The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

gym osn tram mm tuaa nA I 7 P'm voting patterns and the potential impact of the New Explorer Pediatric neurosurgeon Banjo- Latino electorate on the 1992 election is seen min Carson removes half of a 10-year-old's brain through the eyee of two Southern California fami- to cure Rasmussen'8 syndrome. lies. (J (CC) (1 hr.) 13 T-in'nm Nova Explores efforts to better predict hurricanes j.jup.m.. through a flight into the eye of Gilbert (1988) and Major League Baseball Chicago White Sox at interviews with survivors of Camilla (1969). (R) New York Yankees.

(2 30 WGN (CC) (1 ...21 Major League Baseball Montreal Expos at Phil- Travel! Time magazine art critic Robert Hughes adelphia Phillies. (2 30 29 shares his views of Barcelona, past and present 8nm ,31 Hollywood Bowl Composer-conductor John Rescue 91 1 (Season premiere) A tribute to view- Williams presents an evening of orchestral mu- ers who have saved lives, including a man who sic; includes works by Shostakovich, Handel rescued a trapped accident victim and children and Saint-Saens. (2 who saved their choking great-grandmother, ft Seize the Power: A Challenge to the Women (CC) (1 hr.) 2, 10 of America Examines issues pertinent to women Quantum Leap Sam leaps Into Al's life as a voters and their role in politics today. Host: Lynn young Navy pilot and must prevent his execution Sherr. (Live) (2 LIFE after he is wrongly accused of rape and murder.

(R) (CQ (1 hr.) 3, 4 9:30 P-m- Full House An uncoordinated Jesse risks losing Delta (Series premiere) An aspiring country sing- a recording contract when he is asked to dance er (Delta Burke) travels to Nashville to seek fame in a rock video. Mike Love and Bruce Johnston and fortune. Tonight amateur night 7 guest star. (R) (Part 1 ol 2) (CC) 6, 7 National Geographic Edward James Olmos '0 P-m' narrates a celebration of Mexico's heritage and Dateline Scheduled: Jon Scott reports on Life-" culture, featuring artist Rufino Tamayo and the flight trauma specialists who treat critically in- Folkloristas musicians. (R) S3 (CC) (1 hr.) 13 jured people during the "golden hour" when it's Biography The life of actress and Ambassador needed most.

(CC) (1 hr.) ....3,4 Shirley Temple Black. (1 hr.) Going to Extremes Cheryl's aloofness is shaken Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra Perfor- when tragedy strikes at the Monkey Hill Clinic; mance by a symphony orchestra made up of 65 Dr. Croft forms a cricket team and drafts Colin, young musicians at the conclusion of a summer Kathleen and Charlie, (CC) (1 hr.) 6, 7 music camp. Special appearances by Henry Power, Politics and Latinos A history of Latino Mancini and John Williams. (CC) DIS voting patterns and the potential impact of the American Originals The World's Fair of 1939 in Latino electorate on the 1992 election is seen New York City.

(1 hr.) LC through the eyes of two Southern California fami- Terra The Feathered Snake, a half bird-half lies, (CC) (1 hr.) ...12 reptile idol worshipped by the Aztecs and May- Listening to America A video report on a meet- ans TDC ing of conservative evangelicals in Dallas after ftepuWican Convention; guests include film- "3U maker MeMn Van Peebles. (CC) (1 hr.) 13 Family Matters Steve succeeds in alienating the Surviving the Hurricane Planning and prepara- entire family when he becomes a guest in the tion tips including buying staples, securing home Winslow home. (R) fl (CC) 6, 7 and property, evacuation procedures and insur- ance. a (1 hr.) 21 Larry Sanders The substitute producer guns for Angel Street (Series premiere) A pair of homi- the job while Arthur is out sick. (R) cjde detectives (Robin Givens, Pamela Gidley), HBO an ambitious black woman and her street-smart Brain Sex Differences in learning ability between partner, form an uneasy alliance as they face the the sexes.

(1 hr.) TDC hostile urban streets. Tonight: Anita and Dorothy become partners. (CC) (2 hrs.) 2,10 11p.m. Reasonable Doubts Dicky is forced to protect a Listening to America The education records plastic surgeon who can identify a killer; Dicky and rhetoric of Bush and Clinton; educational confronts Tess about their mutual attraction for system inequities at two Bronx public schools. each other.

(CC) (1 hr.) 3, 4 Guests include Jonathan Kozol, author of "Sav- Roseanne (Season premiere) Roseanne sup- age Inequalities." (CC) (1 12 ports the family after Dan's motorcycle shop goes under; Becky considers moving to Minnea- :3" polis with Mark. (Part 1 of 2) (CC) 6, 7 Forever Knight (Season premiere) When Nata- New Explorers Dr. Leonard Cerullo uses laser lie's brother is killed by a gunman, she begs surgery to remove two brain tumors. (CC) 12 Nick to turn him into a vampire so he can live Power, Politics and Latinos A history of Latino forever. (1 10 You Bet Ent.

To- Rescue 911 (Season Angel Street "Pilot" (Series Premiere) ICC) News Forever Knight "I Will Per. Score Your Life night Premiere) (CC) Repay" (11:35) (12:33) Ent. To- Hard Copy Quantum Leap "A Leap Reasonable Doubts Dateline 3 (CC) News (CC) Tonight Show 3 (CC) Letterman night for Lisa: June 22, 1957" "Change of Plans" (CC) (11:35) (12:36) Cops S3 Love Con- Quantum Leap "A Leap Reasonable Doubts Dateline (3 (CC) News Tonight Show 3 (CC) Letterman (CC) nection for Lisa: June 22, 1957" "Change of Plans" (CC) (11:35) (12:35) News Current Af- Movie: Thief of Heart (1984, Drama) Ste- News MAS Studs AII in the Current At-fair (CC) ven Bauer, Barbara Williams, John Getz. Family fair (CC) Jeopardy! Wheel of Full House Family Mat- Roseanne Delta (CC) Going to Extremes News Nightline Movie: Head Of- (CC) Fortune (R) (CC) ters S3 (CC) (CC) "Tribes and Tribulations" (CC) flee (1986), Eddie Albert Jeopardy! Wheel of Full House Family Mat- Roseanne Delta (CC) Going to Extremes News Nightline Movie: (CC) Fortune (R) (CC) ters S3 (CC) (CC) "Tribes and Tribulations" (CC) Johnny Movie: On Wings of Eagles (1986, Adventure) (Part 1 News (CC) Whoopi Arsenio Hall S3 (CC) Rush Urn- With of 2) Burt Lancaster, Richard Crenna, Paul LeMat. Goldberg S3 baugh 3 You Bet Family Rescue 91 1 (Season Angel Street "Pilot" (Series Premiere) S3 (CC) News Forever Knight "I Will Cosby Your Life S3 Feud Premiere) S3 (CC) Repay" Show (CC) B9 Different Major League Baseball Chicago White Sox at New York News.

Cheers Honey- Odd Couple Jeffersons World (CC) Yankees. (Live) (CC) mooners (CC) Business Being Clive James' Postcard New Ex- xew Explor- Power, Politics and Listening to America Twilight Twilight Report Served From Chicago plorers (CC) ers S3 (CC) Latinos S3 (CC) "Unequal Education" Zone Zone ta MacNeilLehrer News- National Geographic Power, Politics and Listening to America Charlie Rose Power, Politics and hour (CC) (R) S3 (CC) Latinos S3 (CC) "The Religious Right" Latinos S3 (CC) CI Studs Movie: Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold (1978) Amen S3 Jeffersons- Love Con. Love Con. Movie: Pleasure Gl New Ex-" Ciao Italia Nature of Things (CC) Nova "Hurricane!" (R) Surviving the Hurricane Being Power, Politics and Shelley plorers (CC) S3 (CC) S3 Served Latinos S3 (CC) El Murphy Major League Baseball Montreal Expos at Philadelphia News Whoopi Arsenio Hall S3 (CC) Different Brown (CC) Phillies. (Live) Goldberg S3 World (CQ El Qra-Punta News-Italy Horizons Travels "Barcelona" Hannibal's News City Tai Han Broadcasting (Off Air) El 227 (CC) All Family Movie: Grambllng's White Tiger (1981) Matlock "The Mayor" Alt Family Buddies Infatuation News NJN News New Jersey Anna Karenina Talking With David Frost NJN News Travels Another V.

Contrary (Off Air) (amc) Movie: Boomerang (1947, William Movie: Cynara (1932, Drama) Movie: In Person (1935, Drama) Movie: Boomer- Mystery) Dana Andrews, Jane Wyatt. Bendix Ronald Colman, Kay Francis. Ginger Rogers, George Brent. ang (1947), Jane Wyatt (ae) Wilderness In Search Biography Hollywood Bowl Evening at the Improv Biography (R) (CNN) Moneyline Crossfire Primenews (CC) Larry King Live World News Sports Moneyline Newsnight Politics (CSPAN) Viewer Call-in (6:30) Event of the Day Event of the Day (CTN) Uncle Floyd TBA 90's Ethics WPC NJ. Turnstyles N.J.

Issues TBA Familia Vandana Robert Tilton (ois) Movie Birthday Young Musicians Movie: The Story of Alexander Graham Movie: Flying Leathernecks (1951, Adven-. (6:00) Dragon (R) Symphony Orchestra Bell (1939) Don Ameche, Loretta Young. ture) John Wayne, Robert Ryan, Janis Carter. (enc) Movie: The Golden Seal (1983, Drama) Movie: Joe (1970, Drama) Peter Boyle, Den- Movie: The Pink Panther Strikes Again Steve Railsback, Penelope Milford. 'PG' nis Patrick, Audrey Caire.

'R' (1976) Peter Sellers, Herbert Lorn. S3 'PG' (ESPN) Sportsctr. Major League Baseball (Live) Major League Baseball (Live) (fam) Life Goes On S3 (CC) Young Riders S3 (CC)- Father Dowling 700 Club Bonanza (HBO) Movie: Bad Jim Movie: Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Larry Sand- Movie: Crooked Hearts (1991, Drama) Vin- Movie (1989) 'PG' (6:30) Story (1992) Brian Dennehy, Jeff Daniels. S3 (CC) ers S3 (CC) cent D'Onofrio. Jennifer Jason Leigh.

S3 'R' (12:25) (ic) Renovation Hometime American Originals Hometime Great Inns Floyd Food Hometime Charlie Rose American Originals (R) ufe) China Beach "Who's LA. Law "Pigmalion" Seize the Power: A Challenge to the Thirtysomething "New Tracey Ull- Garry Shan- Happy Now?" Women of America (Live) Job" man dling (max) Movie: Driving Me Movie: L.A. Bounty (1989) Sybil Movie: Angel In Red (1991) Movie: Son of Darkness: To Movie: Crazy (1991) S3 (6:30) Panning, Wings Hauser. S3 'R' Leslie Bega, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. S3 Die For II (1991) Rosalind Allen.

S3 Concrete (MSG) Sports Divers Boxing From the Great Western Forum. (Taped) Fishing Drag Racing (11:15) Horse Racing (12:15) (mtv) Comedy Rockumnt. Duff S3 (8:08) Comedy MTV Raps Norris (nash) VideoPM Be a Star Crook and Chase S3 Nashville Now S3 On Stage Crook and Chase (R) S3 Nashville Now (R) S3 (nick) Looney Bullwinkle M.T. Moore M.T. Moore M.T.

Moore M.T. Moore M.T. Moore M.T. Moore M.T. Moore M.T.

Moore M.T. Moore M.T. Moore (NQS) Wendy Me Choice N.Y.P.D. Affairs Too Late Let's Go Family Ben Casey Combat! "Main Event" (psm) Great Sports Debate Movie: The Palermo Connec- Sp. Desk Movie: Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1990, Movie: Ishtar tion (1991) James Belushi.

'PG-13' (9:45) Drama) Victoria Abril, Antonio Banderas. (Subtitled) (1987) Warren Beatty. (show) Movie: Teenage Mu- Movie: Mirror, Mirror (1990, Horror) Rain- Movie: Ruthless People Emo Phil- Movie: Spilt Decl- tant Ninja (6:25) bow Harvest, Karen Black, Kristin Dattilo. S3 'R' (1986) Danny DeVito, Bette Midler. S3 ips (11:35) slons (1988) S3 (12:05) (SPQ) DynaMets Sp.

Cards Hockey's Classic Contests 1980 Stanley Cup Final Game 6. (R) Racing Hockey's Classic Contests (roc) Travel and Travel and Terra Arthur Invention Beyond To- Brain Sex Wings "Giants" Wildlife Profiles of Adventure Adventure Clarke morrow Chronicles Nature (TMQ Movie: Another Movie: Harley Davidson and the Marl- Movie: Watchers II (1990) Marc Movie: Body Chemistry (1990) Woman (1988) (6:35) boro Man (1991) Mickey Rourke. S3 'R' Singer, Tracy Scoggins. S3 'R' Marc Singer, Lisa Pescia. S3 (11:45) (TNT) Bugs Bunny Pals Movie: Bend of the River (1952, Movie: The Habitation of Dragons (1992, Movie: Cannery (6:00) Adventure) James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy.

Drama) Frederic Forrest, Brad Davis. Row (1982) Nick Nolle. (USA) Quantum Leap S3 (CC) Murder, She Wrote (CC) Boxing Bert Cooper vs. Rocky Pepeli. (Live) MacGyver "Ghost Ship" Equalizer (won) Jeffersons Major League Baseball Chicago White Sox at New York Yankees.

(Live) News (CC) Kojak Movie: (CC) Any Way (WTBS) B. Hillbillies Major League Baseball Atlanta Braves at Cincigjiati Reds. (Live) Movie: Gymkata (1985, Adventure) Kurt Movie: Ek (7:05) Thomas, Tetchie Agbayani, Richard Norton. ger Sane Office (LC)Learning Chan, nel (life) Lifetime (MAX) Cinemax (MSG) Madison Square Garden (MTV) Music Television Channel (nash) Nashville Network work Television (USA) USA Network (wgn) WGN, Chicago (WTBS) Turner Broadcasting 3stereo (CC) close captioned to Movie ratings by TV Data (nick) Nickelodeon (NOS) Nostalgia Channel (PSM) Prism (show) Showtime (SPO) Sports Channel (TDC) Discovery Channel (tmc) Movie Channel (TNT) Turner Net Network (CSPAN) Public Affairs (CTN) Cable Television Network (DIS) Disney (ENC) Encore (ESPN) ESPN (fam) The Family Channel (HBO) Horn Box 0 WCBS, New York OKYW, Philadelphia WNBC, New York OWNYW, New York WPVI, Philadelphia fl WABC, New York OWWOR, Secaucus CJ WCAU, Bl WNYC, New York (H WGBS, Philadelphia El NJN, New Brunswick (AMC) American Movie Classics Arts ft Entertainment (Cnn) Cable News Philadelphia Wa WPIX, New York i3 WHYY, Wilmlng. ton, Del.

WHET, New York KiWPHL, Philadelphia EDWLIW, New York K3 WTXF, Philadelphia William Schallert Patty Duke 3 Geraldo Scheduled: sisters who compete with each other as actresses or models. Guests include Audrey and Judy Landers 11, WGN Jenny Jones Scheduled: daughters who say their mothers compete for boyfriends. 57 1 p.m. Jenny Jones Scheduled: daughters who say their mothers compete for boyfriends. 9 2 p.m.

Attitudes Actor Meshach Taylor celebrity sibling rivalry LFE 3 p.m. Joan Rivers Scheduled: debate over whether bald really is beautiful 3 Maury Povlch Scheduled: a beauty pageant that contestants claim was a scam; a formerly overweight woman who developed her own successful diet program 4 4 p.m. Donahue Scheduled: an Oregon town's legal action against hom*osexuals. (CC) .4 Oprah Winfrey Scheduled: people who refuse to date others of their race. (CC) 6, 7 Maury Povlch Scheduled: a beauty pageant that contestants claim was a scam; a formerly overweight woman who developed her own diet program ......10 5 p.m.

Montel Williams Sexual harassment of women in the military. 5 7:30 p.m. world is turned upside down when he adopts a troublesome young dragon. 'NR' DIS 7 p.m. "Boomerang" (1947) Dana Andrews, Jane Wyatt An innocent vagrant is presumed guilty of a clergyman's murder.

(1:28) AMC 7:30 p.m. "On Wings of Eagles" (1986) (Part 1 of 7 a.m. This Morning Scheduled: "Rescue 911" celebrates 100 rescues by viewers; singing group Joe Public; "Family Circle Cookbook" recipes; Disney chairman Michael Eisner; real-life computer hackers, subject of the film author Steven Rosenberg Tranformed (CC) 2, 10 Today Scheduled: sex and love in the '90s; USA Today turns 10; En Vogue performs; author Wendy Dennis and 4 Good Day New York Scheduled: singer Tony Bennett; actor Carl Weathers; actor David Pay-mer; services and survival guide; men who are dependent on their mothers Good Morning America Scheduled: author Jim Lehrer Bus of My the 1993 edition of the "Old Farmer's preview of "Seize the Power A Challenge to the Women of America" a special that examines the role of women in politics. (CC) 6,7 9 a.m. Cristina hom*osexual teens.

(R) 2 GerakJo Scheduled: sisters who compete with each other as actresses or models. Guests include Audrey and Judy Landers 3 Jerry Springer Scheduled: men who feel housework is a woman's responsibility. 4 Donahue (CC) 6 Live Regis Kathie Lee Scheduled: TV writ- -ers Michele Greppi (New York Post) and Jeff -Jarvis (TV Guide) look at the new season. .7, 10 10 a.m. Montel Williams Scheduled: sexual harassment of women in the military 3 AM Philadelphia (Live) 6 Sally Jessy Raphael Scheduled: mothers whose teen-age daughters spend too much money shopping 7 vlckil Scheduled: TV fathers Dan Lauria Wonder Bill Smitr'ovich Goes James Avery Fresh Prince of James B.

Sikking Howser, M.D."), Dick Van Patten Is and -William Schallert Patty Duke 10:30 a.m. Sally Jessy Raphael Scheduled: mothers whose teen-age daughters spend too much money shopping 6 11 a.m. Joan Rivers Scheduled: debate over whether bald really is beautiful 3, 11, WGN Closer Look Scheduled: bisexual couples. (CC) 4 Home Scheduled: reducing the cost of children's clothing by shopping at resale stores; healthy heart tips; new home security products. 7 Jerry Springer Scheduled: men who feel housework is a woman's responsibility.

11:30 a.m. Doctor Dean Topic: incest. .4 Home (joined in progress; left in progress) Scheduled: reducing the cost of children's clothing by shopping at resale stores; healthy heart tips; new home security products 6 Noon 'Vickll Scheduled: TV fathers Dan Lauria Wonder Bill Smitrovich Goes James Avery Fresh Prince of Bet-" James B. Sikking Howser, M.D."), Dick Van Patten Is and 9 a.m. "Daddy's Dyin' Who's Got the Wilr?" (1990) Beau Bridges, Beverly D'Angelo.

Four grown children bicker incessantly when they are reluctantly reunited at their ailing patriarch's deathbed. S3 'PG-13' (CC) (1:37) HBO "Judgment at Nuremberg" (1961) Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster. Stanley Kramer's Oscar-winning account of the Nazi war-crime trials held in 1948 Germany. MAX 10 a.m. "My Little Chickadee" (1940) W.C.

Fields, Mae West. After being run out of town for romancing a masked bandit, a woman of questionable morals weds a con man whom she believes to be rich. (1:23) AMC "Somewhere I'll Find You" (1942) Una Turner, Clark Gable. Two brothers share careers and the love of the same girl which pulls them apart (1:48) SHOW 10:05 a.m. "Murder in Texas" (1981) (Part 2 of 2) Farrah Fawcett, Sam Elliott.

As Dr. Hill's murder trial begins, both sides hire the most prestigious lawyers in the criminal field. (2:00) WTBS 11 a.m. "The Miracle Worker" (1962) Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke. Fact-based account of Helen Keller's relationship with dedicated teacher Annie Sullivan.

ENC Noon "The Caine Mutiny" (1954) Humphrey Bog art, Jose Ferrer. Two Naval officers rebel against their commanding officer in this adaptation of Herman Wouk's Pulitzer Prize-winning ov-ei. MAX 1 p.m. "Cyrano de Bergerac" (1950) Jose Ferrer, Mala Powers. Oscar-winning tale of the soldier-of-fortune with the nose of a clown and the heart of a poet.

(2:00) 31 "Matewan" (1987) Chris Cooper, Will Oldham. Account of the conflicts between a growing coal miners' union and the stubborn bosses in 1920 West Virginia. 'PG-13' (2:12) ENC 2 p.m. "You'll Like My Mother" (1972) Patty Duke, Richard Thomas. A pregnant widow visits her mother-in-law for the first time and learns her new family has a terrible secret (2:00) 2:30 p.m.

"Bedlam" (1946) Boris Karioff, Anna Lee. An 18th-century noblewoman risks her life to bring reforms to a madhouse. (1:19) AMC "The Stratton Story" (1949) James Stewart, June Allyson. Story of baseball player Monty Stratton, who refused to let the amputation of a teg end his career. (1:46) MAX 3 p.m.

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984) Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw. The globe-trotting archaeologist battles an Indian cult for possession of sacred stones, fl 'PG' (CC) HBO "Black Rain" (1988) Yoshiko Tanaka, Ka-zuo Kitamura. Hiroshima's survivors struggle with the memories of their ordeal five years after the war. (Subtitled) 'NR' (2:03) PSM 4 p.m. "The Set-Up" (1949) Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter.

Story of an aging boxer who refuses to compromise his integrity. (1:12) AMC 4:30 p.m. "Tootsie" (1982) Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange. A temperamental, unemployed actor disguises himself as a woman and auditions for a soap opera. 'PG'(CC) (1:56) MAX "Wall Street" (1987) Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen.

A young stockbroker skyrockets Paul Rudd, Burgess Meredith. The story of John F. Kennedy, from the time he made his first bid for public office in 1946. 7 "The Eiger Sanction" (1975) Clint Eastwood, George Kennedy. A former hit man 'is lured from his current college duties to perform a daring mountaintop murder.

WTBS 1 a.m. "Shoot the Moon" (1982) Albert Finney. Diane Keaton. An upper middle-class family goes through trying periods of separation and change. 'R' (2:05) ENC "Innocents in Paris" (1955) Claire Bloom, Claude Dauphine.

Comic adventures of seven Britons on a Paris weekend. NOS 2 a.m. "Miss Firecracker" (1989) Holly Hunter, Mary Steenburgen. A small-town girl tries to boost her self-esteem by competing in a local pageant (2:00) 11 "Dusty" (1982) Bill Kerr, Noel Trevarthen. An elderly shepherd faces a difficult decision when his half-dingo pet reverts to its wild heritage.

'NR' (1:28) DIS 2:30 a.m. "North Dallas Forty" (1979) Nick Nolle, Mac Davis. Two aging football players show the wear and tear brought on by excessive partying. (2:30) TNT 3 a.m. "The Joe Louis Story" (1953) Cotey Wallace, Paul Stewart Biographical drama of the champ's rise from his childhood to winning the title.

(2:00) USA 3:25 a.m. The Set-Up" (1949) Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter. Story of an aging boxer who refuses to compromise his integrity. AMC 4 a.m. "The Story of Alexander Graham BetT (1939) Don Ameche, Loretta Young.

Life of the Scottish educator-inventor who developed and perfected the telephone. (137) DS 2) Burt Lancaster, Richard Crenna A retired military officer attempts the daring rescue of two businessmen trapped in Iran during the 1978 takeover. (2:30) 9 8 p.m. "Bend of the River" (1952) James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy. Settlers count on an experienced guide to bring them much-needed provisions.

(2:00) TNT 9 p.m. "Joe" (1970) Peter Boyle, Dennis Patrick. When a young girl gets involved with drugs, her father seeks a tragic revenge. 'R' (1:47) ENC 'The Story of Alexander Graham Bell" (1939) Don Ameche, Loretta Young. Life of the the Scottish educator-inventor who developed and perfected the telephone.

(1:37) DIS 10 p.m. 'Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!" (1990) Victoria Abril, Antonio Banderas. A troubled young man kidnaps an actress in a misguided attempt to "save" her. (Subtitled) 'NC-ir PSM "Ruthless People" (1986) Danny DeVito, Bette Midler. A husband's scheme to get rid of his wife backfires when she is kidnapped before he can carry out his plan.

'R' (1:35) SHOW 11 p.m. "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" (1976) Peter Sellers, Herbert Lorn. The bumbling Clou-seau finds himself pitted against Dreyfus, his former superior, fl 'PG' (1:43) ENC WEDNESDAY Midnight "Boomerang" (1947) Dana Andrews, Jane Wyatt An innocent vagrant is presumed guilty of a clergyman's murder. (1:28) AMC 12:30 a.m. "Johnny, We Hardty Knew Ye" (1977) New Jersey Tonight ...........58 9 p.m.

Talking With David Frost Guest retired Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee. (CC) 58 Larry King Live CNN Nashville Now Scheduled: Jimmie Walker; Gee- zinslaw Brothers; Eddy Raven NASH Whoop! Goldberg Scheduled: Ted Danson. ...............9,29 Charlie Rose ......13, LC 11:30 p.m. Arsenk) Hall Scheduled: Quincy Jones; comedian-actor Tim Allen (CQ 9, 29 11:35 p.m. Tonight Show Scheduled: comedian Jerry Seinfeld; actor Kyle Chandler; musician David Byrne.

(CC) 3,4 WEDNESDAY 12:30 a.m. Rush 9 12:35 a.m. Late Night With David Letterman sports raconteur Art Donovan; Martin Mull; country singers Randy Travis and George Jones. (R) 3, 4 1:30 a.m. Joe Franklin Rush Umbaugh .29 1:35 a.m.

Byron Allen 2 Later With Bob Costal Guest comic Dennis Miller. ..4 SOAP OPERA HOTLINE: 1.900-988-8282 The heartbreak the the stab in the Updated every weekday within 1 hour after the end of the show. Touch-tone phones only. Callers are charged 95 cents per minute on their phone bill for each call to the hotline. to success under the tutelage ot a rumiess corporate raider.

fl' (2:05) TMC 6 p.m. "The Dragon That Wasn't or Was He?" (1983) Animated. Ollie the Bear's peaceful 4:40 a.m. "Bedlam" (1946) Boris Karioff, Anna Lee. An 18th-century noblewoman risks her life to bring reforms to a madhouse.


The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


What newspaper covers Middlesex County, New Jersey? ›

Home News Tribune
TypeDaily newspaper
CountryUnited States
Circulation49,000 (as of 2010)
OCLC number13854028
5 more rows

What towns make up central New Jersey? ›

Central Jersey
CountryUnited States
StateNew Jersey
Largest municipalities by populationElizabeth Lakewood Woodbridge Township Edison Hamilton Trenton Middletown Township Old Bridge Township Franklin Township Union Piscataway New Brunswick Perth Amboy Howell Township Plainfield
Population (2020)3,580,999
1 more row

How is it living in New Brunswick NJ? ›

Living in New Brunswick offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In New Brunswick there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks. Many families and young professionals live in New Brunswick and residents tend to be liberal.

What is the biggest newspaper in New Jersey? ›

The Star-Ledger is the largest circulation newspaper in New Jersey.

What is the local newspaper for Middlesex County? ›

Middlesex Daily Voice | Your Local News for Middlesex County, New Jersey.

Where is the best place to live in Central Jersey? ›

Best Places To Live in Central Jersey: Princeton Junction, Montclair, and Edison. Home to the state capital of Trenton, Central Jersey covers the area from Bridgewater to Toms River. Like North Jersey, it's a popular place to live because of its close proximity to New York and other cities.

What town is the center of NJ? ›

His method places the geographic center of New Jersey just south of I-195, on Back Creek, near Apollo Drive in Hamilton Township, Mercer County at 40° 11' 26” N latitude, 74° 40' 23” W longitude (figure 4).

Where in NJ are New Yorkers moving to? ›

New Jersey Towns and Cities Close to New York City (40,000-70,000 population)CountyPopulation (2020)
Fort LeeBergen County40,191
East OrangeEssex69,612
12 more rows
Mar 25, 2024

Which city is better to live in New Brunswick? ›

As a key city in New Brunswick, Canada, Moncton stands out for its vibrant community and urban amenities. With a CSI of 60.14, it balances safety with the dynamism of city living, making it one of the best cities to live in New Brunswick.

Is it cheap to live in New Brunswick? ›

New Brunswick is often considered one of the more affordable provinces to live in Canada. The cost of living in New Brunswick, including housing, utilities, and general expenses, is generally lower compared to some other provinces in the country, such as British Columbia or Ontario.

What is the race population in New Brunswick NJ? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 1.5 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (15.3k people) in New Brunswick, NJ than any other race or ethnicity. There were 10.2k Other (Hispanic) and 10k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Who represents Middlesex County NJ? ›

Frank Pallone, Jr. is serving his 18th full term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Pallone represents New Jersey's 6th Congressional District, which covers most of Middlesex County, as well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County.

What newspapers does Tribune publish? ›

Tribune Publishing Company operates local media businesses in seven markets with titles including the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, South Florida's Sun-Sentinel, Virginia's Daily Press and The Virginian-Pilot, The Morning Call of Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, and the Hartford Courant.

Is the Tribune local newspaper? ›

The Tribune is an Indian English-language daily newspaper published from Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda, Chandigarh and Gurugram. It was founded on 2 February 1881, in Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan), by Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, a philanthropist, and is run by a trust comprising five persons as trustees.

What kind of newspaper is newsday? ›

Newsday, evening daily tabloid newspaper published in Long Island, N.Y., to serve residents of suburban Nassau and Suffolk counties, east of New York City.

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Article information

Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6474

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.