The Morning Chronicle from London, Greater London, England (2024)

TUESDAY, APRIL LONDON, Price Sevenpence, NUMBER 18,917 "IVTL-S LINWOOD's EXHIBITION 1A WDKK, in I.elciister.pquare (with New Pictures! is NOW OPKN, mid will wminiie so every Day (Sundays excepted) from Mucin Mm Morning-till Husk. A elm if miff 'is Oh il run Is BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY AW WANTED an ARTICLED CLERK. i No Premium Is expected, but strict attention to bualness will be FRENCH PAPERS, rt'ouired, ami also that he provides himself with lioard, Lodging, tlurliiR hi Ariicles. Addrus, by letter only post paid, to atMr, stationer, 2:1, (joiHpt'm-Kireei, runs wick -st) GALLERY of LE THE PETIT LOUVRE. PROM TUB MES8AGER DISS CITAMBRES OF SATURDAY.

We learn to-day, by a letter from Constantinople, of the 10th of March, that the Vitte. Aelmiral nf the. Turkish fleet. Recent-street. Is NOW Ol'KN c-e- 1 LA D1E6 GENTLEMEN, A Gen- PICTUKES, by the old IHasters.

principally from the Tahir Pacha, is about to set out for Algiers, with a view, tlemiin, man-years in the Army, bavin); a larit" family, would he lad of any aGENCV or E.M PLOYM F.N wherein he could make hlm- if any AGENCY or EMPLOYMENT wherein he could make hlm- it to make an amicable arrangement ot the existing differences between France and the Dey. It is already known that the Ministry lias made a bargain selt 'iseinl he has Ihree r.auehlets ot 20, jy, and 15 years old, he would be itlad to place In GciHiunieii's Families, who would be piolectara to them: he has no doubt they will be found useful tliey have been abroad, and have no objection to no aijain. Undeniable relerences will be c.iveti. Address, post paid, to T.J. C.

44, Gray's itin-liina. MR. CANNING PORTUGAL. A New Edition, In no. lis.

lid. teivod, AN authentic ACCOUNT of Mr. CANNING'S POLICY with respect to the CONS IT TUTIONAL CHART Bit. of PORTUGAL, In reply t8 "Observations on the Papers laid before Parliament." Printed for J. Halchard and Son, Piccadilly.

GRAY'S SUPPLEMbSTHHPHA Fourth Edition, 1S28, improved and much etilargetl, In octavo tirlce in A SUPPLKMBNT to the PHARMACOPOEIA -tVA. being a Treatise wn Phiirniacology In general i Ineliulinir th Drugs and Comp-uinds which are used by Practitioners of Mediclni' with a Collection of tin' most useful Medical eormiilie, and a InrJe Col' lection of the most approved Horse ant Cattle, and' Per fumery. UySAMUEL FREDERICK GRAY. I Printed for TdJgAIndenvood, Hi, Fleet-street. Just piibllshnd.

In royal Svo. price 10s.6d. by Moat GracienuTpermlsslon Dedlcat.i.d to his Mniesty, and Illustrntctl bv mmi ml9Mon' with an eminent mercantile house in London, for the con- or AGENT A Young Man, 5 years of Hue, of the lirst respectability, wishes to ENGAGE ull S1.00J Merchant or House, an flOOK-KK F.PKrt, CON 1 1IEN I'lAI, CLEHK, or AGENT. The Advertiser writes a line hand, understands Ihor.uulily book-keeplnfr by double entry, and Is well initiated In thu Reneral routine of mercantile affairs, haviiiK had the ot a ciuintlnif-honse, and visited bolii Spain nnsl Germany a mercantile capacity. Any Gentleman In want of such a person will unci the Advertiser worthy nttmitiun.

Undeniable references and security If leniiired. Address, potd paid, to A. G. Kooti-Une. OUNT SINAI: a Poem.

By WM. PHILLIPS Esq. of the Middle Temple. The next article is sheep's wool. The annual average importation of the first period is 14,443, of the se- cond, 28,350, 417lbs.

retained for home use, in the first period, 14,430, 9171bs. in the second, 27, official value of woollens exported in the first period, annual aver-' age, in the second, Now, the principal quantity of the wool imported is of the finer qualities, and as the increase of export in the manufactured articles, of woollen cloth is very trifling, it follows that a great increase of consumption must have taken place in this country unless it he maintained (which it certainly cannot, the reverse being the fact) that the growth of British wool has been diminished in a degree corresponding with the" increased Foreign supply. The increased. home consumption is principally in fine cloth made of Saxon and the high-priced wools. The next article of import is silk.

The averages are as follow Raw waste, irem lHlfi to 1820, thrwwn ditto, from 1824 to 1828,. vaw and waste, thrown, 447.50-llbs. The export of manufactured silk goods has varied little, upon a comparison of these two period's. The importation of flax is, for the first period 3(i8. 371 cwt.

for the second, 830,421 cwt. 1 have not been able to obtain any satisfactory information as to tlie quantity of linen cloth exported, hut there can be no doubt of a greatly increased consumption at home. Hides, in the first period, imported, re-exported, 221,200 retained for home use, 458,7 in the second period, imported, 1 ,873,314 re-exported, 211,448 retained for home use, The next articles are tallow andpulm oil, for the manufacture of candles and soap. Imported in the first period, of tallow, 545,540 palm oil, 34,910 cwt. soap exported, oflicial valuation.

candles exported, weight, 4,931,597 lbs; second period, tallow imported, 940,760 cwt palm oil, 95,942 cwt. soap exported, official value, 183, 849i. candles exported, weight, 7.818,718 lbs. 11 The last article which I shall mention is that of fir tim PER A CO VENT-G AR.DEN, RU RY- LANE, fRKNOri best 1.10XES at the above Theatres 1 by NIBht, by .1. ANWRKW3, at lila rem lilt 1 ri Library, New Hood street N.H.

The Whole or the Alternate Weeks of an Opera llox, on the best part of Uie Grand Tier, to be Let for the Season, and other Boxes desirably Bituatutl. ot Brussels; and other hue Pictures toecther with llie Frescos Paul Veronese, are on View at the Mmldux-stret Cillery Adniltlam-e Is Inscriptive Catalogue, Is. JOHN LUCV, Keeper. r-OSMORAxMA, DIOFIAMIC and PANORAMIC EXHIBITION, HKfir-NT-STREKT -The attr ictive View, now exhibit are MOUNT VKSUV1US, where and smoke 1.1 tu.l si. tiothar.l, with the twine e.l the 'evil and the Hlver Itenss i full mnlion-Ciiy of M.

I lice I roS inn rri Paine- 01' the 5eiwor-M. I eter s-ht. HhU efb mh, and m.i i many otk.r Views interesting. -Open Tell till Dusk. Animtlance One Shilling.

ONDON FXHAJTNSlTriJTI ()N. A JL4 COl' RS ot LKCTURKS on MUSIC, bv Thomas Adam. Ksq. will commenced on Kirll April, and continued on the sue ceri lug rnday kv.rnngs; and a CoUK-tK on KLKCTill) MAGNKT-is M. Ai.kx.

Habkv. occupe the Wednesday A mi bscripiioii of JJs.ahiiualiy, or lis. miariirly, with CI. out rn nee, widentillellie Subscrl'-er to the Lectures delivered every the Year; also to lor the sfidv of the Sciences and Languages, tlie in vestlrriitlon ofl'fi llosophical Subiects, and the practice nl Drawing, Mode! I i ti e. besides the use of a Li'arary at Circulation and Keterencv, containing upwards of A traiisleni.ile 1 ic-ket at obtainable on application to any Member, wli i admit a Lady or Gentleman to all llie Lectures during the Quarter, licket at Is.

will admit to nsiiigle Lecture. iiy eirder'of the C'tminittee, HOHK11T CHltlSTIR, Beeretury. No. boiitliamptsn-baUdlngs, Chancery-lane, April 2, isi. TO THE PKOPtUETORS OF EAST INDIA STOCK.

HOIKS AND the 14th Instant, being the Day 3- appointed for tin, Election at the Kast India House, I respectfully solicitation for the honour of our support. "ost grateful acknowledgments for the kindness and favour wllliwsich you have received me on Canvass, I earnestly entreat ysiirattcntluiiee at the Hallat on my behalf. I have the honour to he. Ladlrs and Gentlemen, Your faithful Servant, April 13, 18.10. THOMAS liATUNG.

TO THE PROPUIETOIIS OF KAST INDIA STOCK, I'AIMRS AND "The honour ofsucceeilliii; is of course In proportion to the during and we con Mr. Phillips on his complete success "-The. London: printed for S. Maunder, Newgale-street. Of whom may he bad, in one thick voL price Js.

Oil, or In suparale Parts, Ma nii Kit's TitRASUitY of Knovti.kdob and Librahv of Rkfrk- vKyeciicie; iu -in left, oi troops antl provisions to the amount of 8,000 tons and that it has concluded an arrangement with the Liverpool Steam-bout Company for the use of fiitr of its vessels, to be employed between Toulon and Algiers during the expedition. It now appears certain that the English Government has formally opposed the freighting of these vessels, and that it lias (riven orders for the suspension of all the preparations, Iiy virtue of a clause in the Foreign Enlistment Bill. The Charier-parties already concluded will, therefore, be annulled. It appears, however, that in spite of the prohibition of the Knglish Government, there is no doubt the French agents will be able to obtain the same number of vessels for the projected expedition, under the pretence that they are to be sent to ports other than those of France, as was done with respect to the new Republics of the South, and even to carry arms to the Greeks. This measure, at all events, proves the feeling of the English Government against the expedition.

It is curious enough that Spain has refused to lend us the Port of Cnrthagena for our vessels to put into and get provisions during our expedition, under the pretence that she would be subject to revengeful, attacks on the part of Algiers if we did not succeed. To what point has this Government descended, and what gratitude does it show us for our campaign in Nearly ready. In three volsjipostavo. ARM Ej I A S. Tale of Constantinople.

By CtlARSES AC FARLANF, V.a. Saun tiers and Otlev. Oondiilt-atreet. Of wfiom mavhi. THOSE that have any doubt the ROYAL LON-, BAZAAR, Liverpool-street, New-road, Gray's Iun-road, being all the rune ot Ion, may satisfy themselves of such he! nit the fact by witnessing the great Number of Carriages of the Nobility and Gentry every day driving to the three entrances of the Ilazaar.

The present attractive Exhibitions will be Increased THIS DAY br the addition of MILLER'S beautifully Picturesque MKOHANIOAl. THEATRE, under the authority of the Lord Chamberlain. The only one of the kind in the Kingdom. I CATTON in FRANCE A CLERGY- Hi m-a- licensed by the Hishnp of London, an Chaplain to the English, where be conducts a distinguished Seminary in the ielellbour-hood of Paris, would take of ON or TWO PUPILS, prepared to accompany kirn on his return to that city on Saturday. 17th Inst Inquire of Mr.

Uidgway, bookseller, Piccadilly, y. viuinsi. in Author, TO. IS28-9. Second Of all the Tourists whom the lnttidemand has tempted to the Presii Mr.

Mac Farlane will, beyond comtiarlMiti, most reward the reatier. The main purpwrt of his bnok. ia specifically adapted to the very points on which the curloHity of the moment Is most alive. For the condition of this part of the Eastern world, of its politics, temper, ami prominent lnteresta, just atpresentan authority so recent and so satisfactory as Mr. Mac Farlane, is a greater piece of good fortune than it would have been treasonable tt uxpuct," Edinburgh Review.

Negotiations have been entered into with the Pacha of hgypt, in order to obtain his co-operation in tho expedition GRAMMAR of the LATIN LANGUAGE. By C. Ci. ZUMI'T. Professor in the Frederick's ri I against Algiers, and an Envoy Extraordinary has been sent to him with this object.

It was believed the mission had LFST grateful for the very encouraging assurances JL of (ililitinrl with wliipti I ..,.1 1. i ber the annual average import of the first period was 289,379 loads in the second, for four years ending 1827 (I have not been able to procure the return for 1828), 541,654 loads." p. 16' to 19. PRIVATE Married Clergyman, for some years Tutor tn a Nobleman, and subsequently receiving Six upils Into his house, moderate distance from London, would bo glad to lilt a VACANCY with a Gentleman's Son, whose Education may require more than common attention. Letters addressed to the Rev.

S. Messrs. Harding and Lepard's, boolisullers, i. Pall-mall East, London! will be-duly forwarded to him in the country. NSE IGNEME NT TIN TV ET DE -J Madame IVKSPOURRIN Professor of Ln uvnages), who has witnessed at Lottvain the extraordinary results obtained by a strict adherence to this excellent system, and who saw it demonstrated by Mr.

Jacotot himself, has formed (Masses oil that plan for Young Ladles, at lli-r He-idem "23, Montagu-street, f'orlman square, tortile acqtilrenii-nl of Latin, Itnlbin, The rapldlly of the iro-gress of lier Pupil, Jul ly answers her ex peel at b.ns, and may he ascertained by who niiebt fei-1 inclined to join in the Class, or form others at Madavie house, or at their own. N. It. No but hw who has tried ill's uitide of learning a Pnreign Language can form an idea of the short time leqnlred to obtain its and tile various bXereises practised in this syH cm give to the student In IV mouths the same hicillty fir the pronunciation, the same ease In writing and conversing in it as he finds in using his own language. The Methods Jacotot also applied to Music, Translated irem the German, wltb Additions, by ttoe Rev.

.1 0 IN KF.N-RICK. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged, geo. Ills. fid. Much, indeed, is It to be lamented, men of sound learningare no little inclined to devote their iltne to the amelioration of elementary hooks ror it in essential that the young scholar should meet with such facilities and elucidations, In ipsnjlmine, ai.

may enable him to continue hia classical caieer TOilh a clear comprehension of Ids subject, or nt least an Intimate acquaintance wltli Its prlnciBlfv Yet how is this to be attained, nHles-s those. who are ihwroughly vvrtiert-in. every branch, of claa-slcal lore will contribute their valuable aid In digesting and arranging" such aworlc nssliall combine perspicuity In-the development of general principles witli copiousness of examples, and still keep In view the brevity which is essential to young renders I ThatHucli a plan is perfectly luasilile, Is demonstrated by the production of Pinl'enor Ziimpt which, without unrn-c smiry peiiphrmdle rcmarlfH. is incomparably more (llHuse and abundant in its explaniilions than anysimilar hook io general use at our public schools I he subpict of declensions has been, in all our grammars, must tinperfeellyand superficlallyexplaiiied. The superiority of M.

plan is almost self-evident. He lays down certain general principles, and thoroughly clears away the maas of rubbish which en-cnmberR the usual system. Another advaiuage Is derivable hum M. Zumpl's Crammor, the perspicuous manner In which lie describes; the Renders of the decleu-lons 1 1 Ih not, however, in one hut in almost every instance that Mr. Zumpl displays the superiority of his sysinn Mr.

Kenrick. the ingunlous translalwr, states, iu Ills preface, that the vrork has received several additions. He also remarks, 1 ii a note, that the section on the Roman reckoning isadsiltl-tioua. From whaiever source the information may have beun derived, it is surely of the highest Importance Iu the remainder of this valuable work, the auitiar considers the reckoning of money, and fractional ueen successful, and the arrangements were nearly all concluded, when a formal interdiction arrived at Cairo from Constantinople. The Sultan gave positive orders to the Pacha not to lend his assistance, and Mehemet will therefore remain inactive.

Some persons attribute this to English influence, and indeed it is to discover the part which the English Cabinet takes in this-affair. Accordingto some account it lias required thcFrenchGovei 'nment to enter into an engagement not to attempt to make on the coast of Airicaauy establishment, or form any colony that by virtue of special Treaty, the French army is bound to re-embark, and to leave the country a month at the latest after the taking of Algiers. Other persons, on the contrary, say that the two Cabinets have come, to an understanding, in order mutually to profit by the results of the expedition, and that France will be allowed to do what she likes to Algiers, the right being reserved to England to do as much on some other point of the coast. A letter from Tunis, dated March 2G, says that an English frigate has left Malta for Algiers, in order to take the English Consul on board, as well as the other Consuls, if they should desire it. A report has been circulated at Marseilles, that an English corvette had, a short time previously, appeared off Algiers, and a messenger was landed, who informed the Dey of all our preparations, and not only offered him an asylum in the corvette, but also to receive all his treasure on hoard for safety.

This report, however, must certainly be without foundation. DUTCH AND GERMAN PAPERS. ANC STE R- SQUARE. kind, and zealous exertions of my Mentis, I shall proceed to the Ballot at toe India House, TO.MuRHO (Wednesday, Ntll instant), with the best grounded hope of beins elected a Director of your Affairs, If in any instance I have failed In my anxious desire to pay my personal respects to every Proprietor, 1 trust it will he attrilmLd to the pressure ot time and the very extensive nature of the Canvas. Entreatint; the.tjivtoir of your early utteiidunce at the Ballot, which will cemmeuce at nlne and close at six o'clock, I have the honour to be, very respectfully, Ladles ami (leiitlemeu Your obliged and faithful servant.

GEORGE I.VAL!,. riLr l.ondsn Tavern, Tuesday, 13th April, IS3D. TO THE PROPKIKTORS OF KAJ.T INDIA STOClT LAniKS AMI Most respectfully and earnestly entreat the favour A of your attendance and support at the ANNUA I- ELECTION for SIX 1)1 KEt. 1 ORS, at the East India House, TO-MORROW, when I am willing to euWi tain a sincere and confident hope that the length of time 1 have been on the cr. iiiut in your service, your favourable enii-d-ueraUon of my pretelisi-ns, your kind and liononrable leelines.

and the pecaliar circUMistauces which recommeua me on the present occasion to your protection and patronage, may dispose you to extend to me that euppurt winch will Insure mystue'e. 1 have the honour to he, I. adiesand Gentlemen, Your oiditfed and faithlul Servant, OHAHLKS MACKINNON. 10. York-place, Portraan-square.

April Mr. MacKinnon's Cominiti'H- sit daily at the Kind's Head, Poultry. IIUTISH COLLEGK'of SUIUiliOXS. At tl7e Jt PIJHI.I'.' MEETING of (l.e of the M.mHcmI and ra! whivh is to be l.elti the null instant, at EiKttt o'clock precisely, the lollou iiic Question, io consei nee of nunierou- ui'ues tin ns from ad pans of the Knu'doin, will be proposed Whether liiis Isslituiion slu.l; not erohrace'lie Practice of Physic-US as that of nursery.

By order the Ctoiiiriitlei', 4, Jeicester-pace, April 13, C.IUV1NG, Sec. 'ARTISTS' GENERAL BENEVOLENT IN- for the LI EF id' DE A I A HTI.iTS, their Widows and Or: hans --The Nobility. Friends, and Subscriber-, are re-Dctfnllr Informed that the FIFTEENTH A NNI VE Its A FESTIVAL will he celebrated in FiiufsiAsiiNs' Hai.i on SATURDAY tli 21th Instant. The Ritrh; Hon. tile EARL of Alt IJ KEN, K.T.

in the Chair. To be LE'i an ii good tnler with double For tickets to view apply to excellent Three. rnnMied HOUSE, i coach house, and stabling for six horses. K. and I.

Neivton, 61, Wardour-trcct, Sulio. parts; and the live concluding sections are appropriated to quantity and accentuation. They do not In the slightest degree derogate from the general merits ot the book, which la fur superior to any existing grammar mac we Know luducrimlnntu eulog we-are alu aya averse, but this is a prorlHction which caanot be too strongly recommended." Monthly Review, Dec. 1S2-1. F.xkiicishsou Latiu Kyntax, adapted to Zumnt'a Grammar.

To I-TOUSE, with Garden, Orchard, Stabling, near -fi- Tiiii ii To be at a inoderMe Uent, or the Lease be Die-posed of. a I'ood-siied Detached FAMILY HOUSE, with a large Garden and iirchard. well adapted for School-, situate between Acton and HuminersuiKh cons isl i ug of lour sit line, rooms, sir lied rooms, kitchen, wasli house, uell supplied with good bard and softwaler, cellars, and nlner conveniences a large stable, and sland fora Imnwdlate possession will be given. For and cards to view apply by letter, post paid, to L.M., Old Hond-street. which are added, Kxtnicts from the Writings ot utettia.

Iiy the Rev. jonn teenric-K, nvo. price as. pMtil.d for H. Fellowea, Lutlgate-slreet.

Ry uhnm also will shortly he published. A Krv to Exhur-ishs adapted to Zumpt'a Grammar. By the Rev. SHIP NhWS. Dover, 11.

-Saiied yesterday his Majesty's packet Salamander, with the mail, dispatches, and a number of passengers, amongst whom were, Lee, H. Stock, Ross, Ivlereweather, Martindale, Wallaek, Hall, and Captain Arabin, for Calais. Arrived yesterday, his Majesty's packet Crusader, with two carriages belonging to Murray, Ksq. and a number of passengers, among whom were Mr. M'Pherson, Miss Murray, Mr.

Clark, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Best, Mr. Lynch, from Calais. Arrived the Britannia steam-vessel, from Boulogne, with one carriage and a number of passengers.

Arrived to-day, his Majesty's packet Salamander, with dispatches, one carriage, several boxes of gold bars, Crotch the messenger, and a number of passengers; amongst whom were, Lady Williamson, Count de Dup'orelli, Mr. Dyke, and Mr. Auper with dispatches, Miss Potter, Mr. Drake, Mr. Collet, Mr.

Beech and Lady, Sailed the Royal George steam-vessel, with Admiral Winthrop, Mrs. General O'Connor, and other passengers for Calais. Sailed the Medusa steam-vessel, with wools and a few passengers for Boulogne. Falmouth, April 10. WindS.W.

squally. Arrived yesterday, the Magnet packet, from Lisbon, sailed 4th April. Two French steam-boats arrived in the Tagus on the 3d April, bound to the Mediterranean, put in by stress of weather. Sailed yesterday, the Marlborough packet for Lisbon his Majesty's steamer Echo (with mails) for Cadiz and the Mediterranean, and the Briseis packet for Madeira, Teneriffe, and Brazil. Sailed this day, the Reindeer packet, for Barbadoes, Jamaica, and Carthagena, and the Barracouta packet for Halifax and Bermuda.

Arrived Danish brig Deni Sodskende, Mold master, from Trieste, in 43 days, for Copenhagen, leaky, and must discharge her cargo. Plymouth, April 10. His Majesty's frigate Galatea(42), Capt. C. Napier, C.B., arrived yesterday in the Sound, from Portsmouth, for aforeign station.

By letters received from on board his Majesty's that her return to Eng- land is not anticipated for some period. Sailed the Erin, Carlile Sarah, Lawson Saunders, for London. Arrived the Polperro, of Jersey, from Alicant, 49 days, cargo of wine for Guernsey and Waterford Britannia, M'Dowell, frein Gal way anM jack-o'-the-Lantern, Thornton, 16 days from Terceira, where she landed the Marquess of Palmella and suite was chased into Angra by the blockading squadron, 'Which, it appears, consists of one frigate and three or 'four brigs; the Marquess was received with great enthu joiiii rvenricit, ni.A. aeconu e.uiLion, uvo SALES BY AUCTION. East Dulwich, wear Peckharn Rye, Surrey, with laimedlate posses-don A inoHt UeHlrahleOnuntry Ktnidence, in compln'te order, wilhJUceK CHUT UP COFPEE-HOUSE to LET, in the CITY Any Fcr-nn wishing to embark in the above Business, with a small capital, will lintl the above Premises most eligibly situated, and fitted up in a most suiieriur manner, and may be obtained upon very moderate terms.

Or would be willing to engage with nnyytinng couple understanding the business to conduct the above Oncern, Sa-tlstacloiy leli-rence would be required, Ik a small sum deposited as security, to be upon due naiicc being given. For particulars in. quire, niter tour o'clock In the afternoon, of J. Ward, OS, Jewln-street, Aldersgate-street. Garden, and Paddock of ticli Meadow Land.

Hy Mr. HUUaK UL, at stk n'A a ns. Lrarruway on I uettiiay, Apr it at welve, by order tiie Assignees of Mr. Stavetihasen THE is delightfully situate a short distance frotM Peckham itye, commandiiig pleasant home vtrWB, and ccjh-tains a uo -irl entrance hiiil. rlrawhur and dinin rooms of irooi4 dimensions.

Sir T. D., M.P Joepk. Est TO be DISPOSED OF immediately. for One Kenileman's iiressinir room and water ckri, a spiicinus nursery, five bed l-l linnreu l-ou: lis.

or to be taken at a Va at bin. a Mi ninl nnj Modem HOC IIIOLD FURNITURE of nSIX ROOMED HOUSE, si. tuate.l 34, Gill ingham-street, Piadlco. This will be found worthy the Sir Harry rio-y, liart. Ullrtin Ariller Shee.

Ks P.U.A, John Jackson, Kstt. It. A. Henry Kehses. K-q.

Jolm Hraitliwaite, I- H. P. BricBS, Esq. A K.A. C.

R. co*cke-ell. E'sq. C. Denharn, Esq, Wm.Johu Dor.lii-.-ise, Esq.

Wmi. Freeman, Fsu. H. Lonsdale, Escj. K.

I.u.inale. Esq. W. li Esq. II.

Est). Chanes Russell, Esq. rye Seddnn, EsqV Smart. Esq. Crror'e Hoith Tuulale, Kq.

tieore II. Ward. Eq. Gerge (i. W'vaiville, Esq.

01 any persons wanting a cnmfnrlable ibe li.nirh'iod is hiehlv I e. ns.d tin. bnnsi. I n-tromn and lires- i rrioRi, excellent donw-stic con wu iences, well snppdeii with fine sprin-j; iirifl snlt, water, and excellent cellarinir' the out offices consist of coach ainl chaise hom*o's, siabdfi for tour horse-J, cow houses, piKeries, ami other tweltil productive garden, with Kruetiiiouse, melon frouud, and iiaddrack ot rich meadow land planted The prpniieH are held for an unexpired term of eleven years, at the low rwnt of i)jt.

15 perannum. be viewed hy tickets, which, wlili particuinrs, be had of Mr ith ry i on ven en and the i en only 'iKi. per annum, nod most bo From the Mainu, March 21. We hear of a great plan of economy, which is said to have been proposed to the King of Jhivaria, and will probably receive his Majesty's approbation. According to this plan, which is said to have originated with the King himself, the garrisons in all the fortified towns of Bavaria are to be reduced to one-half of their present strength all the men above the number to receive furloughs for a whole year.

Of course, the men so sent to their homes will nut receive either pay or rations but, according to the new plan, every man is to pay the King 1 krutzer per day, and on the other hand be allowed to take his whole uniform home with him. On the 21st inst. M. I R. Wyss, professor of philosophy, and esteemed throughout Switzerland as an excellent writer, died at.

Heme. Kiel, March 28. We have had some disturbances here, caused hy the rigorous execution of the police regulations against the nocturnal excesses committed by the Students in the streets. Their resistance made the interference of the military necessary. Several arrests have taken place', and one student i by Saturday next, the owner being obliged to leave Lundon.

havine the sum im. I tn or Any person letter, post paid, toA. as above. Hinner on 'I'able at Half-past Fi ve clock. 'i'he Viical'tit Burieli, 13, Tokenhousc-yard paiticolars also of Messrs.

Jtiuut, Hoy, inej. 11. 11, Dul ouuci niff ui;it;iuo. i I cket mcl ud IIU' each, may he had ot the Mewar'ls AJ.istant Secretary tiKri lilurtl, solicitors, Liverpool-street and at JJoyd'H and Crarrawa CV.tieehftuses. OUILDING GROUND, in Saint James's-street S.J To be LET, for I't ulid i lle GROUND facing iSainl Jiiuiw's- o.i evi, i o. a puvce a no mine ret masons i a veru. W. I. ROPER, Assistant Secretary.

Valuable and comuact Freehobl Grniirm Farm, in a beautiful and hSuh anil at th Soriili Wt-oi nC King wtrtv-t. A pjjiy 10 Messrs. and Cardiile, 'J, Jitfdi-yrel-ruvv. If by letter f'ai de. lii aniiey po-i paid.

cultivated pnrt of the county of Kent, within 'Mi miles ol LoHdon, ith early possession. Iiy Mr. iitJUKKGG, tiarraway's, on Tuesday, April -7, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of Mr. Hlchaid A A I A L. Pathovkss-H.

it. H. tiif Duchuss of I.OVC -KSTE l-l. Crow, deceased. MILLINERY, -MAGAZIN FRENCH DE Most valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, in Kent, 59, Ludeale-lllll.

A select nod eleirint variety of within thirty miles uf Lundon, ultuntc In thu parishes Cowdcn in r. FANCY IODS iust imootted ot -lie latest Paris siasm, and lias considerabh' elated the hopes ot the Consti ops. Ladies nurcbsio are sio.el 1 1 solii iled to visit tutionalists. A Proclamation from Don Pedro was in circu above Esiabilshmetit. where they will li cl style, e-Ugance, and fa.hiun U'-lled wild Very moderate charges.

Puksiiiknt Han. Mr. Justice PARK. Vl( K-PltKSI PKST5. The hnp of Winchester I Sir Charles Price, Hart.

Hun. Bartholomew llouverie, al.P. I 1 nomas Dorrien. K-q H.U1. Ruben Henley Kden Michael Alieltj Taylor, Est).

M.P. RK AS tf It Kit ARTHUR Ksq. The ANXIVERSAltV N(i ot the GOVKRNORS of this Il-ispi-tal wilt he Oriel on Tut-s-'lae. the ii stant. at tile Albill Tavelli, Al-dersgate-street, ar'trr a SKfc.MON, to renci ed I Cha i-l of the Hospital, by llie Hihf Rev.

the Lord llishop of Usli.trp. 1 lie Chapel doors will be opened atTwelve oVI. i k. and Divine Service bifida at One. Dinner he on the at Six e'ciock ptrci.sely.

lation in the island, its purport we have not been able to and ChiddiittfKtone, wittiln neveii miles of Tuubridge U'elU crtMsiatiiiK of about 11 a. res of rich meadow, arable, liop, ana wood hind, with a LMiod Farm-house, tw kooiI Cottam's, four barns, stables, vrnnary, hopouKi, and oihir convenient buildings. The Kftatu Is en! ed BASSETS, remarkably well and worthy of the attention of any Geiitiem us wishing lor a qualilication, iy'mv, between two preiserves abonudiiiif with name, and iybe had immediately. May be 'viewed tniiTUen d.tys precedintf the sale, when particulars, with a plan ot the estate annexed, may be hud on the ITemUes of IU'. Miles Crmv, soilcitwr, and at tlie Crvn.

ven 0kH atthelloaeand Cron Tiuihrlflue nssex A rniH, Tuobridtu' WelN Loleester Arms, renshuist; Star, Maidstone Kind's Arms. Westerham Hell, Bromley; of Messrs. KlaOmock aim liunce, unlieitors, ICio'h Bench-walk, Tempiei the plac of tale and of Mr. Uurrell, 13, Tukenhouse-yurd. OTKVrARllS.

Rlht Hon. Fari Ferrers IASH ION APiLE DRESS COATS. Noblemen -S. and Genlleuu-u are respectlnliy in-ormed, W. WILLIAMS, No.

(i, Ox rd-s' is making every Article of liREsS, of the ve, best quahtie-. niu superior workmanship, ill the lirst style, at the f.ilb.winv prices: oiperline Driias Coals. -J Illue or Rlack. 3. lis.

to 3. Hs. Kasliionable vVai-tcfiats, newest patterns, lis. upwards. Itu-sian Drill and Nankeen Trow-ers Us Kerseymere lioni 13- to Lailiea' Riding sl.its, made to lit In superior manner, at a v-ry reasonable price Servants' Liveries, o- best qualities, at so low a prie--thrit must sure please; a suit a I clothes made In nine hours, nired, at Wiiiiams', rlress coat and court druss tailor, (i, Oxford-street.

liiiam Gilpin, Esq. James Goidin1-'. Ksq. Rev. Jami-s Allan l.oms Hayes P.dit, Esq.

Russell, Esq. William Sultan, Esq. Hjii. Agar M.P. Sir W.

W. Pepys. Hart. Sir F. M.

Otiunanney Angela Esq. M.P. Ch-irles Frincis. Esq. l'a'1-E RESlbF.NCE, learn and it was rumoured that the Jimperor has granted 8,000.

per month towards the support of the garrison. puom Lloyd's. Deal, April 11. Wind W.SAV. Arrived from London the Albion, Pollard, Miramichi Kingfisher, Raynor, Quebec Sarah, Koome, St.

John's Thomas, Hoddar, Ctuebec Ann, Boyle. St. Helena; Exmouth, Greig, and Esideavour, Collins, Quebec Justice, lieay, Halil'ax Francis, Heard, Quebec; Quebec Packet, Atkinson; London, Falkner George Canning, M'Lellan Liddel, Thompson Cicero, Robinson, Quebec Crown, Barker, and James, Walton, Miramichi. Arrived from London the United Kingdom, and Klizabeth, for Jamaica and Regulus, Antigua. The outward bound remain.

Portsmouth, April 11. Wind W. Arrived his Ma OF ITFUTFORIl'S THE MAHQUKS. -re an Five '1'huu-a- P1CCAOILLV. nearly of Suu-e t'se insfnut.on of tl tunate 0 il tr U'omen have been permanently ree; Ky April fi, ls30.

SolE GLACE and SHOT SILKS. er of llie Conirni'tes'. JOHN is said to be dangerously wounded through an unfortunate fall, in which he struck his head against a stone. We hope that proper measures will be taken to prevent similar riots in the Easter week. Smyrna, March A beautiful Austrian merchantman, the Prince Mettcrnich, has been driven in a violent storm on the coast, of Pliocene, and is a complete wreck.

The crew, was saved, but no part of the cargo. The loss is very great, as the ship had on board goods for the Austrian squadron in the Levant, to the value of 80,000 florins, besides merchandise to the amount of laO.OOO florins, of all which no more than one halfwits insured. April Itis said that a young Silesian Prince is on tiie point of turning from the Catholic Church to embrace the Protestant Religion. Such cases are veiy common in Silesia, and they are hardly spoken of unless the parties are of some consequence. A military and historical work, on the campaigns of 1813, 1-1, and 15, by Lieutenant-General Von Grottman, is expected to be shortly published.

It is looked for with much curiosity. llnmlmrfrh 'nicrs, April 6. St. PuTEitsBUKcii-i, Mahcii 2fi. The Countess Diebitsch Salialkausky, wife of his Excellency the Field-Marshal, and Lady of Honour to her Majesty the Empress, died yesterday in this capital.

His Majesty the Emperor arrived here from Moscow in perfect health, this afternoon, between three and four JL A P.M.VCK, iLTVf (rrtfititv of th- Sec. near Silli, for Drjsvfs r.n;i iti, now (n SAi.K iiUUVVN'S, -i-i -I ItrfCt'iil-Ktrcet, where the follwvv- ASYLUM for FEMALE Pt'iiaes, in bt-suiiini! prisin.iiir: I Silk-nifrcrrs. -u lielri I-lou-e, ii'i (lor lie nirMn. art 'o "ellinif re markahiy hwihi; t'. Ih- ht-avy luss bv the Manufacturers Hk-h lit-nrwl Silks FTer lioyai Puehs of (' A It Ill i K.

i'tt ksio k.t i ii.ral thf P.ikt? tl CAM IJIU UtiK, iv.G. Path on ks jesty's ship Briton, Honduras, sailed the 2o'th of December; tie i nun t-9 iif T.ivrTinfi1 ti as flee firu- den Iniic-i. White Satina, C'rcpe de Le'in, Palm yrl ties, AL-rophaneH, (-rap; de arina qni' and many Noveitwy in nrcs.s for tilt; M'riy a largtf variety of Gro- de Naples in all colours and i rick Cant lu-iCh un- er their value, from Spitaliiulds printed atid coloursd Mishhcf, the nevv Ginghaniy, hands me Slnwlw, Musi It. and White Muslin f.incy (iauze and Zvphyr Handkerchii'fu and Scans a urg collection nf huatititul new Kib-mtiH. Silk and CoLtwn Stocking, Lace, Hinck Veils, iii uids Gloves, Gamljrlc Hnndkeichiefv, and every rt-quiHite for a Lady Wardrobe equally cheap.

ini.tart Tin- Vi-L'tmnless Guder.e!'! Lady Park Vice Pk The L'ird Chancfllor Ihtf D.skof Uev.Mwitirtf. G. i Duke lb ruiili lie K.vrl Tiie Earl ui' Mth-l The Lurd iiishup Lincoln TitkAsrriKa-'l Ifiw ANWIVVRS VHV SK11.UUN Li- SQJI Bli and bON respectfully announce to -LtJL the Nihility and Gentry, that they have received InstructioHS to lu SA LK by A Iji'Tl N' on the Premises, on Tnosday, April 20, thy A I ON, overlooking lii Grfew Park, and late the HvMdeuee of the MA HULL- 8.S id F.U i'FOKU, who has removed to lioitse. Fiom Its situation, comtmnrihiK exterior, internal arratit'inent, and ext" tu, this noble KF.H I K.N'CK is fwlly to the establishment ut tiny Personage of the i rank, istinc liun, or weylthi beinK one ot tbf few f'rivnte Mansi -iih ot which the Metropoiin can boui thai architectu rul beauty, Kfeat richness tf Interior decor nlbtn, ample means for the display ol magnificence, or atlbrdlng festivity on an enlarg-rd scatw, without the sacrilicc of convenient ami domestic com furl, ia in excellent repair, and ImiBediate possession may had. Persons trletdrou ot viewincr the I'remivus are requested to apply to Mr.

Squibb and Hon, Savllle-iow, who will furnish catds uf admission and riencrlptlvu partlculnru. A chfiicu of Indian Articles, In raided and Gold-lacuer Cane Matting, superb Oriental China, and a magnllictint Cache mere Carpet KuUaU I lur a Cuundl Table. K- ti'TANLEy respectfully acquaints the Nobility i i. and Otjntrv that he wilt SUBMIT to SALE, at hits Auction rtoms, '21. Obi on Thurnday next, April 1 a choice Selection of INDIAN AKTICLKS In rare Wcautliul CHINA, consisting of jars, vases, and deKsert orvkey! of the fine old Japan, Mandarin, enamel, and scarce Pink Crackle superior cane mattiuK.

of various dimensions painted wrought Bilk Chinese blind', suveral pieces of Han-danas, cabinets and tableH of raised pati antl rich ptjld hicquer, ivory and iacquer fans, beautiful toilet and card boxes, ilaiii client) beards and wii mtitber-o'-pearl counters, with a rreut variety of useful and articles ui a rare, elegant, anil description. May be viewed two diyn preVetllng, and catalOKUe.s had at the Hoomc NTS f.urd Hu-xify Ho. Mr. Jn-Uicft Park ry-- Hon. us' ice- Ou-nisfjn, hq Pnl iii-T.

M.P, C. Uarciay. M.P. f.elt. this CHAlU I'V will tit; 'ARNESS and SADLERYof the most fashionable constitntlv on SAf.K at lh(.

HOLt'sR and Kin? --treet, P-irtmaii-uuare. Kvury descriptin of 11 arties-, Sadie? Huciwi; and other Clutliliur. Stuble Utensils, ike. ot the very hurt materials and workman-ship, at extremely low rices. in tint or i titulinn, on M'iv 'i.

Iiy the I't-v. flop of LLAN IJAKJ-'. lOiviae Service at it 'jnarlwr I lie tr.ide and urdur fur home uon.MiiMDtlon and exnartui ion. -Mil) Lord pas: Ldrvt-n prcielv esecntud ilh punctuality ritspatch. Ihv A.VN'lV'KHSAilV DIXaVFH will take place on Wednesday, May at tiie Fret-iiias-tiu' I'livcm.

irom Vera Cruz, 19th Januaiy from Tampico, the 15th of February; and Havannah, the 2d ult. has 800,000 dollars, and a small quantity of cochineal on board. Sailed his Majesty's ship North Star, for the West Indies. FROM THE PORTSMOUTH HERALD. Although Sir Robert Stopford will, as stated in a former number of The Herald, continue to fill the office of Com mander-in-Chief beyond the usual period, the flag ship will, notwithstanding, be paid off at the regular time, 30th and reconunissioned by Captain Hyde Parker.

George Smith, Secretary to the Navy Board, left Portsmouth for London yesterday, having closed his labours at this dock-yard, the result of which will be the reduction in the mechanical departments mentioned in our last, and alterations in the Clerical Departments similar to those effected at Plymouth, the particulars of which we have already stated. The intended reductions amongst the Clerks will takeplaceabout the21stof this month, when it is calculated all arrears of duty will have been cleared off. The superannuations, it is expected, will include the following Gen -tlemen, viz. Store Office Mr. John Thorpe, first Clerk, first class Mr.

Jas. Scharrier, fourth Clerk, second class, CHAi, HAUGI.AV. M.P., in tlie Chuir. bXIiWA ItLS. o'clock.

Journal tin St. I'atcrnburgh, March 27. Uhussels, April 7. It appears that the captains of ships to Antwerp complain very much of the delay which they experience, after having discharged their cargoes, in procuring ballast, so that ships are often obliged to wait at least ten days for it. It is hoped, however, that when the contract expires this year, the Magistrates will insert conditions in the new contract, by which this evil will be remedied.

Amsterdam, April D. Yesterday arrived here Count Rossi, Sardinian Charge-d'AtTaires at the Court of the Ne PASHIONAI5LE UPMOLSTELIY and CABI- 8. NKi' KURNiTURK, on SALF, at the HORSE I1AZA A 11. The Nobiiiiv, Ceatr and 1'ublic, are respectfully Informed, that every article in ei-cml, as well a-ornamental and elegant FU RNITURK, i no on SAl.K In the Furniture Department, comprising a greater every dsscripliuu ot cabinet work, male from the tinest and Iiy III i -i i'actn rers, than call be foundill any other individual establishment. Country Healers and Merchants will hud the advantage ol purchases in ibis market.

Krq. Miles stringer, Kq. ThdS. S.iun Wm. '1'httr ivyinA, i'.

VfUtiff, Kttj, J- Ivat Briscoe, Ksq. J. U. Burbidyf, Sami.Coxi.end, Esq. Ceipt.

l)-VOP. J. H. Ryq. TTrKe'- K'i-iind Aiderrnan J.

Leiittiail, Ksq. Valuable Collection of Pictures. that THIS MR. STANLEY respectfully annouccs, DAY, Ihc 13lll Instant, at Twelve, be wilt subn ubmit therlands Count Hardegg, Chamberlain of the Emperorof to SALE by i REE HUNDRED CARRIAGES on SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT, at til- HORSE HAZAAR, Kii. g-I'orunan -ouare, oth New and S-cond Hand, of everv kind and Dinner 3f.s.

eacli. tjie Stewards and the are induced piirlicuhtrly call ujinn tnnr Friends r.i;d ihe Pnbiic on tliis oixa-idli, and ie th iiftn.Lir tutuiot this old and intereStiM Charity, wliivh ha- -uppnrted. and provide--: with r- situa u- nearly Keniale Ori.ji.-u ami the Fundi ot whit have beet: man-rial: tdrnL-isbe''. bv 'he nr-rteij bis en.l itrwwt.utrpei. without reserve (in cuii- Austria; and M.

Fraismet, Consul-General or the is ether-lands at Algiers. et, St. Pktehsiuirgii, March 2-1. As soon as the navigation HCC.SSii.-Y oftht-Mr- PrnmUs. Hit; Lherenn.

-Secretary. of the Baltic is open, a stearn-boat will be employed to ply io.s, WaU-' Fuss, I-iie Guardians, Hi. lUs Annual i.riiartii; wrarv regularly between Riga and Lubeck. M. Hermann Schroede, sniuence of the Proprietor heinK under the necessity of retui nintf immediately to tiie Continent), a very valuable CO LLF.C 1'ION ot PICTURKS, nelected with irood taste and judgement trenn (Jallerles and t'abinets abroad by an Eminent Collector-.

ncludltiK very.splendid coinpusiiion by Le llei, which obtained lite Pilie from lite Academy at Paris; and capital Specimens r.f Woiivt-Tniana Tenlers Stoop HtutlitenburK Hocprl Claude A. Cuyp Pynaeker Poussin Both Vermetilen Swanevelclt antl others too numerous ts particularise. Hay be viewed, und catalogues bad. JIGH i'LY SHELTEIt to the HOUsELKSS. Presliient-The Uiitht Hun.

the ORU MAYOR. byte most mi ne 1. 1 builders. The 1'ublic will find, in resorting to tills extensive aim lalnoiiable Market, that there are constantly such a v.irie: i Ciirriagrs on sale at Very low, that offers In ail respects greater advantages to a purchaser than any other individual inarselin St-clt Valued in tivn or country and money advanced on carnages ill proportion to their value i and Hales by Auction every fortnight. 3 ARE old 6EVRE, DRESDEN, BERLIN and JL otlu-r CH 1 A Italian and French I'ronai's, rich chased Plattt and I'laled Goods, in-itciiiess Ca? villus, Groups, Figures and Vasea in marble ami iiiil and Marqueirue Fttrniiure, on SALE, at llf, Leict'Bttr-sqiure.

Musts and Liken esseu, warranted, life size, I'j wuineaa. Fine Bust ot his MujBty, just linish-ed, life price 1'Js. GA, Ancient Furnittire. Pictares, Clnckn, Porcelain, (ilnsseB, Carpets, etc. ESSRS.

WELPORD respectfully announce mat Uiev- aro directed by the Trustees of Mr. L. Jacobs, SELL by Trei-suror Sir JOHN WM. LU I'. iCK Hurt.

i lie Cnmmiiiee, in acq minting the that the several asylumns are ro.vv iosed fur the -eas-u, and s'lbioltting a st itelilent of tiersous and rations administi-red, lliii.k- it incumbent ujuin Lhem to press their conviction that object, ibis charity has been answer-eu to a very reat extent in affording shelter to mils, ivho but for such a jirovlsion would have liven "exposed In the rigour ot the lair iacieieentseasoti, without a roof to p-utecL them, and that the result Cif rieiii scrutiny has convinced ttlvm that but applicants have bet-n who were not by their destitute eulilied to tiie rejlel afforded. The Committee have itb great satisfaction that the example i this Charily been followed, bya est having been "-tit ited at and venture to a hope Unit, wherever tl llttc nsct-sally exists, it be mt by a pmvisUH. the proprietor, thinks it may make eighteen voyages in the course of tlie season. It will take letters, parcels, goods, and passengers, and will also be allowed, on its passage to or from Riga, to touch at Liebau, and land or take in passengers, but it must not land or take on board goods at Liebau. Berlin, April 5.

The latest accounts respecting the state of the Oder, and other livers, announce that the waters had subsided, and the danger was in general past but the damage done is very great; and it will not be possible to know or to estimate the amount till tlie waters have "wholly subsided. Prussian Slate Guzettt, April 6. Vienna, April 1. Metalliques, 104; Four per 98J Bank Shares, 1387. Migemeine Zeitung, April 0.

EXCHANGES ON LONDON. both of whom were volunteers; Check Ofhce Mr. Z.Webu, third class Measurers' Office Mr.Cressy, second class Mr. Stobee, Mr. J.

Radcliffe, and Mr. George Smith, third class. Mr. George Skinner, of the Storekeeper's Office, has been appointed to Deptford Victualling Office. In pursuance of the general system of economy adopted by Government, Mr.

Hancorn, the Deputy Storekeeper at Priddy's Hard Magazine, has been put upon a retired allowance, and the office done away with. The same offices at other stations are also reduced. Mr. Pcllat, Deputy Starekeeper at the Royal Magazine at Purileet, has been appointed Storekeeper at Weedon, Northampton. We understand that the foremen in this dock-yard, who have hitherto received two pounds weekly, and the remainder at the end of the quarter, are in future to lie paid quarterly this will only affect those whose salaries do not exceed 15(1'.

per annnm. Ao order has been received at this Dock-yard to survey his Majesty's sloop Ontaria, 18, and his Majesty's ship Menai, 2(i, with the view, it is said, of employing them as transports. The Adrian. convict ship arrived here from the River on Tuesdav, with sundry detachments of troops as a guard, and on Thursday received 108 convicts from the hulks at this port, for New South Wales, unper the medicid. superintendence of D.

G. H. Weatherhead, R.N. AIJC 1'ION, at their Spacious IIoskis, No. 4111, Oxlortl-siree una.

on Moodiiv nuxt, and foiloiviug Hays, at Twelve, the ya liable STOCK of ANC1KN1' KUIINITUIIE. tine Pictures, Prints, and Uraw-ine. costly musical and other clocks, Oriental and Dresden ch na, life size iiiarble liiires and busts, a splendidly sculptured marble chimney piece, larve liiurces. Umpn, and ehundaliers, loose carvings, screens, tripods, iindn rtreiil variety of useful and oninmciital items; a soliis bousehrjld futnlture, aninve of library bookcases extending 17 ieei.iarue Tierkev carpets, India Itc. Which may lie viewed on Friday and Satur'dny; when oatalotrues may he bad at the Auction Rooms, Oxford-street, and '2.

bautn. street, Grosvenor-squars. i 1 Total AsyluniB. Rations. I Admissions.

'i ESSRS. PELLATT and GREEN, of 16, St. 1 A. Faiil's, tlhurcb-yaid, take the liberty of InfurmiiiK their friends and llie puldic, that bavins to the (letermiHatlan isf retiring fiom tlie Itelail Trade, the wlioie of their Extensive and Valuable STOCK, lu St. Paul's Church yard, is on SaLK, at very reduced price, by PRI-VaTK CONTKACJ', lor Ready Money only, coiisihtlns; uf CHINA I'libie servicei; of lhu must -pproved Colebrook-dale, Warcea-ter, It nt-1; I liuni, and fslirlcs breakfast and tea services the above ma outactur es.

lite largest assortMlent perhaps in London dessert services ol ev-jrv variety, in Foreign and British porcelain ornaments, Coleiironk dale, in the Dresden style, lor the drawine-room table and niaulel-piece, with lisioirtnient of Frt'Kcil ornaments; aio sir. copies ol the I'urtiat-ul Vase, and a elmlce cdlec-f on in' Vases, from the Hamilton and Fbneleueid drawings chamber wnre, ike. 1 i-. Talilv Kervicea uf every modern form and pattern, blue, while, and iaoau coloured, wilti nod without ornameiilal cild- Glnbe-Ktreet t. -Jb, s.ij id yo3 fi.yiiy 2.1U 1 11.

bit Hamuurgii, Aihul (i. 13. 14 Two Months, 13. 12J-. Berlin, April 3.

Three months, 7. OL St. Petersuvrgii, March 25. 10 13-32. Bremen, Aputl 2.

Two Months, (li). Amsterdam, April 12. 30. Two Months, 12 22L I 1 13 0(13 lis have been received si no; the last rep tit in, I X'd 0 inc oi brcaluasl, dessert, and clumber ware, uf approved forms and INTERNAL TRADE OF THE COUNTRY. The following: snbsc rlptii.

At the CorninitLec Km T. Kobr-rt Rarclay Esq. James fiownie, idrn. Priestley, per Mr. Gilbert At the Treasurer's Alfred ii-itiiuel Powell, Ksq.

per Coutts and Co. Stationery, Hou.ehnld Furniture. Shop wi" bOrJ, at his Great llomn, 11)2, Uieet-street, THIj- DAY, April and following Day, at Twelve to mirfitte, by order ol the Assignees, milE STOCK of STATIONERY, HOUSE- HOLD FURN'ITUIXE, PURSUES, FIXTUHKS, Sic. oi Mr. GARI FN, late of No.

fi Hiilbom, Stationer. '1 he statloiiery com-pHsespost, fooiscao.and copy, and blue demy double foo s-up, hlotflner, tissue, double small. rosal ha maPckP1Btta ledcers account, memorandum, cyphering: ann copy-liooks ack-lead tfendls seal iiiK wx, wafers, infelamis, an extensive assortment ens onUls Xtc Capita stan'dlner and cntUng The Fur- Itur'e iic.nsisu a nd coach-to berlstenis, with, fornftnres mahogany couches, sola a Pembroke tables, pier anil dresslnt? glasses, chests ot drawers, lSSSi. chails klicber. and brew Shop Uxturcs, Dook-shelveB, countem.

rUlns To fee viewed mid cataloKUUs Had. i 2 fi 1 per hi'fH and fo. 5 ID 111 K. C. Giyn, Kt.

per Ham-1 0 mersU-y and Co. 5 1 1 (J At Messrs. Ibmru's, FU-e t-slr-et. D.W. in 0 1 1 0 Kinperfir, K-q.

'2 0 0 At Messrs Sm th, Payne and 1 3 0 i Lady Heitfual, perCuutLs I and Co. 10 0 0 2 0 0 JOHN H. FHHESK, Hon. Finaiice Committee. 113.

TH UN WARK Table servlceH of the newest forms, in every varb-ty, iu blue, brown, and lilac, printed and coloured jupail ii d. sse 1 1, Uf eak fast, and tea services, of various tlesiiiis. Alse a latee assurtment ol coiomon ivliite pl.iL-s and di.hes, blnu and brown eoijed lablc suitable to kitchen use ar lor exportation. ot their own superior manufacture, consistint; of very sopuro chandeliers, Kiraiidi-iles, and candlesticks; dccanlerH, wine anil es, bock and cian-t bottles uf varl.uis colours, with and Mitt, out handles; water botlbs, butter saltsellers, and table Slasi, in Kem-ral richly oriiaiiiented epeiKne dishes, and dessert glass ot variety, some very superbly cut. Alsu best antl coiiiinun plain decanter-, wines.

suitable to privale families and tavern-keepsrs lKU ir, cruel, pi- leie, and soy sels, richly cat. In andsilver frames eprrKnus coinpl.u.-, plateaux; toilette and smelling bottles, with and wit, nun crystailo ceratuie, in uVt-ry possible variety, LA.11 draivnu: room hawiHi: lustres, bronzed bubl tllltluue 75, Old liroad-street, April 10, rE? the undersigned HENRY FITZGERALD and If f-s 1 1 1( 1 f. I). loa morn cut ot ir it ion and Pictures. 1 TR- EDWARD FOSTER respectfully acquaints IV 1 the Public be will SELL by AUCTION, at Ills Great Itoum, 14, T1JL ft (1 II ft at Twelve, a m.

l.l.Rf.. I'welve. a COLLKC- Mr. Hummel, the celebrated composer and piano -forte player, has arrived in London, and will give his morning Concert on Thursday, the 29th April, at the Opera Concert Rooms. Of all the enhancers of prices in this great metropolis, the fishmongers, we have had repeated occasion to observe, are the most notorious.

Not content with the indefinite surcharge which the laxity of the credit system has introduced, not content with that surcharge, equally indefinite, but, like the erring on the safe side, which the perishable nature of the commodity in part justifies not content with even the ordinary advantages of what, is as ureal a monopoly as if it were constituted by Act of Parliament these dealers, imitating in this respect the. worst features eif the worst monopoly of which commerce supplies us with an example, are in the daily habit of destroying their goods rather than abate their prices of foregoing the profit which they might reap from supplying the poor, rather than give FROM MR. HLSKtSSON's PVH5LISHED SPEECH. The Home Trade must, of necessity, be. of great im portiince and value but it has been sacrificed, ruined, and put down (we are told) by the forcing and encouragement given, under the new system, to our Export Trade.

To maintain this position the following argument, if argument it can be called, is had recourse to. The increase of our Export Trade has been followed by a more than proportionate decrease of the Home Trade; by forcing the one you have injured the other, and the result is that both have become unprofitable. I know not how to measure the Home Trade, except by the Home Consumption. It may be difficult, especially for an individual like myself, unaided by the assistance which office affords, to ascertain accurately the amount of that consumption. I have, however, endeavoured, by a reference to the Returns to this House, and with the aid of some intelligent friends in the mercantile line, to collect information upon this point; and I will now, with the permission of the House, state the result.

I have selected articles of the most extensive use in the manufac and Dutch Schools, la- TION'nf PICTUhKS of the Italian, flemish: no al i an I OS lor ominir rooms a ver l.iree I ni 1 of i.shlp liiiuos on tin when labouring und-r the llects of inebriety, trossly and intnemo-l iniprovoked manner, as.auif.ed itlr THUMAS, Su.ieriuU-iident of Police, by collarlnv and drtwinir him alone the public streets, on the nk'hl of the Sth instant, do hereby acknowledge our error, and lies' leave most fiincereiy to apoloitiz to air. rhomas. and express wur surrowlhat we should have beu-n ui iiy of so unjustifiable an assanie un-u him. And I. Henry Flizrrald, for myself do vei particularly exiress iyreret that I attempted to asperse the character of Mr.

the Jin. eistrates at on the tollowlui; day. I admit thai 1 did so most unjustly, and am fully satisfied that Thomas is a Iliehly resprcUble t'l-l's and wboile tb hiioolntio-i I to his charge. principle, and bronzed candlesticks; ball Jump and lant-i, plsln and ornanifiil ud ot eve re il-s(-ri 01 1, crn: eluding spe.d.n.tns of 0. Marrnttt BrackenberS luKarden r.lttrillc.

Rembrandt relliieiuu lb lers Itoioboiit Viindylte vnniler Meulen Tenters Velnsuuns RcTa, iust removed 'from the Country, arid part just Imported. be viewed on" day prior, and c.laloaiies had at Mr. Foster's Office, 1-1, Greek-street, Soho-square. Ami we severally r. Thomas for i-ouseiilliii! to atnilldon measures aeaiiist us for such our iniscoodu.

t. Ii KN it Frr'MFHALi). 1 1.e loreuoini; splenuid and well-selected Stock will be exhibited at veiy i.duced ui-icfs; any niy now be obtained ugretably to the wants of Hie buver, llowi-ver, tile Stock shall have become uusuiiciiby private coutratl, it In intended to sell tile remainder by auction, llanjut Ui. Iota will be worthy tlie particular attention of tavern-keepers, merchants, and llie trade. A able (uaiuity of (Juod aberry to be dispose 1 of at a reduced price, den veted free of in or near London, in quantities not less than six cozen.

'''he U'hulesale Glass Business in conducted, as usual, at tlie Falcon tilass Works and Steam Cuitim; Mills, Holland-street, lliackfriars. A as the Slock Is soid oil', the extensive Premises In St. Paul's ohyard, consistint; of a frontage in SI. Paul's Churchyard of 2.1 feet. Fuancis Lloyd.

JOHN JIAUHONAI.I). This SAUCE. UKE of GLOUCESTER'S floolts in Quires, Stereotype Plutes, Illessrs. SOU n.l GATE, (illlMSTON, 11 11 ri WELLS, at tbelr Kooma, 2--', Fle-t-struet, 011 Thursday, April 15, and Two following Days, at Hull-past Twelve ebrnt.l tlm es in niiiversallv ackriowb'fK'e 1 to be thre Strellyth .,1 II rvev's. K-adinp.

or any other kiiowm, unci Is flavour nly the R. II. me ever profiucn, rrejjareu COMPRISING large Quantities and Remainders of viiluaMe WOlUiS in viirimis Ueparlraentnof Literature, particularly firydcea's Itecnlleainiis of Farelirii '1 1 avel, 2 vols.8vo. Christian ith'STi years cbler i.ouk io c. W.

Lor Iuke i esteemed Pillimiit and Also l.npresti enne. in boll is. each Si, id a' Mr. brsl.lim, Jo Lutl- 1 oats, iroutaaelii Carur-lane, feet, Ueptli from front to back, 8H leet, wiib two snow-rooinu, feel by -'el well sulied to an hotel or uphol-steicr, or any bu.lness retiilriiiB lare premises, will be Let. Apply on inel remises ur ol I'oplia and Son, St.

Pat-ll's Church-yard. Alsu, with immediate pu-es-iun, situate In Little Carter. lane, Five-Stall Stable and Cuach-huuse, wild three iloors of warehouses ab Uutit, silt per aiuuiin. Wilniott ltd ffri.i-Jrboreb sir. el rut lie II Wfi (i uf I Il i ell ly Kecoider, Conk's View ol unrisuaiiiiy.

vuis.ovu.; oruise keiv Zealand, svo. 1 Dictionary of IMuslchins, 'i v.iln. Svo. Jackson's Illuntra-tions of dhakspearu.Svo Ladles' Monthly Museum Lavs of the Min-i Mnivin'a Classical Disqnistuons, Svo. Mann's ChrlB- Fishmon-ers.

H. A variety of tures of this country, and I have made my comparison upon tlie consumption of five years; namely, fi'om 1815 (I select this as the year of the highest Return) to 1820, both inclusive, and in like manner for the last five years, from 1824 to 1828. The first article to which I shall refer is cotton-wool. The average annual importation, from lBlfi to 1S20, was the average "annual importation, from 1824 to 1828, was 9921bs. The average annual exportation of cotton wool for the same period was, for the first, the he lavoureel Fish fauces ever ta-ted at -Js.

ai ll f'tl 1'er bottle ti IVmo. HI rilloir 0 I BH dels Ii Oil 8 VO MorCWOOdOH prepared on the principles of Cookery, and adapted to save troubi, if and ixpence Maybe obtained with useful instructions, at Lopresti's Warehouse, 2-, Mount-street, Disiilliulon, Svo.i M'Uueen on the India Colonies, 8vo. Nl-cbolla's Hecolleutiona of Oeorge Bv'1-i Pi" llps's Sylva Flo- 9 enl Sler, Piatt's I 1 1 i VCI'Sal 1 OfeTliph 5VOlR. 8VO. I Plait's In a day or two, the Kxpected Book, ARRIETTE WTLSOiVi) IEV NOVEL Helf.lnumretintr New Testament, 4 yO S.

Bvo.j Sknttowe's Life of LEASED LIVER. This may be called the pre- Lb.t It A (JA'UI up even by implication tneir ciaim io piunuci i.e.... There wanted but one aggravation to finish this picture and a letter from a correspondent at Kamsgate, that now lies before us, supplies it. It is an undisputed fact (says our correspondent), that while the inhabitants of London cannot but at an extravagant rate obtain this healthy article of food, there are hundreds who from time to time become a burden to the parishes along thecoastbecausethereturnsfromBillings-gate Market are notsufficient to keep their vessels aadgear in repair In illustration of the prices which the fish monopolizers pay to these poor men, our correspondent states the following remarkable fact Two vessels belonging to Ramsgate have carried to Billingsgate during the last month 16'0 pots, as they are called, each containing 401bs, or on an average 30 pairs of soles, for the supply of the Lenten fast of the metropolis and what do our readers imagine lias been tlie price received by their proprietors Six shillings per pot, or one penny one-fifth per sole! Our readers, by consulting their household books, will be able to tell what has been the average rate at which they have purchased this excellent fish during the same period. When such is the return to the fishermen on the choice species of ir, on.

floni suit qui Mai pense. lu 3 vola. post tl as sn -4 e. 2 s. vo -av, VUMlT'l? (iluHC nf nf ui iihCIiiIIv 2 111 0 II II lOStf svo.

jr. ns. hu -o have resided in warm or served 'in lie Navy und Army, ''tfyare alivuvs. nt niitnre. nut the I.iver, No.

16, Truver-square, Knlglits- oioisuei. iinei sum oy me Aotlioress bi'idye. To be hud ot all Booksellers, in.s and ur subirro'is, mid which seinetitntfs burst (mtwards. soinetitm.s in- t'lmntir. an-i tiif urn hn ic Inln I Kt oni'B I (Tl 'l tl 1 1 1 1 an( cnnipliiinis.

Trie tor this drt-ad- house's l-listory nf the Bible, 3 4tn. i Stanley's lnles. (i vols. ISmo.) Lord Valentin's Travels, 3 vols. Mrs.

West a Loiters, vols, lanui.j Wilkins's Harmony of the Gosiiels, 8vo c. the Coppers of Adams's Architectural Works, Ac. ToKUther with the enure Stock and Stereotype Plates of Art of Brewing, iSino.i lioolt of Matrimony, Cabi-ne-t-maker's Guide, IBmo.t chemist, 2 vo s. Sto. Fain liar Astrologer, 8vo Library lor the Peplf.

Svo. Nicholson Architecture, 8va. Painter's, Vnrnisher's, and Gilder's Manuiil, 18mo. lied Barn, 8vo. Royal Hook of (iiiipublished 1 bhiiksperian Anthology, The Suicide, Svo.

Vocal Anthology, ivc. Iiy order of the Asslanees of Mr. Duckworth. n. May be viewed, an.J cntnloRnes had at tbe Ttooms.

are eint-l irS- nm-L'i's irriti.i im trend too r.Ucll billametl pium, tfrnlutiily stn pitying the patient nut of it tV. Why not rrn.ll thu utility rnuil in'mu MMi i -j I II II 1 til the n.e. ern.iW i'i-eased, sehirruus (iiands, in till puns the Vlelrt iii thp ueriain, though Kt'iUle, operation uf the KG KTA- 'i'KsiRPP OF UK VKLNOS, nnd iirs. (JanMiin can pnuliu-e the respectable ref erei that i cases, oi" tbis tun when tlie in'- 'HMlle. en administered in tiniL', it has never failed of success.

The yrup Is Prepared and So. tl by Mrs. Canham, the Sole Prontietor, at her jt'-'use, Oxr -street, at 13s. buttle his also sob! for the second, leaving ot cotton wool for manufacture in this country an annual average, for the first period, of (Jibs. and for the second, These respective quantities were disposed of in each period, in the manufactured state, as nearly as can be ascertained, as follows first, cotton yarn exported (one-eighth being added for waste), the annual average of the first period, in the second period, 48,472, 2021bs.

secondly, cotton cloth exported (computing six yards of cloth of all kinds to be produced from one pound of cotton), annual average of the first period, 255,507,058 yards in the second period, yards thiidly, cotton cloth retained for home consumption (computing one pound of cotton to make five yards of cloth) in the first period, 227,003,484 yards in the second period, yards. I may here just observe, that the estimate of si-X'yards to the pound of cotton for foreign, and of five for home consumption, is supposed to be the nearest approach to accuracy hy those Avho -ape-practically most conversant with the manufacturer. JJEBIi.ITV. ASTHMA, INDIGESTION, V. 1 'lVF', OF THB AND SKIN, Ss.iiti.

POPULAR REMARKS on NERVOUS DEM- HYPOOHONDIUAC, aud HYSTK1UC cntaiiiiHi! an Inquiry into the Niuui and Treatment of tbo-e IHsi-ases, called Nervous, Kili.iws, stomachic, and Liver Com-pliiiuls. with Observations on Low Spirits and tile Influence uf Imagination on those iicote and tllslre-sl ok Discuses. Hy T. M. CATON, Sur-KC.

oi. luts- ot the boiled Hoi-piutls of St. 't lioiims's and Guy's. Printe i fur i.iessrs. Sherwood and Co.

23, Paternoster-row C. Chappie, lid, and iioiven, 31o, Oxford-street where may be had anew Kditioll, Us. A Thkatisk on the Pukvuktion and Curb of the different stage of Asm MA, exhibiting the chnrneler, symptoms, and treatment ol thii, disease, ivnh copious o.iseivutlons on Lilet, Liquids, Clothing, ami Climate, ec, containing also a Collection uf necessary Prescriptions, ccc. CiTiis on tne a ii a i. Diskasb, and its Varibtibs, 63., coiiuiluii-K Ubseri'Jtions on the Diseases immediately or remotely connected witli it, as Derangements of the rtUd-lcr, Urethra, Ulcerations, Kruptious of tlie face and skin, Gleets, with Remark.

011 Mercury, and iia Jblflecw on the GotibUtutkm inteispersed with geltct Prescriptions, o-i tlie Mnli He Vriw i-r; Vi-' lame strcut, iJubi'ni Rut-e, tt Stamford arid by the ne Venders of tiie I'rincipa; Towns in tbe United North Wales Vale of Clwyd, Denbighshire. On the 25th May, at tho White Lion Inn, Ruthin, rpRE BATH AFERN PARK ESTATE, with a JL capital Mansion House, out offices, ami buildings complete, situate aliout mile from the town of Ruthin the Manor Llwynedd, valuable demesne lands, and divers eligible Farms, comprising together ONK THOUSAND SIX HUNDJ.1KD STATUTE ACttES, nearly 1,200 of which lie iu a ring fence. Printed particulars, with. maps annexed, are ready for delivery at the offices of Mr.

Douglas GreBley, 2, TaHheld-conrt, Temple; Messrs. Clarke, Richards, "and Medoalf, 20, Lincoln's Inn-fields'; Mr. John Jones, Pump-court, Temple, London; Mr. a. Humphreys Jones, llti-thin Mr, Kdwd.

Jones and Messrs. Evans and Williams, DonbSiih; and the principal Inns In X.i?erpoipl, Manchester, and North Wales, fish for in turbot and brill the same rule holds as in soles no wonder that many tons of skaite and plaice are thrown away or sold to the French fishermen for a mere trifle, because they wont pay the expence of carriage to London." What is the remedy for this wicked abuse Open more fish-markets. The restoration of Hungerford iwarket, to compete with Billingsgate, will do something, but not enough, for this huge town, Let cheap clubs accomplish the vest. Spectator, UPTURES. 'ihe Gazette of Health, price -1 iSUsioi-'e wdsiell i.nnlnitla I I 1.

V't heen jiiihUsbu-d on the modern Treatment of Kuptures beliiK Astley Tre.itlstr ore Heroin, und from nearly nil lending Journals of Science and Medicine. It also contains and Testimonials irom twenty Surgeons, on the InvaluablePO-r-Mtiaso: Coled'a fatunt 3 (jliarliig cross..

The Morning Chronicle from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.