and state’s designs. “You should know better! We will discuss this later. KNIGHTS!”

Arthur stiffened. He stepped between Uther and her. “Sire! You and I both know King Rodor and Princess Mithian will never agree to that proposal!” Impatience and Desperation sought escape from the proposed arranged marriage.

Uther curled his lip. “YOUR MARRIAGE IS A MATTER OF STATE! LOVE…!” Sarcastic scoff escaped his lips. “LOVE IS FOR THE LIKES OF SERVANTS LIKE HER!” Threat burned in his eyes. “YOU WILL MARRY WHO I TELL YOU TO MARRY! YOUR SERVICE IS TO CAMELOT!” He ground his teeth.

Resistance stiffened Arthur. “FATHER! I WILL NOT!”

Uther shoved Arthur into the wall. “YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY AND THAT IS FINAL!” He waved Leon and another knight toward them. “Sir Leon, Sir William, this woman is a TRAITOR!” His lip curled still further on itself. “Take her to the dungeon! I will decide what to do with her!”

“NAY! FATHER!” Arthur struggled. Denial flared in his eyes.

“I AM YOUR KING! YOU HAD BEST REMEMBER THAT!” Uther stepped back. Restraint held him back from committing far more than that. “She has bewitched you!”

“SIRE? SIRE, PLEASE! I AM NO WITCH!” Panic numbed Gwen. She fell to her knees. Aredian’s threat lingered in her mind. Noose or Stake loomed large. “I’M LOYAL!” Tears drizzled down her face. Trembles shook her arms and back.

“WHAT? FATHER, GWEN HAS NO MAGIC!” Incredulity pressed further denials from Arthur. “STOP! THINK!” He grabbed onto his father’s arm.


“THE ENTIRE PASSAGE HEARD YOU BOTH, SIRE!” Morgana ran toward the arguing men. She wormed her way between King and Prince on one side and her maid on the other. “I agree with Prince Arthur. Gwen? Sorcery? With respect, I’d say not!” She added a nod for Uther’s benefit. “Might I propose a solution?”

“Morgana, please!” Arthur shook his head.

Morgana raised an eyebrow. I am trying to help you, Idiot! Think for once! She raised her hand. “Prince Arthur, I am trying to save Gwen’s life!” Her eyes blazed into his for a heartbeat. Then, she turned back to Uther. “Pardon me.” Another nod punctuated that sentiment.

Uther sucked in a couple of calming breaths. “At least someone knows respect. Thank you, Morgana.” His temper cooled slightly. “You can see the issue at hand here!”

“I do.” Morgana considered Situation’s complexities. Her sensitivity detected Arthur’s and Gwen’s feelings. Irony fed Amusem*nt’s little joke. I wonder what Uther would think if he knew Mithian has fallen for Merlin? Her hand stifled a wry cough. “Apologies. My throat’s dry. Perhaps we might have an understanding? I can ask Prince Accolon if he and King Ruthbert can help us?” She edged closer to Gwen. “I do not want anything to happen to Gwen either. Maybe if we could send her to Tintagel?”

“Morgana!” Arthur pleaded.

“ENOUGH! CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT MORGANA IS TRYING TO CLEAN UP YOUR MESS?” Uther rubbed his chin. Morgana’s suggestion aligned with his plans. “That is a very sound suggestion, Morgana. Thank you.” Disdain seethed in his glare toward Gwen. “Perhaps I should wait to mention this. This girl will go with you. I am sending the boy, Merlin, as well. King Ruthbert informed me that his physician is in need of an apprentice. We can accomplish a great many diplomatic aims in one stroke. Meantime, Prince Arthur will have a new valet who understands his proper role.”

Morgana raised Uther’s hand. Her lips brushed over Uther’s knuckles. “Thank you, Sire. You are most generous! I believe Merlin and Gwen will benefit from being in Tintagel. Gilbert and Merlin know each other. I am sure there is someone who will benefit from Merlin’s skills as a valet and servant. It will reassure Gaius to know Merlin is being watched over and cared for. I will enjoy having Gwen continue in my service. King Ruthbert and Prince Accolon will delight in her service to Tintagel I can assure you.” Despite Uther’s intentions, Advantages presented themselves. Wheels turned in her mind. Uther gives us the answers to everything. And here, Mithian and Rodor were wondering how to get Merlin away from Arthur and him. All too easy!

“Aye. You are most welcome, Morgana. I have the documents prepared for King Ruthbert and Prince Accolon. You should both prepare for your journey. Perhaps someone can tell that boy that he is to accompany you? I need to think of what to say to Gaius.” Uther nodded to Morgana. “You solved this issue with skill and efficiency. I am glad for that. Perhaps, Prince Arthur might learn from your example?” He squinted at his son.

“I can hope to help however I can. That is the most important duty.” Morgana bowed her head. Words and Sentiment soothed and calmed Uther’s ego. Purpose, however, manipulated the situation. Capability Laws already listed sufficient accomplishments on Gwen’s behalf. Furthermore, Accolon and she could present Merlin to Mithian as her valet. “Come along, Gwen. You can help me pack.”

Uther waved his hand. “Release the girl. Sir Leon, Sir William, you may go.” He watched them depart. “Let this be a lesson for you all. We should all know our places! Prince Arthur, you should prepare for Tintagel’s contingent. They will be arriving shortly.”

“Aye.” Arthur nodded to Uther. Defeat stung his pride. He turned and hustled toward his quarters. This is not over, Father! That I promise you!

“Milady?” Gwen navigated Emotion’s inner turmoil. On the one hand, Gratitude fueled Relief over Morgana’s rescue from Uther’s (and Aredian’s) punishment. Her eyes remained riveted on Arthur’s back disappearing down the passage. Protest wailed in her heart.

Morgana cast wary looks around the passage. “Gwen, it will be all right. Come along. We should prepare for our new Prince and King. I am sorry. This life is over. After we meet with them, I will let you pack.”

“Thank you, Milady.” Gwen followed Morgana down the passage. Understanding deduced that Morgana’s deal remained the best at that point. Societal limitations and barriers burdened her at that point. One day, Arthur, it will different! We will be together!

Another step in the process….

Chapter 23: Tables Turned


Aredian stops on his way to Camelot. He plots and schemes. Someone, however, plots and schemes against him....

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Chapter 21 [Woods— Gedref/Camelot Border]

Aredian slowed his horse’s pace. He cast wary looks in all directions. Defeat soured in his mouth. He’d wanted to bring Elaine to Uther. He’d root out the sorcerer at large in Camelot. Arthur and the knights would bring others to him. Examinations would drag confessions of one form or another. Then, they would have shared the pyre with Elaine.

Mithian stopped that scheme in its tracks…

Blasted girl! She has no idea of her proper place! His eyes narrowed. Opportunities with Bernard and the Nemethian nobles laid right in front of him. That fool, Appleby, allowed an open border and easy pickings. Provocation and retaliation would have denied Rodor any other means to defend his loyal landholder. Hardliners in Council and Nobility wanted Rodor to enforce the laws. Trial would have run its course. If not, Coup would see Hardliner King in Rodor’s place who would do so. The King would have had to eliminate that bastard sorcerer! Whether it was Rodor or not! As if their sorcerous allies are any better? “BAH!” He pulled up on the reins. “This seems as good of a place to stop as any.” He dismounted from the saddle and tied the reins to a tree branch. Fog obscured the Camelot Road.

Pursuit, it seemed, wasn’t coming…

They did not want to provoke Uther. Pity. I’d like that war. He’d bring Rodor to heel if those ingrate traitors did not. Then, I could deal with that so-called Princess and that lion. Let Uther chain it up with the Dragon. Then, he’d force Princess Mithian to marry Prince Arthur and submit! Aredian ran his hand inside of the saddle bag. His fingertips brushed across Torture’s implements therein. Belladonna eyedrops induced illusions. Other herbs brought delusions. Management brought his desired effect. Prepared Witnesses raved. Testimony would convince. Ruler would indict and pass sentence. Witches burned. “Uther’s sorcerer will come to me. I will find that one and his or her accomplices soon enough.” Memoria recalled his encounter with Gaius at Astolat a decade earlier. Stare Down denied him his prey…

…the mystery of that back room…or not….

Research turned up several leads within Camelot. Deduction had narrowed the field to one target. Said person held a position within the royal household. In fact, he served the Prince. He accompanied Arthur everywhere whether mundane or even onto battlefields. Mysterious circ*mstances followed Prince and Servant about those places. Monsters appeared only to be dealt with sudden efficiency. Said servant had gone to Nemeth. Injury came at Shalott. Grievous wound nearly cost him the left arm and life as well. Said servant was Gaius’ ward….

…the servant…the boy Merlin….

Cruel smile spread across his face. Predator’s glint sparked in his eyes. Satisfaction buoyed him up. Uther’s invitation granted access. Oh, he’d find the ‘smoke’ sorcerer sure enough. Still, Merlin sat right in his sights. Strategy had a perfect case set up. Uther would come around sure enough. With Father’s help, Arthur and the Ward, Lady Morgana, would offer little resistance. Morgana herself would bear investigation. Guilt would follow. Pyre would claim them all.

Vengeance would be his….

Tomorrow, I will be there. Then, we shall see who evades who! Gaius, I will have you as well! He pulled a blanket down from the saddle. Long ride exacted its toll. However, a few hours’ rest and a meal would refresh him. He set the blanket atop the ground. He stretched his arms overhead to stir their circulation.

Well, well…look at what stumbles out of the fog. It has been *such* a long time, Aredian! A female voice cackled in his mind. Sarcasm and Menace dripped from its tone.

He stiffened. Telepathy reeked of sorcery. His hand closed about his sword’s hilt. He drew the blade from its scabbard. “COME OUT! I KNOW YOU ARE HERE, WITCH! ENOUGH GAMES!!” He glared in a complete circle.

Biting Chill’s breeze and Owls’ hoots answered him. Fog’s moisture dampened his hair and cloak alike. Humidity limited his line of sight. Skin reddened. Chill induced shivers. He ground his teeth and glared all around.

His horse reared. Neigh cut into his ears. Reins came untied. Fear sent said horse galloping into the mist. Within a dozen heartbeats, his mount had left him alone.

“COME BACK!” He curled his lip. He grabbed for his blanket. “I’ll have to walk for it!” Challenge unsettled him. Familiarity taunted him. The voice beckoned from past encounter. Still, he could not remember. “WHO ARE YOU? COME OUT!”

*GASP!* The mighty Aredian does not remember? Say it is not so! And with no horse! I would think that would jar your memory! With your sharp mind for accounts, you do not remember? My! My! How you slip! Well, I remember you *quite well*. Nimue sauntered from Fog’s blind. Breeze ruffled baggy sleeves. As does the triple goddess. Tonight is your reckoning. Baiting smirk and raised eyebrow enticed and taunted him forward.

Surprise widened his eyes. “YOU?” Eyebrow arched at her. Reports noted her disappearance. Rumor suggested her death. Still, Opportunity and Bounty beckoned with her presence as well. “Your false goddess! HAH! You sound like that crying girl in the forest! Nothing was done!” Snigg*r spewed from his lips. “Not dead as I heard! The boy slips!” He raised his sword overhead. “Uther will reward me for your head!”

“The goddess heard the girl. Why do you think the Princess and her allies came?” Her eyes rolled at him. Canary glinted in her eyes. “So sure, are you?” Her finger flicked at him. Spell wrenched his sword out of hand. “CADAL!!” Canary glowed in her eyes anew. Gloating spiced her spell. Hand motioned anew. “Time for your service!!”

Grimace contorted his face. “NAY!” Heaviness weighed on his limbs. Back stiffened. Yawn betrayed from his mouth. His feet stumbled. Unceremonious Splat marked his fall into the mud. Sleep claimed him at that point.

“So sure.” Snicker wafted from the corner of her mouth. Irony sparked in her eye. “The hunter is now the caged prey.”

Bring him to me, Nimue. Time grows short! the goddess commanded.

Nimue bowed her head. Aye, Milady. Akin to Child denied her game, she kicked at the dirt underfoot. She waved toward the mist all around. She patted his shoulder. “You will love what comes next.” Then, she allowed Mists to flow over them. Within heartbeats’ time, they disappeared from the scene.

Bigger game had commenced….

Chapter 24: Fomorroh


The priestesses introduce Aredian to a "new friend".

Chapter Text

Chapter 22 [Somewhere Else]

Aredian floated in darkness. Sensation registered not a trace across skin, fingertips, or toes. Dreamless sleep held him fast. Emotions and feelings held no sway either. Breath barely hissed through his mouth or lungs. Eye lids moved but managed nary a blink.

Sometime into Enforced Slumber, voices buzzed about. Eye lids managed to crack to slits. Chill reddened his skin. Shivers quivered his limbs and torso. Parch dried mouth and throat. Breaths deepened to a degree. His lips twitched. Nostrils sniffed.

Come on. It is time. Wake up, Aredian…Aredian….

Stimuli jarred him. Slap burned across his face. Icy water splashed across his face. Reality returned his senses. His eyes blurred back into focus. Chill dimpled his skin. Mists framed space’s perimeter all around himself. Leather thongs bound his wrists and ankles. He narrowed his eyes. “Where…Where am I?” He pulled at the thongs. “Release me!”

Lunete walked over to him. She assessed him. “You seem none the worse for wear, Hunter.” She narrowed her eyes. “We know you, Aredian. My mistress’ husband watched your carnage years ago. Our Lady be praised. He stood with the others against you on Lady Elaine’s behalf.”

“Ywain?” Aredian hissed through clenched teeth. “I wish I’d killed him and that bastard lion!”

Lunete flicked an eyebrow. “Then my mistress would be most upset with you, Monsieur. At least Nimue left you alive. The triple goddess has plans for you, mon Ami. You should be happy. You will persecute a magic user.”

Disbelief raised his eyebrow. Cough escaped his mouth. “You? You want me to capture a sorcerer? Wait. You are sorcerers. There has to be some catch. I cannot believe that you would surrender one of your own to me!” Previous spell’s aftereffects cleared in his mind. Their intentions raised red flags for him. What is their angle? Familiarity linked their technique with his own. “You cannot deal with me. I have no one to betray, Witch!”

“Mmm….are you so certain? Believe what you wish. It will not matter in the end.” A snide smirk crossed Nimue’s face. “You will be so helpful. We will give you all of the proof! You just have to deal with a most ungrateful individual. One who asked for our help in the past. One who received the favor.” Her feet whispered over stones underfoot. Her hand brushed across his chin. “One who could not deal with that favor’s outcomes.” Her eyes burned into his. “Most ungrateful.”

“Ungrateful?” He spat at their feet. “Anyone despising you is worthy of my friendship!”

“Typical fool. How alike your ally and you are. You have no idea.” Saccharin-Sweet smile taunted him. Nimue’s hand slapped his right cheek. “Uther and I were friends once. Very good friends. He talks so grandly of opposing magic when he began his reign!” Snide guffaw punctuated her statement. “He wanted a son. Queen Igraine was barren. He pressed me to cast a spell. He got his son. The Cailleach took his wife. He could not deal with that. Uther banished me. That day, the Purge started. And then…he used a sword forged in the Great Dragon’s breath! It mattered not that it was a magic sword. It is his prize now!” Chuckles spat back in his face. “You are a party to his tantrum. Now, Aredian, you are going to help us stop it.”

Uther Pendragon will be your quarry, Aredian. A glowing woman in flowing white robes floated toward him. Emerald glint highlighted her eyes. Frown twisted her mouth. He has harmed enough of my children. Now, that will stop. I am the triple goddess. As you can see, I truly exist. You will now serve me.

“I would kill you! I’ll never…!” His wrists pulled at the bonds several more times. “Uther would never use magic for such things! He’d kill anyone who desired such things!”

But he did request such matters from Nimue, Aredian. Pity. I had hoped to avoid extreme measures. I can see such matters are needed. Nimue, Lunete, can you please? The goddess motioned toward the clay pot.

“Of course, Lady.” Nimue nodded to the goddess. She lifted the lid away from the pot. Inside, Beige serpent slithered about. Several smaller heads hissed from their common body. “Do you know what this is, Aredian? This is a fomorroh. It and you are going to get to know each other so well.” Canary flashed through her eyes. Her blade sliced one head from the beast.

Another head sprouted back up from the severed neck. Heads hissed in unison at them. Anticipation flicked their tongues out.

“Hold him still, Sister. This will open his eyes.” Nimue sauntered over toward him. She held up the still hissing head. She passed the snake’s head right in front of his eyes. “Watch, you Worm. Look at it.”

“You need me. You need my mind!” Assumption stiffened his resolve. Torture techniques held little stock with him. Still, Threat and Purpose dripped from her tone. Promise

“Stop with the games, Sister.” Lunete grasped his head. She yanked his neck forward. “Do it!”

I agree, my Child. It is time. Emerald flashed brighter still in the goddess’ eyes. Deliberation knitted her expression.

He strained against Lunete’s grip. “I will kill you! You will…!”

“You will kill us?” Nimue circled around behind him. She placed Snake’s head on his neck. Canary flashed in her eyes. She watched the snake slithered around his neck. Then, it melted into the skin, spine and his mind. “After this, you may try!”

Spasms shook him. His eyes bulged. Screams echoed throughout the chamber. Drool spilled from his mouth. His mind shut down. He slumped over. Only bound wrists held him in position.

Nimue sniffed. “I hear none of his threats or bluster, Sister.”

Lunete rolled her eyes. Her fingers touched his neck’s artery. “He survived.” She turned back toward the goddess. “Milady?”

Untie Aredian. Set him in the meadow beneath Camelot. He can ride on his horse the rest of the way. The goddess walked over to him. He will do what I require.

The priestesses released him. Mists swallowed the trio sweeping them away from the chamber.

The goddess turned away from Torture’s apparatus. She watched Camelot’s and Nemeth’s events through residual mists. Complex events wove together in Destiny’s loom. Personalities shaped events through force of will.

A simple push could direct the flow. The way remained important….

Chapter 25: Accolon's Entrance into Camelot


Accolon enters Camelot. Plans are underway.

Chapter Text

Chapter 23 [A Turn of the Hourglass Earlier—South Road Heading Toward Camelot]

Accolon emerged from the forest. He urged his horse onward toward Camelot. Remaining distance fell beneath his and Entourage’s horse lengths. Chill breeze rustled Tintagel’s standards in their midst. Luna’s beams brushed over the meadow. Faerie dust danced in the air before his eyes….

…danced in his view of Camelot and his waiting Princess/Queen to Be….

Passion’s sigh fluttered over his lips. His heart skipped a beat. Years’ wait finally seemed to reap its reward. Uther and his father blessed the marriage. Bond linked Morgana and him already. Common agenda seemed to tie them together as well. Besides, she impressed him. Uther’s ultimatum over Arthur and Gwen provided Opportunity’s benefits. Quick thinking had preserved the goddess’ plans. My Lady Morgana manipulated Uther with such skill! She can shelter Guinevere from further harm until our departure. Merlin can return to pack his things and then depart. Aredian’s threat could expose us all.

I am glad you consider such things, Accolon, the goddess declared.

MiladyHe bowed in his saddle. Thank you for your foresight and vision! Matters improve. Morgana and I can keep Merlin and Guinevere safe as long as need be.

Aredian has been dealt with. Nimue and Lunete neutralized his threat. He is now our agent. Aye. Take the girl with you both. She has her purpose very soon. Arthur Pendragon will have his purpose as well. Uther Pendragon will be dealt with. My plan proceeds as it must. The goddess exhaled a deep breath. I will say no more. Act normally. All will become readily apparent.

Aye, Milady. I will. And the Great Dragon? What of him? I would like to see him free once more. Accolon pressed his horse across the drawbridge. His pace slowed slightly through the Lower Town and up toward the Upper Town. He watched for townspeople and servants. He passed under the arch.

Patience. I have planned for that as well. Deal with the Pendragons. Affirm your bond with Morgana Pendragon. Make sure the Maid Guinevere and she leave Camelot safely. If Gaius presses about Emrys, I will know. His role remains in flux. For now, the pestilence in the southern provinces occupies him. With that, the goddess went silent.

Everything seems almost too neat. Faith! The goddess knows what she is doing. Accolon rode toward the citadel. His eye took in Camelot’s best knights standing on the granite stairs. Gwen watched him off to the side. Uther and Arthur waited at the top of the stairs. Morgana somehow restrained herself and stood in place. He sucked in a composing breath. “Sir Horace! See to our horses if you would?” He dismounted. He smoothed his riding tunic. His hands straightened the crown atop his head. Confidence! You are King of Tintagel now. You are to be the Lady Morgana’s partner and husband. You are the goddess’ priest and servant on her business. She is with you. He drew his cloak closer to himself. His boots clacked against each stair. Your beauty outshines all but the goddess herself, Milady.

Pink flushed Morgana’s cheeks. She bowed her head toward Accolon. And your Crown becomes you, my Love. Welcome, Accolon. Her heart danced at his presence. Assurance bolstered her resolve. I have talked with Gwen. We have to pack. Then, we can depart.

I would like that. Forgive me, Morgana. I have to greet King Uther. Accolon shot her a slight glance. Then, he turned his attention toward Arthur and Uther. “King Uther. Thank you for receiving us.”

Uther raised an eyebrow. “Of course! And I greet you, Prince Accolon. Forgive me. Isn’t that your father’s crown on your head?” Intrigue and questions popped up in his mind.

“Aye.” Accolon frowned. He allowed a deep breath. Mourning’s downcast expression sagged across his face. Regret played its dirge across his heart. “Sadly, he passed beyond the Veil only a few days ago. He was ill for months. He carried on for our subjects and Britannia with no complaints. He was an inspiration. Fortunately, King Bors allowed me to return from Gaul to assume my duties.”

“Of course, he did. Bors is a good man with sense.” Uther met Accolon’s eyes with his own. “You have Camelot’s deepest sympathies. Whatever you need, we are here for Tintagel and you.” He held his hand out.

Accolon nodded. “Thank you, King Uther. I appreciate that. Tintagel thanks you for your good will.” He shook the offered hand. Regret twinged at his heart albeit for a fleeting moment. Keep your resolve. Remember your purpose. Uther’s own hate betrays him not us. “My father treasured the friendship between our kingdoms. He appreciated your support during the troubles. It is my hope that the bond between Lady Morgana and myself will bring peace to Tintagel and strengthen the ties between Camelot and Tintagel as well.

“Well spoken indeed!” Uther nodded. Approval prompted a broad smile. “Excellent sentiments to start your own reign with! Prince Arthur, Lady Morgana and I still have time before dinner. You are invited of course.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you. We can celebrate perhaps?” Accolon cleared his throat. “Pardon me. My mind is on diplomacy. I can assure you. My heart pulls me in another direction. Priorities dictate that Camelot and Tintagel take precedence in our attachments. I wish to align my heart’s needs within them.”

“That is most prudent. We are Kings. Our thoughts and feelings should be with our realms and peoples first before our hearts. Perhaps I might have you speak with Prince Arthur in that regard?” Uther motioned toward Arthur. Purpose curled his lip. See how you should be thinking? Here is your example!

“Oh?” Accolon studied Arthur. Beneath the Prince’s Mask of State, Resentment and Frustration frothed in the latter’s mind and heart. “I always thought of you as most loyal to Camelot, Prince Arthur. It is good to see you again.”

“King Accolon.” Arthur offered the royal nod. He maintained a most stolid expression. “As the King said, you have our sympathies. Welcome! Congratulations as well!” He held his arms out.

“Thank you. I have looked forward to speaking with you. I was thinking of having a tournament in honor of the wedding. I was hoping you’d take part?” Accolon embraced Arthur. “You were always a good friend, Prince Arthur. I look forward to our realms working together and having each other’s backs in peace and war.”

“Always.” Accolon’s sentiments eased Arthur’s mood. Hopes pined for Arrangement between them over Gwen. Favor could repay Favor. Compromise wouldn’t eat at Camelot’s prerogative…or so was his intent. “I will be there if the King agrees.”

“We will both be there of course!” Uther clapped Arthur on the shoulder. “You both should speak on such things. I would appreciate any wisdom you might share with Prince Arthur. Tell me. Did you have a chance to speak with King Rodor or Princess Mithian?”

Morgana kept her eyes straight ahead. She buried her own thoughts. Keep plotting and scheming. Keep trying to manipulate everyone. Everything comes apart under your boots and you cannot even see it.

Patience, Lady. Remember your resolve. The endgame…remember that. Accolon focused on Uther and Arthur. “I did. Would you believe? There might be someone that the Princess cares about! King Rodor is speaking with him and the latter’s lord. Those arrangements seem most promising! I can hope. After the failed negotiations, I still hold Nemeth in high esteem. Princess Mithian and I are friends. As you said earlier, however, I have to keep Tintagel’s interests first and foremost.”

Uther soured. “Indeed you should. As I said before, you’re a good example to others in that regard. I can assure you. King Ruthbert and I intended to join the Lady Morgana and you. We knew of your feelings for each other. We will have Lord Geoffrey oversee your marriage. Since your feelings and thinking are there, we can finalize the arrangements? The rest of our business can wait until tomorrow. If you’re too tired, I understand.” Uther glanced toward Arthur.

“Nay. If the Lady Morgana is ready then so am I. Our realms’ interests and hearts’ interests align. Forgive my impatience but why wait? The court is assembled. If that meets with your approval, it does mine. Speaking of the Lady, might I greet her?”

“You should. My apologies, King Accolon. I believe you two need no further introductions?” Uther stepped back. Rodor’s reported negotiations endangered his ambitions for Gedref and Nemeth. Another match would have to be found as soon as possible. He filed that notion for later.

“I believe not, Sire.” Desire and Amor lightened Morgana’s mood. She walked toward Accolon. “Welcome to Camelot, my Lord.” She curtseyed to him. “I am glad your journey went well. I am prepared to do my duty for Camelot and Tintagel.”

Accolon raised her hand. His lips whispered Amor’s sentiments across her knuckles. “As am I. We should see to the best interests of both realms.” Restraint held him back from Embrace or (Unchaste) Kiss. Ardor, however, shone in his eyes for her and her alone. “I would finalize matters and not wait. I understand that state matters take time.”

“I know.” Morgana set her jaw. Her eyes met Arthur’s and then Uther’s. “Everything in its time, Milord. We have waited so long. We have our love. Trust in that. We can let protocol guide us through that.” She took Accolon’s hands in hers.

“You see, Accolon? You are a most welcome influence indeed!” Impatience sparked Uther’s mindset. He turned toward Geoffrey of Monmouth. “I see no reason to make Lady Morgana and King Accolon wait any longer. The court is assembled. The terms are known to and agreed upon by Tintagel and Camelot. “That is suitable?”

“Aye. I have seen my father’s copy. I am prepared to sign and seal the document. If you can have someone see to my knights and their horses, we will finalize everything.” Accolon looked back down the stairs toward his entourage and horses.

“Of course!” Uther signaled to the grooms. “They will take the best care with your horses. Your knights can join us in the banquet of course! Now come! You two have waited long enough. Perhaps one day, you might help Prince Arthur find a proper match?”

Arthur stiffened. His teeth ground against each other. Resistance closed off his heart. Determination marshaled its force to resist his father’s next maneuver.

Accolon nodded. “I know of several potential candidates, King Uther. I can direct you to them if that is acceptable? Maybe King Bors might assist? I know Gaul is an ally of Camelot.” His eyes met Morgana’s. Then, he returned his glance to Uther.

“Indeed! He and I are old friends!” Exultation and Triumph pumped Uther up. His eyes lit up. His smile threatened to push at his ears. “Come in! Come in! We will seal our treaty! Then, I have a feast awaiting!”

Morgana and Arthur followed the two kings through the door. Each maintained their masks. Emotions and True Outlook hid beneath Political Facades. Desires and Goals however pushed them toward divergent aims…

…aims skewing Fates’ loom….

Trojan horses, anyone??

Chapter 26: Reassurances


Merlin mourns Balinor. Questions why things to tell Hunith. Mithian, Kilgarrah, and Malodius weigh in. Accolon appears...

Chapter Text

Chapter 24

Mourning dampened Citadel’s air. Rumor made its way down granite passages and chambers. Word reached into Upper and Lower Towns. Activities ceased. Diplomacy ground to a halt. Knights’ training suspended. Eyes turned toward citadel.

Funerary preparations proceeded. Wyngate and a servant washed Balinor’s body. Nemeth’s emerald flag covered the corpse. Household and townspeople collaborated on laying Pyre’s wood and straw in the plaza. Service set to commence at Dawn.

Son, however, lingered with his thoughts….


[Physician’s Chambers]

Merlin sat next to Balinor’s covered corpse. Childhood’s questions and wonder lingered in his mind. Mystery had cloaked his father’s identity. Hunith evaded the topic. Nobody in Ealdor knew Balinor. Eventually, Acceptance shifted to Hunith as both parents in one.

Questions, however suppressed, remained….

Why did you hide in those woods? You could have blended in. Merlin’s hand ran across the flag. Tears welled up behind his eyes. Do I tell Mother? How can I tell her that we found you? His eyes rolled. It was his last wish! His forehead touched the flag as well.

Malodius whined from his guard spot to his right. Mourning for his long lost comrade dampened his spirits as well. Memoria recalled Balinor’s prowess on battlefields across Britannia and Europa. Even among fellow Riders and Dragons, Balinor’s skills shone brighter than a hundred suns. Atop Kilgarrah’s back, he’d led an army from Clouds’ cover against any and all comers. Glory flapped Civilized Flags atop battlements….

…that was before Purge’s Dark Pall…before Uther’s spleen poisoned Fortuna’s outlook…before Treachery’s scythe cut down Heroes in craven ambush….

He cared for your mother and you, Merlin. Never forget that. Kilgarrah’s voice echoed over leagues. Merlin’s pain slammed into him. Malodius’ confirmation clarified matters. Lament and Outrage over his brother’s fate frothed and boiled within him. Indignity festered over the manacle about his foot. He should never have had to hide. He was a hero. King Rodor can tell you that. So will the Princess.

His mantle is now yours, Merlin. It is for you and Kilgarrah to reignite that flame. You cannot hide behind the Pendragons any longer. Malodius set his paw on Merlin’s lower leg.

A numb nod bobbed Merlin’s head up and down. Sharp pain stabbed at his heart. Phantom ache ground at his shoulder’s scar. Instinct guided his hand to that spot. Now that too?

It is a reminder of your worthiness, Merlin. Mithian rubbed his affected shoulder. Class distinctions disappeared before Circ*mstances’ issues. For past Hourglass’ turn, she watched Merlin. Feelings and emotions vibrated their shared link. Reverence wished to open the Hall of Heroes for Merlin’s benefit. “You are Sir Balinor’s son whether you wish to recognize that or not.”

“If I was worthy of the honor and mantle. Lady Reyna’s still dead, Princess. Why?” Merlin placed his hand atop hers. Tears burned at his eyes and cheeks.

“You and she are heroes of Nemeth, Merlin. Father and she knew this to be true! She protected you to the very end. Now, that knowledge is coming out. It should never have had to be a secret. We will find a way to free you from Camelot.” She shook her head at that notion.

He glanced at her. Skepticism glinted in his eyes.

Indelicate snort escaped from her lips. “And who protects you from King Uther or Prince Arthur, Merlin? They were ready to kill you at Shalott. Aredian is in Camelot right now. I suspect you are one of his targets.”

“Prince Arthur would help me.” Denial flattened Merlin’s tone. “Gaius has kept me safe so far.” That assertion elicited an eye roll. Ingenuity and Determination had saved Camelot dozens of times (at least). Granted, Disregard cast a blind eye at class distinctions, social niceties, and tradition….

…then again, Warmth and Amor made that case for him at that point. They pressed a certain Princess closer and closer still….

“I do not doubt Prince Arthur’s resolve in that regard, Merlin. I remember his concern very well for you. King Uther, on the other hand, regards you as any other servant. Do not overlook that.” She rubbed his shoulders. Her eyebrow arched. “I remember how he dismissed you from the dining chamber. And you were trying to comfort Lady Elaine.”

“Aye. At least I did not collapse in front of your father, King Uther, Prince Arthur or Lady Morgana.” Merlin flexed his left shoulder. Stiffness resisted his effort in that regard. “I was useless for about a month.” Scoff and then a cough followed that. “Prince Arthur bellowed at me trying to get me well again.”

A warm giggle escaped her lips. Imagination cued up images of Arthur’s impatience echoing throughout Camelot’s citadel. “You should have stayed here. I believe you earned special consideration. Prince Kay would not have cared for it. Father would have put him in his place. You might recall some of us insisted on that.”

“I know Master Wyngate and the King argued with King Uther but…you?” Surprise elicited a second look. “I was just a servant to you. You did not know….”

“Merlin….” An exasperated sigh escaped her lips. “Your kindness to Lady Elaine stood out. Your service to us when clearly you should have been in bed mattered. Britomart was beside herself. Father bellowed at King Uther about his treatment of you. Besides, she and I would not wait. It seems the goddess opens a world to you.” She patted Balinor’s cover. “His title is yours, Merlin. You are no longer a mere servant if you ever were one.”

“Princess, I….” Merlin struggled with a response. Denials and Obligations held strong. Fealty tugged him back toward Camelot and Arthur. Warm breezes however slowed said attraction. Mourning hung over him. His hand squeezed hers harder still. Belief wanted to press on. Memoria recalled how Arthur released him prior to the Ealdor misadventure against the raiders. Perhaps he would allow it now? What about Gaius?

Two worlds on a collision course....

It is a moot point, Merlin.

Malodius jumped to his feet. Magical prompt elicited a snarl through clenched teeth. His tail whipped back and forth. Mane stood on end. Stay back!

“Princess?” Merlin sprang back from his father’s side. He looked about the chamber. “That’s King Accolon’s voice.” He pressed closer to her side. “Behind me.”

“Merlin, if it is King Accolon, he would not hurt either of us.” Chill elicited a shiver from her shoulders. She noted congealing mists in the far corner. “There!”

Accolon stepped out onto the stones. “Merlin, Princess Mithian.” King’s crown glittered atop his head. Chain mail shone under Orange and Blue surcoat. He nodded to them. “Matters are resolving themselves.” He turned to Balinor’s covered body. “At last, Sir Balinor, you are treated as you deserve. As you honored us in life, so shall we do for you in Death.” He placed his hand on Obsidian Eagle in its emerald backdrop. “I promise to see Merlin to his proper place. I assure you of that. Thank you for your service.” He stepped back. His hand clapped his chest three times.

“See me…what?” Merlin scratched his head.

More questions arose….

Chapter 27: Merlin as "Vagabond"


Accolon explains the current state of affairs to Merlin and Mithian. He grants Merlin's service to Nemeth (and Mithian of course).

Chapter Text

Chapter 25

Mithian stepped out from behind Merlin. Familiarity relaxed her with Accolon. Friendship’s journey saw them from childhood to teenage years. Despite Engagement’s failed negotiations, their personal alliance endured. “Your Highness, I believe Merlin asked a question?” Respect prompted a royal nod.

Accolon sucked in a heavy breath. “Aye. That is a question indeed.” Almost playful smile spread across his face. “King Uther and I have finished negotiations. Lord Geoffrey married Lady Morgana and me. There were land grants. Of greater importance, Uther granted us two new servants. Guinevere and Merlin are coming with us to Tintagel.” Chuckle escaped from his mouth. “At least that is what Uther thinks.” He shook his head.

“Wait!” Merlin stiffened. “You mean King Uther gave Gwen and me to you? As in for good?” His mind spun. He knew Uther tired of Arthur’s manner. Formality wanted its due. George suited traditional (re: stiff-arsed) purpose. Morgana wanted her chambermaid/best friend with her. “Surely, Prince Arthur and Gaius….”

Accolon sniffed. “Merlin, King Uther is only interested in what suits Camelot’s interests. That means his interests.” Indignant scoff gruffly cleared his throat. “He sacrificed his wife for a male heir. He supported my father’s coup against Gorlois. He took Queen Vivanne and split Tintagel in the process. Morgana and I are the two heirs to Tintagel’s throne. She and Prince Arthur are the two heirs to Camelot’s throne. Our marriage reunifies the kingdom. Our love will heal.” He brought out a rolled-up parchment.

“Congratulations, Milord. I know…how long Lady Morgana and you have loved each other.” Mithian sucked in a heavy breath. Failed negotiation weighed on her. Engagement after engagement sank in Rejection’s riptide. Sneers and cracks of ‘Prince in Petticoats’ and ‘Tomboy Princess’ stung her ears. “Merlin, I…I know you will serve King Accolon and Queen Morgana well.” Hope evaporated. She bowed her head. Promise faded before her eyes.

Fate, it seemed, played yet another joke at her expense….

“Princess, I…” Merlin’s mind weighed the transfer’s implications. Accolon and Morgana accepted his magic. He knew several servants in Accolon’s royal household. Gwen and he got along well with them. Still, the move blocked his and Gwen’s desired paths. Amor drew Gwen closer and closer still with Arthur. Consideration brought Arthur and Gaius to mind in Camelot.

Arthur’s voice echoed in his ears,“Merlin, he’s the King. He can do whatever he wants!”

Uther wants Gwen and me away from him. Merlin shook his head. Everything turned upside down. Despite aforementioned advantages, his eyes drifted away from Accolon. “I’m sorry, Sire. I….I…” He bowed to his new King. Words failed him. Regret pushed through Mourning. Transition resonated through his being.

“Sorry for what?” Accolon’s brow furrowed. “You bow. You show respect. Lady Morgana has only the best things to say about your service, Merlin. You forget…I am a telepath as well. I have felt what I needed to. I have eyes, Merlin. So does Lady Morgana. We both know. Besides, I did say that the love between her and me would heal all. Did I not?” His hand raised the scroll. “Princess, this is for King Rodor and you. Merlin, turn right and bow.” He handed the scroll to her.

Mithian narrowed her eyes. She accepted the parchment roll. Her eyebrow arched. “I will let King Rodor open this, Sire. Merlin knows to bow to me. Why would…?” Her eyes met Merlin’s. Realization dawned on her. “You are? Merlin?” Akin to Child on Solstice Morn, she unsealed the scroll. Impatient hand pulled it open. Wonder and Disbelief widened her eyes. A hand clapped over her mouth. “Sire, I…I…”

Warm smile spread across Accolon’s face. “I see you are pleased.” A warm chuckle came from his lips. “Lady Morgana and I thought as much. Princess, we have been friends since childhood. Your situation pains me. I am joined permanently. I thought perhaps a capable man for the household and Nemeth might be in order?”

“Princess Mithian? What is it?” Merlin felt Emotions’ roller coaster fall and rise within a dozen heartbeats. Her mood swing stunned him to say the least. “Capable…?”

She sucked in a deep breath. “Speaking for myself, Milord, thank you. I cannot see King Rodor objecting in any way to your generosity.” Her smile spread across her face. “Britomart would be pleased.” Satisfaction sparkled in her eyes. Mirth and Teasing spiced her tone, “I do hope you like it right here, Merlin. You seem to be quite the vagabond today.”

Merlin rubbed the back of his neck. “So, I’m not going to Tintagel? I thought….?” His mind worked through Accolon’s machinations.

Accolon shook his head. “Nay, Merlin. Well…that was the goddess’ plan at first. Aredian’s return to Camelot forced certain considerations. You are no longer safe there. Sir Balinor’s reemergence and death has changed other matters. And then…” His hand stifled a cough. “Then, there is the matter of your status. Prince Arthur refuses to raise you up to noble status despite your many feats on Camelot’s behalf. Tintagel, however, has no such issue with you. You saved my life and preserved our forces at Shalott and at Hampton Castle. Morgana has extolled your extraordinary accomplishments at length. Furthermore, King Lyfrank’s grant of knighthood and hereditary nobility to Sir Balinor descends to you. I count two deeds at Shalott in that regard. The victory and saving Prince Kay’s life are those deeds. You are one deed short that way…”

She shook her head. “Sire, you may wish to raise those qualifications with King Rodor. He would appreciate them, I am sure. Merlin has a place here without doubt. Sir Balinor’s mantle as knight and Dragon Lord passes to Merlin.”

“That is what I think as well.” Accolon rubbed his chin. “There is but one remaining task ahead of you, Merlin. Kilgarrah is to be freed. That, Dragon Lord, is your task. You must establish your bond with him. He must understand Vengeance is not for him. The goddess works to ease Camelot and Britannia into the whole. You will not be alone, however, in that regard.” His hand waved toward the corner anew.

Mists appeared anew. Josiane streaked through them and into the chamber. “Greetings, my Friends! It seems my god and your goddess wish for me to expand my horizons. Merlin, time is of the essence. Our mission awaits.” She allowed her carpet to touch down on the stones. “Get on. We should depart.”

“Princess? Sire?” Respect forced Merlin’s hesitation for a few heartbeats. Kilgarrah’s freedom remained a high priority. New Mistress and King, however, merited regard as well.

“Aye, Merlin. Father wishes for Kilgarrah to be free.” Mischief glinted in her eye. “Besides, if a certain Sorcerer-Dragon Lord…I would not know who that would be…were to do so, it could be considered a third task. King Rodor owes Kilgarrah a life debt as well.” She pointed toward Josiane. “Go on. Bring our ally home. Malodius, can you accompany Merlin and Princess Josiane?”

Malodius bowed to her. Then, he loped across the chamber and onto the carpet. He hrunghed at Merlin.

Merlin nodded. “I will return, Princess. I would not leave Britomart alone in your service.” He bowed to her. “Sire.” He added a bow to Accolon.

“Merlin, I suspect that will not be a problem.” Mithian added a snort for good measure. “Go on. Nemeth awaits your successful return.”

“I will do my best.” Merlin raised her hand. His eyes met Mithian’s. His lips whispered across her knuckles. “Thank you for your faith.”

Unexpected breeze rustled her chocolate locks. Faerie dust glittered in Mithian’s eyes. “Always.” Her heart skipped a beat. “Thank you for your respect, M…Merlin.” Restraint kept ‘My Prince’ back (in spite of everyone but Josiane) knowing her intention. She watched him step onto the carpet. Nerves batted about in her stomach. Come back to me….my Prince.

Malodius roared. He looked to Merlin. He bowed his head.

“I believe you are correct, my Friend.” Josiane ruffled Malodius’ mane. “We shall return, Princess Mithian.” She nodded to Mithian. Her eyes twinkled at Merlin. Approval prompted a nudge for Merlin. She turned the carpet around in mid-air. Then, they disappeared into the mists bound for Camelot and Task ahead.

Mithian bit her lip. Anxiety welled up inside of herself. “Sire? What?”

“You have made my case for me, Princess.” Accolon bowed to her. “Do not worry. Morgana and I are in the citadel. Have faith. Perhaps we might speak to your father? Then, I must return to Camelot.”

Mithian studied the grant once more. Friendship’s document granted her greatest gift. “Aye! Wait until Father sees this!” She pumped her fists to the sky. Gratitude’s tears welled up in her eyes. Thank you, goddess! She sucked in a deep breath. “Sir Balinor, thank you again. Merlin is in good hands. That I promise you! Come, Sire!” She hustled from the chamber. She motioned to the security knights. Then, she led them toward the Throne Chamber.

Start spreading the news. Merlin’s there to stay….

Chapter 28: Gawain's Discovery Upon Arrival


Britomart leads the expedition back into Whitgate. Gawain makes a discovery at the citadel.

Chapter Text

Chapter 26

Britomart led Mithian’s former hunting entourage over the drawbridge. Duties brought her purpose. Nary a spec of dirt or dust lingered in Royal Household’s chambers. Sol’s beams reflected off Furnishings’ polished surfaces. Punctuality and Routine ran her efforts with Sundial’s precision. Respect and Earnestness ran relationships with peers and royals alike. Chambermaid, healer, knight (well all right…aspiring knight), decent enough hunter and companion served their roles in her personal repertoire. She treasured her mistress’ hunts.

Peace, Serenity, Natura’s rhythms all around….

…well except that time….

Necessity had driven Mithian and her away from Whitgate that week. Respite, as it always had, promised time to compose themselves. Mithian’s hunts allowed her to think. Fortuna brought a stag or boar into bow shot. Still, Rejection needed (yet another) boot to the border. Resistance from Count Bernard and Graybeards drove Mithian to distraction. The occasion started off well enough….

…Elaine’s scream and prayer pitched rocks through that proverbial window….

What was Count Bernard thinking? Really? Shudders and nausea unsettled her. Memoria and nightmare sent periodic echoes of Lady Reyna’s ordeal. Aredian’s attitude earlier brought that scene back for her. The King will not stand for it. Uther saved that butcher. Distaste soured in her mouth. Her eyes watched the procession enter the city. “Follow me for the citadel!”

Gawain raised an eyebrow. Long day’s ride wore down on him. He glanced about at Whitgate’s lower town. Britomart’s pretentiousness struck a nerve. “Been here before, Lance?”

“It has been a while. Aye.” Lancelot sucked in a deep breath. His eye wandered over their surroundings. “Whitgate is a nice place, Gawain. I have been here a few times. Perhaps we might find something for ourselves? I would not trouble King Rodor without being invited first.”

A deep frown scrunched Gawain’s face. “Kind of the way you talk about Camelot? Just give me a good tavern, an ale and lots of friends! Now that’s what I like! You know, Percy?”

Percival shook his head. His mind drifted due north. In Riversmore, his beloved Blancheflor awaited his return. Reverie shut out his surroundings.

“You would.” Britomart snorted. “As if I would not remember all of you?” She led her horse under the arch and into the Upper Town. “Lancelot shows respect for King Rodor. Percival serves Lady Blancheflor. Milady would send riders to alert Riversmore to his presence. Perhaps you might not tarnish yourself this time, my Lord Windbag? I am sure Master Reynolds in the Drunken Apple recalls what you…” Her throat cleared. “…like very well…” She shook her head. Her heart flip flopped. Why does he do that to me? She ground her teeth. She urged her horse onward toward the citadel.

“Your memory lives up to its reputation, Britomart.” Percival shook his head at Gawain.

Lancelot stifled a cough. “Seems you have made an impression on the lady.” He noticed Gawain’s and Britomart’s interactions along the trail. Sparks had punctuated brief conversations. Her stolen looks at Gawain revealed Frustration’s frothing within herself. Caring came through her tone and scolding. Most took it in stride. Still, to Lancelot, such sentiment stood out to him. Her heart’s ache resonated with his. Amor enforced Unrequited Torture on her as well. Gawain’s reference to Camelot swung his mind back. Reminder stung at him.


Exasperated sigh hissed through his teeth. He bowed his head. Memoria recalled Hengist’s castle anew. He’d protected her. He helped her to escape…or at least he thought he had done so. Merlin’s magic saved the day again. Alas! Amor chose Arthur for her side and not him. Honor and Duty demanded abrupt retreat. Sacrifice would see to her happiness. With only a few words to Merlin, he slipped away under Nocturne’s cover. Mercenary tasks took him to Gaul and back. Sword crossed Sword in battles. Tankards toasted one another. He watched the knights with their ladies. His heart ached.

“That woman in Camelot getting to you again?” Gawain rolled his eyes. “Come on, Lance! There is a bigger world! Lots of women out there!” He held his arms out to make his point.

The waiting wooden stack and straw drew Lancelot’s attention. Distraction proved welcome at that point. “Britomart! What is that?”

“It is a funeral pyre. Odd. Master Wyngate has no patients ill unto death.” Britomart urged her horse onward toward Citadel’s stairs. She crossed the cobblestoned plaza within three horse lengths. She pulled up on the reins. “Good evening, Sir Roland and Sir Richard!” Respect prompted a manageable bow in the saddle. She dismounted. “Can you tell me? Did Princess Mithian return?”

A tanned man with salt and pepper hair regarded her. “Aye. She and Princess Josiane returned by midday.” His head bowed. “Terrible shame though.”

“Terrible shame?” Restraint held her back from pressing the point further. “Sir Balinor?”

“Aye. Him. I was going to take Sir Richard up to meet him. I served with that dragon and him. You know the one in the tapestry downstairs?” Roland sucked in a heavy breath. “Sir Galahad and the others just finished the pyre over there. Terrible shame it is.”

“I heard a story about his woman out in some village somewhere.” Richard put his hand on Roland’s shoulder. “You need a breather?”

“Thanks but nay.” Roland shook it off. “Princess Mithian’s with Sir Balinor. There’s someone up there too. Know him from somewhere.” He scratched his head. “I know I’ve seen him before.” He watched the retinue stop in front of them. “Wait! I know you!” He pointed at Lancelot.

“Sir Roland, I believe?” Relief eased Lancelot’s mindset. He dismounted from his saddle. “It is great to see you again!” He bowed to him. “With respect.”

“Thanks but hardly necessary! Bloody unfair it is! You should be a knight now!” Roland extended his hand. “King Rodor bugged King Bors about your sword last time!”

“I was but a page the last time, Lancelot.” Richard extended his hand. “Roland, maybe Sir Galahad or Sir Ywain might see ‘em?”

“We can hope so, my Friend. I can think of no better place for myself than this. King Rodor’s a good man. I respect Sir Galahad.” Lancelot clasped hands and arms with Richard. “Congratulations on your spurs, Sir Richard. Perhaps we will fight side by side one day? I fear I am not a knight.”

“Lancelot? Aye. Who else? I….” Roland shook his head. “And look at who you brought as well! You are a long way from Riversmore, Percival! Been a while for you too!” He clasped hands and arms with Percival. “King Rodor will want to see you! We just have to honor Sir Balinor tomorrow.”

“We found him in Mercia. He’d been hiding in a cave there. I wish he’d been closer to Riversmore. Lady Blancheflor would have treated him herself. I would like to see King Rodor. Perhaps there are places for us here? I am returning from across the Eastern Sea. So are they.” Percival pointed to Lancelot and Gawain.

“Aye! We…” Richard stiffened. “Bloody hell! You?” He pointed at Gawain. “Lancelot, Percival, he busted up a tavern real good a few years past!”

“Yeah? Not my fault your knight had a big mouth. He also had a dagger, Kid.” Gawain rubbed the back of his neck. “He took a slash at me. Stabbed a keg instead. Stupid waste!” Scowl disparaged that man further.

“Seems your reputation precedes you as well.” Her hand stifled a wry cough. Squint stabbed at Gawain’s ego further.

“You wish you knew about my rep, Brit.” Gawain shook off her assessment. He inspected the plaza. “Tried to kill some time. Couldn’t see the King over my Dad. Had to be around here some place.” He regarded the citadel. “Figure this would be a good place. Maybe he might’ve come here to help in a fight.”

“Fight, eh? Cause one or what?” Richard scoffed. “He be a troublemaker too!” His hand went for his sword’s hilt.

“That is not necessary, Sir Richard.” Lancelot stepped between them. “Gawain, your father? I thought you were from somewhere in Cawdor?” He put his hand on Gawain’s arm.

“Yeah.” Gawain bowed his head. Resentment forced Anger’s breath through clenched teeth. Pain stabbed at his heart. “Lance….” He clenched his fists at his sides. “Kid wants to shoot his big mouth off! Dad helped! He died!” Hate blazed in his eyes. “We all got thrown off the manor! Dodging that bloody Meleagant’s bounty hunters! Mom’s dead too! Sister got sold off like some piece of meat! I don’t even know if she’s alive! ALL RIGHT?”

“Bloody bollocks!” Roland’s jaw dropped. Haunted expression paled his face. “Gawain! Your sire! What was his name?” He took a step toward Gawain.

“Hey! I don’t even know if it’s here! All right?” Gawain’s hand rested on his sword’s hilt. “I’ve had a real long day! I don’t need this!” Composing breaths calmed him.

“Gawain.” Percival grabbed him by the right arm. “Sir Roland is asking for your father’s name. That is all. I admit that your tale is familiar to me. Lady Blancheflor tells a story like it. Just answer his question.”

“It would be easier than going to the dungeon.” Lancelot shook his head. “Calm yourself. This is a good place. Whatever happened before, I am sure Sir Galahad or King Rodor can help you.” His eyes pleaded with Gawain for calm. “Meleagant is not here.”

“It is as he says, Lancelot. Those men who ambushed us two days ago? They worked for Meleagant.” Percival glanced at Roland and then at Richard. “Gawain, why were they looking for you?”

“They are trying to exterminate Dad’s line.” Sarcastic snort pressed from Gawain’s lips. His eyes narrowed. “Fine! His name was Robert d’ Arbourne! All right?” He threw his hands up in the air. “Maybe ol’ Rodor can help me find out about him?”

Richard stared at Gawain. “Roland, is that not….?”

“Aye. Blessed be!” Roland stared at Gawain. “I am sorry, Gawain. Why did you not tell us? We know!” He ran up the stairs. His fist beat on the outer door.

Galahad opened the door. “Sir Roland? What is the trouble? King Rodor has…” He stepped out onto the top step. Recognition beheld the two former mercenaries. “Lancelot? Percival? Good evening! Please come in!” He rushed down and embraced each one. “Britomart? Princess Mithian will be glad to see you. It is a somber night.”

“I will make sure Our Lady has her dinner and drink, Sir Galahad.” Britomart bowed to him. “Gawain, it seems, is full of surprises. That is why Sir Roland knocked on the door.” She turned to Gawain. “Tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Dread washed over Galahad. Memoria recalled the damaged tavern as well. “Sir Roland? What has he done now?” Suspicion arched his brow. “King Rodor is in no mood for horse play tonight!”

“Sir Galahad, with respect….” Lancelot bowed to him. “Apparently, Gawain has Cawdorian bounty hunters after him. We found Sir Balinor two nights ago in Mercia. They attacked us. Sir Balinor held his own. His wounds were grave.”

“Aye. I saw them upstairs.” Regret sagged akin to Pall over Galahad’s heart. “You should be honored, Gawain. That is the type of man Sir Balinor was!”

“Yeah. He seemed it. Only met him that one time.” Gawain took a heavy breath. “Sorry. I want to know about my Dad.”

“Your sire?” Galahad rubbed his chin. He noted Roland’s slight bow in Gawain’s direction. “Sir Roland?”

“I do not bloody believe it! Gawain says his sire is Sir Robert! Sir Robert d’ Arbourne! The guy whose armor is downstairs!” Roland shook his head.

“Sir…?” Galahad wheeled about to face Gawain. “Are you serious? There is a family crest. I know it.” He strode down the stairs. Each boot fall weighed heavier than the last.

“I got it.” Gawain pulled on a chain around his neck. Beneath his shirt, Blood Red Tiger Rampant reared on its pendant. “That’s it.”

Galahad stared at it. “I dare say!” Incredulity widened his eyes. “Amazing! First Sir Balinor’s son returns. Now, Sir Robert’s son as well!” He extended his hand. “You three will accompany me. For this, King Rodor will want to be interrupted! Sir Roland, Sir Richard, maintain the watch. Thank you for alerting me. Britomart, you as well. He and Princess Mithian will want to know everything!”

“I would say so.” Lancelot bowed to Gawain and then to Galahad. “It is good to see you again as well, Sir Galahad.”

“You did good service for King Bors and at our side, Lancelot. Nemeth has not forgotten that. I can assure you.” Galahad set his jaw. He opened the door. With a swipe of his hand, he ushered the newcomers into the citadel.

Mysteries long buried were in the light once more….

Chapter 29: Rodor Recognizes Gawain


Rodor recognizes Gawain.


Okay…well, Gawain’s about to talk about his parentage. I had to create a new Mom’s name apart from traditional lore. (In there, Morgause—yes that Morgause—is his mother. LOL!) Wish the BBC Writers would’ve paid more attention to the details at times. Oh what they could have done in Season 3 with that relationship!

Chapter Text

Chapter 27 [Throne Chamber—A Twelfth of the Hourglass Later]

Rodor brooded on his throne. He cancelled the royal court on that afternoon. His focus lay with immediate issues instead. Count Bernard stewed in the dungeon. Elaine rested in a guest chamber. Aredian remained at large. Necessity demanded an explanation from Uther. War rattled its saber within the scabbard anew. And then Sir Balinor’s return turned everything upside down….


Why did you not let Father confront Uther by diplomatic means? Certainly, Bors and Radegund would have supported our numbers without question! But of course, you would not hear of it. You’d sacrifice yourself for everything and everyone. You barely knew your son. Ah, my Friend! Aredian’s shadow falls across Merlin yet again. Now that I know the truth, I will keep him safe. Princess Mithan, it seems, has ideas of her own. Rodor ground his teeth. Merlin’s standing should be a fait accompli. Hereditary nobility tied Merlin to knighthood. Capability Laws allowed for Merlin’s elevation in Camelot. Several realms owed Balinor and Merlin life debts.

Blumenwald set his quill down. “The preparations for tomorrow are complete, Sire. We simply have to bring Sir Balinor’s body downstairs. Sir Galahad will arrange for an honor guard to do so.”

“Aye. Thank you, Lord Blumenwald. You are thorough as always.” Rodor rubbed his forehead. “Why did Sir Balinor have to hide?” He shook his head. “OUTRAGEOUS!” His fist slammed into the armrest. “Uther Pendragon is like a rabid dog! He gorges himself and then he salivates for more! He violated several kingdoms’ boundaries for his Purge! And now, Merlin worries for his own skin! After everything he has done? I cannot believe he is still a servant!” He ground his teeth.

“Perhaps you could negotiate for him? If I may suggest, Sire? Merlin is a servant. King Uther would give him little regard.” Blumenwald quivered slightly. Rodor’s rage intimidated him. Rarely did the King show such displays.

“He will suspect something.” Rodor’s fingers tap danced a terse melody across the traumatized arm rest. Strategies worked through his mind. “Something will need to be done. You have noticed Princess Mithian around him?”

Blumenwald nodded. “I have, Sire. I can scarcely believe it. I mean no offense to the Princess of course. Other than Prince Accolon, she has shown little interest in potential matches for her hand. At least, Merlin is his father’s son. He saved the kingdom and then nearly died for Prince Kay. He nearly killed himself for his duty.” He shook his head.

Rodor allowed himself a chuckle. “Aye. I do. He is Sir Balinor’s son all right. Even then, he showed his iron against Uther on that day. I never thought I would see that look in her eyes. She desires him. I would say the goddess is at work here. If Merlin were free of Camelot, I would grant the marriage.”

A knock came from the door.

“A moment, Sire.” Blumenwald opened the door. “Sir Galahad?”

“Lord Blumenwald, pardon my interruption of the King’s privacy. An urgent matter has come to my attention. I believe King Rodor will wish to see it for himself. Might we enter please?” Galahad bowed before Blumenwald.

“Let him enter, Lord Blumenwald. Sir Galahad has a good mind for protocols.” Rodor motioned Galahad forward. He watched Galahad lead Percival, Gawain, Lancelot and Britomart into his presence. In unison, he saw their bow and curtsey. “Well now! Guests on such a night! Welcome back, Percival! I am sure Lady Blancheflor will be delighted by your return. We heard glad tidings from King Bors on your behalf. Given today’s sorrowful circ*mstances, you are most welcome! Lancelot, your service is known to us. Even if King Uther did not appreciate your service against the griffin, we know of the incident. Britomart, thank you for your service. Princess Mithian told me you were leading everyone back here. And, Gawain, I would welcome you as well. You will pardon me. One of our most distinguished heroes passed away three turns of the hourglass ago. You saw his pyre awaiting First Light on the morrow.” He raised a goblet to his lips. Wine broke Thirst’s parch.

“We thank you for welcoming us, Sire.” Percival bowed again. “I know of Sir Balinor’s service of course from the old legends. I apologize. We could not keep him alive.”

“That is hardly your fault, Percival. Princess Josiane and Princess Mithian saw him back here. He and I spoke before his passing. I was able to grant him grace and our royal love. He knows our gratitude for his selfless sacrifice on our behalf. His son and he met tonight. Apparently, that one was right under our noses all along.” Rodor took a deep breath. “No matter. His mantle has been passed on. Now, what is your urgent matter, Sir Galahad?”

“It is more good news, Sire.” Galahad bowed again. “Sir Balinor’s son is not the only one to return to us today. Gawain?” Expectation cast a firm look toward Gawain.

“Yeah.” Gawain released a deep breath. His feet trudged forward. “Your Worship?” He bowed to Rodor. “Thanks. I just heard about my father.”

“Father?” Rodor stiffened. Impatience sharpened his tone. “Sir Galahad, you said this was urgent. Certainly, we can assist Gawain with his quest after the funeral tomorrow? Sir Balinor deserves our attention tonight.” Frown darkened his face.

Galahad paled. “Pardon me, Sire. You know of my personal admiration for Sir Balinor in feats and personage. The honor guard stands prepared to do our duty. Especially tonight, I would not trouble you with a trivial matter. Gawain revealed an important matter to Sir Roland, Sir Richard and me outside. He has a key tie to Nemeth. I have checked his credential. He has the proper crest. I would request Lord Blumenwald’s confirmation.” His throat cleared. Disbelief still forced his hesitation. “He is Sir Robert’s son.”

“Sir Robert?” Rodor sat straight up in his throne. Galahad’s assertion seized his attention. “As in Sir Robert d’ Arbourne of Cawdor? What is this credential?”

“He refers to Gawain’s pendant, Sire,” Percival clarified.

Rodor mulled that notion over in his mind. Wonder pressed many questions and thoughts on him. “Lord Blumenwald, you know the crest. Can you look at it please?” He pointed toward Gawain. “Gawain, if you could let my High Chancellor look at your crest? Sir Robert brought it with him of course before the Battle of Etranburg. He fought in gallant fashion. I am proud to have led him into battle on that day. It is distressing that he departed soon after. We heard nothing further from him.”

Gawain took the necklace off. He set it in Blumenwald’s hands with care. “Take it easy with that. That was my Mom’s. Dad gave it to her.” Uncharacteristic reverence bowed his head. His eyes remained fixed on the chancellor and his necklace.

“Certainly. I need to look at the crest on it.” Blumenwald examined the pendant in question. Age’s wear and scuffs marred its appearance. Family symbols, however, stood out in unmistakable fashion. “Indeed so! Put out your hand please.” He set the necklace and pendant back into Gawain’s outstretched palm. “Thank you.” He turned back toward Rodor and Galahad. “Sire, it is as Sir Galahad said. Gawain has the necessary crest. Sir Robert listed his wife, a son and a daughter. Your name matches that of his son. I have to ask what are your mother’s and sister’s names?”

“My sister was Soredamors. Mom’s name was Lady Meredith. That is before Meleagant’s uncle kicked us off of Dad’s manor. He died of a bad leg wound. Sorie…Soredamors let herself be sold and taken away to keep slavers away from Mom and me. Mom got sick. She died. I’m it.” Gawain threw his hands up in the air. “Big Red won’t leave me alone either. They jumped me. Balinor had my back.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He took a sword strike for me.”

Rodor looked to Galahad and then to Blumenwald. “That is just like Sir Balinor, Gawain. His sense of honor and sacrifice were his top priorities always. You will hear more about that tomorrow. Perhaps you might do us a favor? Would you agree to serve as a member of his honor guard? You would carry his bier outside.”

“I’ll do it. I owe him that much.” Gawain looked to Galahad. “Just let me know what I need to do.”

“Aye. Thank you, Gawain,” Galahad accepted. “I will show you where the Physicians’ Chamber is. You will need to awaken an hour prior to First Light.”

“I will make sure he is awake, Sir Galahad.” Britomart arched her eyebrow at Gawain. Before she could say anything else, the door opened again. “Milady!” She curtseyed again.

Mithian poked her head into the chamber. “Sire? Pardon me. King Accolon and I need to see you. I….”

“Daughter, you two should join us! We have more splendid news! King Accolon, you as well.” Rodor beckoned them both inside. “I thought you were with Sir Balinor?”

“I was! Father, King Accolon has solved our problem with Merlin!” Excitement gushed over inside of Mithian. She held the scroll up in the air.

“Merlin?” Lancelot turned abruptly toward her. “You mean Prince Arthur of Camelot’s servant?” Concern pushed to know more. “King Accolon? Forgive me. Did something happen to King Ruthbert?” He bowed to them both.

“It is all right, Princess.” Accolon strode toward Lancelot. “Lancelot is a skilled warrior on the battlefield. King Uther rejected him for Camelot’s service. Quite the shame really. He served King Bors and my father well at various times. He, Percival, Gawain and I fought together across the Eastern Sea. I’d take any of them for Tintagel’s knights. As for my father, Lancelot, aye, the King passed through the Veil. I am now King. Lord Geoffrey of Monmouth married Morgana Pendragon and me earlier today. King Uther, it seems, wishes to have new servants in the royal household. As a wedding gift, he sent Merlin and Guinevere to serve us in Tintagel. Lady Morgana suggested that Merlin come here instead. Given his shared accomplishments both here and in Camelot, I agree. Furthermore, King Rodor, I can attest to his accomplishments toward noble status. He is on a mission for all of us right now.”

“Mission?” Rodor stood up on the dais. “What would that be, King Accolon? I was not informed.”

“Sir Balinor’s last wish to Merlin was to free Kilgarrah the Great Dragon from his prison. King Uther chained him under Camelot’s citadel. Merlin, Princess Josiane and Malodius go to free him. Merlin has to be there. He has to bond with Kilgarrah.” Accolon exchanged looks with Mithian. Then, his eyes returned to Rodor’s. “Lady Morgana is in the citadel. The triple goddess is watching.”

“Aredian could be there as well,” Rodor pointed out. “So, Merlin has inherited the talent?”

“Merlin was already communicating with Kilgarrah. This will complete the process. When he returns, King Rodor, I am presenting him to you for your service. I believe you can find a proper role for him?” Accolon clarified. “Princess Mithian has my scroll recording that transfer of service to you.”

“And we accept your generous gift, King Accolon. Thank you. Congratulations on your marriage. Perhaps when this is over, we can celebrate?” Rodor motioned for the grant scroll. “Princess Mithian, I would like to see that?”

“Aye, Sire.” Mithian presented the scroll to him. “It is as King Accolon says.” She took a step back toward the others.

“Let us see then. Shall we?” Rodor unrolled the parchment. Message therein met with his approval. “Indeed so! Lord Blumenwald, Daughter, I believe we shall have some new knights to induct into our service. Meantime, I will have a proposition for Merlin as well.” He rolled the scroll back up and handed it to Blumenwald. “See that this is archived. King Accolon, I was about to invite the others to dinner. You are invited of course.”

“Thank you, King Rodor. Perhaps another time? Lady Morgana and King Uther await me in Camelot’s citadel. I wish to be there in case Merlin and the others need assistance.” Accolon bowed his head. “Have a good meal. Lady Morgana and I are glad to be of service.” Canary glinted in his eyes. He waved his hands. Mists swept him away from there.

“That’s some trick. Wish people knew about it.” Gawain whistled.

“It is a closely guarded skill. I have heard stories. Lancelot, Lady Elaine is going to need assistance coming to dinner. I believe you both know each other? Sir Galahad, can you show him where that is?”

Lancelot nodded. Memoria recalled Elaine’s intervention on his previous visit. “Aye. She helped me with my leg. Is she all right?” Friendship’s warmth eased his mood in that heartbeat.

“I shall indeed, Sire! Follow me, Lancelot.” Galahad bowed to Rodor and then Mithian. “Lady Elaine has been through a great deal. She could use a friend.” Then, he led Lancelot toward the passage in question.

“I believe that is our cue.” Rodor led the group toward the passage beyond the door.

Mithian lingered behind. Her eyes drifted toward the window. Worry pressed at her heart. Somewhere in Camelot, Merlin pursued his course. Aredian, in the meantime, lurked close by. Lady, watch over Merlin and the others! She bit her lip. Then, she hustled after the others.

Perhaps Worries persisted. Duty’s show, however, had to go on….

Chapter 30: Accolon and Morgana Communicate


Morgana watches the proceedings at Uther's banquet. Accolon advises patience. Arthur and Gwen pine for each other.

Chapter Text

Chapter 28 [Camelot—Dining Hall]

Celebration warmed the air. Streamers bobbed along Chamber’s edge. Garlands adorned certain spots. Nobility and knights clapped goblets. Gaiety and Revelry raised spirits. Laughter echoed up and down the passages. Goblets touched Goblets. Toasts wished Luck and Fortune upon others.

Wedding linked Camelot’s and Tintagel’s fortunes. Opportunities laid at hand….


Morgana sipped from her own goblet. Contentment lifted her spirits up. Caution and care ensured nary a drop marred her fine gown. Audrey’s capon and beef excelled usual standards. Well wishes and congratulations elicited smiles and pleasant overtones. Her eye turned toward Accolon’s still empty chair. I’d have expected him to be back by now. We have the celebratory toast soon! Her fork speared a piece of meat and carried it to her mouth.

“More wine, Milady?” Gwen sucked in a deep breath. Professionalism maintained a strict poker face over her feelings. Depression and protests weighed on her heart. The marriage gladdened her sure enough. Still, her eye drifted several places down toward a certain brooding Prince. She forced herself to look at Morgana again.

“Aye. Thank you, Gwen.” Morgana held her goblet out. She picked up on Gwen’s feelings. Her eyes followed toward Arthur as well. Perhaps, Dear Brother, you might get your priorities straight? She kept a straight face. The goddess’ plans remained in motion. Her suggestion for Merlin’s ‘regifting’ laid Goodwill’s foundation between Tintagel and Nemeth. (Besides, it ensured Mithian had someone at long last.) She glanced toward Uther and then Aredian. Then, she turned back toward Gwen. “I do appreciate you.” She motioned toward Arthur. “Can you check on the Prince’s goblet?” Sympathy moved her in that heartbeat.

“Of course, you do. I am grateful for everything. Tintagel’s a nice place. They have a great many things and places to explore. I look forward to it.” Gwen curtseyed. Then, she moved on toward her Prince. She noted George moving in with his own pitcher. “I have this.”

“But! But!” George stiffened. Indignation puffed through his chest and brown-bespeckled nostrils. Perfection and abundance moved him to heap everything for Arthur. He pranced about the area. Goblets overflowed. (Efficiency and Generosity were to be valued after all.)

Dirty looks and curses however unsettled his way.

“George, Gwen has the matter in hand.” Arthur’s hand shot up. Patience for his new servant frayed quickly. Father, so help me! Merlin may be an idiot. But even he knows how to fill a goblet properly! Icy sparks set in his eyes. “I think…you have served enough wine tonight. Perhaps there are some silver pieces to be polished in the West Wing?”

“If that is your wish, Sire. Of course!” George bowed. Wine sloshed about in the pitcher. Drops jumped into the air.

“Just…go!” Arthur ground his teeth. His frown curled in on itself. Resentment burned within him. Admissions came hard. He missed Merlin. Gwen’s impending departure tore at his heart. Uther’s triumphant smugness burned at him most. He pointed toward the door. “Polish or whatever!”

George slunk off toward the aforementioned portal. Resentment and Jealousy burned at him. I only want to serve him! How can he compare me to those…*peasants*? Revulsion shuddered at his back and shoulders. Rejection burned in his eyes.

Muttered ‘thank yous’ and expletives followed his departure. Caution guided guests to sip at overflowing goblets. Eyes checked sleeves. A few leveled off goblets raised in Gratitude’s toast in Arthur’s direction. Conversations and spirits resumed after that.

“Thank you, Gwen.” Arthur raised his goblet. Relief eased his mindset. His fingers brushed over hers. His heart skipped a beat at her presence and touch. Longing shone in his eyes…meeting its counterpart in hers. Desire and Instinct wished to abduct her. Together, they’d slip away in Celebration’s buzz. Perhaps, they cross the Severn before Pursuit could catch them…. Then again, perhaps not….

Hopelessness, it seemed, ruled supreme amidst Celebration’s tide on that night.

“Of course.” Gwen filled the goblet to proper depth. “There you are.” Service gladdened her own heart. I would give more to Camelot and you, Arthur! Why do they not see us as a proper match? As if those gray beards have done any more than we have? Or Merlin? Uther is so unfair! “I will be back around.”

Arthur nodded ever so slightly to Gwen. He raised his goblet to Morgana. Gratitude prompted another nod and toast in her direction. Hopefully, they will let me meet Gwen in some secret location. We just have to wait Father out. One day, I will be King. Then, I will redo the laws.

A wry smile crossed Morgana’s face. Already Arthur’s plotting against Uther. I wish I could say that is unexpected! She sipped once more from her goblet. She noted Accolon’s approach. Be careful, Dear Brother, of what you wish for.

The goddess only wants co-existence. The Purge is Uther’s insanity not Arthur’s. I know about what Morgause and Igraine said to him. Accolon raised Morgana’s hand. “My Princess and Soon to Be Queen. My Partner.” Lips whispered Amor’s notes across her knuckles.

What Morgause and Igraine said….? Memoria recalled Morgause from her victory over Arthur in the arena well enough. Questions, however, remained as to Accolon’s exact meaning. “My Partner. My King.” Morgana’s heart skipped a beat. “Is all well? I missed you.” Her eyes moved toward his waiting chair. “Uther’s been waiting for the toast. You should eat.”

“I believe I will.” Accolon slid into his seat. “Thank you for allowing Guinevere her service tonight as well. I am not a monster. Nor are you, Milady.” He raised his goblet toward Arthur. Then, he took a long draught. Merlin will be below soon enough. All that is left is for Uther to realize his full potential.

Irony caught at Morgana’s throat. Excesses had defined Uther’s reign. I believe he is there now.

We shall see. I have no idea. In my own defense, I do not know how that will happen. Just that it will. Accolon tapped his fingers on the table. That is why I wanted Merlin and Guinevere away from here. I know how you value her service. I would reward her for that as well.

Aye. I do. I want that as well. She is a dear friend. I wish we could have Arthur live in exile at our court. I would not have a war. Pity. Morgana glanced toward Uther. “The King seems ready.” Still, something felt off at that point. Accolon? Uther almost feels like…. She did a double take.

Accolon ate a few more bites. His eyes met Gwen’s. He raised his goblet toward her. After she’d filled the goblet, he nodded to her. “Thank you.” Ill At Ease, however, strummed across his senses. Energy burned at his own senses. He sloshed his wine about. Then, his eyes turned toward the table’s head.

Toast was about to be unforgettable all right….

Chapter 31: Irony Finds Uther


As he gives the toast, Uther has something unexpected...and ironic happen. A reaction ensues...


Seems that Uther has sides to himself that even he doesn’t know about!! Paging Irony! Come in, Irony! LOL!

Chapter Text

Chapter 29

Uther set his fork beside the now-empty plate. Triumph lifted his spirits. Despite Ruthbert’s passing, Alliance bound Tintagel and Camelot for the most part. Morgana’s influence ensured Accolon’s acceptance of his policies. Arthur’s household held only proper servants and staff. Potential marital alliances piqued Kings Olaf’s and Odin’s respective interests. Amazonia’s Queen Elena sat off to the side. Another Amazon in a buckskin dress tended to her needs. Cenred talked low with a hulking man-mountain with charcoal-shaded hair and smoldering eyes. Aredian lingered toward the table’s far end. Several potential sorcerers awaited their questions on the morrow.

Life was good….

Sweat beaded on his forehead. Static irritated his skin. Hairs stood slightly on end. Several times, shocks jolted him. Breaths efforted from his lungs and mouth. Gaius would have to be away now! I hope he is back by morning. If not, I will have to send Leon out to find him. Trust for Arthur remained in short supply. He’d keep the Prince under town-arrest until Gwen’s departure. That fool, Bernard, stirred up unrest in Nemeth. Get the toast done. Then, I can excuse myself. He rose to his feet. His eyes drank up Joy and Gaiety around himself. His fork struck his goblet several times. Enthusiasm raced his pulse.

Canary glinted in his eyes.

Aredian stiffened. Is this the moment you were waiting for, Lady?

Wait. A little more, my Servant, the goddess advised. Patience. Uther Pendragon is ready to reveal something very troublesome…at least for himself. Accolon, Morgana, prepare yourselves as well!

Fork’s shock waves rocked the chamber. Chandelier fell from its mooring shattering against the table. Guests covered their ears. Impact, however, bowled them over. Food and wine spilled on floor and people alike. Chairs and people hit the floor.

“SIRE? WHAT?” Gwen lost her footing. Wine pitcher slipped from her hand. Her head bound for the hard granite underneath….

“Gwen!” Arthur twisted his own fall. Strain grabbed at his side. He inserted himself between her and the granite. His lap and stomach cushioned her from impact and injury. This is one time I would not complain about Merlin’s extra belt holes! What happened? “Gwen?”

“I…I’m fine.” Gratitude lit up her eyes for her Prince. “The King…I…I saw him! His eyes…” She pointed at Uther. “His fork! When it struck the goblet, it did that!”

Arthur scoffed. “My father? The King? Gwen, he cannot have magic! You were seeing things! He….” He helped her to her feet. “Are you sure you are all right?”

“I am fine. Your Highness, I know what I saw.” Gwen shook Arthur off. Indignation and Outrage flared inside of herself. “He was going to kill me when he thought I had it! My father’s dead, Prince Arthur! How many people have died? And he has had magic all along?” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Serving wench is right, Pendragon. I saw his eyes glow too.” Sarcastic Snigg*r sputtered from Charcoal’s lips. He raised his goblet in mock-toast. “So! The great Uther Pendragon! Hammer of the Sorcerers is one himself! HAH!!!” Cynicism’s toast touched goblets with Cenred on that note.

“Likely story, Meleagant! You would say anything against my father!” Arthur stepped toward Uther’s side. “Father? Father, are you all right?”

“You calling me a liar, Boy Prince?” Meleagant rose to his feet. His eyes narrowed. Jagged grin spread across his face. “Even without my sword, I’ll break you like a twig!” Anticipation urged him onward toward potential confrontation.

“ENOUGH!” Elena slapped the table. “We have one issue to deal with, Butcher! Can you not do anything but crave fresh meat?” She slid between the hosts and Meleagant.

“I’ve wanted to test that magic, Amazon! I’ll bet I can kill you!” Meleagant spat on the floor. Blood and fire darkened his eyes.

“Try it!” Frown curled Elena’s mouth. “We will get our weapons….”

“STOP! No duels or provocations tonight! This is a wedding feast!” Accolon stood beside Elena. “Milady, Meleagant, please!” He glared at Arthur. “That goes for you as well, Prince Arthur.”

“Prince Arthur, stay back! We do not know….!” Morgana shook off Meleagant. Frankly, Disbelief threatened to swamp her thinking. Gwen’s summation resonated with her as well. Lady, did you know of this?

Aye. I suspected. Much as with Taene of Nemeth, Uther Pendragon has had latent magical talent all along. It was now that it surfaced, Child, the goddess noted.

And you wish him judged? Implications weighed on Accolon’s mind. He watched the developing factions in the chamber. Uther’s allies and his nobles backed away. Hostility, Fear and Revulsion backed them away from the overturned tables and sordid mess. Meleagant, Odin and Cenred circled Uther, Arthur and Morgana. Menace and Vengeance flared in their hearts. Challenge spat from sharp tongues. Opportunity seemed to beckon them forward. Clashes agendas and outlooks spiraled matters down toward Chaos’ depths.

Aredian can do so. Uther and Arthur Pendragon now can see what they put others through. By the way, this was not my doing. Aredian was to have tampered with Uther’s food tomorrow. I did not desire this scene. Again, this was Uther’s own latent ability surfacing on its own, the goddess reminded him.

“Arthur? I…I…do not understand! I feel this charge across my skin. I feel as if I am burning up! Where is Gaius? I…I…” Canary flashed through his eyes again. He gripped his stomach. His face contorted. “AHHH!!!” Pain and nausea doubled him over.

“FATHER!” Shock froze Arthur in place. Uther’s eyes confirmed Meleagant’s gibes….

His father…the King…was a sorcerer. He was really a bloody sorcerer….

Arthur ground his teeth. Instinct guided his actions. He grabbed onto Uther’s shoulders. “I’ll get you to the Physician’s Chambers! We will find someone! I will send riders after Gaius! I….”

Flatulence’s horn sounded from Uther’s arse. Fire ball scored the wall behind him. A subsequent spew of rose petals sprayed forth as well.

“Fire AND rose petals? Quite a display, Uther!” Cenred stifled a cough with his hand. Amusem*nt lit up his eyes. “Witchfinder! You have business here!” He motioned toward Uther.

“I know my mission, King Cenred.” Aredian set his jaw. “Prince Arthur, I believe I will need your services now. We will need to secure the King in his chambers. I will be there to question him soon.” He cleared his throat.

“Aye.” Arthur steadied himself. “Knights! On me! We need to escort the King back to his quarters and….”

Alarm gonged from warning bells on high.

“Now what?” Morgana turned to Accolon. She supported Uther on one side. She watched Tintagel’s and Camelot’s respective knights mass by the door. “We will see the King back to his chamber. Sirs Leon and Belvidere can come with us, Prince Arthur. We will make sure he is secure and comfortable.”

“I would concur, Prince Arthur.” Aredian straightened himself. “In the meantime, I can assure you that I will get to the bottom of the matter. Unfortunately, there is more that I must examine beyond this situation. Perhaps you will want to meet with your father’s council in the meantime?”

Arthur narrowed his eyes. “I will serve as his regent, Aredian! The King is still the King! We will be fair to my father. And what do you mean by more? My father hates magic! He’d never… If he is guilty…”

A rude snort spurted from Meleagant. “Uther is guilty, Pendragon! We saw him! Look around you! He is a sorcerer! You cannot even keep control!”

“We can assist, Prince Arthur!” Elena narrowed her eyes. Camelot’s laws confounded their situation. “Matilda! Follow me!” She marched out with the Amazon sisters following in her wake.

“Go with Morgana and King Accolon, Leon. Nothing else happens to the King! Am I clear?” Arthur surveyed Devastation’s flotsam and damage all around. He shook his head.

“I will be right at his side.” Leon bowed to Arthur. “Belvidere!” He followed Accolon, Morgana and their contingent toward Uther’s chambers.

Arthur sucked in several composing breaths. Granted, Celebration remained farthest from his mind on that evening. His eyes had met Gwen’s before her departure. “Everyone, I apologize! I am going to need you to return to your chambers. When I know more about the situation, I will let you know! Lord Geoffrey?”

Geoffrey of Monmouth shuffled closer to him. Disbelief and wonder still unsettled him about Uther’s situation. “Aye, Prince Arthur. Gaius is still not back. You might send for him. The rest of us can meet with you when the rest of the situation is known.” His frown deepened on his face. Memoria reminded him of Excalibur and Uther’s pact with Nimue for Arthur’s birth. Unicorn Horn troubled him. Kilgarrah’s presence added another element. Adultery with Viviane loomed large. Previous (yet annulled) marriage with Lady Catrina piled on. “I fear we have a serious discussion coming. I do not want to go any further here. You do know what this means?”

Arthur surveyed the chamber. The servants would clean the mess. The departing royals would require updates. Trust, however, applied to Elena and the Amazon sisterhood at least. His eyes met Cenred’s, Meleagant’s, Odin’s and even Olaf’s. Then, he marched out of the chamber and toward Uther’s chambers.

Little did he suspect the alarm’s source. Then again, could he have handled it in any event??

Chapter 32: Freeing Kilgarrah


Merlin faces his destiny. Kilgarrah needs to be freed. Terms and conditions apply....

Chapter Text

Chapter 30 [Half of an Hourglass Turn Earlier—Kilgarrah’s Cave]

Breeze wafted through the cavern’s upper hole. Luna’s dim light fought its way through rocky interfaces. Air sagged throughout the enclosed space. Star andLuna beckoned, teased and invited from far above. Freedom taunted so closely overhead. Dragon’s wings should’ve flapped and reached them…

…Dragon’s Wings perhaps. Manacle and Chain around Dragon’s foot barred such things….

Kilgarrah sulked. Resentment and Irritation burned within his heart. Smoke puffed through his nostrils. Solitude and Isolation had soured his outlook. Uther’s treatment ripped a hole in his heart. Balinor’s flight and hiding did not help matters any. His death earlier that night tore at him still further. Morgana’s engagement and Uther’s triumph left more bad tastes in his snout. Questions raised as to Merlin’s latest misadventures.


Kilgarrah’s frown pretzeled in on itself still further. His eyes rolled. Potential bubbled and leeched forth from the Young Warlock. Purpose and service kept Camelot on its feet. Proactivity protected his friends and companions. Service warmed people to his presence. Prophecy of Arthur as Once and Future King marched forward and over several barriers. A casual observer might even call such matters a success….

…Seeming…Promise…Potential akin to Reflections in the Lady of the Fountain’s pool…

…Carelessness…Willful Ignorance…Overinvestment…A Fatal Combination….

Merlin had to let his guard down. Gaius would be correct at least in that sense. He refuses to see the Witch’s danger in his destiny! Why did the goddess have to intervene? And…. Vibes and Premonition narrowed his eyes. Now what have you done, Merlin? He gnashed his fangs. Where are you?

Mist wafted on “Merlin’s Ledge” by Citadel Door. Wisps congealed into Pillar. Then, it formed a bank. Its chill dropped cavern’s temperature.

What is this? Kilgarrah rose to his full height. He turned toward the forming portal. One of the Sisterhood here? Now? He knew about Merlin’s standoff/pissing match with Nimue. Still, Shadow obscured Confrontations. Subtlety jabbed and parried back and forth until Climax on the Isle of the Blessed. Gaius, even then you fail! Indignant snort and eye roll constituted his response to that issue. If only Hunith had known! Uther’s mess fouls everything up! Vengeance boiled up within himself.

Josiane guided her carpet through the mists. Emotions clashed against each other. Influences conflicted in their agendas. Boeve’s distrust clashed with Rodor’s life bond. Merlin and Boeve stood in direct opposition to one another as Dragon Lord and Dragon Slayer. Instinct pushed her hand toward her blade’s hilt. “Is this our destination?”

“It is.” Merlin glanced toward the door. “It is clear.”

And if it was not? Skepticism squinted Malodius’ eyes at Merlin. You have your purpose, Balinor’s Son. Not even all of Camelot’s forces would stop you from that. Have faith in the goddess. He jumped down to the granite foothold. Confirmation, Resentment yet Relief washed over him in that heartbeat. His eyes assessed Kilgarrah’s state of affairs. Pity and Shame jabbed at him over his decades’ long bile about Kilgarrah’s absence. Greetings, Dragon. It seems I owe you an apology.

“Well!” Snark sauced Kilgarrah’s response. “Malodius the Lion! Guardian of Nemeth! It has been an age indeed!” He bit back the rest of the caustic response. “Thank you for that. As you can see, I cannot leave. I heard your calls. I could not help. Thank Uther Pendragon for that!” He sniffed. “Merlin! You have discovered worthy companions I see. Malodius the Lion and a Hamijj warrior no less! That carpet resembles the one Khalil al-Abazz used in battle a century ago!”

“He was my ancestor, Dragon. Aye. Carpet served him as it does me now.” Wariness cast distrustful look from her toward Kilgarrah. “I am Josiane of Alexandria, Exiled Princess and Rightful Sultana of Egypt. I admit I am conflicted.”

A chortle spurted from Kilgarrah. “You forgot to mention Boeve of Hampton, the accursed Dragon Slayer! The murderer of my kind! I feel his stink on you. Everything else you say is true enough. Khalil was a valued ally. That is why I tolerate your presence!” He shook his head. “You have quite the taste in companions, Merlin. If not the Young Pendragon then a Dragon Slayer’s consort no less!”

“Princess Josiane is here to help, Kilgarrah. I met someone earlier today.” Merlin set his jaw. “Balinor returned to Nemeth. I talked to him before he passed through the Veil. He sent you his regards. One of his last wishes was to see you freed.” He raised Accolon’s sword. “I want to do that.”

“So, you mean to free me at last?” Surprise stunned Kilgarrah. Senses discerned something different about the young Warlock to be honest. “I would pay Uther back!”

Malodius snarled. His paw batted at the floor in Challenge’s service.

“Nay. You cannot!” Merlin drew his blade. “You will not!” He shook his head. His eyes smoldered into Kilgarrah’s. He focused on Kilgarrah’s right side. “I SAY NAY!”

“You say…?” Kilgarrah snigg*red. “Merlin, really? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME!”

He has EVERY right, Dragon! Sir Balinor was driven into hiding. Merlin was forced to live as a peasant rather than as our brother and companion! You will show him respect! YOU SERVE HIM NOW! Malodius barked at him.

“Boeve was right. Insolent creature!” She spat on the rock floor.

“Princess.” Merlin shook her disrespect off. “We have both been denied our proper places. So has Kilgarrah.” Energy surged through him. Unfamiliar language echoed in his head. Growl ground through throat and from mouth. “YE LIDENOW ME NAH! WAHHRO NAAAHHHT UURAGGG!!!” White glowed in his eyes.

Kilgarrah stiffened. Dragon Lord’s presence registered clearly across his senses. WHAT IS THIS? YOU? A DRAGON LORD? HOW IS IT THAT I DID NOT FEEL THIS BEFORE?

Balinor was my father! I did not know until today! When he passed through the Veil, his mantle and responsibility passed to me. I speak not for myself but for justice! Do not sink to Uther’s level! Please! Merlin shook his head at his brother. I cannot free you until I have your word.

Kilgarrah glared at Merlin. Resentment boiled within himself. Bile burned at his craw. He ground his fangs. “And you, Slayer Beloved?”

“I am not the Pendragons. I admit I do not trust you, Dragon. I do trust Malodius and Merlin. You have their respect.” She held her hands up. Lavender aura enveloped her. “We are both magical beings.”

She is willing to co-exist, Dragon. Malodius flicked his tail back and forth. He moved back and to her side. She stands up to Boeve of Hampton on our behalf. Consider that. Ywain, Galahad and others remember you. Your deeds are memorialized in the Hall of Heroes. Do you wish to rot here? Or will you rise above everything? Will you be better than that and reclaim your place amongst us? Even Merlin has left the Young Pendragon’s side. Uther threw him away like waste in a chamber pot. King Accolon saw fit to grant his service to King Rodor and Princess Mithian. Your freedom is his last task. Even now, he wishes peace and co-existence for all. I’d say that is the thinking of a true Prince.

“A Prince?” A chortle arose from Kilgarrah. “Well now!” Consideration evaluated Merlin anew. “I thought I felt something like that earlier! The goddess has worked another miracle! The druid girl drove you to the point of leaving Camelot, Merlin. Now, King Rodor’s daughter has you?” Smoke-filled puff spit from his snout. Smirk creased his snout now. “Whatever will the Young Pendragon do now? Who will follow him?” Snide and Snark grated at the others’ ears. “Aye, Malodius. You are right. For better or for worse, I am forced to agree with you.” Concession hissed forth. “Very well, Merlin. I promise to leave Uther and this pile alone. If you free me, I will follow your example and leave as well.”

Merlin cleared his throat. Kilgarrah’s barbs exposed his feelings. Transition’s issues tugged both ways at his heart. Conspicuousness streaked crimson hues across his cheeks. Still, Purpose set his way. “And not harm Camelot or anyone within it?”

Kilgarrah coughed. “Nor harm anyone within it. Very well! I so swear. Now free me!” His eyes narrowed.

“We free each other. You are not a prize for Uther either.” Merlin eased his way down granite steps. His eye traced massive chain links from shackle toward their base. “I see it!” He raised Accolon’s sword high in the air. Magical blade cracked chain. Sparks flew in metallic protest. Second and Third Impacts sundered the chain. “There!” As I vowed, I have done! You are free! “Princess, can you get rid of that manacle? It’s resistant to my magic.”

She flew over to Kilgarrah’s side. “Very well.” Her finger touched the shackle. Lavender glow flowed from her finger into the offending metal. Within a heartbeat, water flowed down Kilgarrah’s scaled foot and into the cave’s abyss below. “There, Dragon!”

“Thank you.” Kilgarrah flexed his foot. Feeling returned without offending weight. “Merlin, I would like to see Whitgate. May we do so?”

“Aye. I do not want further trouble.” Lament dragged on Merlin’s mind. “I wanted to pack. We cannot do that now.”

We have seen to that, Merlin. Run along back to your Princess. You do know how to do that? Nimue snarked.

Merlin’s eyes rolled. She just had to get that in there! Everyone’s a critic. “I should get a ride with Princess Josiane and Malodius. I would not….”

Kilgarrah shook his head. “Merlin, you are Balinor’s son and my brother. I would like it if you were on my back when we enter Nemeth together.” He got down on the rock. “I thank you for finally doing what you promised.”

Merlin climbed onto Kilgarrah’s back and sat on his neck. “One day, I will ask for a ride to Ealdor. I want to bring Mother to live in Whitgate. I know I….”

Kilgarrah glanced back at Merlin. “For that, it will be my pleasure! Your mother is Balinor’s love. Hunith deserves no less!” He stood back to his full height. He watched Malodius rejoin Josiane on the carpet. “You honor Kalil as well. He was my comrade and friend. Thank you.”

“He was my ancestor, Dragon.” She bowed to him as well. “I have much to consider in your words. I believe the sky is yours once more. We will follow. In case Uther’s perfidy attempts to strike you down, I will be ready.”

“Then that is all I can ask.” Kilgarrah bowed to her. “I appreciate that. May you impart such wisdom to the Slayer at some point.” He flapped his wings. As before, he ascended into the air. Higher and higher, he climbed. No clinking reached his ears however. No pull or restraint stopped his progress. He pressed on toward Ceiling’s opening. Joy lightened his heart. Prison fell away. He ascended into Nocturne’s backdrop. “THE SKY! AT LAST!”

“ENJOY IT! AYE!” Breeze billowed through Merlin’s hair. Exhilaration lifted his spirits. Arthur’s former service dragged on him. Still, Opportunity and Future awaited. Place within Albion awaited. Mithian awaited….

…wait Mithian?...

Realization’s deep breath awakened within him. Heart skipped and jumped. Freya, be happy. I will always care. My place is in Nemeth for better or worse. I go to free Druids and magical beings too. You will be remembered!

Have we realized something, Merlin? You have done it, have you not? Mithian interjected. From her place in Whitgate, she raised her fists to the sky.

We still have to get out of here first! Aye! Kilgarrah is free! Let the King know! Merlin looked about at the expanse around them.

Celestial affairs stopped to greet Kilgarrah’s return and Merlin’s transformation. Luna broke through Overcast’s blind. Stars twinkled brighter. Shooting star streaked across sky. Aurora shimmered Emerald and Magenta.

Right behind, Josiane and Malodius streaked out of Cavern’s depths. In spite of previous bile, Celebration on Kilgarrah’s behalf lifted her own heart. Recognition of worthy comrade opened her eyes. Words for Boeve would be said. That, however, remained Future’s provenance. “MERLIN!”

Warning Bells tolled all around them. Alas! Camelot, it seems, knew of their escape. Sentries bellowed down from the tower.

Regret squeezed at Merlin’s heart. Frown twisted his mouth. I wanted better than this! Arthur, maybe one day you can deal with this hate! He noted Elena and the Amazons amassing on the ramparts. “NAY!”


In concert, the Amazons followed their Queen. Salute glinted against raised swords in Luna’s light. “HAIL! HAIL!”

Kilgarrah nodded to them. My thanks, Queen Elena. You have been kind! I bear my brother and companions away! May you be well! He flapped his wings. He soared over Camelot’s outer walls. Meadow and trees streaked past. Within a dozen heartbeats, the Severn passed underneath. Gedref lay beneath them. Triumph’s roar echoed from him. Frustration and Pent Up Emotion released in thunderous expression.

You are free once more, Dragon! Once more, you are able to stand with us. My congratulations as well! Malodius bowed his head to Kilgarrah.

Thank you! I wish to see our friends now! Whitgate awaits! I have had my fill of Camelot! Perhaps King Rodor will recognize Merlin as the Pendragons would not? I can hope. Kilgarrah pressed on still further. He spied Josiane and Malodius barely three yards behind them.

Time to go it seemed…

Chapter 33: Merlin's Return to Nemeth


Merlin and Kilgarrah land back in Whitgate. Rodor and Mithian reveal Merlin's new status.

Chapter Text

Chapter 31 [Whitgate—Citadel’s Plaza]

Mithian drew her cloak closely about herself. Chill and biting breeze rustled her hair. Cheeks reddened. Breath hung in frozen puffs all around. Her eyes remained fixed on the southwestern woods. Pride and Exultation warmed her heart. Mask of State demanded a solemn outlook from the Princess. The inner woman cheered and jumped up and down.

Merlin had succeeded. Kilgarrah and he were free….

Her eyes scanned the plaza. Nemeth’s knights stood in Reception’s formation. Galahad oversaw formation and military protocol. Candles and mourners dropped back to allow space. Two knights flanked the waiting pyre. Elaine watched from upstairs window. Britomart waited with Gawain, Lancelot and Percival a step below her. Blumenwald and Rodor stood to her left.

“Patience, Daughter. It will be soon.” Rodor patted her hand. Warm smile creased his face. His eyes twinkled at her. “I know how impatient you can be.”

“I worry. I also wish the best for our friend. Kilgarrah’s free at long last! Merlin’s on his way back here. He has his third task in hand. I may have my Prince at last!” She bit her lip. Shooting star shot across Nocturne’s backdrop. Aurora lit up the entire sky in Emerald and Magenta hues. Awe and Admiration widened her eyes and dropped her jaw. Merlin, can you see this?

I am above the trees and it’s right overhead! This is AMAZING! Merlin retorted. We are over Gedref now! I do not know how long until we are there.

He is coming! HE DID IT! She gazed up into Sky’s wonders. Colors cascaded and renewed. Joy’s tears welled in her eyes. Giddy smile spread across her face.

Signals stirred everyone back to attention. Deep Roar hallmarked others’ approach. Bells tolled and proclaimed their presence. Eyes widened. Jaws slackened. They watched as Kilgarrah and Josiane descended through the multicolored display. Within heartbeats, Tapestry’s heroes came back to life. Fingers pointed skyward. Gasps punctuated that moment as well as the previous one.

Merlin…former Camelot servant…unnamed Hero of Shalott…now a Dragon Lord too…now taking his place in Nemeth’s lore…and riding toward his Princess and her court….

“Remember to bow to Rodor, Merlin. There is more than just the Princess,” Kilgarrah snarked. Knowing chuckle jabbed further still. Memoria guided him over the Lower and Upper Towns’ respective spire and dividing arch.

Merlin rolled his eyes. He looked over the assembled host awaiting them below. Disbelief elicited a head shake from him. “They are out here now?” He braced himself for their descent.

“SWORDS RAISED! WELCOME POSITION!!” Galahad unsheathed his blade.

Kilgarrah alighted on the cobbled stones underfoot. Memoria affirmed their surroundings to him. “They wish to welcome us, Merlin. It seems they accept us. It is quite a change from Camelot.” He bowed his head. “King Rodor, Princess Mithian, thank you.”

“Kilgarrah the Great Dragon!” Rodor grinned. “It does my heart well to see you free once more! Welcome, my Friend! Welcome back to Nemeth! Welcome back, Merlin!” He descended the stairs toward the plaza’s cobblestones. “Thank you, Princess Josiane! Thank you, Malodius! You all have done a wondrous service on behalf of our kingdom and friend!”

“It was our pleasure, King Rodor.” Josiane nodded to Rodor. “I have learned from our mission. I have made a friend today.” She bowed to Kilgarrah.

Kilgarrah bowed his head to Josiane as well. “As I have you. I appreciate that. Perhaps you might serve as an example to others in that regard? We can all co-exist. I am glad to be free. You helped in that regard. I thank you.”

Well spoken, Dragon, Malodius chimed in.

Merlin climbed down Kilgarrah’s leg. Wonder filled his mind. He waited until his feet rested on the cobbles to assess everything. Conquering heroes and visiting royals merited such greetings. Inferiority bit at his resolve. Conspicuousness prompted Embarrassment. He patted Kilgarrah’s leg. “Thank you. Welcome for what it’s worth.”

“Thank you, Merlin.” Kilgarrah nodded to him. “Now, I believe King Rodor and Princess Mithian wish to speak with you as well.” He looked to the waiting Rodor.

“They have to speak with King Accolon though. I am still his subject.” Merlin scratched his head. Questions peppered his mind. He struggled to understand Politics’ machinations and twists. Through his newfound bond with Kilgarrah, he stood as Dragon Lord. Still, Servant and Tintagel’s subject he remained until Accolon and Morgana freed him. He bowed to Rodor. “Your Majesty. Thank you for your support in freeing Kilgarrah.”

Rodor nodded. Merlin’s humility pleased him. “It is our pleasure, Merlin. Thank you for freeing our brother in arms. Kilgarrah and you are now friends of Nemeth. You have affirmed a great deal. You have accomplished your third task. By birth and by deed, you have met Capability Laws’ standard. King Accolon agrees. And he has given us and you a generous opportunity.” He beckoned Mithian to his side. “I will allow Princess Mithian to reveal that to you.” He stepped to the side.

Mithian sucked in a composing breath. Her heart pounded. Triumph sparkled in her eyes. Her smile threatened to push at her ears. “Thank you, Sire.” Consideration took in Merlin. “Merlin, you have pulled off yet another heroic feat on Nemeth’s behalf today. You have honored us a great deal. You have our gratitude.” Trembles and Nerves unsettled her for a heartbeat. Then, she straightened herself and resumed, “King Accolon has given your service to Nemeth. You are now King Rodor’s subject. You have earned your freedom. You hold your father’s mantle as Dragon Lord. His knighthood also passes to you. Britannia and we await your further service to us.” She took Merlin’s hands in hers. “I have my own request of you. I have requested this of King Rodor. He has agreed to this matter. Merlin, I will admit that you are unique. Your heart is good. Your sense of duty and purpose drive you to help others. You inspire people of all classes to look beyond themselves. I have met with several suitors for greater duty’s sake. None save Prince now King Accolon have come close to meeting Nemeth’s needs. King Accolon, Queen Morgana, King Rodor and I know that you are of that quality. You will grow. You will develop in your new role and to our kingdom. I wish that growth to be as a member of our family.” She bit her lip. “I want you to serve with me. I want to grow alongside you as well. I want you as partner, friend, husband, and my Prince. Your mother, Lady Hunith, is hereby invited to live in the royal household as well.” She gazed deeply into his eyes. “What say you?”

Merlin stared at her. His heart raced. Wishes met their objective. Transition seemed to blur everything around them. “You want…me?” Granted, Mourning still lingered over Freya’s death. Yet, Mithian’s presence lifted his spirits.

“Aye, Merlin. Camelot’s oversight does not apply here. Your service is recognized. Your sacrifice is duly noted. I respect and care for you. You are not just a prize or asset. I care as Princess and a woman. I believe you to be perfect for Nemeth and for me.” Mithian raised his hands. Hope lit up in her eyes. “I could make this a political match. I could insist on such things. There is some of that. There is also admiration and respect. I admire your father’s deeds. I love your heart. Merlin…” Pleading entered her eyes next. “Please.”

Merlin gazed into her eyes. Warmth flowed back and forth across their link. Purpose and Security washed aside all objections. “I can serve. I want to learn more about you and this kingdom. Aye.” He moved her right hand toward his mouth. Lips whispered Amor’s sweetest notes across those knuckles.

Mithian tugged him to his feet. “Thank you, Merlin. There is one more matter to finalize our engagement. That is for King Rodor. Merlin, bow before our King.” Respect pressed her nod yet again.

“Thank you.” Rodor set his hands on her shoulders. “You deserve this moment, Daughter. Now, I seek to finalize this engagement.” He turned to Merlin. “Well, Merlin. We are here. It is an ascension years in the making. You are worthy of this honor. Are you ready?”

“Aye, Your Highness.” Merlin kneeled anew. He bowed his head. Nerves ate at him. Disbelief overwhelmed him anew. “I am ready.”

Rodor drew his sword from its scabbard. “This, Merlin, was your father’s sword. Sir Balinor used it in service to Nemeth. I can think of no better sword to use for this task than this one. Merlin of Ealdor, do you swear your fealty to Nemeth? Will you put your loyalty to your King, Princess and Realm? Will you protect your King, Princess and Realm even if it means your death.”

“Aye, Sire. I do swear to protect you, Princess Mithian and our kingdom. I swear to serve faithfully alongside any and all companions of Nemeth.” Merlin nodded. Respect warmed him and punctuated his reply. Uther, you gave me away. I hope Prince Arthur is all right. This is my task and duty now. I can watch everything from here. I have security. Mother can be comfortable. My magic is accepted. I have my Princess and….

Oh? Who has who? Snark interjected from Mithian over the link. Mischief sparked in her eyes. I know what you meant. She lingered in that heartbeat. Desire burned within her.

“Thank you. I hold your vow.” Rodor tapped each of Merlin’s shoulders with the sword. “You are now free and my subject, Sir Merlin. Rise a knight.” He sheathed the sword. He watched Merlin do so. “You will be crowned Prince on the morrow. Then, you will be joined with Princess Mithian. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, Sire.” Merlin bowed once more to Rodor. He raised Mithian’s hand and kissed it anew. “Milady, once more thank you.”

Crimson flushed Mithian’s cheeks. Euphoria lifted her spirits off the ground. “You are welcome, Sir Merlin. Thank you. I can assure you. We appreciate you. Now come. I believe there is some dinner awaiting us. Besides, you have new companions to meet as well.”

“I believe, Lady, that he knows some of us already.” Lancelot bowed to them both. “Good evening, Sir Merlin. It has been a while.”

Merlin grinned. “Lancelot!” He embraced his friend. “We did not know what happened. I watched you leave but….”

“It is a long story, Merlin. We are here now. You are finally going to take credit for what you do. Appreciate what King Rodor and Princess Mithian are going to offer you. You deserve it.” Lancelot looked at him pointedly. “We’ll take our vows tomorrow. This is your day. Enjoy it.”

“As if I’d let Merlin think anything else?” Mithian nodded to Lancelot. “Well spoken, Sirrah. You have my thanks. We have dinner to eat.” She took Merlin’s hand. “Follow me.” She led him back into the Citadel.

Who would have thought? Merlin a knight? And a Prince too. May you have everything, Merlin. You deserve it! Lancelot bowed to Mithian and Rodor once more. Then, he followed them into the citadel proper.

Life had opened yet another door….

Chapter 34: Gaius' Runin with Meleagant


Gaius returns to Camelot. Leon tells him of the situation. They run into Meleagant who has another perspective.


And now, a certain mentor makes his long overdue appearance. LOL!

Chapter Text

Chapter 32 [Camelot]

Chaos ran amok throughout Citadel and surrounding town. Panic stirred the populace. Knights guarded Upper Town’s entrance and ramparts. Despite maintaining a presence, Uncertainty weakened resolve. Eyes turned toward Bell Tower and the western sky.

Magic had struck again….


Gaius surveyed the scene from horseback. Pestilence and plague had ravaged Hampton town and port for the previous fortnight. Dark swellings, bloody excrement and rashes pained the residents. Wrapped bodies lined the streets. Curfews and lock downs attempted to hold matters in check. He oversaw healing efforts. Standard cures made little headway against Disease’s onslaught….

Science’s cures but not Homeopathy and Sorcery….

Best that Uther does not find out. He huffed to himself. I need to let him know about Count Boeve. He must survive! Memoria recalled how Nimue had pulled a half-dead Boeve from Citadel’s office. Why would she care about him? Count Boeve has killed more magical beings than I can count! Good grief! He looked all around himself. “Now what? Good grief! What has happened here?” Scene jarred him from Reverie’s embrace. He spurred his horse onward toward the Upper Town and Citadel beyond. Worry pushed him onward. Merlin! He has to be all right! Arthur, Gwen and Morgana would look after them. He would look after them as well! Merlin’s suicidal charges arched the Eyebrow several inches (or seemingly so). He noted the knights’ presence by the arch. “How odd!” He pulled up on the reins. “Sir Marcus? Sir Reynald? Whatever is the matter? What has happened?”

Marcus noted Gaius’ face. He relaxed. “Gaius! You are a sight for sore eyes! The King and Prince need you in the citadel! We are under a state of emergency. Ride on! They will tell you everything!”

“Everything?” Gaius noted Marcus’ and Reynald’s respective expressions. His eye darted up toward Citadel beyond. Images of Unicorn Horn’s famine, Segan’s attack, Arthur’s setting out during Merlin’s illness and vengeful mother’s freezing the court cascaded through his mind. “I will do that!” He pressed his horse toward the Citadel. He dismounted and tied his horse’s reins to the hitching post. Static practically crackled in the air. Merlin has to be safe! He just has to be! Concern forced a faster than normal shuffle up each granite step.

Leon popped his head out. “GAIUS?” Deep breath exhaled through his lips. Urgency rushed his steps down to Gaius’ side. “We need you inside. Did you see Sir Jerome and Sir Henry on the road? They were supposed to bring you back.”

Gaius shook his head. “I did not see them. I fear we missed each other.” He narrowed his eyes. “What has happened?” He followed Leon’s lead up the stairs. Exertion huffed from his lungs. His knees burned. “The King? Prince Arthur? How are they?”

Leon rubbed the back of his neck. Fear lit up in his eyes. “Prince Arthur is in charge. The King…is well…” He shook his head. “Lady Morgana just married King Accolon of Tintagel. We were having a feast for them.” He stole looks all around them. “You’ll have to see for yourself, Gaius. I have known the King for years. I have never seen him like this!”

“Like…this?” Gaius looked Leon over. He knew Leon’s experience and stable outlook. No matter the odds, Leon never let anyone see him like that. “What happened? Where’s the King?” He grabbed onto Leon’s arms. “Pardon me. But I have to know.”

Leon nodded. “He is up in his chamber. Prince Arthur has the knights maintaining order. Queen Elena and her Amazons are on the ramparts. King Accolon’s knights watch the King’s door. We are watching Kings Meleagant and Cenred as well.” He ground his teeth. “Now that you are here, we can get the Royal Council together.”

“Chaos? And those two are here? Good grief!” Tension pounded at Gaius’ temples. “I would think the Council would be the last thing! Has something happened? Sir Leon, what are you not telling me? What happened at the banquet?”

Loud guffaw echoed to their ears. “So? The old healer returns!” Meleagant strutted down the stairs. Amusem*nt spread a profound smirk across his face. “Tell him, Leon! Go ahead! Tell the Old Man what a hypocrite Uther is!”

Leon set his jaw. Somehow, he kept his hand away from his sword’s hilt. “The King is bewitched! You…!”

“Me what?” Meleagant hissed through clenched teeth. “Have a care! I would not want the Prince to be without his First Knight! Now would I?” He raised an eyebrow. “Bad enough his Chief Bootlicker’s missing!” Sarcastic snort cut through the air. “The Boy’s yours?”

Gaius stiffened. “What about Merlin?” Restraint held him back. He forced a bow. His lip curled. “I have been gone to Hampton.”

“I wish I knew! If I knew this would happen, I’d have killed the boy myself!” Meleagant sniffed. “Uther got rid of him and didn’t tell you? You fall from grace as well? Uther’s like that! Ask Gorlois and that witch Nimue! I did not touch him, Old Man. Cenred did not either! Lady Morgana’s maid there. She and the Prince were looking at each other. No wonder Uther sent her off to Tintagel. Then, a damn dragon flies up out of the cave beneath the castle?” Wry eyebrow arched. “Uther’s holding back on us!” Snort escaped from his nostrils.

“He had it prisoner not as an ally!” Leon protested.

“So, he kept it as a pet and trophy? Hanging onto that superstition, eh?” Meleagant shook his head. “He is a sorcerer himself. That would fit.” He shook his head. “He was the bloody hooded wizard at Shalott! Had I known, I would’ve run him through!”

The Eyebrow practically raised Gaius’ hairline a quarter inch by itself. “I believe you are mistaken, King Meleagant. With respect, King Uther has never demonstrated any magic or magical ability in the last quarter century that I have known him. I would have known if that was different. That sorcerer at Shalott disappeared into the woods. I have no idea what happened to him or her. Whoever that was, he or she did their duty. You did strike at Prince Kay from behind.”

That insight grabbed Leon’s attention. “You…?”

“I saw an advantage. I took it! I was trying to conquer Nemeth! I still will!” Meleagant assessed Gaius. “Wait. You are not shocked.” Snicker hissed from grinning lips. “Aredian told me you barred him from some back room on that worm’s estate! You know who that was!” Mania glinted in his eyes. Sparks jumped into Gaius’ psyche. “Don’t you?”

Gaius’ eyes narrowed. His back stiffened. “I have no idea of what you’re talking about. I treated Merlin after one of your knights attacked him by the baggage wagon.” He shook his head. “Attacking an unarmored and unarmed servant? That is below a warrior’s standard!”

Meleagant chuckled. “I did say that Arthur’s bootlicker was worth killing. I would have rewarded that knight well for the boy’s head.” Nonchalant shrug. “I’d have sent it back here with a bow for Arthur. I might have done the same to Morgana’s maid too. Uther must really love that!”

Arthur and Gwen? Gaius shook his head. “They are friends. I know she respects him. Gwen knows her place. I cannot…”

“Ask Leon here.” Meleagant motioned toward Gaius toward Leon. “Tell him. We all saw them tonight. We know! Arthur wants the serving wench!” Satisfaction chortled from him.

Leon ground his teeth. The afternoon’s standoff between Arthur and Uther still resonated throughout the castle. Rumor and Gossip whispered from the very walls and passages it seemed. “It is true, Gaius. Morgana saved Gwen’s life. The King was set to order her execution. King Accolon agreed.”

“See? Now that was not so hard! Was it?” Meleagant sucked in a deep satisfied air. “I will let you get upstairs! I am sure the BOY will need direction or help in getting his armor on straight!” He shoved past them and pressed on toward his chambers. Mocking laughter echoed back up the stairwell toward Gaius and Leon.

“Leon! Where is Merlin? Please!” Concern chilled Gaius’ mind. Panic jackrabbited his heart. “Where is he? You know he would not be far from Prince Arthur’s side especially now!”

“Aye. Merlin should be. Normally he would be.” Leon huffed out a breath. “He disappeared.”

“He what?” He slapped his hand against his forehead. “Sir Leon, I….” Visions of vengeful sorcerers or Uther’s enemies bombarded his mind. Kidnapping remained a possibility.

“Nobody knows, Gaius.” Leon put his hand on Gaius’ arm. “The King was going to tell you. He granted Merlin to King Accolon and Lady Morgana. He and Gwen are going to Tintagel. The King wants a change in the Prince’s household. I am sorry. It came up.” He conceded a shrug.

“I am sure.” Gaius set his jaw. “When King Uther is taken care of, I need to speak with him. In the meantime, we should press on. We can figure the rest out later. Right now, we have to disprove this sorcery rumor. Good grief!”

“We all saw it, Gaius. Aredian is in there with the King and Prince Arthur right now.” Disbelief paled Leon’s face. "He made vibrations come from his goblet. Then, he farted a fire ball and roses from his arse! I mean…the King? He hates magic!” He shook his head.

“I will have to see this for myself.” Gaius set his jaw. Magical display especially in front of Camelot’s nobles and knights stank of a priestess’ plot to him. Love spells could provoke Arthur, Gwen or Uther in certain ways. Chaos could lead to Coup. He pressed on up the stairs.

Something had to be done….

Chapter 35: Uther's Way Out


Gaius reaches Uther and Arthur. Uther takes matters into his own hands.


Brace yourselves! This is about to get rough…

Chapter Text

Chapter 33 [Uther’s Chambers]

Tension crackled about the royal apartments. Servants tiptoed around Accolon’s knights. Gossip and Inuendo remained on the lower floors. Suspicion circled around Accolon, Morgana and the throne. Waiting, however, remained all that folks could do….


Uther glared out the window. Magical static tingled across his skin. Sparks danced over his fingertips. Embarrassment burned in his heart and mind. Disbelief overwhelmed him. Purge had dominated most of his reign. Successes built on successes. Intolerant tone drove sorcerers, Druids, dragon lords and creatures into the shadows. Kilgarrah served as his special prize. Only Balinor’s disappearance remained his sole blemish….

…and now the Universe and goddess exacted Karma’s payback…

“How can I be a sorcerer?” Uther ground his teeth. “I have never felt much less experienced this! I have hunted them! You know how I feel!” His fist crashed down on the chair’s armrest. His eyes squinted at Arthur, Aredian, and Geoffrey. His index fingers rubbed his temples.

“And yet you have used magic and magical things when it suits your needs.” Aredian picked up Excalibur. Consideration took in Runes along the blade’s faces. “This was made in a dragon’s breath. The one that escaped earlier?” He set the sword down. “You have a great many artifacts in your vault. I thought that was to deny their use. Now I am not so sure.” His eyebrow arched.

Arthur stiffened. “What? How can you say that?” He threw his hands up in the air. “Aredian! That is ridiculous! You have no proof!”

Aredian sniffed. “You are another piece of proof, Prince Arthur.” He tapped his fingers on varnished oak surface. “I find out the most insightful things during my interrogations.”


“Father, we disproved that.” Scowl twisted Arthur’s face. “Aredian is known for playing with people’s minds during interrogations. He is trying to break your spirit.”

Aredian barely twitched at Arthur’s challenge. A practiced breath resumed his accusations. “And what of the unicorn horn? How did Cornelius Segan get loose, Prince Arthur? That victory at Shalott? The sorcerer is here right under your nose!” Cough escaped his mouth. “You let a troll seduce you. You seem to have a fascination in such things. You listened to the witch, Morgause, Prince Arthur. I had her in my grasp. Alas! She had help in getting away from me. She told me how you discovered the truth about your heritage.”

“What?” Geoffrey stared at King and Prince. “Sire? Prince Arthur? Is this true?”

Aredian flicked an eyebrow. Boredom dismissed Arthur’s potential defense. “Aye! Do tell him, Prince Arthur. I have heard you confronted King Uther about it. You accepted his explanation. The Witch Nimue cast the spell on your mother. She tried to warn King Uther. He wanted an heir.” He shook his head. “Your father lied to you, Prince Arthur. Ask Gaius. Pity he is not here.”

“You lie.” Uther’s eyes narrowed to slits. Hate smoldered therein.

Aredian leaned right into Uther’s face. “You deny. I know what I need to.” Icy stare cut back into regal eyes. Smirk spread across his face. “You sacrificed your own wife! You consorted with the Witch Nimue! You staged a display in public and make excuses!”

“Aredian! STOP! He is the King!” Arthur grabbed at Aredian’s arm.

“Oh? HE IS A SORCERER! HE IS BOUND BY CAMELOT’S LAWS AS IS ANYONE ELSE!” Aredian yanked his arm away from Arthur. “You, Prince Arthur, while you denied your heritage, preserved yourself in Camelot’s eyes. You were honor bound to pursue and listen to Morgause. You maintained yourself within the law. You have undone your own errors in judgement. Some in Ealdor tell me you lectured your servant. That is to your credit.” He conceded a bow to Arthur.

“Aye. I did.” Arthur huffed. Indignity still burned within himself. “My former servant, Merlin, would justify his friend’s use of magic.” Snort escaped from his lips. “At least he’s too big of an idiot to use magic.” His eyes rolled.

“I would concur.” Uther rubbed his forehead. “The boy is loyal and brave. He suffers from periodic lapses in judgement. That has kept me from elevating him to a knighthood.” He rubbed his chin. “Perhaps, that was an error on my part. As a knight, he would have been part of a more regimented life. He would not have influenced Prince Arthur.” He glared at Arthur. “That is no longer Camelot’s problem! Merlin is in King Accolon’s service! Fortunately for your sake, so is that servant girl!”

“Father, please! Do not shift this onto Merlin! He is certainly NOT a sorcerer! Neither is Gwen!” Arthur narrowed his eyes. Resentment frothed over his barb. “I am trying to help you! You are still my father!”

Uther sniffed. “She bewitched you.”

Arthur clenched his fists at his sides. “Any man who looks at her would be! Even Merlin has had feelings for her in the past!” He shook his head.

“And again, that was an oversight on my part.” Uther raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps if you were not so blinded with this infatuation, you might have brought this to my attention? A marriage between them would have been proper and befitting their station. Aye. I would tell you to raise that point with Accolon and Morgana. Then, you should press Rodor about his daughter. It is high time we asserted Camelot’s claims on Gedref!”

Press Uther back on track, Aredian. Do not allow him to drag the others into this matter! the goddess directed.

Aredan frowned. “As fascinating as this discourse is, Uther, it is but a diversion! STOP! WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT PRINCE ARTHUR! WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE SERVANTS! I WILL DEAL WITH THEM!” His lip curled. “The only sorcerer I am interested in is YOU!”

“He is the King! Do not raise your voice!” Geoffrey stepped forward. “Respect him!”

“I DO NOT RESPECT SORCERERS!” Aredian barked back. “Did he respect Nemeth’s prerogative years ago? He pressed for the Lady of Shalott’s execution. I did my office back then. Why? Are you hiding something?” Suspicion turned on Geoffrey. “Uther has *never* cared about rank and title! Why should he be any different now?” For a heartbeat, Former Ferocity raged at the others in the chamber. Fire burned in his eyes. Tone cut daggers into their ears and minds.

“All right! STOP! Lord Geoffrey is not a sorcerer either!” Arthur got between Aredian and Geoffrey. He heard a knocking at the door. “Now what?” He stalked over toward that distraction. “I told them we were not to be disturbed!” He flung the door open to find Leon and Gaius standing there. “Sir Leon! Gaius!” He looked back toward Aredian and then his father. “Come in! Maybe you can help?”

“I will do my best, Prince Arthur.” Gaius bowed to Arthur. Then, he shuffled into the chamber. “Sire. Sir Leon and King Meleagant told me.” He bowed to Uther. Amazement befuddled him. His eyes took in Uther’s condition. By now, black energy formed a thin outline around the King. “I have seen sorcerers like this. Prior to my giving up my magic, I knew that such abilities can appear. You have never exhibited such tendencies before however.” He turned to Lord Geoffrey. “Lord Geoffrey?”

“Aye, Gaius.” Lord Geoffrey bowed his head. “I fear it is. King Uther cast two spells in the banquet hall. He tapped the goblet with his fork. Intense sound devastated the entire chamber! Then, he was in pain. Flames and rose petals shot out of his arse. Even now, look at him!”

“Perhaps he was drugged or some enchantment?” Arthur scrambled to whip out proposals, theories or anything to save Uther.

“Nay, Arthur.” Uther shook his head. “I have struggled with this burning feeling for a week. I had hoped you would have returned sooner, Gaius. Perhaps we could have dealt with this disease sooner.” He ground his teeth. “Is it too late?”

“You know the answer to that as well as I do, Gaius.” Aredian stifled a cough. “The law is clear. Is it not?”

“He is the King, Aredian. Can you not curb your appetite for victims?” Gaius shook his head. “I am sorry, Sire. The pestilence and plague rage through Hampton. It is under control. As for this situation, I fear it is beyond mushrooms or any cure I have. Besides, everyone saw you.” He averted his eyes. “I will not go any further out of respect for the throne and my loyalty to you both.” He bowed to Uther and Arthur.

Uther nodded. “Thank you, Gaius, for that courtesy. I appreciate it.” He ground his teeth anew. “So, Meleagant was bragging about my unfortunate condition. Was he? That would figure! He seeks any advantage! Cenred and Odin will not be far behind him! Our nobles will not accept me as King if they know I am a sorcerer.” His lip curled.

“Sire?” Gaius stiffened. “We can speak with the council and nobles.”

“It will do no good, Gaius.” Lord Geoffrey frowned. His heart ached. “This is beyond belief! Of all people, you, Sire, a sorcerer? I would never believe it if I had not seen it for myself!” He bowed to Uther himself.

“I know of your loyalty, Lord Geoffrey. You and Gaius have been among my most trusted allies against magic.” Uther rose from his chair. “Can you both promise me? Promise that the succession will be protected? Arthur is my heir. He will be King.”

“Father?” Arthur grabbed onto Uther’s arm. “You do not have to abdicate! We can work through this!”

Uther shook his head. “It is the only way, Arthur.” He patted the younger man’s hand. “Rule well. Remember my sacrifice. It is for you to continue Camelot’s greatness.”

“Butcher! This is your doing!” Arthur snapped at Aredian. “Can we not even find Morgana? She deserves to say farewell to you.” Questions buffeted his mind. Morgana and Accolon would demand answers. How would he see to the transition? What about Gwen?

Gwen… I can deal with Accolon! I can get Merlin and Gwen back! Arthur set his jaw. Determination would see to that goal if nothing else.

“I would not put her through this on her wedding day, Arthur. Lord Geoffey, Gaius, in the matter of my sound mind, I am sane. My orders ARE NOT to be overridden! It is for you to witness. Remember well. Remember.” Uther hustled across the room. He drew his dagger. He glanced one last time at Arthur. “I do this for you. Be strong or all is lost!” Then he plunged the blade into his chest.

“NAY! GAIUS! LORD GEOFFREY! WE DO NOT….!” Arthur rushed to his father’s side. He caught Uther before the latter hit the floor. Blood spilled from the wound. Puddle soaked Arthur’s robes. He shook his head. “FATHER!”

“Be…strong…Arthur. Do not…backslide…Forget…servants….” Uther’s eyes sagged. Last breath gasped through deflating lungs. His head sagged to the side.

Arthur held Uther’s body against himself. His world had turned completely upside down. “Father… Father, why?” Suicide left matters in shambles. Transition swamped his thinking in that heartbeat. Instinct looked about for Merlin….

…alas, Reader! Merlin had his own transition and funeral to prepare for….

“Sire, I am sorry. For what it is worth.” Gaius bowed to Arthur. “Perhaps, King Accolon’s knights can assist me with King Uther’s body? We need to clean and prepare him for a proper funeral. I do not wish to rush or seem insensitive. We must act.”

“I concur, Sire.” Lord Geoffrey bowed to Arthur as well. “We will need the council. After the King’s funeral, we will plan a coronation. I go to let the other councilors know. Sire.”

“Aye. Thank you, Lord Geoffrey. We will need assistance to bear my father to Gaius’ chamber. We will need a pyre for the morning as well.” Arthur looked toward the door. “KNIGHTS!!” He glared at Aredian. “Leave, Aredian! I know you did something to the King!”

“I did nothing, Prince Arthur, except my duty. King Uther would have me do my office. He did not allow sorcerers grace in any respect including rank and title. The law is clear. I did not foresee him as a sorcerer. That I can assure you of.” Aredian managed a bow. “I will take my leave.”

“You do that.” Arthur set his jaw. He eased Uther’s head onto the floor. Then, he stood. “The only thing keeping your neck from the noose is that my father summoned you here. You had best not be seen in Camelot again, Aredian. You are banished from this realm. I suspect Lady Morgana would influence King Accolon in the same way. And we know how King Rodor feels about you.” He pointed toward the door. “GO!!”

“As you wish.” Aredian saw Leon and Tintagel’s knights rush into the chamber. With that, he slipped away.

“Sire, what happened?” Leon stared at Uther’s corpse. “Who stabbed him? Gaius? Lord Geoffrey? Who did this? Aredian?”

“I will let Gaius tell you. I go to tell the Council.” Lord Geoffrey hustled from the chamber. Coup’s threat and potential rebellion lent haste to his steps down the passage.

“Sir Garreth! Find King Accolon and Queen Morgana! They will want to know.” Leon looked to Gaius. “What happened? Did Aredian…?”

“Aredian never touched my father, Leon.” Arthur squinted at Leon. “He might as well have. We could have talked to the council and nobles. My father was bewitched! He was no sorcerer!”

“Sire…” Gaius shook his head. “He was exhibiting the signs. It was inside of him all along. It came to the fore now. With respect, the King did this to protect the succession and your right to rule. If he had tried to hang onto the throne, there would have been rebellion. Meleagant, Odin and Cenred plot already against you. You have to secure support from within the kingdom and Camelot’s allies.”

“Aye, Gaius. I agree. Leon, help me to get the King to Gaius’ chamber. Then, I will need you to speak with the knights. I want everyone on high alert. I will ask King Accolon and Lady Morgana what they wish to do. Tomorrow or the next day, we will honor the King. Then, I will assume the throne.” He picked up Uther’s shoulders.

Leon took Uther’s feet. He walked along with Arthur toward the passage.

Uther’s dead! Merlin is missing! Good grief! Gaius shuffled after Arthur and Leon. Matters clashed about in his mind. He managed to keep pace with them.

Honor first…then he could find Merlin….

Chapter 36: Setting Gaius Straight


Gaius finishes up with Uther. Speaks with Nimue, Accolon and Morgana.

Chapter Text

Chapter 34 [Half a Turn of the Hourglass Later]

Tragedy drowned out Celebration’s overtones. Mourning’s bells tolled to alert populace. Camelot’s and Tintagel’s knights maintained Citadel’s and town’s security. Vigil’s candles popped up outside of Citadel’s windows. With Hand Fasting and Transition complete…another was underway.

Kings were dead. Long live the Kings or so it seemed….


[Physician’s Chambers, Camelot]

Gaius set his rag down on the table. Concerns ran through his mind. Swept floors in addition to cleaned equipment, table and folded linens spoke to Merlin’s attentiveness. Dust held nary a place about the area. Tomes sat on the desk. Where the Devil is that boy? The Eyebrow arched.

Merlin’s location…that was the great mystery….

According to Morgana and Arthur, Merlin was here this morning. Arthur said that he found Morgana in here by herself this afternoon. He’s not in the tavern. Perhaps he would be picking herbs for me? Nay. He knows that I want them fresh for the elixirs and medicines. Morgana is another question. This hand fasting and alliance is so sudden! King Ruthbert’s death signaled Accolon’s rise to Tintagel’s throne. Strategically, it does make sense I suppose.

Of course, it does, Gaius!

He stiffened. Voice and its source chilled him. “Impossible!” His hands pushed against the examination table. Disbelief numbed his mind.

Giggle mocked him.

Nimue leaned against a bookcase. Snide smirk spread across her face. Triumph gleamed in her eyes. “Such a reception, Gaius! I am so hurt!” Sarcasm dripped her tone. “And here I came to say my farewells.” A pronounced sigh (again with an extra heavy saucing of sarcasm) escaped her lips. She regarded Uther’s corpse on the examination table. “My! My! How the mighty fell. Oh, I wish I had known!”

He set his jaw. “Merlin said he killed you on the Isle of the Blessed, Nimue. A lightning strike vaporized you.” He studied her. Appearance and co*ckiness appeared the same as before. Her power, if anything, increased.

“He tried.” She rubbed her chin. “The lightning strike was a nice touch. Have to say…I never thought Merlin had that in him. At least not yet.” Her eyebrow flicked at him. “Of course, with your holding him back, he might never have learned such spells. He is beyond that now.” She regarded Uther again. Memoria recalled their relations as friends and then enemies. “Pity he never understood the forces he unleashed. You do remember? I tried to warn him.”

“You did.” He watched her walk about the body. “As did I. Uther would not be stopped.”

“That precious male heir and his own sense of immortality. You remember?” Her fingertips slid across Uther’s forehead. “Uther’s blasted double standards. Genocidal fool. His last victim? Himself.” Scorn rolled her eyes. “How many souls are on your conscience, Uther? How many? That is between the Cailleach and you. Even those I had to deal with in the goddess’ service. The blood is on your hands.” Disdain’s sniff puffed through her nostrils.

“How convenient for you, Nimue. You did what you did. You forced Merlin’s hand.” He shook off her sentiments.

“How convenient for me?” Snigg*r spewed from her mouth. “Coming from you? Gaius the Traitor! Come! Come now!” Her hands clapped. “And how many people have you betrayed? HOW MANY? Oh, you have helped a few here…a few there.” Her eyebrow arched ever higher. “And you do know that Aredian was supposed to hunt Merlin and the Lady Morgana…for starters?”

“He would have questioned them.” He squinted at her. “But he did not. He focused solely on Uther. You did something!”

“Me?” Exaggerated Shock mocked him. “Well, I did capture him on the road here. The goddess did the rest. Do not worry. Aredian is quite under her control. I can assure you. Merlin is beyond him. Lady Morgana is as well. They are beyond you as well.” Her glare cut back at him. “She knows about her magic now. Merlin…oh Merlin! How I wish I had known! Oh, did I underestimate him!” She rubbed her hands together.

“What. Did. You. Do??” He clenched his teeth. Schemes burned at his ears. Previous experience had taught him about her capabilities. Previous year’s encounters had reminded him well on that front.

“Again, Gaius, I did nothing. Our lady, however….” Nimue shrugged. Amusem*nt lit in her eyes. “She corrected Merlin’s path. She allowed him to meet someone very close to himself. Sir Balinor of Nemeth.” Her fingers tapped on the table anew. “It seems that Lancelot du Lac was bringing him for help. He and Merlin were brought to a mutual place. They talked before Balinor’s passing. And then…then…oh! Merlin’s world opened! You will never get him back here now.”

“What did she do?” Gaius rubbed his forehead. Tension pounded at his temples. “Merlin’s place is here at Arthur’s side!”

“Oh, Merlin’s place is at a royal’s side. Just not the Pendragon’s anymore!” Exultation poured from her. Canary feathers could almost be seen coming from the sides of her mouth. “You might wish to get the door. We are about to have company.” Her eyes rolled. “Never mind.” She waved her hand. Canary glowed in her eyes. “Fosgailte!”

“Company? I should know better than to ask! You do realize if you are caught?” Exasperation bounced between threats and potential issues for Merlin, Morgana and himself in that regard. He watched the door swing open. “Lady Morgana! Prince Accolon!” He bowed to them. “Pardon me. I just finished with the King’s body. It seems we have other interested parties. Come in and shut the door please. I do not want trouble.”

“I am King of Tintagel now, Gaius. Otherwise, I agree.” Accolon ushered Morgana into the chamber. He closed the door. “It has been a long time. You seem well.” He cleared his throat. His eyes assessed Uther’s body.

Gaius pulled a blanket over Uther’s stomach and lower body. “My condolences, King Accolon and Lady Morgana.” He bowed his head. He backed away from the table.

“Thank you, Gaius.” Morgana inspected Uther’s body. “When Sir Garreth told us, I did not believe it.” A heartfelt sigh blew from her lungs. “Why did you all let him do it? He could have remained in Tintagel!”

Accolon stifled a cough. “Gaius?” He assessed Uther’s face and chest wound. “It is a shame he could not accept magic and sorcery. We all could have lived together.” Lament ate at him. Much as with Ruthbert, Pity moved him over Uther’s fate. Igraine’s death destabilized Uther. Purge’s fire scorched Britannia’s landscape. Tantrum burned and drowned victims. Dominance pressed across borders. Prerogative stomped on.

“You know the answer to that as well as I, Your Highness.” Gaius exhaled a deep breath. “King Uther saw magic as evil. Sorcerers did not help themselves either. They attacked Camelot.”

“Maybe it was Camelot who provoked them?” Nimue challenged Gaius’ point. “Bigotry and Ignorance. You would expect them to simply lie down and do nothing? Or perhaps they should allow you to suppress their magic with…sleeping powders? Or should they collaborate to save themselves? Should I let you speak with Elaine of Astolat?”

“I did what I had to. I helped people escape when I could!” Gaius stood tall against the arguments. “I was protecting with the sleeping powders as well!”

“You were keeping me from my magic, Gaius!” Morgana fired back. “Who do you think you are? No wonder Merlin can be the way he is! Well, he is not your problem anymore.” Defiance’s smile spread across her face.

“The King told me! You do know that King Arthur wants Merlin and Gwen back? He will not stop in that regard.” Gaius shook his head. “You know how he is.”

Accolon shook his head. “Guinevere—we can negotiate about. Merlin? Out of the question. Gaius, I granted Merlin his freedom and transferred his service a few turns of the hourglass ago. I would say Merlin has accomplished his third task by the Capability Laws. King Arthur will have to deal with that.”

“Transferred? What?” Gaius threw his hands up in the air. “What have you two done?”


“Uther granted Merlin and Gwen to us. King Accolon decided to put Merlin where he would be most needed.” Morgana calmed herself down. Tone, however, resembled a master’s to apprentice. “I know why you gave me those sleeping draughts! I have my magic!”

“I tried to protect you from Uther and hunters like Aredian!” Gaius fought to keep a poker face. Frustration burned at him. Morgana’s ingratitude burned at him. Exposure, however, opened his methods to the others. I will not apologize for protecting Merlin! Never! What have they done with him? “I still need to know where Merlin is.”

“You will find out when King Arthur does, Gaius. Merlin is a free man and a knight. His magic is accepted. He knows his true heritage. He even has an advantageous marriage. He will not have to hide any longer. Trust me. There will be no deal. Arthur can beg and threaten. Uther was sane during our negotiations. His magic had only started to manifest. I am sure Lord Geoffrey will agree with me.” Accolon shook Gaius off.

“Arthur is surrounded. The Amazons, Tintagel and Nemeth oppose Uther’s Purge. They will not allow the Young Pendragon that course. Whatever will he do now?” Nimue snarked.

“Camelot’s army is still considerable, Nimue. Prince Arthur will still press to conduct the Purge. You are all provoking a war.” Gaius puffed out an efforted breath.

“None of us want that, Gaius. All I would ask of Prince Arthur is to live alongside everyone else.” Accolon looked Uther over. “You have done a fine job in cleaning him up. We can dress him. I will have knights standing guard outside.”

“I am sure Prince Arthur will appreciate that. Still, I would caution Lady Morgana and you, Milord. Do not seek to use Gwen and Merlin as hostages to achieve your ends. The Prince will not respond well.” Gaius met Accolon’s and Morgana’s respective eyes. Experience reminded him of Arthur’s dogged determination to protect his friends and loved ones. After Uther’s loss, Arthur would do anything to hold his inner circle together.

Morgana coughed. “Gaius, I do not believe you are listening to us. As King Accolon just said, Merlin is not a hostage. He is a free man, a nobleman and soon to be a knight. He will have privileges, responsibilities, and duties. He is better off than he would be here. He is in the role he should have been in all along. His magic is accepted and valued. What else would you want for him? Or is it that you’re thinking of what you need from him?”

Nimue raised an eyebrow. “Now that is a question.”

Gaius stewed. Restraint, however, held his voice in check. “I care about Merlin! I have to protect him! Whatever you all are planning, it is for your advantage not his.”

Accolon cleared his throat. “You forget yourself, Gaius. I believe it is was Uther who gifted Gwen’s and Merlin’s service to Lady Morgana and me? He was your King and Prince Arthur’s King as well. I understand Merlin was your ward and in your care. Uther changed that to ensure Prince Arthur had more traditional servants in his household. He had the right to that decision not Arthur and not you.” Canary flashed in his eyes. “I am a priest as well. I believe I know how to handle such things in the goddess’ service.”

“You? How? Your father?” Gaius stiffened. He shook his head. Memoria recalled Accolon’s quarrels with Ruthbert during their visits to Camelot. Rumor had reached him of failed engagement and negotiations with Nemeth. Sudden departure for Gaul’s eastern warfront and King Bors’ service had stunned him.

Old Religion and Service had fueled rifts it seemed….

Before Argument could continue, Banging sounded from the door. “GAIUS!” Arthur called from the other side.

Nimue waved her hands. A flash of light conveyed her away from the scene.

Accolon headed for the door. He glanced towards Morgana and then Gaius. Then, he opened it.

Some things were never easy…

Chapter 37: Arthur's Notions Disabused


Arthur seeks out Gaius, Accolon and Morgana. He thinks he's going to put things back the way they were before. Accolon and Morgana have a few things to say.

Chapter Text

Chapter 35 [Twelfth of an Hourglass Earlier]

Arthur walked through the citadel. Planning and Preparations shifted all around himself. Servants removed Celebration’s garlands and ribbons. Mourning’s dark palls and drab colors muffled sentiment. Candles’ flames assembled in the plaza akin to Fireflies in the dark or Stars’ twinkling above. Familiar faces expressed their condolences. Despite the people all around, he remained alone.


Dark brooding billowed about in his head. In spite of recent fighting, Admiration warmed his heart. Respect for Uther and his achievements picked his spirits up. Pride pushed a smile through Mourning’s overcast albeit for a heartbeat. Camelot’s fortunes soared under Uther’s reign. Stability returned to the land. Politics moved toward Britannia’s center and leadership. Culture and feasts punctuated better times. Famine, hunger, and disease faded from the countryside.

Pity Sorcerers ruined everything. Pity they could not follow the law….

Pity the Enforcers had lost their way as well….

Aredian disappeared under the arch and down the cobbled road. Purpose was served. In appearance, the next inquisition called out. Unbeknownst to Arthur or most others, Uther’s abdication/death constituted Life’s last task. His horse galloped away from Camelot and into the woods.

There, Cailleach awaited. There, she claimed him…Alas! That would be the last time anyone saw of him….

Still, back to Arthur. He inspected Preparations’ efforts. He waved to arriving mourners on the plaza’s cobbles. Then, he wheeled about. His strides took him back into the citadel. Lord Geoffrey and the Council awaited him. The other rulers awaited Apology and Explanation by the next day. Hampton’s condition and that of Count Boeve impacted the treasury. Uther deserved the best funeral. Coronation’s planning loomed as well. Conversations with the other rulers awaited. King Accolon and Morgana jumped to the front of that particular line. Priority asserted certain aims….

…Helen of Troy had nothing on Gwen at that point. Menelaus’ fury paled before Arthur’s. Circ*mstances and consequences be damned….

He nodded to Sir Harold and Sir George on the stairs. His boots clopped against the granite underfoot on his way up the staircase. His pace picked up. Uther’s condition demanded answers. Rounding up sorcerers remained on his to-do list as well. Father was not a sorcerer! Impossible! Why did he not tell me? I would never have sent Gaius to Hampton! He would’ve figured out what to do. I will find that witch! I will make an example out of him or her! I promise that! Ragged breaths gasped from his mouth. Tears burned his eyes. Backhand dispatched them in short order.

Couldn’t be seen acting like a Girl. Merlin would never let him hear the end of it….


Where is he? Accolon has to have him around here somewhere. I will find him. Gaius. Ask Gaius. Maybe he might know? Then, I can negotiate with Accolon and Morgana for Merlin and Gwen. We will restore order. Arthur set his jaw. He stopped in front of Gaius’ door. Impatience pounded his fist against it. “GAIUS!!”

A few heartbeats later, Accolon opened it. “Prince Arthur, please come in.” He stepped aside. “Gaius just finished preparing King Uther’s body for burial. Come in and shut the door.”

“King Accolon.” Respect prompted a royal nod from Arthur. He stepped inside and shut the door. He surveyed the Physician’s Chambers. Everything remained in usual order. Morgana and Gaius flanked Uther’s corpse. “Once again, my condolences about King Ruthbert’s death.”

“Thank you, Prince Arthur. And you have my condolences for King Uther’s passing. When Sir Garreth informed us, Lady Morgana and I came right away to pay our respects. Gaius had questions. It is good that you are here. We can answer them for you both.” A deep breath exhaled from his lungs. He marched back to her side.

“Arthur.” Morgana bowed to him. She maintained her sense of calm. Decorum dictated good relations (at least for now) with Arthur. “I cannot believe the King killed himself.” She blinked back tears. She made her way around to Arthur. “Embrace?”

“Of course!” Incredulity raised an eyebrow. Snort escaped Arthur’s nostrils. He embraced her against himself. “We should be there for each other especially now. We will get to the bottom of what happened to Father. Whoever the sorcerer is will pay.”

Gaius cleared his throat. Eyebrow raised. News frankly unsettled him to be honest. “Sire. I fear there is no magical attack. I examined the King’s body. Only brisbane and roudbark would produce such an effect. I’ve tested King Uther’s blood. There are no traces of those herbs or anything else for that matter. I was not in the banquet chamber with you three or the others. What I saw in his chambers would seem to indicate a natural manifestation of such abilities. There is magic in his…and your family, Sire.” He bowed again.

“Truly so?” Accolon rubbed his chin. Surprise stiffened him. That is an unexpected turn. “My Lady?”

“Aye. Uther’s sister, Margwyth, was banished early in his reign. She escaped into the wild. Nobody has seen her in twenty years at least.” Morgana looked into Arthur’s eyes. “Sire? You know how I feel about the King. Perhaps…” She cleared her throat. “Perhaps, Uther manifested his latent abilities?”

“My father? A sorcerer? HAH! You know better than that, Morgana!” Denial darkened Arthur’s face. “I am surprised his body has not rolled over on the table after you said that! HOW DARE YOU?” His eyes narrowed.

“DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE TO HER! NOT IN MY PRESENCE!” Accolon slapped a desk to his left. Rage puffed in his nose akin to Bull’s prior to a charge. “The denouncing of magic will stop! You will face the facts, Prince Arthur! Denial was bad enough in your father! I will not deal with you like this!” He bowed his head. Rage’s heat radiated off of him in waves. “Your birth cost your Mother her life! It is a pity. Queen Igraine was a wonderful woman. I mourn her. She should have raised you. Aye. As it was, her love for you enabled her to sacrifice herself. She loves you still. Listen!”

“NAY!” Arthur’s frown tightened. His lips squeezed against each other. “FATHER WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO KILL MOTHER!”

“Sire, he did.” Gaius shook his head. “You know I would not lie about that. Nimue and I begged the King not to do it. He wanted you. Queen Igraine wanted you. The spell was cast against Nimue’s better judgment.” He huffed a deep breath. “From what Merlin told me, it is as Igraine’s spirit told you. She was correct.”

“Merlin…told you?” Arthur threw his hands up in the air. “Of course, he did! He’s such an idiot! I told him to say nothing to no one!”

“I was in King Uther’s confidence, Prince Arthur. Besides, Merlin knew I would say nothing beyond to King Uther and you. Right now, with due respect, we should be more focused on the transition between your father’s reign to yours,” Gaius reminded him. “Please listen to King Accolon, Sire.”

“You as well, Gaius?” Arthur stared at him. Eyebrows rose up in the air. Betrayal tore through his heart. “My father would have you punished just for suggesting that!”

“I know. I am being truthful, Sire.” Gaius managed to meet Arthur’s eyes with his own. His expression never changed. “As to your father, I am loyal. My duty is to Camelot. As your advisor, Physician and friend, I tell you this.” Once more, his head bowed.

“It is true, Arthur Pendragon! Do not fault Gaius for being honest this time!” Canary flashed through her eyes. She raised her hands slowly.

“Lady Morgana?” Gaius regarded her. Sleeping draughts and powders had suppressed her visions. Dread forecast that point’s arrival.

“Aye, Gaius! You have failed as well! I know about my magic!” She raised her hand still further.

Disbelief widened Arthur’s eyes. He floated several feet up into the air. “MORGANA, YOU? You’re a sorcerer!!” Gasp escaped his mouth. He struggled to move with no luck. “LET ME DOWN!!”

“Not until you listen.” Her eyes narrowed. “King Accolon and I will be the first to tell you this. We will not be the last. I will let him say it.” Make me proud, my King. She stepped back to allow Accolon an open path toward Arthur.

That is my greatest hope, Milady. Accolon strode to her side. His eyes raised toward the floating Arthur. “Many tolerated King Uther’s excesses. That time is at an end. I am sure the other rulers will raise the matter after the funeral. Queens Annis and Elena, Kings Rodor, Bors and Olaf all agree with me. I am not saying you have to convert or Camelot has to convert. All the goddess wants is co-existence. That is all! Everything returns to as it was prior to the Purge!”

“You have NO IDEA! Father brought order! Sorcerers caused chaos! They hurt people!” Arthur spat. Indignity ground his teeth. “Morgana! So help me….” He twisted his lip.

“I have no idea? I have no idea? Really?” Amusem*nt flicked an eyebrow at the floating Arthur. Canary flashed through his eyes.

Arthur felt himself moving. He rotated toward his left. His feet rose up. His head turned down. He hung upside down now. “ACCOLON? YOU TOO?”

“Aye, Prince Arthur. Me too.” Accolon sniffed. “And maybe you as well? I think you have a great deal to think about. Lady Morgana and I have my father to consider. We have our own work to do. My High Chancellor stands ready to crown her as Queen and my partner. You can either stand with us or stand with Cawdor and Mercia. That is up to you. I would not think you’d want to be alone or allied with Meleagant, Odin and Cenred. And then there is Gwen.”

“Gwen? You’d better not hurt her….!” Arthur struggled further. “I thought you were Gwen’s friend, Morgana! How can you?”

“Arthur! You wound me!” She slapped her chest. “You know I’d never hurt Gwen. The King wants her to have an excellent home and life. He and I are prepared to grant Gwen a noble’s life. Now, who with is the question.” She rubbed her chin. “What? Certainly, I know her deeds for Camelot and on my behalf! When I married King Accolon, Gwen’s deeds for me became deeds for Nemeth’s Queen Elect. Even if Uther would not allow it, Gwen has earned her elevation to noble status. Now, I think there is someone available in Nemeth. Was there not?”

“Aye. I believe King Rodor has the perfect candidate. He knows Gwen very well.” Accolon inhaled a deep breath. “Think carefully, Prince Arthur. Co-existence with magic. Contribution to a Sorcerers’ Code similar to the Knights’ Code. Alliances with Nemeth, Tintagel, the Amazons, Caerveron and Gaul. In return, I ennoble Gwen and relinquish her back to Camelot. We can negotiate trade privileges. You will like Nemeth’s new Crown Prince. Princess Mithian is so excited. She finally has someone she wants. You could have someone as well. Just work with us, Prince Arthur. Let us unify Britannia!”

Uther barred him from thinking about Gwen. Accolon offers Arthur a way to get around the King’s dying wish. It is a suitable proposal. Gaius shuffled toward the three rulers. “It is a suitable proposal, Sire. I am sure the Council would agree. With Gwen ennobled, their criteria would be met. You will be able to be with her.”

“Well, Arthur?” Morgana narrowed her eyes. “Will you accept or do I talk with King Rodor?”

Arthur hissed through his teeth. Resentment burned through him. He still wanted to enforce his father’s customs. However, Situation demanded that he work with sorcerers. Morgana and Accolon ambushed him. Gaius informed him that he had magic in his family tree. Gwen hung before him. Opportunity presented itself. Choice offered him one path. Perfection lay along it. “This Sorcerers’ Code would keep sorcerers in check?”

“It works just like our Knights’ Code, Prince Arthur. Despite Lady Morgana and me being sorcerers, I do not want dark magic or unchecked magic any more than you want rogue knights raiding unchecked across the countryside. We do agree. I want our subjects to live without fear. Think about what brought Aredian here to Camelot. A boy was playing with smoke dragons. Smoke dragons! That is what I want to stop. That boy was doing no harm whatsoever! Do you know that Aredian was in Nemeth before he came here? He stepped on King Rodor’s prerogative. He insulted Princess Mithian. Perhaps your father supported such attitudes. I want those things stopped. Everyone’s borders should be respected. Should they not?”

“Aye.” A grimace contorted Arthur’s face. “I will apologize to Nemeth. Compensation should be granted. I agree.”

Let him down. Canary flashed through Accolon’s eyes. His hand turned in counter clockwise.

Arthur felt himself rotating the other way. Within a few heartbeats, his head and feet had switched again.

“Very well.” She lowered her hand. She watched Arthur descend back to the floor. “I thought he looked better upside down up there.” Mischief spread her smirk across her face.

“You would.” Arthur’s eyes rolled. “Can we sign that agreement?”

Accolon extended his hand. “Aye. Perhaps we can gather the Council? Beforehand, we should speak on our treaty? We can sign the agreement between ourselves. The others will sign in the morning. After we sign, we have my first noble to raise up.”

A grin spread across Morgana’s face. Reward beckoned at last for Gwen’s service.

Duty long performed. Status long deserved….

Chapter 38: Lady Guinevere


Gwen gets ready for her new life. Accolon and Morgana have a few surprises of their own.

Chapter Text

Chapter 36 [Gwen’s House]

Gwen stood in the midst of Tom’s former home. Her eyes took in the one floor structure’s main room. Rough hewn table sat in its center with three chairs. A small pot hung from its chain within the cold fireplace. Two dresses sat on the table. A coarse cloth sack held remaining possessions on the floor. Blankets piled up by the door. Bedroom and bed awaited the next resident.

Transition pulled at her. Morgana held her dream in her hands. Accolon’s survival and marriage ensured their life together. Their thrones and rule promised unity and good for Tintagel. Memoria recalled Tintagel’s capital city and citadel. Many advantages presented themselves to the newcomer. Residents seemed friendly enough. Her new position flowed from her current one. Her own bedchamber awaited her in the citadel itself. Situation provided for everything. Security, Connections, New Friends, Lodging, Seamless Transition….

…everything save her heart’s needs…


She slumped in a chair. Gratitude accepted Morgana’s generosity. Choices remained few, far and in-between. Royal Court kept royals and servants apart. Arthur coached Merlin into staying away from Morgana all of those years ago! Now, she is with King Accolon! I know they care about each other. Maybe they will let me marry someone nice. Someone of *my own station* or whatever…. Her eyes rolled. Bile burned at her stomach. Resentment frothed over in Heart’s cauldron. They think they’re better than me! Why? Because they were born in a castle, and I was born poor? My father provided! He was a good man! I have certainly proven myself. I care for Camelot! I am loyal too. I love Arthur. Why is that so wrong? At least, Morgana cares. She is not like the other women at Uther’s court. Tintagel’s courtiers were nice to Merlin and me on our last visit there. She clenched her fists. Why should Arthur have to be with someone he doesn’t love? That is what’s wrong! That is why the Capability Laws are in place! We can prove ourselves to the Kingdom! We can be raised up! She forced herself to her feet. She set the dress into the sack and tied it shut. “I suppose that is that.” That observation raised an eyebrow. “Elyan, wherever he is, will not care.” She shrugged off that assessment. “Guess this is it.” She leaned over toward the sack.

Knocking at the door jarred her.

Now who? Curiosity and Caution edged her toward the door. “Aye?”

“Gwen? It is Lady Morgana. I am here with the King. Open the door.”

“Milady?” Gwen opened the door. Protocol and Courtesy reasserted themselves over her true feelings. She curtseyed before Accolon and Morgana. “I did not mean to keep you waiting, Milady and Sire.”

“You did not. Thank you for your courtesy, however, Gwen. It is appreciated.” Accolon strode into the humble abode. He looked all around. A nod bobbed his head up and down. “It is a cozy abode. It is a credit to your father and you. It is certainly better than some of the places I stayed in Gaul and while on campaign in the Empire.” He assessed her. “You are certainly worthy of his accounts. I must say.”

“Pardon? I do not understand.” Gwen tried to wrap her mind around his cryptic assessments. She knew Accolon had served in Bors’ continental wars. She could see him sitting around a campfire with other knights talking about “back home” things. “Who would know me there? I am just a peasant and servant.”

Accolon emerged from Tom’s old room. “Why Lancelot of course! He and Lady Morgana have told me of your quality and singular worth. He and I fought together in two campaigns against the Emperor Doun. Prince Arthur has filled in some gaps for me as well.” He slid his gloved hand across a beam. “Aye. Well forged and constructed. I think you will do well in my service.”

“Whatever I can do to help. However, I can serve.” Gwen curtseyed again. Lancelot? Her heart twinged. Affection’s Tug of War yanked between Arthur and him for her. Amor pulled her toward Arthur. Duty and Honor sparkled from Lancelot. Admiration held Lancelot up as Paragon to herself. Dark Eyes sparkled. Smile’s warmth lifted her spirits up on gentle breeze. Humility, Sacrifice, Honor and Service combined to make him seem akin to Knightly Perfection….

…yet another example of Nobility’s Double Standard….

“We would expect no less, Gwen. Why do you think we would insist on your place in our household?” Accolon’s eyes twinkled toward Morgana. “I hold a great deal of stock in the Lady Morgana’s assessment in character. She and Lancelot cannot say enough about you. I am sure Merlin would add to that.”

Conspicuousness streaked pink across Gwen’s cheeks. “I know he would. I work hard. I care about people. I serve others. If I may, Sire, nobility comes from such things. If I offend….” She bowed.

“Offend?” Accolon quirked an eyebrow. “Forgive me, Gwen. I am confused. Why would I be offended? You are absolutely right. Would you not say so, Lady Morgana?”

“Aye.” Morgana regarded Gwen once again. “I have come to expect no less from Gwen than that, my lord. Arthur and I argued that to the King often enough. I believe it to be time?” She looked about the area once again.


“Aye. It is time.” Accolon drew his sword. “It is time for you to realize your due reward. As you have said, nobility is earned through heart and service. You have served and sacrificed. You have achieved three deeds in fulfillment of the law. Nay—you have exceeded that threshold. You have protected my heart in times past. In Ealdor…switching yourself for Lady Morgana and risking yourself…protecting Camelot against Cornelius Segan’s ghost. Those are the three I will list.” His hand slid along its gleaming face. “Kneel. It is time.”

“All…all right.” Gwen trembled. Uncertainty and Fear chilled her. Reluctance held her back. Duty required her to serve Accolon and Tintagel. Uther surrendered her to them akin to Prize Mare at market. Heart, however, pined for its true harbor and service….

…to Camelot…

…to its Prince…to Arthur….

She met Accolon’s eyes and Morgana’s. Rather than Orders and Ice, she saw Warmth and Respect therein. What are they doing? She kneeled. She understood the Ceremony and Duty well enough. Her heart skipped a beat. “I am ready to serve.”

“We know, Gwen.” Morgana stepped to Accolon’s side. Twinkles sparkled in the light. “There is a task. I believe you will like it.” Mischief’s smile spread across her face. “Allow the King his office first.”

“Aye, Milady.” Gwen bowed her head.

“Have faith in me, Gwen. I may be your King now. I am also your friend and Camelot’s. I happen to have Tintagel’s interests first as her King as well.” Accolon regarded the kneeling Gwen. Her emotions strummed his senses and awareness. Still, the Office remained…. “Guinevere of Camelot, do you swear your loyalty to your kingdom and King? Will you do everything to protect the innocent and weak under your care? Will you look out for the unfortunate around you?”

“Aye.” Gwen quirked an eyebrow. Kingdom and King? Why does he not say specifics? He is raising me but avoids naming Tintagel, Morgana or himself? Is this tied to that task of Morgana’s? “Aye. I am, Sire. Milady.” She looked up at each of them in turn.

Morgana’s smile spread still further. Her eyes danced at him. Akin to Child on Solstice Eve, she wanted to complete this process.

Accolon restrained himself from an eye roll. Still, he cracked a smile for his two friends. “Then, I am happy to do you service as well.” His sword point touched Gwen’s shoulders. “There! Arise, Guinevere! Arise as a free woman and noble of Tintagel!”

Shock froze Gwen. She stared at the two royals. “Free? You…you…freed me?” Her jaw dropped. “M…Milady! I can serve you! I…”

“Milady, I believe this is for you?” Accolon stepped aside. Warmth shone from his eyes. Mirth elicited a warm chuckle. He well knew how close Morgana was to Gwen.

“M…Milady?” Gwen gasped. Disbelief clouded her mind. Doubt and Issues bombarded her mind in that heartbeat. “He freed me?”

“Aye. And it is long earned!” Morgana tugged Gwen to her feet. “You will make a fine noblewoman. You just need a few fine dresses. Someone should wait on you for a change.” She walked around Gwen. “Aye. I think that will be good! Perhaps we should set her with an estate and marriage?”

“Marriage?” Gwen kept a straight face. Protest wailed from her heart. She bit her lip. You cannot be with Arthur. Why can I not be with him? I do not want a big estate and some overblown Prat! I want my Prat! I… Cough escaped her throat. Merlin, you are such a bad influence! She buried that thought.

“Aye, Gwen. The King and I would want our nobles to be happy yet serve Tintagel with the most advantageous marriages. We all have to serve the kingdom’s interests. It happened that Kings Uther and Ruthbert struck an accord between King Accolon and me. Other negotiations do not end so well. I believe you will like this one. And best of all?” Mischief’s smirk spread across her face. “I am sure you will like him.” She raised an eyebrow. “He is waiting right outside for us.”

“O…outside? You had this all arranged?” Surprise pushed a gasp past Gwen’s lips.

“I believe it will serve Camelot and Tintagel very well, Lady Guinevere.” Accolon stuck his head out the door. “Come in and see your lady!”

His lady? Gwen squirmed. Possession’s unwelcome vibes pressed down on her anew. She stood tall and strong. Determination would face Fate’s choice head on. She’d make Arthur proud no matter what.

Prospective suitor’s boot falls pounded in her ears. She held her Prince’s image affixed in her mind. Then, Shadow’s Silhouette loomed in the doorway. “Step out, Sirrah! I’d see you!”

“Indeed so!” Accolon’s hand made ushering gesture. “Did I not promise? Thank you for your patience. Step forth. The good lady will have a heart attack yet.”

The man nodded. “You did, my Lord.” Eyes twinkled through the inky concealment. Heart pounded in his chest. “Thank you.” He stepped into Candles’ flickering light. “So you did.”

Gwen’s hands clapped over her mouth. Her eyes went wide. Tempus itself stood still for her. Disbelief clouded her mind. Joy lifted her heart away from Doldrums’ darkest abyss. “ARTHUR!”

Arthur strode toward Gwen. Relief and Joy twinkled in his eyes. Without further words, his arms encompassed her waist. His eyes met her. “I am here, Gwen. For you and Camelot. Forever!”

Gwen’s heart skipped happy flip flops. Her arms pulled him closer to her. Her lips smashed down on top of Arthur’s. Before Denial could rip them apart, Affirmation, Amor, and Adoration sealed Royals’ Pact with its own gesture. Energy flowed from her toward him. His energy strengthened her. Happiness’ tears streaked her cheeks.

“Theirs is magic, I believe, Milord?” Sass spiced Morgana’s interjection toward Accolon. “This is the best part of diplomacy?”

“Almost.” Accolon squeezed her hand in his. “I would take my accord with King Uther over it.” His eyes sparkled at her. “We may be King and Soon to be Queen, Milady. Never doubt that I care and love you.” He raised her hand. His lips brushed across her knuckles. Only our duty to the goddess before that!

Our service to the goddess. May she know our gratitude! Morgana concurred.

I do indeed. Well done, my Children! May your seeds reap Peace’s harvest! the goddess praised.

Meantime, Gwen broke off Magical Kiss. She retreated but half step from her Prince. Ardor showed in her eyes for Arthur. “Say this is not a dream. Please, Arthur! Please let this be real!”

“Gwen, it is real. I did not know until a short time ago either.” Arthur sucked in a deep breath. “Your place is here in Camelot. You should be at my side. King Accolon and Lady Morgana are responsible for helping us.” He looked around. “I know Merlin’s got to be involved somehow. MERLIN! MERLIN, COME OUT! I KNOW YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A GIRL!”

“Arthur!” Gwen smacked Arthur’s arm. “Morgana and I are girls. I believe we can hold our own with you boys?” Eyebrow arched.

“Prince Arthur, I believe the Lady has a point.” Accolon’s hand stifled his cough. Wry looks exchanged between Morgana and him. “Besides, Merlin is not here. I imagine he is nowhere nearby either.”

“He is not…?” Arthur shot Accolon a strange glance. “You have done something with him?”

“Arthur, Gwen and you are together. You are where you need to be.” Morgana shrugged. “Merlin’s…well…where he needs to be. He can serve best where he’s going. His arrangement was King Accolon’s idea. We worked together where you both are concerned.” She shut the door.

“Prince Arthur, Gwen, it was the only way.” Accolon rubbed his chin. “Your father’s last wish was to keep you two apart. When Morgana and I reached our accord, she wanted Gwen as her maid. I of course agreed because of her service. When she and I became aware of your feelings for each other, matters changed. I objected at first…until Morgana shared Gwen’s deeds on behalf of Camelot and herself.”

“That is why we had Lord Geoffrey marry us here.” Morgana stepped forward. “Once Accolon and I were married, Gwen, your deeds on my behalf became deeds done to the Queen. All right soon to be crowned Queen. You have more than three tasks. By law, that was sufficient for the King to make you noble.” She put her hand on Gwen’s left arm. “Gwen the Servant could not be with Prince Arthur. Lady Guinevere, however…well! I would say she is a worthy match for King Arthur.” Sly smirk cracked her face. “Merlin has quite the match on his hands too. I hope it helps. You did kill that girl, Arthur.”

“Girl? You mean the accursed Druid girl?” Arthur recalled Cath Palgau’s menace in Camelot months earlier. “Wait! He stole my food! Did he not?”

“And my dress. Aye.” Morgana sucked in a deep breath. “I can deal with a torn dress. I am glad Merlin has a way forward. He has someone.”

“And so does the woman in question. I am glad for that. At last, those Prats can stop making fun of her on the marriage market.” Relief and Indignity jockeyed in his eyes.

“Who is he talking about? Arthur?” Gwen considered each of them in turn. Confusion narrowed her eyes.

Arthur nodded. “Princess Mithian. Other than Morgana, Accolon has not been as close with anyone but her. Everyone ridicules her. They are insane.” He rubbed his forehead. “A Prince? Merlin?” His brain seized up.

“There is a great deal about Merlin that is coming to the fore, Arthur. He is very qualified. King Rodor has known about him. King Rodor and Princess Mithian met Merlin across the Severn earlier. He told me that Merlin would be dubbed as soon as he stepped into Gedref. Perhaps, King Rodor and you can work on your own situation? That is for him and you.” Accolon extended his hand. “Friends?”

“Aye, Friends!” Arthur clasped hand and arm. He pulled Accolon into an embrace. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I believe we should eat? Then, we can speak to the Royal Council?” Morgana supposed.

Arthur hugged Gwen’s shoulders. “Aye!” His lips kissed her forehead. “Then we can announce our marriage and coronation.” He picked up her sack. “We can bring this with us.” He hefted it over his shoulder.

“I will follow you.” Gwen walked out with Arthur. Satisfaction and Relief blossomed within her heart. Her way opened before her. Her hand held her Beloved’s firmly within its grasp.

Amor took its place. Tradition fell to its own loophole. Generations shifted their Priorities. Camelot and Tintagel had pieces coming together. Bliss emerged from Threat’s shadow.

Now, if Nemeth could follow suit….

Chapter 39: Yet Another Lineage Discovered


Merlin and Friends await Rodor and MIthian's arrival for dinner. Conversation leads to Gawain and Josiane making a discovery.

Chapter Text

Chapter 37 [Citadel, Whitgate]

Servants rushed about the passages. Chef Michael and staff crafted exquisite feast with every advantage. Opposite to current trend in Camelot, Funeral flowed into Rediscovery. Akin to Phoenix, Merlin rose from Crisis’ ashes. Former ally and new friends discovered one another. Tradition struggled with the New.

Changes were afoot. Rubicon. lay directly ahead….


[Dining Hall]

Merlin looked about the chamber. Memoria recalled his last service there. Phantom pain cut through his left shoulder. Lament weighed down on his heart over Elaine’s loss. Uther’s heavy-handed attitude and Arthur’s dismissal ate at him. His collapse right afterwards had nearly killed him.

Servant then…Guest of honor now….

Instinct tugged him toward his former role. Britomart and another servant hustled about the area. Goblets awaited their wine or water. Others called for refills. Covered plates sat on a table waiting to be set in their places. Everything waited to be done….

…Everything waited for him….

“Merlin. I know what you are thinking.” Lancelot shook his head. A firm hand came to rest on Merlin’s forearm. “You have done enough. This, Merlin, is for you. You do so much for people. You ask for little in return. Perhaps you should let someone give to you? It does my heart good to see you like this.” He raised his goblet. “To you, success and happiness, my Friend.” A mouthful and swallow sealed Sentiment’s wish in that regard.

“Lancelot, I…” Merlin shook his head. Camelot’s transition brewed and stewed. Gaius wouldn’t understand. Lineage and heritage guided Morgana’s efforts to regain Gorlois’ throne and unify Tintagel. Amor drew her toward Accolon. That very bond pulled Arthur and Gwen toward one another. Uther sought to hold back the tide. Rodor granted him noble standing. Admiration moved Mithian in his direction.

“Merlin, the King’s giving you your Dad’s place. Better than slaving for Uther.” Gawain raised his goblet at that thought. “King here seems fairer at least.” He held his goblet out. “Hey, Brit. Refill?”

“You might wait for dinner.” Britomart cleared her throat. Duty, however, guided her to fill the goblet. Then, she moved on toward the others. Lineage alone does not guarantee nobility. Milady would disabuse him of such notions. She shook her head and set the pitcher down. She picked up a wooden pint. “For you, Princess.”

“Britomart.” Josiane shook her head. “How many times must I say it? I am in exile. One day, I will have my father’s throne again. Until then, I am simply a warrior wandering through the world. I can understand Gawain’s outlook.” She sniffed the goblet’s contents. “Mead?” Appreciation lit up her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Josie gets it.” Gawain sniffed. “Can’t say you’re totally wrong, Brit. Attitude can rot like stinking fish. Folks like Merlin and her, they get it. Lance, you get it. Don’t know this Arthur guy but….”

“Arthur believes in the equality of all.” Merlin shrugged off the point.

“He isn’t king. Guys like Uther and the Big Red Can are, Merlin. ‘Sides look at what his Dad did to your buddy, the Dragon there. Look at what Dad did to Elaine’s Mom and your Dad. Look at what the Big Red Can did to my Dad.” Derisive snort spurted from Gawain’s lips.

“Not all royals are like that. Lady Blancheflor and Princess Mithian are different. So is King Rodor,” Percival interjected. “Britomart can speak about them, I am sure.”

“I can. I know my place as well, Sirrah. Thank you.” Britomart bowed to Percival. “I am sorry, Gawain, about Sir Robert. Surely, a hero such as he deserved better.”

“So did Soredamors.” Gawain tapped the table. “Sure wish I knew what happened to her. Bloody slavers.”

Josiane swallowed hard. Gawain’s last statement drew her attention. “Did you say Soredamors went off with slavers?” Details swirled around in her head. Stories told to her in childhood before Romans’ raids. “By the Prophet!”

“Princess?” Merlin felt her realization and shock. “What is it?”

“My mother’s name was Soredamors. She was taken from this island by slavers. Her hair was akin to the setting sun. Russet and red. She had emerald eyes.” Josiane eyed Gawain’s pendant. “Can I see?” She pointed toward the glittering metal. “I must know.”

“You just described my sister.” Gawain got up. Questions filled his mind. Disbelief overwhelmed him to be honest. “She went with them to save Mom and me.” Self-Loathing and Disgust burned at him. “I couldn’t keep us safe. Bloody Meleagant!” He stalked toward her.

“Gawain?” Percival exchanged looks with Lancelot. Granted, Gawain’s fighting skill and bravery remained without equal. He valued Gawain’s companionship. Impulsiveness and smoldering rage burned within Gawain. Those qualities raised red flags in Percival’s mind to say the least.

“I would give anything to see Mama again.” Elaine bowed her head. Tears welled behind her eyes. “Pardon me.” She wiped her eyes with her handkerchief.

“It is quite understandable, Lady Elaine. We all understand that.” Lancelot offered Elaine Reassurance’s smile. Understanding sparkled in his eyes. He nodded to her. “Let Gawain pursue it, Percival. I am curious.”

“Thank you, Lancelot.” Josiane nodded to him. Then, she watched Gawain draw closer. “Your eyes look like Mama’s, Gawain. Forgive me but….”

“Sis and I did have the same eyes, Josie.” Gawain took out the pendant again. “I don’t know if you recognize it. That’s Dad’s crest.” He held it out to her.

Josiane stared at it. Her hand clapped over her mouth. “It is true!” She dug through her robes. “It is like this!” An old handkerchief frayed by Age’s passage. Pink and light red spotted dingy white background. Red thread wove and bobbed about its edges. Crest symbol matched Gawain’s. “Look! LOOK!” She held up the handkerchief in front of Gawain.

Gawain stopped. Handkerchief robbed him of speech for a few of heartbeats’ passage. Incredulity shook his head. He studied it. “This…this is hers.” His hands trembled. With slow, halting motions, he returned it to her. “Josie, I remember. Hey, Brit! Think someone might know this? Sorie got it when he came back.”

“Let me see.” Britomart examined the handkerchief for herself. Curious emerald eyes drank in Details’ and Nuances’ layers. “This is from our royal court! The craftsmanship is unmistakable! King Rodor and Milady would surely like to see this. Lady Meredith made this more than likely.” She handed it back to Josiane. “Lady Meredith was King Rodor’s aunt.” She raised an eyebrow to Gawain. “It seems you have your ties and answer. Perhaps other ties will arise? One just has to look.”

“Indeed, Britomart! This is wondrous!” Joy warmed Josiane’s heart. Her arms encircled Gawain’s waist. “You are my uncle! Aye. I can tell you of Mama at least what I know.” She squeezed him up against herself. “Wait until I tell Boeve! I cannot believe it! My god is good!”

Gawain returned the embrace. Longing and Loneliness sought fulfillment. “I’m here now, Josie. Now, this is what’s important! Merlin gets his Mom here. Percy’s with Blanche. Lance…well…there’s someone for you too.” He regarded Josiane. “We will talk. Yeah.” His lips pressed Acceptance’s stamp on her forehead.

“Now see! That is the important thing!” Lancelot raised his goblet. “To family!”


“To family.” Merlin saluted uncle and niece. Once more, his eyes swept the chamber. Outer Duty still pulled at him. Inner Ties, however, now rooted him in place. Warmth flooded him. Satisfaction puffed a deep breath from himself. I wish the King and Princess could see this!

See what, Merlin? Father will be pleased at such pleasant elements especially on this night. You all will have to share, my Prince. We are almost there, Mithian interjected. I would hope you understand the world you are a part of. There are some of us who *might* be willing to put up with those rough edges. I do not know who. Perhaps….

Rough edges? Merlin kept his composure. Naughtiness, Teasing and a pinch of Mirth had flavored Mithian’s interjection. He fought back the urge to stand at least not until King and Princess’ entrance. I am not a Prince yet.

“Merlin?” Lancelot tapped him on the shoulder.

“Huh? Oh!” Merlin jumped to his feet. Embarrassment reddened his face. He bowed to the aforementioned Rodor and Mithian.

Seemed that the night had plenty of twists….

Chapter 40: Royal Acknowledgements


Rodor and Mithian acknowledge the bonds.

Chapter Text

Chapter 38

Rodor strode into the chamber. Politics weighed on his mind. King Ruthbert’s and King Uther’s situations weighed on him. Marital Negotiations hung heavily over Britannia’s and Gaul’s respective landscapes. Transitions rendered Camelot and Tintagel into Flux’s state. Temptation beckoned to Cawdor and Mercia. Details for next day’s coronation and royal wedding lingered therein. Mourning for Long Lost Friend juxtaposed with the son’s rise and affirmation. Insecurity over his guests’ ability to relate to one another ran through his mind.

Mithian walked at his side. Roles of de facto Queen, Princess, Councilor and Advisor struggled for balance and co-existence. Daughter and now Betrothed added yet another layer. Merlin’s issues and struggles tugged at her heart. How can I help Merlin to understand that he is worthy? He belongs! And not just because of Balinor’s bequest! He has earned his place. Her mind wandered floors below and History’s waiting repository. Will Prince Arthur resist? How can he? Merlin has more than earned his freedom!

“Patience, Daughter.” He glanced at her. “Our relationship with Camelot has long been defined by that. Trust that all will work out.” He raised her hand in hers. “Ever concerned with the inner working of state. That is to your credit.” Kindness and Pride tugged his mouth into a smile. “Sir Balinor would want this for us.”

“I know, Father. I try to put the kingdom and our subjects ahead of my own needs. It’s just…well…” She shrugged. “I remember what Mother and you had. Kay never understood. That was so special. I am being selfish. I…”

Rodor embraced her. “It is not being selfish. You only want what everyone wants. You are willing to balance love with duty. I would say that is admirable not selfish. You care. In that, you are your mother’s daughter. Your faith is about to be rewarded.” He looked her in the eye. “We lost Sir Balinor to Camelot’s malice. Merlin will not fall the same way. Nor will Gawain as his father did either. You did your duty before. Now the goddess and love seek to guide our path. Camelot and Cawdor will not stand in that path. Am I clear?”

“Aye, Sire.” She nodded to him. Her heart felt a little better.

“I take your answer as King and Father, Mithian.” Rodor fixed his jaw. “We have taken enough. I hope King Uther would be willing to let us retrieve Lady Hunith and move her here. Perhaps Lancelot or Gawain might show interest for Lady Elaine? I’d see Astolat in another vassal’s hands and not deprive her of that legacy?”

Another nod acknowledged Rodor’s point. “It would be the best of all worlds. She certainly deserves that.” Emotions buffeted her in that heartbeat. What’s going on? Merlin?

I wish the King and Princess could see this! Merlin’s voice announced in her mind. Warmth and Satisfaction drowned out Inferiority’s and Humility’s usual effects in his regard.

Composure helped her to maintain the Mask of State. Curiosity pushed her to discover his inspiration.

See what, Merlin? Father will be pleased at such pleasant elements especially on this night. You all will have to share, my Prince. We are almost there. I would hope you understand the world you are a part of. There are some of us who *might* be willing to put up with those rough edges. I do not know who. Perhaps….

Rough edges? Merlin kept his composure. Naughtiness, Teasing and a pinch of Mirth had flavored Mithian’s interjection. He fought back the urge to stand at least not until King and Princess’ entrance. I am not a Prince yet.

Soon enough, Merlin. Your humility does you credit. Still, we have committed. Trust in that. Slightest of smirks creased Mithian’s face. She returned her focus to her father and the passage. By that point, they stood outside of the chamber. Malodius watched her but offered no further reaction. “Pardon me, Sire. I was considering your advice.”

“Let us eat. There is enough time for that later.” Rodor walked into the chamber. Josiane’s and Gawain’s embrace merited a nod. Lancelot’s and Elaine’s mutual attention merited consideration. Britomart and the servants stopped their service to greet Mithian and him. Introspection, however, distracted Merlin at that point. His eyebrow rose.

“Merlin?” Lancelot tapped him on the shoulder.

“Huh? Oh!” Merlin jumped to his feet. Embarrassment reddened his face. He bowed to the aforementioned Rodor and Mithian. “Sorry.”

Mithian raised an eyebrow. “Already in the midst of deep matters, Merlin?” She followed Rodor toward the table and her designated place between Merlin and him. Her hand raised toward him.

Merlin took it. His lips brushed Duty’s and Amor’s respective strokes across the back of it. “Lot on my mind. I did not mean to ignore you.”

“One should be aware.” Rodor motioned for everyone to take their seats. “However, given Sir Balinor’s passing and everything else, Sir Merlin, it is a good thing. I imagine all of this must seem overwhelming to you? It will get easier.” He looked toward Josiane. “Princess, Gawain and you seem happy. Perhaps you might tell us?”

“My handkerchief, King Rodor, matches Gawain’s pendant.” Josiane sucked in a deep breath. “My mother, the Empress Soredamors, is his sister.”

“Truly so? That is wonderful! Is it not, Father?” Mithian clapped her hands. “Perhaps that merits a toast?”

“Aye! I would say so!” Rodor raised his goblet. “To Sir Robert and his reunited descendants! May they consider this a home! May we be blessed with their company for a long while!”

“HUZZAH! HEAR! HEAR!” The others raised their goblets as well.

“I believe after dinner; we should go downstairs. My initial thought was to leave the Hall of Heroes until after the funeral.” Rodor signaled for the meals to be served. “After what I have just seen, I think it would be appropriate for tonight.”

Percival nodded. “I agree, Sire. Merlin and Gawain should see it. I remember when Princess Mithian brought Lady Blancheflor and me down there a few years ago. If I may so, it would answer a few questions for everyone.” He turned to Mithian. “I know you wish to show Sir Merlin about Sir Balinor. Now, we can also show Princess Josiane and Gawain about Sir Robert. Lancelot, how about you? Would you join us?”

“I would be honored, King Rodor.” Lancelot bowed his head. “Sir Merlin is a dear friend. I have stood with him in battle as well. I would like to see his father’s accomplishments.”

“Oh?” Rodor speared a piece of roast. “Please tell us.”

Lancelot nodded. “Very well.” He glanced to Merlin and then to the royal hosts. “Merlin drove a griffin away from Camelot. Of course, he gave me all of the credit.” His hand stifled a cough.

“Of course.” Mithian cleared her throat. Why does *that* not surprise me?

Merlin tried not to roll his eyes. “Lancelot, we helped each other. The griffin was stopped in the end.”

Lancelot nodded. “Aye. By your spell enhancing the lance. Merlin, you do more than you know. I am proud to be your friend. You do yourself credit with your humility. Still, you do not have to be in the shadows any longer.”

“Well spoken, Lancelot.” Rodor nodded. “Princess Mithian and I concur. A proper balance must be struck. Your father was such a man. I believe you learn well from his example already. Now, let us eat and enjoy. After that, I believe Princess Josiane, Gawain and you can benefit from what I will show you next.”

“This Hall? I’d like to know what Dad did.” Gawain bit into his food. “Be great. Josie?”

“Indeed so, Uncle.” Josiane took a draught from her goblet.

Merlin chewed on his food. Questions brewed in his head. Some answers lay in that Hall of Heroes beneath. While Familiarity guided him in Service’s regard, Heroism remained a shadowy affair…at least until then.

Seemed Fate (and the goddess) forced him into the Light….

Chapter 41: Mithian's Pep Talk


Merlin ponders his new role. Kilgarrah snarks him a bit. Mithian straightens Merlin out.

Chapter Text

Chapter 39 [Next Morning]

First Light glowed just over Horizon’s eastern edge. Preparations wrapped up outside on the plaza. Galahad prepared the knights for Honor Guard’s duties in Hourglass’ turn. Rodor worked out Speech’s last details.

Nerves plagued Certain Warlocks/Almost Princes however….


[Merlin’s Bedchamber]

Merlin watched Sol peek over the eastern woods. Sleep evaded him on the previous evening. Balinor’s legacy weighed on him. Gawain’s and Josiane’s respective joy over Robert’s achievements and possessions picked his own spirits up. Pride swelled in everyone over Kilgarrah’s, Malodius’ and their fathers’ respective achievements at Etranberg and Europa’s battlefields. We might belong.

You belong, Merlin. Enough fretting over it, Kilgarrah cut him off with a gruff tone. You will be crowned this afternoon. Tomorrow, you and Princess Mithian will be married. I believe that should take care of everything.

What about Gaius? I never talked to him before I left. Does he not deserve that much? Merlin gazed out the window toward the southeast. He shook his head. He will be convinced that there’s some spell or the King coerced me.

A familiar snort cut into the link.

I believe someone has something to say about that? Perhaps *now* you might listen, Merlin? Kilgarrah reminded him (again). Balinor would be proud. You hesitate about change. This time, you are stepping right into it. It might be an improvement.

Kilgarrah, Merlin works through his issues. We will have to work on his insecurities. Mithian sniffed. Good morning, my Prince. I wish you had slept better. After the funeral, I will speak to Father about you having some time to rest. The coronation is after our midday meal. I know it will be a small affair. Perhaps you should get dressed? We will need you ready. I will see you in a few grains of the hourglass. Remember. Confidence.

I know. Thanks, Mithian. I… Embarrassment reddened his cheeks. Princess, I…

Sorry for what? Merlin, I do believe that is my name. You are my betrothed. I believe you can call me that in private. After this afternoon, we will be equals. Day after tomorrow, we will be married. You are a part of our family. I am eager to be part of yours. Do get dressed, Merlin. Breakfast awaits us. By the way, we have guests. It is quite the surprise.

Surprise? Merlin pulled on his familiar blue top and brown pants. He tied his neckerchief around his neck. He straightened his jacket. Reviving waters splashed across his face. Hair smoothed into place. Inspection settled on his appearance. Guess this will do.

Knocking interrupted Introspection’s analysis.

He hustled across the chamber. There, he opened the door. “Good morning.” Instinct pushed him to bow yet again. His knees trembled. His heart raced. Sweat dampened his forehead.

“Good morning once again, my Prince.” Mithian smoothed a dark purple dress. A simple necklace adorned her neck and upper chest. Morpheus had allowed her a few hours in his thrall on the previous evening. “The bow is very nice. You do know that a nod will suffice?”

“I am not Prince yet. You deserve the respect, Princess.” He sucked in a deep breath. “Maybe I can nod after the coronation?” His eyes met hers. He raised her hand. His lips’ kiss whispered their greetings across her knuckles.

A nervous giggle escaped her lips. Pink and crimson streaked her cheeks. Previous experience offered little resistance to his charm. If this is a dream, may the goddess never wake us up! Why did I not see this before? Arthur’s loss is our gain! “I do believe you have found your confidence. Come with me to the mirror.”

“Mirror? What?” He narrowed his eyes. Diplomatic priorities urged them to head downstairs. Rodor and the others waited. “Mithian, we have breakfast. Your father and those guests are waiting. We…”

Playful snort danced through his ears and into his mind. “I have a point, Merlin.” She guided him toward the chamber’s full-length mirror. “Take a look. What do you see?”

He studied Reflection’s image with care. “I see myself.”

“Aye.” Her eyebrow arched. She folded her arms across her chest. “I also see a man…my Prince… growing into his role whether he cares to admit it or not. I see a strong man ready to be there for our people. I know he will grow into a leader.”

“I would never call you ‘my woman’, Mithian. I do not own you. I would never think that.” He turned toward her. “Thank you for saying that.”

“I know.” Her heart skipped a beat at his words in Respect’s service. She kissed his knuckles in return. “But as you will be my man, I will be your woman. We are Nemeth’s and our people’s. We owe them our service, Merlin. And I thank you for your respect and honoring me as an equal.”

He shook his head. Disbelief over her previous negotiations confounded him to say the least. Uther’s previous plans unsettled him. Still, none of that mattered any longer. “If I may say so, I may be a servant and those others noble. They are blind to you. I am not. Their loss.”

Why, Merlin! Such a compliment from you! Mithian, I believe you are a good influence on him, Kilgarrah snarked.

I try. Triumph spread its smirk across her face. “You are the sun rising to light my darkest night…Despair’s failings for royal negotiations. I will never worry again.”

“I will not let you.” His smile finally broke through his moods’ overcast at that point. Her warmth and support eased Insecurity’s issues a bit more. “Shall we see who’s waiting there?”

“I believe we shall.” She took his hand in hers. Together, they strolled from the chamber and down the passage. Food and good company awaited.

Diplomacy awaited….

Chapter 42: Running Into Friends


Merlin is reunited with Gaius. Arthur and Gwen see him as he is now. Britomart gets something that she's always wanted.

Chapter Text

Chapter 40 [Royal Dining Hall]

Arthur looked about the chamber. Decoration remained at a bare minimum. Servants shuffled about in Duty’s routine. Memoria recalled the Terrible Day. (Nay, Reader, not the one the Other Bards spoke of in the other tellings…) Rodor, Accolon, Morgana, Gaius and Gwen regarded him in turn. “It appears the same. Odd that for a celebration there is not more.”

“We have a funeral to attend first. A dragon lord chose to pass through the Veil amongst us last night. Sir Balinor will be missed,” Rodor’s fingers tapped on the table. Impatience ate at him. “The Coronation will proceed after Midday. He would have wanted that.”

“And what of the rest of us? Surely, with due respect, Your Majesty, we would be able to speak with Merlin before then?” Gaius sized Rodor up. He recalled the ruler well enough from their earlier encounters.

“Gaius, Merlin is of age to decide for himself. Let it be so.” Accolon drank from his goblet. His eyes burned into Gaius’. Do not seek to interfere in the goddess’ will, Gaius. She already has enough of an account where you are concerned. “Besides, this is his heritage.”

Gaius stiffened. He is a priest? Good grief! Suspicion darkened his mind. “Heritage? Pardon me but what heritage?” The Eyebrow raised his hairline a good quarter inch. Much as with Arthur and the others, Merlin’s origins stemmed from Ealdor. (Well, as much as they knew anyhow.) “What tie would Merlin have here, King Rodor.”

Rodor shook his head. He wanted to keep that matter under wraps. Still, Query launched…Answer deserved. “We did not know who Merlin’s father was, Gaius. Merlin, until last night, did not know. Princess Mithian, Lord Blumenwald and I did not know who his mother was. Had we known earlier, I’d have pressed King Uther for Merlin’s service.”

“His father?” Confusion clouded Gaius’ thoughts. A deep frown twisted his mouth. “I am afraid I do not understand, King Rodor. Hunith raised Merlin alone in Ealdor. She sent him to Camelot for a better life. He served King Arthur and Camelot. He was my ward and apprentice prior to Uther’s grant. What else was there?”

“What else indeed?” Irony weighed on Arthur’s response. He shook his head. “Merlin’s bumbling around was an act. He did good service when he had a mind to.” He glared at the door. “I wish the Princess would get back here with him.”

“An act he had to do due to our fathers’ laws.” Accolon shook his head. “Merlin was right to hide and do what he had to in the shadows.”

“Neither he nor I should ever have had to.” Morgana raised an eyebrow at them. “Nor should I have had to do sleeping powders to keep me from my magic.”

“Morgana, we have been through this. I believe Gaius intended to protect you. I agree with him. You saw what Aredian did here. Father’s position did not protect him from Aredian in the end. Certainly, it would not have protected Merlin or you either.” Arthur rubbed his forehead. “I am getting a headache.”

“I am having enough trouble of my own with this.” Gwen accepted a refill from Britomart. “Thank you, Britomart.”

“You are welcome.” Britomart nodded to Gwen. Then, she checked with the others before her retreat back to the corner. Her new robes and chain mail awaited her. “Sire?”

“Nay, Britomart. You have done well enough. Please stay. I wish to announce our surprise once Sir Merlin and Princess Mithian rejoin us.” Rodor took another draught from his goblet. “Cassandra?”

“Aye, Sire?” A blonde slender girl rushed toward them. Her dress matched Britomart’s. She held the water pitcher in her hands. “What can I do for you?”

“Perhaps you might take over for Britomart?” Rodor pointed toward the three empty chairs. “Britomart, you may join us. Once the announcement is made, you will return to your chambers. Sir Galahad will await you.”

“Aye, Sire.” Britomart curtseyed to him. “Once again, thank you. I live to serve.” Then, she eased into her chair. Much like a new coat, the action felt foreign to her. Even her glib tongue failed her at that point. Uncharacteristic nerves unsteadied her resolve in that heartbeat. She kept her eyes on Rodor even if her heart wandered the citadel’s guest chambers.

“We know that. It is time for the Princess and me to reward that service.” Rodor noted Mithian and Merlin at the chamber’s door. “Ah! Daughter! Sir Merlin! Please enter.” Merlin’s usual attire raised an eyebrow. “The tailors and armorer were supposed to have his new garb ready.”

“I do not know, Father.” Mithian offered the royal nod. Embarrassment reddened her face. “Merlin, I…”

Excitement pressed at Merlin at the sight of Gaius and his friends. Despite Transition’s burden on that morning, he wanted to speak with them. “Perhaps I can borrow some chain mail and a surcoat, King Rodor?” Merlin bowed to the table. “I saw one last night that can be of use.” He motioned toward Gaius. “May I?”

“Merlin, I say! You do miss details.” Relief and Joy washed Gaius’ issues away. He sprang from his seat and hustled to Merlin’s side. “I was so worried! Are you all right?”

“Aye, Gaius! It is so great to see you!” Merlin embraced Gaius. “I am glad you are all right!”

“Everything is fine, Merlin.” Gaius assessed Merlin. The exam allayed earlier issues. “You seem healthy enough.” His trained eye caught no signs of magical coercion or drugs. “And you are sure about Sir Balinor? Merlin, we have not heard about this before.”

“It became apparent last night, Master Gaius.” Mithian cleared her throat. “King Arthur, congratulations to Queen Guinevere and you.” She nodded to him.

“It seems that I should say the same.” Arthur returned the nod with one of his own. “Have to say, Merlin, I wish I’d have known about your heritage. Father would’ve made you a knight.”

“The King would have burned him at the stake.” Morgana cleared her throat. “Merlin is the son of Sir Balinor the Dragon Lord. How do you think that would have gone over in the Royal Council?” She shook her head. “There is a reason Gaius did what he did with the powders. It does not mean it was the right reason. It was a reason nonetheless.” Her eyes burned into Gaius’ psyche.

“I was protecting you, Milady.” Gaius bowed to make the point further. “I try to protect life. I was saving yours. I had Merlin to think about as well as you just indicated.”

“You should have told me, Gaius!” Morgana narrowed her eyes. Lecture stabbed from her tongue at his ears. She raised her hands. “No matter. The matter is closed. Is that not true?” She turned to Accolon.

“Aye. It is.” Accolon nodded. “I hope it will never happen again. I had to hide as well. It will not happen again in Tintagel. That I can promise you, Milady.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

“Indeed so, King Accolon. Nor here in Nemeth. I believe we all have enough memories in that regard.” Rodor noted Sol’s position in the sky. “Pardon me, Sir Merlin, the hour grows late. There is one more thing that needs to be done. Then, Princess Mithian and you should see to your chain mail.” He stood. “Britomart, please kneel in front of me.”

Mithian bit her lip. Mask of State maintained its serene poker face. Inside, however, Triumph pressed her to jump up and down. Congratulations and Gratitude shone in her eyes for Britomart. “Thank you, Sire. Please do, Britomart. Pardon me, my Prince.” She hustled to her father’s side. Pride beamed down on her maid/best friend/bodyguard/confidant.

“You are welcome. As I said, service such as hers or Sir Merlin’s deems a reward. I know this is her wish.” Rodor drew his sword. “Britomart of Nemeth, your service is known to us. Your desire to protect our royal household and see to every detail is without peer. I need only to ask the questions. Are you ready?”

Britomart trembled. Emotions clashed inside of herself. Disbelief over her current state numbed her. “A…aye, Sire. I am.” She looked up at him and then at Mithian. “Milady.”

“Britomart.” Mithian motioned toward Rodor. Her smile spread still further across her face.

Rodor nodded. “Britomart, do you swear to protect Nemeth? Will you look out for its people and prerogatives before any other kingdom’s? Are you willing to give your life if needed for our royal house and people?”

Britomart nodded. “Aye, Sire. I so swear.” Affirmation locked her eyes onto his. “You have been kind and generous to me. Our people received me after the fire. How can I not protect them? How can I not swear to you, my King, Milady and…if I may…Prince Merlin? My service to you is my greatest honor and privilege. I can do so now as a knight. Once more, my life for Nemeth and for your house.” She bowed her head.

Mithian wiped tears from her eyes. A quick breath composed her once again. “Thank you.”

“Well put, Daughter.” Rodor rubbed Mithian’s arm. He understood her perspective on the matter. “And my thanks as well, Britomart.” He raised his sword. “Therefore, by this sword….” His sword’s point tapped each of Britomart’s shoulders in turn. “I hereby free and raise you to noble status. I declare you a knight of Nemeth, Dame Britomart. You are the first such knight. May you continue to be such an example.” He sheathed his sword. “Daughter?”

“Aye, Father.” Mithian helped Britomart to her feet. “Look at you! A knight at last! You have your dream. As King Rodor said, you have earned it. Now, I believe your armor is waiting, Dame Britomart. Meet Sir Galahad and the others by the Physician’s Chambers.”

“Aye, Milady!” Britomart curtseyed to the other royals. Then, she headed out of the chamber. “My Prince.” She curtseyed again.

“Dame Britomart, not yet. I….” Merlin squirmed. Embarrassment reddened his cheeks. He bit his lip.

“You are in all but oath, Sir Merlin. I know Dame Britomart’s intent. It is all right. Thank you, however, for your restraint and humility.” Rodor motioned toward the door. “Dame Britomart? Sir Galahad and your new comrades are waiting.”

“Aye, Sire!” Britomart rushed into the passage. Euphoria and Success rushed to her head. Joy’s tears coursed down her cheeks. Tempus pushed her toward her chambers. Disappointment would not dampen Galahad’s or any other knight’s mood further on her account.

“I believe, Daughter, you should guide Sir Merlin downstairs. We will see you outside.” Rodor handed her a heavy iron key ring with three metallic keys on it.

“Aye, Sire.” Mithian bowed to him and the others. “Pardon us. Sir Merlin?” She guided him from the chamber.

Arthur sucked in a deep breath. “I never thought we would see a day like this.” He shook his head. Wonder and Amazement spun his head.

“Arthur, we have seen him fight. Wish we could have known about his magic.” Gwen took a mouthful from her goblet.

“Some things were by design, Milady.” Gaius’ eyes met Morgana’s. Purpose and Regret lit up therein. Still, Merlin’s protection remained the highest priority.

“Come. We should eat. I will put some aside for Sir Merlin and Princess Mithian.” Rodor held his hand out to the offered food.

Servants became knights. Traditions shrouded in dark became light….

Chapter 43: Hall of Heroes


Mithian leads Merlin into the Hall of Heroes. Merlin's eyes are definitely open. Snark ensues. A message is delivered.

Chapter Text

Chapter 41 [Hall of Heroes]

Merlin followed Mithian back down musty granite stairs once more. Reverence weighed on him. Duty edged him on. Tradition crackled all about them. “I feel like there’s someone else here.”

“Perhaps.” She stopped and turned back toward him. “Father and I have room for a few loyal spirits if that is their choice, Merlin. We would not deny the goddess or Cailleach their due however.” She descended the last four stairs. “Still…” Her eyebrow raised. Hairs raised on her arms and neck. Static charged the air about herself. “Maybe it is this new sensitivity? I do feel something.”

“That is what I mean.” Nerves and Caution slowed his pace. “I do not wish to disturb them. Perhaps we can go in. Your father and the others are waiting. My father needs to be honored.” He surveyed the empty passage in both directions…

…empty (or supposedly empty)…

She turned the key in the door’s lock. Her hand pushed the ancient door open. “Gawain and you honored your parents last night, Merlin. I would think they would appreciate that.” She lit her torch from the wall torch. “Follow me.” She entered the Hall at a steady pace.

Chill dimpled his skin. Uneasy vibe ran up and down his spine. Breeze kicked up about the passage. “Mithian!” He rushed into the chamber. Once more, he gazed upon historical artifacts and weapons. Rust marred ancient chain mail. Blades bore Battle’s bruises and knicks. Giant tapestry depicted Etranburg’s battle. In the upper right corner, his eyes spied Balinor and Kilgarrah….

…Tradition, eat your heart out…

Consideration reeled him in closer and closer still. He spied Malodius in War’s midst. Rodor had pointed himself out on the previous night. Sir Robert stood out amidst Cawdorian red and Nemethian emerald. It happened. It really happened.

And you doubted me? Wait. Of course you did! I have stopped being surprised by such things, Merlin, Kilgarrah jabbed.

She released a pointed snort. A rather naughty smirk spread across her face. “And here I thought you were *so* wise, Merlin.”

His eyes rolled. “Not helping.”

“Oh? Was I trying to help? After all, you *are* Emrys of the Druids or something to that effect.” Snicker echoed off of the granite walls. Her eyes twinkled into his. She ran her hand over Balinor’s chain mail. Rust and knicks marred its links. Surcoat’s edges frayed. Age and Exposure had faded its once-vibrant hues.

She is going to be good for you, Merlin. Imagine no more chamber pots for the Pendragon or excuses? Whatever will you do? Kilgarrah’s chortles and snickers stung in Merlin’s ears. You have the proof in front of you. Now Gaius cannot deny it. This is what you were born to do, Merlin. Your magic is but one part of you. You are a Dragon Rider. You will be a Prince as well. Balinor would be proud.

Indeed, Kilgarrah. Balinor appeared beside his former chain mail. Cobalt aura encapsulated his washed-out astral image. “Hello once more, Merlin.” He bowed to her. “Princess Mithian.”

“Sir Balinor?” Questions bubbled up inside of her mind. She nodded toward the spirit. “Surely you would have passed through the Veil? As I said earlier, I would not deny you your reward.”

“I know.” A slight smile broke through Balinor’s grim expression. “Kilgarrah said it very well to Merlin. Thank you for opening all of this to him. Thank your father for remembering your grandfather’s and his promise. I wanted to bring Merlin’s mother here. Circ*mstances prevented me from doing so.”

“We know, Father. It’s all right.” Merlin stepped closer to his father’s spirit. “Mother will be taken care of now. I can keep her warm and comfortable.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “That is all I have wanted even when I was in Camelot.”

“Now, you can do that.” Balinor pointed to his armor and surcoat. “Put it on. King Rodor is waiting for you both. I wish to see for myself.” He floated back from his former equipment.

Merlin lifted the chain mail and surcoat from their place. Nerves and Inadequacy unsteadied him. Purpose, however, strengthened his resolve. Her belief in him warmed his heart. Strength buoyed Confidence. He pulled on the chain mail and surcoat over his former servile garb. He secured the belt in place. Chain mail sagged. Surcoat’s inadequacies nagged at him. “I think I can do this one better.” He took a deep breath. “Thoir air ais!” Canary flashed in his eyes.

Spell’s energies crackled about Merlin’s form. They mended the twisted links. Rust disappeared. Frayed edges disappeared. Colors deepened. Chain mail and surcoat resized themselves to his needs.

Approval prompted him to nod. “That looks better. Hope the King likes it.”

Pride and Awe shook her head. Granted, she knew of his magic. Still, to watch his spell turn back years and recall Past’s glory astounded her. “The King will approve. I might think it’s passable.” Teasing quirked an eyebrow and spread the smirk back across her face (yet again). She held up Balinor’s old sword.

“Passable?” Merlin stared at her.

“Aye.” Sauciness flavored her response. “Passable, my Prince.” She handed the sword hilt first to him. “You will need this.”

“Thanks.” Merlin accepted the sword. He considered its glinting surface against the torchlight. Then he slid it back into its scabbard. “Thank you, Father.”

Balinor nodded to him. “Nay, Merlin. Thank you. Give my love to your mother….” He melted away into Shadow’s depths.

“Unbelievable.” Merlin sucked in a deep breath. His mind spun from the encounter. Affirmation rode on Balinor’s spectral form. Sorcery restored his mantle and garb. Belief flowed from his Princess.

“One step at a time, my Prince. We will do this together.” She guided him from the Hall and back out into the passage.

Malodius harunged a greeting. He bowed to them. Then, he started up the stairs.

“Our guide?” Merlin scratched his head.

A giggle escaped from Mithian’s lips. “Oh? You need another?” She rubbed his arm. “Come on. The King and our friends await.”

The King and our friends! That just feels right. Merlin followed their lead up the staircase and the plaza outside.

Preparations and mindset are key after all….

Chapter 44: Passing the Torch


Balinor's funeral. Merlin accepts his role.

Chapter Text

Chapter 42 [Plaza Outside of Citadel—A Twelfth of an Hourglass Turn Earlier]

Rodor strode out onto the Citadel’s top stair. His eyes took in Funeral’s forming scene. Well wishers and courtiers had assembled on the cobblestones below. Brazier burned beside waiting pyre. Rodrigo held Nemeth’s knights at attention. Rodor, Morgana, Arthur and Gwen flanked Rodor. Gaius waited with Wyngate and Blumenwald. Kilgarrah meditated off to the side. You should see this, my Friend. Perhaps there were naysayers. Today, a grateful kingdom remembers you. Your son will make us all proud. He turned to find Galahad instructing Balinor’s honor guard. Ywain, Lancelot, Britomart, and Josiane flanked the deceased Dragon Lord’s body just inside the door.

Still, no Merlin or Mithian….

“Merlin late? Why does that not surprise me?” Arthur hissed low. “He is keeping Princess Mithian back as well. What are they doing?”

“Arthur, please.” Gwen shook her head. Scolding sharpened her tone. Protocol demanded manners of some kind. Instinct and Habit, however, kicked them into horseplay. Diplomacy demanded sanity.

“They are coming.” Morgana stifled a cough with her hand. “It seems someone had advice for them downstairs.” A smile broke across her features. Her eyes twinkled at Accolon.

“Advice?” Rodor arched an eyebrow. “Who would be downstairs now? Now I am glad Malodius followed them.” Concern crept across his mind. Worry occupied him. Ambush and potential abduction remained on his mind. Yet, Morgana had said that was not the case.

Mithian led Merlin into view. They squirted by the Honor Guard and to the waiting royals’ side. “Sire, pardon us. We had a special guest.” She added the royal nod.

“Special guest? Where is this person?” Rodor looked back into the citadel. He saw nobody else of note. Then, he noticed Merlin lingering by Balinor’s body. “Sir Merlin?”

“Father’s ghost showed up.” Merlin patted his father’s covered body. “He wanted to thank you for everything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He also wanted to support me.”

“Merlin, I think that should confirm what we have been telling you?” Lancelot interjected. His eyebrow raised at his friend.

“I would say the same, Lancelot,” Josiane chimed in.

“You know what I say, my Prince!” Britomart interjected. “Milady? I know you have your say!”

Mithian shot her former maid an expectant look. “I think you know me too well, Dame Britomart.” Warm chuckle escaped her lips. “Our Prince has already heard my two pence on the matter.”

Merlin blushed. He bowed his head. “And I appreciate it.” He sucked in a deep breath. “I had to get my armor too. It needed a few touches.” He raised Mithian’s hand. “Milady.” Lips brushed Gratitude’s whispers across awaiting knuckles.

“Pardon us, Father. Merlin restored Balinor’s armor to honor him. Sir Balinor wished to watch him do it. Given the day’s significance, I thought….” Mithian allowed her reply to trail off. Her eyes brushed across Balinor’s shroud and body underneath.

“Aye. Such reverence is appropriate. Tradition and respect should be applied in equal amounts.” Rodor narrowed his eyes at Arthur. May you understand that there is more to kingship than just ruling for one group or against another. “Especially since this is Sir Balinor’s day of triumph on many fronts, Daughter. Come. Stand beside me. Sir Merlin, you as well.”

“Aye, Sire.” Merlin bowed to Rodor. His eyes met Arthur’s albeit briefly. Loyalties blurred and juxtaposed for a heartbeat. Then, he hustled over toward Rodor and Mithian. Sorry. Still getting used to this.

It will take time, my Prince. You are doing well…rough edges and all. Mithian’s eyes caught Sol’s light. Warmth reflected therein. Father wishes to begin.

Merlin sucked in a deep breath. His eyes turned toward Rodor.

Rodor raised his hands. “Good morning, Everyone! Thank you all for coming! Today we honor a dear friend of Nemeth! Sir Balinor was a brave knight and warrior. He cared for everyone. His sacrifices are a big reason we have our kingdom! As knight, he fought and defended us. As Dragon Lord, he befriended man, magical creatures, and sorcerers alike. As friend, he put others’ needs above his own. He fled and hid to keep threats from our borders! For too many years, we did not know of his deeds. Those of you, however, who have been to the Hall of Heroes downstairs do know of the Battle of Etranberg. I can tell you that there were many more battles than that. I owe my life on a few occasions to him. Malodius, King Bors of Gaul, Kilgarrah the Great Dragon, Sir Ywain and Sir Galahad also remember, I am sure. Last night, he returned to us. He passed away. At least, he met his son. He knows of our love. We can preserve and learn from his example.” His eyes glanced toward Merlin. Briefest of nod acknowledged his presence. Then, he turned back to the crowd. “Today, we send Sir Balinor to his rest! May he know peace on the Veil’s other side. Honor guard!”

Galahad raised his sword. “FORWARD!” He marched before the guard’s progress. He bowed to Rodor, Mithian and Merlin. Then, he pressed on down the stairs. His boots clacked against stone and cobblestone. He wheeled about. His eyes never left the body or guard bearing it down the stairs. Reverence held him at attention. Patience kept him there until the others reached his position. Pace resumed. Martial lockstep guided them to waiting pyre. There, they slid the body onto it. Then, they all stepped back.

Rodor turned to Merlin. “Sir Merlin, I leave it to you. As you wear your father’s armor, you honor his memory. As you assume his place, it is for you to see him off.” He motioned toward the stairs.

“Thank you, Sire.” Merlin bowed to Rodor. His eyes met Mithian’s again. Then, he started toward the stairs. Effort slogged each footfall. Lament weighed on every movement. He beheld everyone’s reactions around himself. Friends and bystanders reacted in various ways. Approval, Blasé and Scorn all strummed his sensibilities. Still, he pressed on. He stopped by the brazier’s fire. He looked to Lancelot, Britomart, Galahad and Josiane in turn. “I am ready, Sir Galahad.”

“As am I, Sir Merlin.” Galahad lit a torch. “Perhaps you might wish to say a few words?” He managed a slight bow for his Soon-to-be Prince.

Merlin nodded. “Father, I wish Mother and I could have known you longer. I have so many questions. One thing I look forward to learning more about you. Mother will come here as you intended. I will take care of these people. As you did, I will serve them. Now, I can use my magic openly at least. Kilgarrah and I can restart the old traditions. So, aye, I bid you farewell. I remember the bards in Camelot speaking of the Phoenix. As that bird rose from its flames, so shall you continue on in our memory and hearts. Thank you for your sacrifices. We appreciate them.” He bowed his head.

Lancelot nodded. Approval warmed his heart and glance toward his friend. “Well spoken.” He bowed toward Merlin.

“I concur, Lancelot. Well spoken indeed.” Galahad nodded. “If I may, Sir Merlin, your words strike a common chord within me. I dare say with many of us who served with Sir Balinor would agree with us. You are that very Phoenix of which you spoke.” He regarded Merlin’s armor. “Seeing you like this, I feel as if I am looking at a younger version of him. That has to be his armor from the Hall. Your magic perhaps? In any event, your words…your magic…your manner…that is what I am referring to. Aye. You honor Sir Balinor. You honor us. Thank you.” He extended the torch. “That, Sir Merlin, is for you.”

“Thank you, Sir Galahad.” Merlin accepted the offered torch. “So, Father, can be at peace. So, renewal can begin.” He held the torch up. “So, we can all co-exist, benefit from and love each other!” He touched the torch to the pyre’s wood and then the covered corpse. He set it in the wood. Then, he stepped back to watch the flames catch against wood and straw. Smoke rose. Flame ignited. Fire burned away at the pyre.

Thank you, Merlin. That was very insightful, Kilgarrah expressed.

For us all, Kilgarrah. I love you, Father. Merlin sucked in a deep breath.

Phoenix had passed…Long live the Phoenix…

Chapter 45: On Being a Prince (and not a Prat)


Merlin muses over his new role. Arthur talks with him about current matters and the past in Camelot. Arthur gets himself cornered by a pair of female royals.

Chapter Text

Chapter 43 [A Turn of the Hourglass Later]
[A/N: For those who wish to see a Merlin coronation as Prince, there are a few versions floating around in my other stories.]

Merlin lingered by the citadel’s top stair. His new robes weighed on him. The Prince’s Crown sat heavily on his head. Oath’s and Issues’ Implications spun about in his mind. Leadership and yet Learning seemed onerous. Is this how people feel about Arthur? How does Mithian deal with this? His eyes surveyed the now-empty plaza.

“Now you know what it feels like.”

Merlin turned to find Arthur watching him in turn. “Prince Arthur.” Instinct started his bow.

Arthur frowned. “Merlin….” His eyes rolled. “Stop already! I cannot believe I am about to say this.” His gloved hand stifled a cough. “Merlin, we are both royals now. A nod will suffice. You must keep appearances up at all times. I am sure King Rodor and Princess Mithian will be working with you on those things.”

“Just as Gwen and your father worked with you?” Merlin assessed his former liege. Granted, he knew Arthur’s itinerary well. He understood Obligations’ and Expectations’ load on the latter’s shoulders. Despite watching said things, bearing them granted him understanding. Only then did Merlin truly grasp the situation at hand.

“Aye. As we work with each other.” Arthur sucked in a deep breath. “As we all will.” He set his jaw. “There is a great deal to ruling a kingdom. Let us find out if you are the worst Prince ever as you were the worst servant ever.” He cleared his throat. “You used your magic. Did you not?” His eyebrow raised.

“Sometimes. You’d get wine on your tunic or surcoat. I got out those mud stains every time. Right? There were a few times on the battlefield too.” Merlin folded his arms across his chest.

“Aye. I can imagine.” Arthur shook his head. “That is just…just…” He threw his hands up in the air. “How does someone fight that?” He ground his teeth. “A sword, mace or a pike—fine. But magic? That is just not fair!”

“And overwhelming women and children is? Magic is a weapon just like those other ones are.” Merlin rubbed his forehead. “You have used magical weapons. King Uther did too. I served Camelot with my magic. I saved your life to get that servant job. I helped you to stop Valiant. I put the flames in that lance to stop the griffin. Where do you think that flare up from the torch came from against the cistern creature and in Hengst’s castle? How do you think the earthquake happened at Shalott?”

“All right! All right!” Arthur conceded those facts. Still, Merlin’s revelation blew him away. Strange and Unexpected Events always seemed to occur around them. Victory had swept away his questions and concerns. Luck, Prince and Knights figured, remained with them. Uther’s tide maintained Camelot’s fortunes. Threats disappeared or retreated….

…but magic?....

“At least I do not have to hide anymore.” Merlin leaned against the post. “Speaking of King Uther, I’m sorry about his death. I wish he could have faced his magic. Maybe he could have changed his laws?”

Skepticism pushed a snort through Arthur’s nostrils. He shook his head. “Father would never let anyone much less himself deal with magic. He went by the law. Aredian did not help matters.” His eyes narrowed at the Witch Finder’s name. “He had best hope he never crosses Camelot’s borders again.”

“King Rodor agrees with you. I hope for peace. I know that sounds like a girl to you but…” Merlin frowned. His heart tired of war and fighting. Strife along borders and internal matters wore at him. “We have enough internal issues as is. King Accolon and Morgana do too. I do not know the details. I saw you listening to King Uther to know…”

“For once, Merlin, you are actually talking sense. King Rodor and Princess Mithian are already teaching you. Take advantage of that. Learn all you can. Do not fight unless you absolutely have to.” Arthur looked Merlin over. “At least you are sounding. Oh…you sound wise.” Admission left a bad taste in his mouth…gibe or not….

“Think we are both learning something. Gwen’s got a lot of experience and sees things. Guess it’s like what the King and Princess here see in me.” A shrug deflected Arthur’s reaction even as the notion soaked into his own brain.

Among other things, my Prince. Aye. We value you for everything…even those rough edges, Mithian teased over their link.

She is listening. Of course, she is. Merlin somehow kept a straight face. A slight smile broke out on his face. “At least I can help without having to remain disguised.”

“Aye. There is that.” Arthur bowed his head. “Merlin, I have to ask. In Ealdor, was that William or you? Who used that magic?” He folded his arms across his chest. Expectation flicked an eyebrow. “Really?” Suspicion reared its ugly head within his mind. Still, he wanted to hear Merlin come out with it.

Merlin rubbed the back of his neck. “Remember when we were putting on our chain mail that morning?”

Arthur rubbed his chin. His mind went back to that hovel. Memoria reminded him of Merlin’s attempt to help him with his chain mail. “Not this morning.” “Aye. You had something on your mind. As usual, you could not quite get it out.” Realization dawned on him. “Wait.” He raised his hand. “Was that what you were going to tell me?”

Merlin nodded. “Yeah.” His frown sagged on the sides of his mouth. “I just wanted you to know.” He shook his head. “What you said at Will’s funeral…that really hurt. It just made me keep more secrets. I had to go around your father and you even as I was protecting you.”

An obnoxious snort escaped his lips. “I still cannot figure that out. I mean…I know you did those things. I just cannot believe it. You stumble over chamber pots. You fumble with my armor preparations and can barely pick up a sword. Yet you charge into battle against Meleagant of Cawdor? You go up against me in the marketplace for some churl? You do these things…and yet you prattle on.” He scratched his head.

“All part of the act. Couldn’t have King Uther or you figuring things out.” Merlin shrugged again. “We had some close calls.”

“I cannot believe I did not figure it out. Good thing for you. My father would have had you burned at the stake. Between us, I am sure Morgana or I would have helped you somehow. If you had told me in Ealdor, I would have sacked you. At least, you could have stayed and taken care of your Mother.” Arthur motioned back toward the citadel. “I would have let you go, Merlin.”

“You need me. At least Gwen can keep an eye out.” Merlin allowed a small smile onto his face.

“Oh? So, Gwen can? Who’s to say I’m not watching out for her?” Arthur shook his head. “Merlin, now you are acting like a girl.”

“Maybe I am smart enough to know better?” Merlin noted Mithian and Gwen standing in the doorway. His fist stifled a wry cough. Amusem*nt danced in his eyes. He cleared his throat.

The Once and Future Prat just caught himself in one of the Oldest Traps of All Time.

“I am a girl, Arthur. What does that make me?” Gwen shot Mithian a look. Then, she turned back toward Arthur. “Well, Arthur?”

Arthur stiffened. He ground his teeth. “Merlin! Why did you not tell me that…?” He slapped Merlin’s right arm.

“Hey! You said it not me!” Merlin rubbed his arm. “Can I help it if I know better? Hi, Princess!”

“And he calls her Princess in spite of being crowned and two days away from their marriage.” Arthur’s eyes rolled (yet again). Merlin’s apparent brown nosing and acting whipped (in his mind at least) nauseated him.

“Prince Merlin and I respect each other.” Mithian walked toward them. “When we are in private, we drop the titles. Father likes some formality. Merlin is learning. So am I.” She slipped her arm around Merlin’s left one. “Some sensitivity can be a good thing.”

“Whatever.” Arthur turned and walked toward Gwen. “Breakfast ready?”

Gwen wanted to tell him to listen to Mithian’s assessment. Still, she knew Arthur would never admit such things in a public way. “You are going to tell Merlin?” She motioned toward Merlin and Mithian.

“Tell me…what?” Merlin narrowed his eyes. He glanced at Mithian. “Do your father or you know about this?”

“Aye we do.” Mithian nodded. “And it is a good thing. Let them tell you.” She pointed toward Arthur and Gwen. “Father appreciates it.”

“What’s going on?” Merlin huffed a sharp breath. Foreboding ate at him. Still, Mithian’s enthusiasm relaxed him slightly. “And it’s a good thing?”

Arthur nodded. “We have decided that Camelot needs a new court physician. There is someone Morgana recommended to us. His name is Reginald of Kent. Gaius wants to be here with you. It all works out.”

“Father and Master Wyngate want Master Gaius here. His experience will help us. Now, Master Wyngate can move himself to Riversmore. His family is there. Sir Percival and Lady Blancheflor will escort him back there. We are grateful for your grant, Arthur and Gwen. Thank you.” Mithian nodded to Arthur and Gwen. “We have to bring your mother back here as well, Merlin.”

“If you wish, you should stop in Camelot for a rest. Perhaps you can see our coronation? It will be in a couple of days. Then, maybe Accolon can help us get back here for your wedding?” Gwen glanced at Arthur. She noted Discomfort etched into his face over that notion. He needs to deal with this. I hope he can. I hope I can.

“We shall talk to Father. In the meantime, breakfast awaits.” Mithian ushered them all back inside. Discussions remained to be held. Support given for friends and neighbors. Ties remained to be secured.

Meantime, Enjoyment remained to be had….

Chapter 46: Merlin Plans a Wedding Surprise


Merlin wants the best for Mithian's wedding day. He recruits some help and puts his plan together. Nimue, it seems, has other ideas....

Chapter Text

Chapter 44 [Later—Merlin’s Bedchamber]

Merlin regarded the meadow and woods beyond Whitgate’s eastern wall. Considerations took in the morning’s twists and turns. Crown still sat heavily on his head. Plans for moving Gaius’ library from Camelot to there were laid. The wedding would occur in a few more days. Everything seemed set.

Well almost everything….

Mithian’s surprise prompted Inspiration’s spark in his mind. Memoria recalled her earlier conversation with Britomart about dresses. Lament wished for something more. Reality reminded her of Nemeth’s budget. Necessity demanded that the money go to the poor.

Schemes, however, brewed in Merlin’s head. Malodius? Nimue?

Aye, my Prince? Malodius looked up from his place by the door. You were deep in thought. I did not wish to disturb you.

That is all right. I have an idea for the wedding. I am going to need some help. That’s why I wanted Nimue’s attention. Maybe Princess Josiane and Britomart can help too? Merlin rubbed his chin. He rushed over to the door. He looked both ways down the passage. Then, he spied the two women in question. He hustled toward them. “Sorry! I had to see you. Can you come back to my chamber?”

“You are the Crown Prince, Merlin. I believe we should listen,” Josiane noted albeit with Mirth’s touch to her tone. “You are most excited, my Friend. What is it?”

“My Prince? Is everything all right?” Britomart looked about the passage. She understood that the granite walls’ in-bred ears and echoes carried Gossip’s suppositions toward unwanted sources. Caution, therefore, remained very much in order. She led Josiane into Merlin’s chamber.

Merlin nodded. “I was thinking about the wedding.” He took a deep breath. “I want Princess Mithian to have the best day possible. I know that you are overseeing the decorations and the flowers. I remember Michael from my first year in Camelot. I am sure he will give us a great feast. What about her dress?”

“Her dress?” Josiane looked to Britomart. “King Rodor, I am sure, will have a nice dress for the Princess. This is not just her special day or yours, Prince Merlin. It is Nemeth’s day. Britomart, you could say the same.”

Britomart nodded. “The Princess has a dress ready for the event, my Prince.” She bowed to him. “The King would want to approve any changes. Lord Blumenwald, with respect, would need to know what you would plan.”

Merlin walked around the room. His mind weighed various options. Royal delegations’ fashions and styles from across Europa and Roman Sea flashed through his mind. Pigments shaded flowing robes. Sleeves ran down to fitted wristlets. Sleek ribbons edged wrists and skirts’ respective hems. Tiaras and Jewelry glinted in Sol and Torches’ reflected light.

Mithian preferred Simplicity’s way. Frugal yet Splendid provided a balance. Unlike her counterparts, Priority lay with Governance not Vanity. Aye, Hunt tempted her. Flowers and Gardens provided Respite. Secret Dream, however, pined for an elegant gown on par with those counterparts. She would never ask for it.

Merlin, on the other hand, wanted to give that to her. Frustration on his Princess’ behalf tore at him. Magic could spell such a gown up. “I know. I want her to have the best. I want the best fabric. I mean…I know she is beautiful inside and out.” He shook his head. “I remember this material. It was so light and smooth. Everyone just stopped. Prince Arthur wanted a dress like that for Lady Morgana. One of the servants told me the fabric came from far, far to the east.”

Josiane nodded. Realization ascertained his meaning. “I know the material. I have not seen it in years. It is called silk.” Mischief gleamed in her eye. “Perhaps we might accomplish two ends at once? I have something I want to accomplish. Perhaps you might come with me?”

“Something…?” Britomart winced. “My Prince, you need to travel tomorrow to your home village and Camelot with Milady and the King. They are counting on you!”

“We shall be back by then.” Josiane noted Mists’ wisps forming in the corner. Column formed into a doorway in front of her. “Merlin?”

“I hope that is our help.” He braced himself. “Nimue?”

Nimue stepped out of the mists. Snark and sarcasm had absented themselves from her demeanor. Rather, she offered a nod. “Aye, Merlin. Impressive plan. The goddess informed me of it. You have found a mistress other than the Young Pendragon?” Sniff and smirk managed to make their appearance. “I would take you there. However, the Fire Hair raises a point. She knows you too well. We would not want you getting into trouble. Now would we?”

Merlin’s eyes rolled. “I know where my obligations are, Nimue.”

“Oh? That did not stop a servant from jumping onto the battlefield or trying to advise a Prince. One must take care with such things…or the people who try them.” Nimue’s smirk spread across her face.

Malodius growled. His eyes narrowed.

“I would be more careful especially in Constantinople or my native Alexandria, Priestess. Malodius would be watchful as well.” Josiane stiffened. “Prince Merlin would not be by himself. I can assure you of that.” Disdainful snort flared her nostrils. “I would not give those jackals, Alys or Mustafa, any satisfaction!”

“Aye.” Nimue conceded the point. “The usurper sits on your father’s throne still. The one who shares your blood, however, holds his place at last. Still, the goddess wishes to reward Mithian’s humility and service.” She turned toward the mists. Thessala? Do you have it?

Aye, Sister. A robed woman stepped into view from the column next. Silver wisps fell beyond the hood’s obscuring cover. She carried a wrapped bundle in her hand. “Prince Merlin, I presume? Greetings!” She bowed to him. “Princess Josiane of Alexandria, I bid you greetings as well. Perhaps we can speak with your King?”

“The meeting should be over soon. Follow me.” He motioned for them to follow him. “Malodius?”

The lion jumped to his paws. He marched out into the passage ahead of the others.

Merlin glanced at Thessala’s wrapped package. Concerns and admitted fears unsettled him. Chills jabbed at his heart and spine. Faith urged him to trust in the goddess’ judgment. Still, Rodor’s reaction and Mithian’s acceptance meant a great deal as well.

Surprises did have their reactions for good or ill after all….

Chapter 47: Connections and Presentations


Rodor makes a point about connections in Merlin's background. Merlin brings in his gift. Nimue has something else for Josiane.

Chapter Text

Chapter 45 [Council Chamber]
[A/N: Cligès, Fenice and Thessala are from Chretien’s Cligès.]

Rodor tapped his fingers against his chair’s armrest. Terse sips from his goblet failed to calm him. Previous hour’s debate frayed at his patience. “Lord Aethelwald, there are no further arguments. Count Bernard and Lord Rothgar committed treason. They will pay for it. We have given them enough chances.”

Aethelwald exhaled a sharp breath. “Sire, Princess, surely you can understand? Count Bernard could not deal with her issues. As in the other case, we have issues with brigands all of the time.” Discontent burned within him. Merlin’s crowning aggravated him—Capability Laws or not. Mithian’s engagement not to mention Bernard’s arrest and the other failed case days earlier unsettled him yet further. He averted his eyes from Elaine. He and others debated over the next course of action.

Potential alliances in that regard shut themselves off. Arthur’s presence and support at the coronation shut Camelot’s door. Accolon leaned toward supporting sorcery. Annis had reported such entreaties to Rodor in previous instances. Odin, Cenred and Meleagant represented deals with the Devil to put it mildly.

“Brigands? Aye, we do.” Mithian narrowed her eyes. “Pardon me, Sire. I have to say this. It is your responsibility to watch for such criminals, is it not? You have a reeve. Do you not? Especially on the border with Gedref, King Rodor relies on your eyes!”

“Well spoken, Daughter. I agree.” Rodor set his goblet down. “Lord Aethelwald, I am a patient man. I endeavor to be so. I have allowed the matter to play itself out far longer than my father or grandfather would have. Politics are a balance between disparate forces and views. I try to take them all in. Still, I am the King. I have the last say. I know you have issues with Prince Merlin. He is worthy by birth and deeds. Lord Blumenwald, would you not say so?”

Blumenwald laid his quill down. “Quite so, Sire. He has met the requisite deeds in Camelot, Tintagel and here in Nemeth. Sir Balinor’s lineage establishes Prince Merlin’s hereditary rights as a noble and knight. It was quite unfortunate that Sir Balinor never reunited with the Prince’s mother. They should never have had to live as they did.”

“Quite so. Thank you.” Rodor looked Aethelwald in the eye. “This is a new age. We can finally officially co-exist with others. Look at King Accolon and Queen Morgana. They are reunifying Tintagel after a generation-long split. Prince-Elect Arthur and we will talk further at his coronation and wedding to Princess-Elect Guinevere. Count Bernard thought to step on the royal prerogative. Aredian is an outlaw. Count Bernard’s actions toward the Lady Elaine, Princess Mithian and Princess Josiane were intolerable! From what I understand, Prince-Elect Arthur agrees. Aredian now bears the banishment of two realms. Tintagel’s doors are closed to him as well. I have no tolerance for such persecution! NO TOLERANCE! Lady Elaine’s presence here is symbolic of that fact. You will treat her with respect! Do not think you will talk about or to Prince Merlin in this manner.”

Knocking came from the door.

“Pardon me, Sire.” Merlin stuck his head in the door. “Might I have a word? I have Priestesses Thessala and Nimue, Princess Josiane, Britomart and Malodius with me. We have something for you to look at.”

“Oh? This is most curious! What have you been up to?” Rodor beckoned Merlin into the chamber. He watched Elaine stand. A smile creased his lips at Merlin’s use of his new robes and crown. “They fit you, I see.” His eyes narrowed at Aethelwald. His throat cleared.

Aethelwald rose with effort. He bowed albeit unwillingly.

“They do. Thank you, Sire.” Merlin nodded to Rodor. He ignored Aethelwald and bore the wrapped package in his hands. “I made a wish. She and Sister Nimue brought this for Princess Mithian.” He laid it on the table.

“For me?” Mithian eyed the cloth body-length bundle. “Thank you, Sisters. Thank the goddess.” Her breath caught in her throat. “Sire?”

“Of course! We should see this wondrous gift!” Rodor’s face lit up. “I wish to extend my thanks and that of Nemeth for this blessing. We were just speaking of a new age.”

“Indeed, it is. Transitions occur on either end of the Roman Sea.” Thessala nodded her head. “King Rodor, this gift is of the goddess. I also have something for you as well.” She produced a sealed parchment scroll. “I bear the greetings of the Eastern Roman Empire. Emperor Cligès, Empress Fenice and Dowager Empress Soredamors extend their good will to you, Princess Mithian, and Prince Merlin. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Princess Mithian and Prince Merlin. Thank you for bringing Sir Gawain and Princess Josiane into your household. Thank you for honoring Sir Robert d’ Arbourne as you have.” Once more, she bowed to him.

“Sir Gawain will honor our house as Princess Josiane has as well. So, I am to understand that the Dowager Empress Soredamors is Sir Gawain’s sister and Princess Josiane’s mother?” Rodor accepted the scroll. Diplomatic initiative overwhelmed him. Through King Bors of Gaul, the Emperor Doun, and Josiane, the Empire was known to him. Tales of Constantinople’s splendor and trade reached Britannia’s ears through whispers and ships. He broke the seal. His eyes skimmed the document. “He addresses me in Latin. Thankfully. I will have to find someone to translate into Greek if needed.” His eyes went wide. “This is quite welcome news! I wonder if Prince-Elect Arthur knows about this?”

“The Emperor is grateful for the favor you have shown to his family.” Thessala looked to Nimue.

“The Pendragon knows about Boeve. He granted him his release this morning.” Nimue flicked an eyebrow. “I have news as well. Speaking of rulers waiting to be crowned, we have another. I have something as well.” A silver crown in-laid with jewels rested in her hands. “Josiane of Alexandria, your people rose up. With Ethiopian and Eastern Roman aid, they overthrew Mustafa. The people want you to lead. Boeve waits for you there. The throne and his hand await you, Sultana. The goddess thanks you for your co-existence and respect. Your brother and Prester John send their greetings as well.” She glanced toward Merlin. See what happens when you show respect for the goddess, Merlin?

Merlin somehow kept a straight face and bit back his own retort on that note. Just be happy for everyone. Nimue had to get that barb in there!

We serve, Merlin. Remember that. You are on the right path. Stay true to it, Nimue maintained.

He will, Sister. He knows, Mithian shook her head ever so little but enough to get Nimue’s attention. “Did I not tell you, Sultana Josiane, that you are still royalty?” Congratulations’ smile spread across her face. Her eyes sparkled at her friend. “Father, is this not wonderful news?”

“I would say so! Thank you, Sister Nimue, on our friend’s behalf.” Rodor motioned toward the Crown in her hands. “Nemeth thanks you for your service. Your people await your leadership, Sultana Josiane. It sounds right. You and Egypt will be our friends.”

“Thank you, King Rodor.” Josiane held the crown out to Britomart. Trembles quaked at her arms and back. Fortuna’s sudden reversal left her aghast. “I need a family member to crown me. Mother is not here.” Her eyes rolled. “Aunt, will you please?” She kneeled.

“Me?” Britomart gasped. Her eyes turned to Rodor and Mithian. “Sire? Milady?”

“You are betrothed to Sir Gawain, Dame Britomart. It is for you to do. I give you leave. Perhaps it should be in the throne room?” Rodor motioned toward Josiane. “You have heard the oath of service from me, Dame Britomart. Administer it but not binding to us. Understand?”

“Aye, Sire.” Britomart took the crown from Josiane. Nerves bit at her heart and mind. Breaths came hard. Still, she held her resolve. She set the crown atop Mithian’s gift. “So, it does not rest on the wood directly.” She drew her sword. “My first duty to this family. I hope I am worthy.”

“You are.” Josiane nodded. “Please.”

Britomart exhaled the deep breath in her lungs. “Princess Josiane, will you continue in your father’s memory? Will you faithfully serve your people? Will you hold to your faith in that regard? Will you give your life if needed for your people?”

“Aye. I swear.” Affirmation’s dew misted in Josiane’s eyes. “For my people and Sultan Boeve. Aye.”

“Very well. I hold these oaths for you. I wish your Uncle could be here for this moment.” Britomart drew her sword. New Steel glinted in Torch’s light. Sword’s point touched Josiane’s shoulders. “The oaths are set. The sisters and goddess have heard your oaths. I am sure your god has as well. Forgive me.” She sheathed her sword again. She found Mithian holding Josiane’s crown now. “Milady?”

“Here, Britomart.” Mithian raised the crown. She handed it to her friend. “Make it official.”

“My thanks, Lady.” Britomart accepted the crown. She raised it over Josiane’s head. “And we have….” She set the crown atop the waiting head. “Sultana Josiane! May you reign long and in peace!” She stepped back and bowed.

“Rise a Sultana, Milady.” Mithian guided Josiane to her feet. Respect prompted the royal nod from her as well. “Congratulations!”

What Usurpers sundered now Allies restored….

Chapter 48: Sentiments


Everyone reacts to Josiane's coronation. Then, they see Mithian's gift. Reactions span the gauntlet.

Chapter Text

Chapter 46

“Thank you, Princess Mithian. King Rodor, Prince Merlin, my thanks.” Josiane nodded to them as well. She embraced Britomart. “I wish Uncle Gawain was here.”

“He will know soon enough. Thank you for allowing me into the family, Milady.” Britomart embraced Josiane as well.

“You will make Uncle happy…in spite of his belly aching.” Josiane coughed. She touched her new crown. “Papa can now rest in peace. I can see to making Mustafa’s evils right. His usurpation has cost us enough. Sister Thessala, can you let the Emperor, Empress and Mama know that I will send word? I wish to speak of a treaty between our empires.”

“He will be delighted, Sultana Josiane.” Thessala nodded with another slight bow. “Forgive me but I believe Princess Mithian awaits?”

“Of course!” Josiane turned back to the table. “We should see it!” Her eyes moved to Merlin. Then, they bounced to Mithian. Merlin wished for a wondrous garb for her sake. Anticipation caught her breath in her lungs.

Mithian unwrapped the bundle. Shock and surprise froze her in place. Joy’s tears welled up in her eyes. “I…I….” She held up an exquisite gown. Torchlight sparkled against lightweight sheer material. She almost lost her grip on its frictionless surface. Slightest ruffles flowed from its slender sleeves. Gilt strips adorned each ruffle and the neckline. Two small emerald stones aligned on the aforementioned neckline’s sides. A veil with a train of the same material fluttered to the table. “It is too much! I…”

Elaine slapped her hands over her mouth. Disbelief overwhelmed her as well.

Merlin shook his head. Gratitude warmed him. His eyes met Mithian’s. Not for you it is not. It suits you. Your mother’s necklace.

Mithian regarded him. His heart’s warmth buoyed her up. His strength supported her. You wished for this? For me? So, help me, Merlin. I…Aye. I will wear Mother’s necklace with this! She bit her lip. Realization hit her. Her Prince…her special Dragon Rider…her Warlock…the one who struggled to realize noble promise much less royal companionship…put himself out there for her. The goddess had worked her art to weave such beauty. The priestesses brought it to them. Still, her happiness had moved his heart. Her secret wish had resonated with him. He’d reached into Nocturne’s sky and pulled an exquisite star down….

…for her. All for his Princess…All just to see her be happy and nothing more for himself….

She trembled. Tears ran down her cheeks. Marriage market’s failures…scoffed negotiations…the put downs…all washed away. Arrogant Ninnies shoved aside by her special Prince. “Father, I…” She regarded the exquisite gown yet again.

Rodor shook his head. “This merits an exception, Mithian.” His fingers hesitantly touched the fabric. “I do not even know what this material is. Unbelievable. This is such a treasure! Sisters, you will thank the goddess for us. What is this material?”

“By the Prophet! This is silk!” Josiane stared at the dress. “It is a rare material from an island chain far to the east…far against the rising sun itself. I have seen the material only three times before. And never this far to the west. The market in Constantinople and Alexandra’s bazaar have it on rare occasions.” A broad smile spread across her face. “I was just telling Prince Merlin and Britomart about it in his chamber. I’ve never felt it before. I could not use my abilities to change something else to it.” Her eyes sparkled at Merlin. “Well done, Sisters.”

“We all serve her. She does reward, Sultana.” Thessala bowed to Josiane. “We should leave you to your preparations. Was there anything else, Sister?”

“Aye. There is.” Nimue glared at Aethelwald. Despite his silence, Hate rose from him. Indignity and scorn scoffed off their gift, Merlin’s wish, and their achievements. “Aredian is no longer a threat. The goddess dealt with him after his departure from Camelot.”

“You killed Uther! We have heard of your hate, Witch!” Aethelwald spat. “You killed Uther! You and that so-called goddess! We…”

Sarcastic cough escaped Nimue’s lips. Disdain akin to Cat before Obnoxious Mouse narrowed her eyes. Dark fire blazed in her eyes. Sparks danced over her fingertips. “Too easy. You are not worth it. Actually, it seems that Uther’s double standards caught up with him. He killed himself!” She shook her head. “He was a sorcerer himself! His abilities manifested during King Accolon’s and Queen Morgana’s feast!”

“LIAR!” Aethelwald spat at Nimue’s feet. “Uther would never…!” His mind struggled to conceive of Uther as a sorcerer.

“ENOUGH, AETHELWALD!” Rodor slapped the table. “I have heard enough of your spleen! This is a moment for joy and gratitude, not accusations! I have heard enough! Dame Britomart, escort him to a guest chamber! I will deal with him later!” Fury shook him akin to Volcanic Aftershocks. He motioned toward the door.

“Aye, Sire!” Britomart grabbed at Aethelwald. “Come on! Enough! Sirs Tyndale and Wayne!” She pulled him toward the door. “One of you help me please?”

Rodor rubbed his forehead. Negativity and hate sabotaged the occasion. “I…I apologize. Some hate magic and the Old Religion. I mean…this…this is beauty. The Emperor’s offer of friendship. Sultana Josiane’s exile ending at long last. Prince-Elect Arthur reversing the Purge. These are things for praise not scorn!”

“King Uther had magic?” Merlin scratched his head. He tried to wrap his head around that thought. Alas, he could not. With Purge’s blood lust, the trials, pain and secrets, Irony had its bitter harvest, it seemed.

Nimue’s indelicate snort answered the question. “He cast two spells in the feast hall. It seems that he kept his symptoms to himself. So many killed…He himself was his own last victim.” She turned to face Elaine. “Such a waste really. Your mother served the goddess well. I knew her. Know that I prayed for Lady Reyna.”

Elaine nodded. “Th…Thank you. It is over then? We are safe?”

“Indeed, you are. I fear your father, Lord Aethelwald and their compatriots are not. I am sorry. Sir Lancelot and you, however, will hold onto Astolat. Despite your ordeal, you have remained loyal, Lady Elaine. Thank you.” Rodor turned to Blumenwald. “I wish for this dress to be secured in the royal vault until the wedding.”

“Indeed so, Sire!” Blumenwald rubbed his chin. “I fear to even touch it.” He watched Mithian rewrap it in the outer cloth. “Thank you, Princess. Pardon me. I….”

“I understand. Thank you for your regard, Lord Blumenwald.” Mithian handed him the bundle. “Prince Merlin and Sultana Josiane can take care here.”

“Perhaps we can bring you there ourselves? Then, we will depart from there.” Nimue looked to Josiane. “Your possessions and carpet are already back there, Sultana. We will bring you back here for the wedding.”

“Aye. I wish to see my people and Boeve!” Josiane nodded to Rodor. “Thank you, King Rodor. Boeve and I will see you in a few days.” She embraced Mithian and Merlin in turn. “You both take care in Ealdor and Camelot. I am ready if needed.”

“We know. Thank you. We always had faith this day would come.” Mithian grabbed onto Josiane. “Former exile…now ally. I hope the Emperor, Empress and Dowager can come as well. We would welcome a family reunion.”

“That would warm my heart as well. I have never met my brother. I would like that.” Josiane returned the embrace. “I will treasure seeing you in that dress.” She turned to Merlin. “And you!” Admiration shook her head. “Even with your doubts, you still move the heavens and shake the Earth itself. Do not doubt yourself, Prince Merlin! Do not lose your humility! But your heart is golden! You have found your home.” She rubbed his arm. “Be blessed in all things. Remember to love and be loved in return.” She stepped into the mists. With a last wave of her hand, she vanished into the mists.

“And so goes the restored Sultana of Egypt. Emperor Cligès will be glad to hear as much.” Thessala closed that portal. She added one last bow. Then, she stepped beside Nimue and Blumenwald. Another burst of mist spirited them away.

Merlin kissed the back of Mithian’s hand again. “You are special. Remember that. No more ‘Prince in Petticoats’ thinking. Understand?”

A playful snort escaped Mithian’s nose. “No, my Prince. Never, ever again. Thank you.”

Rodor stood back and simply watched his daughter’s greatest joy in progress. His hand wiped the tears from his eyes. Taene, how I wish you could see this. I pray the goddess allows you that! Merlin has done it. Once again, he has achieved the unbelievable!

Sentiments, despite objections, had power of their own….

Chapter 49: Mithian Meets Hunith


Merlin leads Mithian and the Knights into Ealdor.

Chapter Text

Chapter 47 [Next Day]

Sol shone down against powder puff blue backdrop. Puffy clouds chased each other across the sky. Unseasonable warmth puffed across Britannia. Pomp, Circ*mstance and Celebration had taken place in Camelot. Arthur and Gwen sat on their respective thrones. Discussions and negotiations were set to begin. Merlin and Mithian’s affair remained three days in the future.

One side trip remained, however….


[Woods Just Into Essetir from Camelot]

Mists and Fog hung low between trees and over the ground. Snow’s clumps melted in places. Mud sucked at horses’ hooves and men’s boots along winding roads. Overcast’s gloom contrasted with Camelot’s bright cheer on that day.

Merlin cantered out onto the open grass. He recognized the area of course. Late summer and fall saw the villagers’ threshing grass for hay there. Oats and barley grew to the north. Legumes and other crops grew around the village. Simplicity ruled the area. It tugged at his heart. “We are good!”

Mithian, Malodius, Britomart, Gawain and Lancelot emerged after him. Security and Necessity demanded vigilance. Despite Merlin’s homecoming, Cenred ruled Essetir (even if he ignored it for the most part). Saddlebags sagged on their pack horses. Another saddled horse bore no rider. Knights could ride down on them without trouble (especially given the fog). Priority, however, remained with charity and good works.

“Is this right, my Prince?” Mithian rode up to Merlin’s side. Her eyes strained to peer through the fog. “We should take care.”

“Aye.” Merlin looked back over his shoulder toward their companions. Then, he pointed ahead. “Ealdor’s straight ahead. We should get there, drop off these supplies, and bring Mother back. I would like to stay longer to let you see it. Cenred and Meleagant could ambush us here. Follow me.” He urged his horse onward.

Mithian shook her head. Take care, my Prince! She spurred her own horse onward after him. “Follow him, Malodius!”

Malodius ran ahead of her in pursuit of Merlin. His pace caught up to Merlin’s horse. I sense no danger, my Prince! I sense that this fog is magical in nature.

The goddess wishes to cover us up. Let us make sure Mother’s all right. Then, we can return to Camelot. Merlin noticed buildings’ shadows through the mists. That is Ealdor! Hang back here. He rode the remaining distance into the village. He stopped just short of Hunith’s hovel. Smells and sounds relaxed him ever so slightly. He dismounted and patted his horse’s flank. “Be right back.”

Hunith stuck her head out the door. With planting a few months off, she sifted through her seeds. The fire kept her warm. “Hello? Who’s there?”

“It’s me, Mother.” Merlin strode into view. Under his hooded cloak, his old servile clothes allowed him a measured disguise. They provided some comfort as well. “How are you?” A grin spread across his face. Relief and Joy at seeing her (and her potential opportunity) lifted his spirits. He embraced her.

“MERLIN? Why are you traveling on a day like this? I know it’s warm for the season. You will catch your death of cold at this time of year!” Hunith seized onto him as well. “There is not any more trouble in Camelot? Is there? I know Prince Arthur was angry when you left last but….”

“Mother, there are changes we need to talk about. We….” Merlin started.

Hunith stepped away from him. She noted Mithian’s emergence from the fog along with the others. “Are they with you, Merlin? Where are the Prince and the others? They do not seem to be from Camelot.” Curiosity prompted questions. She scratched her head. The emerald flag stood for something else. “I thought Camelot’s flag had a yellow lion on it?”

“It does. Mother, things have…well…changed.” Merlin rubbed the back of his neck. He noted Mithian walking toward them. “I have made some discoveries. Camelot has discovered things as well.”

“Changed? Discoveries?” Suspicion narrowed Hunith’s eyes. “Merlin, what did you do?”

“Merlin did nothing. Everything has changed about us.” Mithian stepped to Merlin’s side. Nervous butterflies fluttered about in her stomach. Her legs quivered ever so slightly. “So, Merlin, is this Lady Hunith?”

“Lady?” An incredulous cough escaped Hunith’s mouth. “Look around! We are certainly not in the King’s court here. But aye, I am Hunith. And you are?”

“Mother, please. You are not yet. You are by right. Hunith of Ealdor, this is Crown Princess Mithian of Nemeth…my betrothed. Princess, this is Hunith, my mother,” Merlin introduced them. Then, he stepped back.

“Your…?” Hunith raised an eyebrow at his statements. “Merlin, we are peasants. We cannot marry royalty. That is impossible.”

“Father made it possible, Mother. Thank Uther for keeping him from us. He planned to bring us back to Nemeth all along.” Seeing Skepticism knit itself across Hunith’s brow, he added, “I talked to Father just before he died. His last thoughts were of you.”

“That is the truth. My father, King Rodor, and grandfather kept his knighthood hereditary. Merlin has earned that rank through birthright and deeds. That is why I called you ‘Lady’ before. You were Sir Balinor’s beloved. Merlin is being too humble for his own good. He is now Nemeth’s Crown Prince. We will be married day after tomorrow. King Uther granted Merlin’s service to King Accolon of Tintagel. King Accolon, in turn, granted him to King Rodor and me. Before that, King Accolon freed Merlin. My father knighted and crowned Prince Merlin.” Mithian squeezed Merlin’s hand. “I wish to welcome you. Sir Balinor mentioned you before his disappearance. Now, I have a face to go with your name.”

“Face with…?” Hunith noted the others. “Wait! I remember him! Lancelot?”

“Aye, Milady!” Lancelot waved to Hunith. Memoria recalled his stop off there a few months earlier. In return for rest and a roof overhead, he and Gawain helped with the harvest. “It is good to see you again! You see? I am looking after Merlin! Gawain!”

“Yeah, Lance. I see her.” Gawain walked right over to Hunith. “Still looking good! Everything still all right here?”

“We are, Gawain. Thanks to Lancelot and you. We really appreciated your help!” Hunith embraced Gawain and then Lancelot in turn. “What brings you all the way back out here? Surely, Camelot would have more opportunities for you both?”

“King Uther banished me last year. Gawain and Percival could have continued on without me.” Lancelot shrugged.

Gawain smacked Lancelot in the arm. “That wouldn’t happen, Lance! Percy and me wouldn’t leave you in the woods.” Frown twisted on itself. Sharp look and headshake sealed that notion. “Besides, we’re set too. Thanks for telling us to keep our heads up. You’re a great lady, Hunith.” He bowed to her. “We’ve got another person for you to meet. Hey, Brit! This is Merlin’s Mom!”

Britomart’s eyebrow arched at Gawain. She joined the others at Hunith’s side. “This is Lady Hunith?”

“She is.” Mithian’s smile broadened. “Dame Britomart, Hunith of Ealdor. Hunith, Britomart was my servant. As with Merlin, she earned her way to knight status. She is our first female knight.” Pride beamed through her eyes and smile.

“It is an honor. Sir Gawain and I are betrothed as well. Thank you for giving Sir Lancelot and him shelter before.” Britomart bowed to Hunith. “I wish we could see more of this village. From what Prince Merlin has said, it is a good place.”

“It is that.” Lancelot nodded. “We brought some grain for the village. Prince Merlin, you should tell Hunith. Gawain, Britomart and I can get this grain to the square. Pardon us, Hunith. You might get a few things together.” He hustled back toward the horses.

“Get a few….?” Skepticism darkened across Hunith’s face. “Merlin, what is Lancelot talking about? You are really a Prince? What did you do for King Uther to give you away like that?”

“King Uther wanted changes around Prince Arthur. He agreed to a marriage for Morgana. Gwen and I were sent to King Accolon. Things happened. King Uther died. King Accolon granted Gwen back to Arthur. She and Arthur are now Queen and King of Camelot. I discovered what Father left for us in Nemeth.” Merlin sucked in a deep breath. Icy cloud puffed past his lips. “You can have a warm bed…a real bed. You would never be hungry again. We would be there every day. You would be cared for and respected. We have another family now.”

“Father and I want you there. As Merlin just said, we are a family. You are part of that family. There has been a place for you for the last twenty years. King Uther threatened Sir Balinor and us. He fled to protect us all. That is why he left you here. He did not want to. He had to protect you.” Mithian shook her head. “Whatever you need to bring, you can. We have everything ready for you in Whitgate.”

Offer made…..

Chapter 50: Hunith's Decision


Hunith hears about Merlin's state of affairs. Makes decision about her own future.

Chapter Text

Chapter 48

Hunith glanced at Merlin. Seeing his nod, Affirmation sank in. “I…see.” She looked around. “Reginald is the village elder now. I am still respected and he watches out for me. The younger people follow him now. I have accepted that.” She sucked in a deep breath. “I need but a few heartbeats.” She walked back into the small home. She looked about at the chipped and faded table and two chairs. She shook her blanket and set it on the table. How did Merlin find these people? What did he do? Gaius, I sent him to you to keep him out of trouble! So, help me! She set her wooden cup and spare blouse on that blanket. A few other keepsakes went on top. She cinched it shut. Rope strand tied it shut. Much as with Merlin and Mithian, Suspicion knew Cenred could have spies around the valley. Questions remained about Balinor and this arrangement. All of this time he was running from King Uther? And I thought he was such a fair King? She bore the bundle from the hovel.

“I will get that on the horse, Mother. I will let you two talk.” Merlin’s eyes twinkled at Hunith. He squeezed her hand. “I am glad you are coming.” He carried the bundle back toward the horses.

Hunith drew her shawl about her shoulders. “So, Merlin’s really a Prince?”

Mithian nodded. “Aye. Father crowned him yesterday. Merlin has not changed, however. He is still as humble, self-sacrificing, and wonderful now as he was as King Arthur’s servant. His sacrifice that day saved three kingdoms. Master Gaius and Britomart helped him.”

“Sacrifice?” Hunith rubbed her forehead. Experience had long conceded Merlin’s need to help others. Akin to Moth with Proverbial Flame, Danger found Merlin or rather, he rushed headlong toward it. Mishaps and minor issues littered Gaius’ letters. Now, this Princess shows up, talks of Merlin *earning* royal status, and of a sacrifice. Maternal Instinct screamed ‘danger’ and ‘mortal wound’ to her. “What happened?”

“Father and I can answer those questions. I will say there was a battle. Camelot, Tintagel, the Amazons and our forces faced an army without equal. My father, brother, Kings Arthur and Accolon were out there with everyone. It went badly. They should have lost. Then…” Mithian shook her head.

“Then…Merlin used his magic. He did.” Hunith frowned. Consternation bowed her head. “What did he do?”

“His spell shook the field literally. Then, he brought thunder down from the sky. After that, he grabbed a sword and rushed into the battle. He saved my brother from an ambush. He was wounded.” Mithian bit her lip. Britomart’s account of his near miss seared her mind. She censored out the ordeal at Astolat later and

“His shoulder. Right?” Hunith shook her head. Memoria recalled how Arthur had sent Merlin back there for an enforced rest. “Our healer said he should have lost his arm!” She face palmed herself. “Why does he do those things?” She clenched her fists.

Mithian sucked in a deep breath. “If he had not, matters would have been much worse. King Rodor and Britomart kept his secret. I did not know until a few days ago. I do know of Merlin’s heart. He is a credit to you, Milady.” She embraced Hunith. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I should be curtseying to you if you are a Princess.” Hunith returned the embrace with one of her own. Questions circled about Mithian. She differed from most nobles. Humanity and warmth shone from her. She seemed more salt of the Earth than anything else. Off-White Riding Top and dark pants reinforced a Tom Boy…more of a man’s appearance. Calluses marred her hands. Mithian’s arms had strength to them.

“I assure you. I am a Princess.” A long sigh escaped Mithian’s lips. “I just happen to be genuine. Many suitors have rejected me for that reason. I do not sit in the corner and sew or embroider. Britomart and I hunt. I bring the deer and other game to the palace or give them to the people for food or clothes. I care about my subjects. I sit at Father’s side on the Royal Council and in his court. Look at the grain and bread we are leaving behind. This is not just for show. I care. As my father says, we rule Nemeth. We are still servants of the people. We are obligated to their needs. I would not see this village go hungry just because we are taking you from it, Lady Hunith. Never. My brother would not care. Merlin does. You do. My father and I do as well.”

Astonishment made Hunith assess Mithian once again. Granted, they did not know each other hardly at all. Instinct once again, however, gravitated toward the younger woman. Noble diction and tone juxtaposed with Reeve or Woodsman. Mithian cared for Merlin deeply. Approval prompted a nod from Hunith. “Too bad. You would fit here as well, Princess.”

“I suppose. As Merlin said to you, I would not see you cold or hungry any longer. Father and I feel guilty about your time out here as it is. We would take care of you. There are my father’s life debts to Sir Balinor and to Merlin. There are Britannia’s debts to them both. You should have been there yesterday. We brought the entire world together in our council chamber at Nemeth. You will meet some of those people at our wedding.” Mithian noted Lancelot, Gawain, and Britomart returning with a lanky man with blonde hair. “Is everything set?”

“We have set the grain and bread in the square. Lancelot and Gawain remembered where to put them, Milady. This is the village elder, Reginald. Reginald, this is Princess Mithian. She and King Rodor of Nemeth brought the grain and bread for the village.” Britomart bowed toward Mithian.

“You do us favor, Mistress.” Reginald bowed to Mithian. “Thank you. Your grant will feed us for a month at least. It will get us through the winter.”

“That is our pleasure, Master Reginald.” Mithian smiled. Respect lit up in her eyes. “This is Prince Merlin’s village. He has earned his place. Meantime, I would not disrespect your King either. We will take care of Lady Hunith and Prince Merlin. Please extend our best to your village and neighbors.”

“I shall.” Surprise lit up in Reginald’s face. Wonder at Fortuna’s turns toward Merlin where Camelot and now Nemeth were concerned bubbled up in his mind. “I would invite you for dinner. There are occasional riders.” He winced. “I do not want to seem rude.”

Mithian nodded. “I understand. We should leave before much longer.” Concern prompted another look around the village. She noted Merlin helping Hunith up onto her horse. “Take care, Master Reginald. Thank you.” She turned and strode toward the others.

“Thank you, Reginald!” Merlin called. He waved to his former neighbor. Then, he climbed up into his saddle. “Everything all right?”

“Everything is well, my Prince. I would feel better if we were over the border in Camelot once again.” Mithian mounted her own horse. She took the reins in hand. “We ride back the way we came?”

“Aye.” Merlin surveyed Ealdor once more. Every detail from the fog engrained in his mind’s eye. “Onward.” Concession weighed on him. He urged his horse onward. As the village and meadow sped past him, he looked backward to see his Princess, Hunith, and the others keeping pace.

Malodius joined the departing race about a league out of the village. He set the pace about a half-dozen strides ahead of Merlin and the others. Instinct pulled him toward woods, mists, and Camelot’s (relative) safety. Trust did not lie with Cenred’s spies staying away…goddess’ assistance or not. He slowed at woodland’s edge. There, mists consumed him.

“That is our way out!” Merlin looked about himself. He urged his horse onward yet again and into the mists. Fondness remained for Ealdor. Future, however, hung with Mithian and Nemeth.

“Follow me, Lady Hunith!” Mithian shook her head. “And they call me rash?” Playful snort puffed through her nostrils. Smirk spread across her face. “On to a better life!” She disappeared into those same mists.

“I assure you, Hunith, this is very safe!” Lancelot motioned toward the thickening fog. He picked up his speed and followed the others.

The remaining trio did the same and ended up swept away from the far valley. Within heartbeats of that point, ground mist burned away. Inexplicably, Overcast parted. Sol shone over the area once more.

Home seemed good. One, however, had to move on at times….

Chapter 51: New Age Begins


Nimue observes. She and Gaius debate about Merlin. Merlin, Mithian and the others arrive.

Chapter Text

Chapter 49 [Camelot]

Camelot reveled in Coronation’s and Royal Marriage’s glory. Festivities’ vibes cast warmth throughout the city and into the countryside. Flower petals rested along cobbled ways. Streamers and flowers colored and decorated roads and byways throughout the city. Scents and colors conveyed Festivity’s mood.

New Age had truly begun….


Nimue watched the plaza from just inside the citadel’s front door. Festivities lightened her outlook ever so slightly. Events harkened back decades in time. Back before the dark times. Back to May poles, Yule logs, and Solstice pageantry. Back to when Magic could exist openly…

…Back before Uther’s issues and blood lust…before the Purge…

The Young Pendragon makes a solid effort. I will give him that. Perhaps he and Merlin can work together? She watched children play in front of her. Hope warmed her heart. Maybe there can be a future?

That is my hope as well, Child.

Nimue stiffened. I did not mean to doubt you, Lady.

I know. It is a noble wish. Much as Emrys had yesterday in Whitgate, you have one now. There are places for such sentiments, Nimue. Now that Uther and his followers fall away and lose influence, my garden can flourish anew. You witnessed the global co-existence’s foundations. Whitgate will witness still more in two days’ time. The Roman Lake will be well represented. Emrys and the others return now. I have brought them from the Essetir.

That little troublesome hamlet? Did Merlin find his mother? Nimue rubbed her forehead. Did Cenred and his rabble find Merlin and the others?

Nay. That one has his eye elsewhere. I enshrouded the valley in fog and overcast. Emrys knows the way. He and Lancelot guided the others to Ealdor. Mithian and Rodor of Nemeth shared food and seed with the village. I am delighted by their act of generosity. In such ways are the seeds for my bigger garden sown, Nimue, the goddess declared. Then, she went silent.

“It is a beautiful sight. I have to say.” Gaius ambled into view. Caution kept him alert to her moods. He’d just come from his former chamber. His successor already worked on cases and concerns. Leon sat on the council in his place. His books misted to their storage place.

“Aye. It is.” She shot him a look. “Children can play in the open. Dragons can fly overhead freely. Even the Lion can help his Prince and Princess openly. Cooperating with priorities can bring about such things, Gaius. At least they do not have to worry.” Nimue shook her head. “Merlin should not have had to worry either.” Her eyes rolled. “Aye. I know all about the smoke dragons. Aye, he should have been more aware of his surroundings. Still, it never should have come to what it did.”

“All things for a purpose, I believe.” Gaius eased toward her. “Pity what happened to Uther.”

“Pity what he brought down about himself and on others you mean.” Sarcasm and Malice juxtaposed in her tone. “So, Uther was a sorcerer all along! King Arthur is a magical being like Merlin or the Dragon! Fortunately, the goddess can take even the most rancid eggs laden with shells, tidy somewhat, and render a culinary masterpiece. You might have had more faith in her than that.” Scoff punctuated that remark.

“I did what I had to do, Nimue. I regret that those people lost their lives. I saved those that I could.” Gaius stiffened. He set his jaw. Despite Guilt burning in his heart, Conscience assured him that he followed the best possible course. “Merlin especially.”

“Ah…Merlin.” Nimue rubbed her chin. “Oh, what I could have done with him. What Rodor and Mithian could have done with him especially after that fool Kay’s death.” A deep sigh escaped her mouth. “See what your support of Uther did, Gaius? Balinor rotted away in a cave in exile all of these years. Merlin and his mother lived in squalor rather than serving the goddess’ designs. What Merlin now has…he could have had years ago.” She raised her hand to cut off his retort. “At least since Shalott. The boy earned his spurs that day if not before. My overconfidence and his victory on the Isle of the Blessed should have seen to that.”

“Merlin did very well where he was. The King would have made him a knight. Merlin could not have used his magic in the open. Certainly, you realize that.” Gaius shook her off.

“But he could have in Nemeth, Gaius. How much has he benefited from being back here since that battle? Hmm? How much? It has been more than a few years. Rodor would have taken him into the royal household based on that alone. However, Uther…mmm, much as he does with everything else, only values people as far as they are useful to him. After that, he casts them aside. Merlin grated on him. He thought Arthur gave Merlin too much leeway. He hated Arthur’s views of social standing as opposed to his precious codes. Uther waited for your back to be turned. Then, he rid himself of the boy and maid.” Chuckle escaped her lips next. “Or so he thought.” Predatory smirk spread across her face next. “My! My! How the goddess does use those opportunities! She would have used Merlin sooner there.” She sucked in a deep breath. “But there were the Segan and the Druid girl situations, were there not? And that mess with those slavers? The strands did need tying.” She shook her head once more. “You see? You make me overlook certain details with your thinking as well.”

“I did what I had to. I will not deny that. I kept Merlin safe.” Gaius ground his teeth.

“Tell that to his mother…Hunith, I believe?” She snickered. “She is not happy with you right now. It seems she found out about that nasty wound.” A pronounced wince jabbed her point deeper into his psyche.

“She knows Merlin rushes headlong into trouble. He takes his service to Arthur seriously. I cannot stop him. You know that as well as anyone. Do not pick on me when you started that trouble, Nimue.” The Eyebrow raised.

“I…?” Derisive laughter served as her next response. “Uther’s lust for a male heir actually started it. I wanted the Purge to stop! No more! No less! Merlin got in my way.” She pointed toward the arch. “There. I believe that is him and the others now.”

Gaius nodded. Distraction provided a welcome respite from her arguments. He focused on Merlin, Mithian and the others. He made his way down the stairs one at an efforted time. Why did you not watch what you were doing, Merlin? Uther wanted Arthur to have a standard servant. You did not have to attract attention! He waved to the group.

Merlin pulled up on his reins. “Gaius!” He dismounted and tied his horse to the hitching post. “Mother’s with us!”

Mithian smiled at Merlin’s enthusiasm. “Master Gaius, I trust everything proceeds as it should?” A playful snort escaped from her lips. She dismounted and walked over to Hunith’s horse. “Can I offer you a hand, Lady?”

“Thank you.” Hunith eased out of the saddle and down to the cobbles. She looked over the company anew. Gratitude, of course, extended to Mithian and Britomart for their care where Merlin was concerned. Lancelot’s and Gawain’s work ethic impressed her. She respected Lancelot and Britomart further for keeping Merlin’s secret. As always, Camelot overwhelmed her. Size and magnitude blew her away to be honest despite earlier visits. “Gaius, it is good to see you!”

“And you, Hunith. I trust your journey went well?” Gaius shuffled toward the group. “Lancelot?” He looked about the area. “I am not sure you should be here.”

“Father is seeing to that. Besides, Lancelot did help to save Camelot. King Arthur can choose to pardon him. If he does not, Lancelot returns to Whitgate. I am sure Lady Elaine would not argue with that.” Mithian peeled off her gloves. She flexed her fingers. “Perhaps Cassandra can draw a bath? I would clean myself up before meeting with King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.”

“You should do the same, Merlin.” Gaius patted Merlin on the arm. “You might look around our old chambers. Make sure that everything is in Whitgate or with us.”

“They are, Gaius.” Irritation stiffened Nimue. An eyebrow arched at him. “Prince Merlin.” She nodded ever so slightly to him. “I see your mother is here.”

“Aye. Everything went well. We delivered food and seed grain to Ealdor. We could not linger. We did not want to run into Cenred.” Merlin noted Hunith waiting to his right. “Mother, would you like to freshen up before we see Arthur and Gwen?”

“That would be very nice, Merlin. Thank you.” Hunith followed Mithian and him up the stairs and into the citadel.

“I will wait here with Lance…just in case.” Gawain looked around for any knights nearby.

Britomart nodded. “I will see to Milady’s needs. I will be right back.” She hustled up the stairs and after the others. Despite her knighthood, Instinct pushed her toward Mithian and her needs. With a parting look toward Gawain, she disappeared into the citadel.

“Good woman there, Gawain.” Lancelot sat down on the stairs. Mirth and teasing spiced his tone and danced about in his eyes.

“Being with Elaine’s making you soft.” Gawain made a face. Inner Man Child protested and threw his tantrum. Heart, however, betrayed him. A certain fire-haired knight reminded him of Mother’s presence from long before. Amor’s tug had ensnared him as well.

Seems some things couldn’t be helped….

Chapter 52: Adjustments


Merlin and Hunith adjust to their new roles. Mithian and Malodius coach and support them.

Chapter Text

Chapter 50

Merlin stood in front of a mirror. Emerald cloth coat and dark breeches had replaced Servant’s garb. Sword hung at his left hip. Sol sparkled against Prince’s crown and boots’ shine. He shook his head. His new clothes felt stiff and rigid.

Reflection’s image revealed an unfamiliar image.

Do I know who I am? Just another thing to adjust to! He ignored the strange looks. Servants shook their heads behind his back. Knights stifled observations but said nothing upon Arthur’s orders. Chambermaids bowed their heads and scurried past.

Prince he was. Servant he no longer was….

His hand touched Glass’ surface. Prince’s reflection reached back in turn. Concerns revolved around Politics, Knights, Learning, Mother, Mithian and Rodor as opposed Chambers, Meals, and Arthur. Emotions threatened to overwhelm him. What if I do not do well? What if…?

You are doing fine, my Prince. You learn. King Rodor will show you more. Malodius watched him from across the room. He laid down on his stomach. Emerald eyes observed Merlin from there. You did not learn to be a servant in one day. Did you?

Nay. Merlin shook his head. But we do not have time! I do not want to be a burden!

You are far from a burden. I believe everyone knows that. On the contrary, King Rodor, Princess Mithian and Lord Blumenwald all expect your apprenticeship to take its proper course. What that is I do not know, Malodius shook his mans.

That is Merlin, Great One. He is not happy unless he worries about *something*. Kilgarrah sniped.

Not helping! Merlin sucked in a deep breath. Then, he heard a knock at the door. That should be Princess Mithian now! He walked over and opened it to find Mithian and Hunith standing there. Both wore exquisite gowns with skirts running to the floor. Mithian wore her mother’s golden necklace. “Princess, Mother, I…” A gasp escaped his mouth. “You look great! I…”

“It feels so much.” Hunith looked about the passage. Granted, she enjoyed the pampering. Still, the overwhelming treatment floored her. His clothes represented a change from his former attire as well. “Still, to be…well…clean! And to wear a wonderful dress like this!” She shook her head. “It’s so much!”

“You both are part of our family and court now. Father wants you to be taken care of.” Mithian embraced each of them in turn. “My Prince, you do justice to those clothes I believe.”

“Oh, you believe?” He raised an eyebrow. Sass spurred on his response and the accompanying smirk.

A gentle snort jabbed at his ear. “Aye. I do. We should look our best for King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. It is your first diplomatic dinner, Merlin. We should have a good time.”

“That is what I want too.” Merlin bit his lip. “I just do not want an incident. I feel like…there is so much I do not know.”

“That is to be expected, Merlin.” Mithian patted him on the arm. “And you think I knew everything from Day 1? Well, that is very nice of you to think that way about me. I made many mistakes. Father had to correct and guide me in certain regards. He will do the same with you as well. He is patient. You should be the same way with yourself.”

“And you?” Merlin considered his Princess anew. Once again, flickering light caught her eyes’ sparkle. Warmth caused his heart to skip a beat. “That is a very nice necklace, Princess.”

“I told Princess Mithian the same thing, Merlin. She is right about being patient with yourself. You never are.” Hunith rubbed his arm. “It is all right. First time is on familiar ground.”

“Indeed, Lady Hunith. Thank you.” Mithian regarded the interwoven golden strands running about her neck. They met up at a small pendant. An emerald stone sat in its center. “It was my mother’s. It is my favorite piece. I do not wear it often. Tonight, however, is a special occasion.” Her eyes sparkled at Merlin.

“And our wedding?” He raised her hand and kissed it.

A rather uncouth snort popped out of Mithan’s nose. “I think I can manage that as it goes with that splendid dress!” She put her hand on her chest. “Pardon me. Father and King Arthur await us. Merlin?”

“I can walk both of you to dinner. This is really great!” Merlin took each of their hands and led them down the passage toward the dining hall.

And you doubt yourself, my Prince? Malodius complimented.

Instinct guided in some cases….

Chapter 53: First Diplomatic Dinner


Merlin's first dinner as Crown Prince? Arthur and Gwen in attendance.

Chapter Text

Chapter 51 [Dining Chamber]

Servants had completed their preparations. Settings awaited their use in places around the polished table. Utensils and goblets sparkled in the light. Candles and torches cast their flickering light across the chamber.

Arthur and Gwen guided Rodor, Lancelot, Britomart, and Gawain into the area first. Cordiality guided the three royals’ visit on that day. During the others’ expedition to Ealdor, a spirited horseback ride wound through forest roads and along scenic views. Picnic’s feast warmed the mood still further. Frosty relations thawed a little more. Discussions in Arthur’s office followed suit. Arthur pardoned Lancelot without hesitation.

“Your hospitality is wonderful.” Rodor inspected the chamber. Approval prompted a nod from him.

“Thank you, King Rodor,” Gwen expressed. “I appreciate how King Accolon, Queen Morgana and you could help us as well.” She offered a royal nod. “And thank you for offering Lancelot a place to serve.”

“Sir Lancelot has earned his place with us.” Rodor regarded Lancelot. “He has done good service as a mercenary in the past. King Accolon speaks well of him. And I should not have to tell you of Prince Merlin’s regard for him.”

“Lancelot is a good man.” Arthur walked over. His hand clapped Lancelot’s shoulder. “He helped us against Hengst. Gwen would not still be alive if not for him. Merlin helped as well.” He shook his head.

Lancelot bowed to Arthur. “Thank you, Sire. I am glad that I could keep the Queen safe. Without Prince Merlin, we would not be standing here right now.” He kept a straight face. New position and a permanent place brought change. Slight warmth came from Gwen’s presence. Thoughts of Elaine, however, lightened his heart.

“I am sure Prince Merlin’s magic proved vital.” Annoyance flicked Rodor’s eyebrow at Arthur. “You do know his clumsiness is an act?”

“Act?” Arthur sniffed. “He and I were captured by Hengst’s men because he would not stop prattling on.”

“Arthur, please! Merlin is a loyal friend.” Gwen rolled her eyes. “He helped us to get out of there! Lancelot?” She turned to Lancelot.

“He did.” Lancelot shook his head. “He trapped Hengst with the wilddeoren. Without that spell, we would not have escaped. I would not have killed the griffin without him either.”

“You killed it, Lancelot. Merlin…” Arthur shook Lancelot off. “Wait. He did something…?”

“Lancelot, your lance killed it.” Merlin cleared his throat. “I helped.”

“Helped, did you?” Mithian glanced at the new Prince. “I am not surprised.” Pride billowed up within herself. How did he remain as a servant for as long as he did? She shook her head at that notion.

“Another monster, Merlin? Really?” Hunith rubbed her forehead. Consternation brewed within herself. “I sent him here to remain safe.” She bowed to the hosts. “King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Merlin told me about King Uther. I am sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you, Hunith.” Arthur assessed Merlin’s and Hunith’s new outfits. Differences gave him food for thought. George’s presence irritated him. Wish would grab the new Prince and throw him back into his previous role. “Welcome to Camelot!”

“Thank you. This is all so sudden!” Hunith glanced toward Merlin. Then, she turned toward Rodor. “King Rodor?” She curtseyed. “Thank you for lending me this dress. Princess Mithian told me about you, Your Highness. I appreciate what you are doing for my family. I have questions if that is all right?”

“Of course. The pleasure is mine to finally meet you after all of this time.” Rodor smiled at Hunith. “I would add my welcome as well. I am sure Princess Mithian has already done so?”

“Aye, Your Highness. She and you have been very kind. Your bread and grain will help Ealdor through the winter. Thank you.” Hunith curtseyed to Mithian as well. “Milady. Thank you for lending me your dress.”

“It is my pleasure. You will have others of your own of course.” Mithian restrained herself. Protocol demanded composure. On the inside, however, Excitement bubbled over. She is very nice, Merlin. As if someone worried I would not like her?

I want everything to go right. Merlin hugged Hunith’s shoulders. “I am glad that we can see each other every day. I missed you.”

Joy’s tears welled up in Hunith’s eyes. “I missed you too! I see you settled and with someone special. I cannot wait to see this city.” She leaned into the embrace.

Merlin smiled. He savored that heartbeat. “We will all see Whitgate together, Mother. It is quite a place.”

“Aye, Prince Merlin.” Rodor held his hands out. “But we shall treasure our experiences with other places as well. One must be open to all things.”

Arthur nodded. “Your point is a good one. I know what Mer…Prince Merlin…meant.” His eyes met Merlin’s. “As long as we are on good terms, why not open our doors to each other? I know that Camelot is nothing without our friends.”

“Dinner is served it seems.” Gwen stepped toward the table. Granted, Hunger nagged at her. She also wanted to keep the conversation on a positive note. “Today is a celebration. It seems that King Accolon and Queen Morgana were detained. We can enjoy what we have. Britomart, Merlin, and I have our new positions. Lancelot has a well-deserved home. One day, I hope he can find someone to be with. Gawain, perhaps we can get to know you better as well? We can have more days like today here and in Whitgate? I would like that.”

“Thank you. I would like that as well, Queen Guinevere. I believe you both have met Sir Lancelot’s betrothed. She is Countess Elaine of Astolat,” Rodor agreed albeit with Clarification’s minor adjustment at the end. “Sir Gawain and Dame Britomart will be wed soon enough. Congratulations to you both as well once again.” He and Arthur took their seats. Then, the others joined them.

“Perhaps then we can understand how magic works?” Arthur cleared his throat. A deep sigh cleared his throat. “I still cannot believe that my father was a sorcerer.”

“His magic could have been there all along. It just happened to come out when it did.” A shrug lifted and dropped Merlin’s shoulders. “People just overreact. They do not understand. Maybe we can help each other to understand?”

“I wish that could be the case, Mer…Prince Merlin.” Hunith placed a hand on Merlin’s arm. Her mind adjusted to his new title. “With respect, King Arthur, I remember Will’s funeral in Ealdor. Your lecture to Prince Merlin about magic and its evils tore my heart. Why do you think I sent him here? I wanted him safe from such things. If I had known about Balinor and the other connections, I would have asked Gaius to help him to Nemeth instead.”

“Mother.” Merlin bowed his head. A wince twisted at his mouth.

“Merlin did joke he was in disguise when he first arrived.” Gwen took a drink from her goblet. Hunith’s issues stoked her issues. She considered him anew.

“Magic’s nothing to sneeze at.” Gawain cleared his throat. “It has its uses. Still, it is bloody scary at times.”

“I had a point, Hunith.” Arthur glared at Merlin. “That was not Will? That was you?”

“Aye. It was. We were about to lose and die.” Merlin rubbed his chin. “I conjured up that whirlwind. Will protected me. As for what brought Aredian here, this is what happened.” He put his hand up. Canary flashed in his eyes.

Smoke wisped from the table’s candles. It rose into the air. A smoke horse appeared for three heartbeats. Then, it dissipated.

George dropped a platter on the floor. His eyes went wide. Remorse and Indignation over his mess stewed in his mind and heart. His eyes narrowed. Restraint and Obsequiousness kept his words to a minimum. “Sire, I will get something to clean that up.”

“Err…aye, George. Do that. First, however, Prince Merlin did warn us before he conjured that horse. You have overfilled enough goblets and polished too much silver. At least it was not a chamber pot.” Arthur motioned toward the door. “I am sure Audrey has something downstairs.”

George bowed. Then, he scurried from the chamber.

“I believe, Sire, that was a part of Merlin’s deception?” Mithian glanced toward Merlin. “Now, he does not have to resort to such displays. I am looking forward to seeing what he can accomplish out in the open.”

“With respect, I think you all will be very surprised and pleased.” Lancelot raised his goblet to Merlin. “Prince Merlin.” He drank a swallow to seal Toast’s blessing toward his friend.

“Indeed, Sir Lancelot. Thank you.” Rodor raised his own goblet. He drank from his own goblet. “To friendship and where it may lead.”

“To friendship.” Arthur looked toward Merlin. In spite of such wishes, Uncertainty dogged his feelings. Long-Instilled Notions nagged at him. Suspicions continued to burn in his mindset.

Merlin maintained the Mask of State. Hope held out that his former liege would work toward his promise. (Oh, how he wished for that, Good Reader!) Reality, however, knew that road to be long and rut laden.

Mithian said nothing. Rather, she averted her eyes. Arthur’s issues grated on her late nerve. Still, Diplomacy kept her on track.

Flies buzzed about the soup, it seemed….

Chapter 54: Wake Up to Bliss


Merlin wakes up to a great morning with his Princess at his side...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Conclusion [A Week Later]
[Somewhere Else]

Deep within Mists’ and Veil’s respective covers, the goddess watched events unfold. Celebrations played out. Negotiations cemented Inter-Kingdom bonds. Commonalities and Coexistence drew realms together from around the Roman Sea. Josiane and Cligès firmed up their respective thrones and affirmed peace. Talks progressed with Germania, Gaul, Galicia, and Britannia’s Five Kingdoms.

A certain wedding/conference proved a centerpiece. With her (and the priestesses’) assistance, the aforementioned rulers traveled to Whitgate. Lodging requirements pressed Nemeth’s resources to its absolute limits. Still, the affair restored a Sorcerers’ Code. Amazonia, Camelot, Caeveron, Tintagel, and Nemeth renewed treaties between themselves.

Not to mention that Mithian’s gown turned heads…a great many heads…

The foundation for a better world laid. Now, that Witchfinders and bigots are gone or fading away, the garden can bloom anew. The goddess watched simmering threats. Meleagant plotted in Cawdor. Cenred brooded within Mercia. Doubts and Suspicions unsettled friends. Others would rise and fall during that time and the near future. She foresaw the bonding of a second Round Table—an assembly of special beings from across that forming coalition.

Still, that was the matter for another tale and time. Foundations came first…

Nimue, Lunete and Laudine saw to her followers’ needs. Now cleansed, Freya soon would join them.

Seeds for future garden. For now, Mists parted to allow view of Nemeth and its events….


[Whitgate—Merlin’s and Mithian’s Chamber]

Sol brushed across granite and furnishings. Dust danced on its beams. Slight chill slipped through windows’ cracks and leaks. Cassandra’s breakfast offerings waited for her Prince and Princess on the varnished table across the chamber. All still lay still.

Merlin stirred first. Eyes’ blinking melted sleepers away. Everything blurred back into focus. He stretched under covers and blankets. Chill twitched his nose. “Mmm….” He looked about himself. Feeling returned to his arms and legs. Warmth eased his mood. He glanced over to his left.

Spray of chocolate brown hair spread across the pillows therein. Soft breathing cascaded on his ears. Movement against his side comforted yet further. Smile spread across Slumbering Princess’ face.

Contentment eased his heart. Granted, Learning Curve swamped him. Rodor’s pointers spun his head. Galahad, Lancelot, and Ywain trained with him daily in the courtyard. (Practicality demanded that no magic was involved by the way.) Law Codes and Traditions made his head hurt. Rodor’s court and the Council awed him. Granted, Uther had done similar things. Still, Rodor heard all sides and took matters to heart….

…and yet…

…yet, Mithian and he had found time to enjoy each other’s company. They raced their horses across meadows and down forest roads. Escorts included newlywedded couples Lancelot and Elaine, Ywain and Laudine, Gawain and Britomart, or even Accolon and Morgana. Tatiana, a tan dragon from Asia’s furthest reaches, bonded with Kilgarrah. A day earlier, Mithian’s surprise picnic relaxed him. He leaned over. His lips stole a soft kiss from her forehead. He eased himself from the covers and onto the stone underfoot. Cassandra’s already been here. She is learning quickly enough. He tip toed a few steps toward the table.

You are not such a bad teacher, my Prince. Mithian rolled over to face him. Her waking eyes sparkled in Sol’s light. She stretched away Sleep’s stiffness. “Mmm! I wish we did not have Father’s council this morning.”

“I know. At least Elaine’s fitting in well. Lancelot’s great with her. Wonder if Gawain and Britomart can stop bickering?” His smirk spread across his face. Naughty thoughts bubbled up across his mind. He brought her favorite robe over from its resting place over a chair from the night before.

Snort escaped Mithian’s lips. Her eyebrow raised over his question. “I think everyone wonders the same thing, Merlin.” She allowed him to slip Robe’s additional layer over her nightgown. And I know what you are thinking. You are *so* transparent! She walked over toward the table. “We do have that meeting in a turn of the hourglass. Then, I believe the rest of the day is ours.”

“Really?” Merlin lifted Meal’s covers. There, he found two slices of ham and scrambled eggs on each plate. “Michael excels again.” Contentment’s smile threatened to push at his ears by that point.

“He is an artist. Father knows how fortunate we are that he cooks for us.” Mithian tied the sash at her waist. “Thank you, Merlin, for bringing it to me.” She settled into her chair. “We should eat. Then, we can meet our obligations.”

“Maybe we can have some us time afterwards?” He ate a bite of ham. Fruit juice chased that.

Chuckle and Mirth sauced her reply. “And what pray tell would come of that?” Healthy snort punctuated that sentiment. Her head still spun over his wedding gifts to her. “Another garden? Another dome?”

“Mithian, can I help it if you inspire me?” Merlin shrugged.

She bit her lip. Her heart skipped several beats. Amor’s rush caught her breath. “At this pace, Nemeth would bankrupt even the goddess’ capabilities, my Prince.” She squeezed his hand in hers. “It is very sweet. You do not have to buy my love. We should also show balance between needs and wants even with such magical means at our disposal.” She kissed his hand to further make her point. “You inspire me as well. Thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

“Now, I am not alone. Now, I do not have to worry about being called ‘Prince in Petticoats’ or ‘Tom Boy Princess’. Now, I am with a man who shares his heart with me. I can share my heart with him.” Her eyes shone into his.

“And one with whom I share mutual respect.” He drank another mouthful from his old wooden cup. “Might as well have a good start to build on.”

“Indeed so, my Prince. Father would agree. I might consider it…” Naughty glint sparked in her face. “…if not for the rough edges.”

Jab elicited his snicker. “I have got to work on those edges. That is if I have time with everything else that is going on.”

“We have a lifetime, Merlin. Never forget that. Now, eat please. Eat and enjoy ‘ere the rest begins.” Mithian bit into her apple. Challenges awaited them. Still, with his help, she knew they would overcome.

And so, Aredian the Witchfinder’s challenge brought about unintended ends. Prejudice threatened. Discord ran amok. Still, Cooperation, patience and faith brought about a new beginning.

From that, only Fates and their loom would know….



Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! I have another Merlin story ready. That one will be starting in a few weeks. Take care!

Sanctuaries - dante0220 - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


What is the meaning of AO3? ›

Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a nonprofit open source repository for fanfiction and other fanworks contributed by users.

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In short, the AO3 app does not have a set age limit and is more of an environment based on self-judgment and parental guidance. Where underage users are involved, it is recommended that they be supervised by an adult and that they choose what they read based on their comfort level and parental guidance.

What does Canon mean in AO3? ›

Canon is short for canonical. Basically it's a term stolen from Biblical Scripture. Canonical simply meant according to holy doctrine. To put it in comic terms it means that it's “real” and it happened in the main universe of that comic.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.