Résultats de la recherche | GCC (2024)

Table of Contents
Résultats de la recherche: 44 ACC_122_under_coonstruction ACC 122 Under Construction AGR-115-1-201805 AGR 115 1 Permaculture Landscape Mgmt/In AGR-119-A-202301 AGR 119 A Mushroom Cultivation BIO_120_Under_Construction BIO 120 Under Construction BIO-126-2-202301 BIO 126 2 Biology I BIO-126-2-202307 BIO 126 2 Biology I BIO-126-2-202401 BIO 126 2 Biology I BIO-126-4-202301 BIO 126 4 Biology I BIO-126-A-202301 BIO 126 A Biology I BIO-126-B-202309 BIO 126 B Biology I BIO-127-A-202301 BIO 127 A Biology II BIO-127-A-202401 BIO 127 A Biology II BIO-133-A-202301 BIO 133 A Research Experience in Biology BIO-220-A-202309 BIO 220 A Foundations of Ecology CIS-145-1-201805 CIS 145 1 Relational DataBase Dsgn/Appl CRJ-103-A-202309 CRJ 103 A Criminal Law EDU-148-2-202401 EDU 148 2 Understanding and Guiding EGR-122-2-202301 EGR 122 2 Intro to Programming w/ Python EVS-101-13-201907 EVS 101 13 Envir Stud: Issues in Sustaina EVS-205-2-201801 SANDBOX EVS 205 2 Understanding Climate Change:SANDBOX FST-157-2-202301 FST 157 2 Fire Protection Hydraulics GWS-115-2-202301 GWS 115 2 Intro Gender/Wo's Stud. GWS-115-8-202401 GWS 115 8 Intro Gender/Wo's Stud. HIS-102-A-202401 HIS 102 A Western Civilizat'n Since1500 HIS-105-1-201805 HIS 105 1 History of Amer People to 1865 HIS-106-2-202301 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865 HIS-106-2-202307 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865 HIS-106-2-202309 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865 HIS-106-2-202401 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865 HIS-106-2-202407 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

Résultats de la recherche: 44

Afficher tous les 44

ACC_122_under_coonstruction ACC 122 Under Construction

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (1)

Horngren's Accounting, Financial Chptrs (w/MyAcctLab Acc)
  1. Edition:12th
  2. ISBN:9780134674728
  3. Author:Miller-Nobles
  4. Publisher:Pearson
  5. Copyright Year:2018

  • Teacher: Jeffrey Galbraith

Catégorie: Under Construction

AGR-115-1-201805 AGR 115 1 Permaculture Landscape Mgmt/In

  • Teacher: Beth Paulson

AGR-119-A-202301 AGR 119 A Mushroom Cultivation

Growing mushrooms in the woods or in your kitchen.

  • Teacher: Paul Lagreze

Catégorie: 202301

BIO_120_Under_Construction BIO 120 Under Construction

  • Teacher: Beth Moonstone

Catégorie: Under Construction

BIO-126-2-202301 BIO 126 2 Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (2)

CourseDescription: An introduction tocellular and molecular biology.Major topics include the biochemical basisof life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics,DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis.Students engage thescientific method by designing, conducting and evaluating laboratoryexperiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function,enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology.

  • Teacher: Catherine Devlin

Catégorie: 202301

BIO-126-2-202307 BIO 126 2 Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (3)

An introduction to cellular and molecular biology.Major topics include the biochemical basis of life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics, DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis.Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function, enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology.

  • Teacher: Catherine Devlin

Catégorie: 202307

BIO-126-2-202401 BIO 126 2 Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (4)

Course Description: An introduction to cellular and molecular biology. Major topics include the biochemical basis of life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics, DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis. Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting, and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function, enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology. NOTE: Students may receive credit for BIO 119 or BIO 126, but not for both. Prereq: ENG 090 and ENG 094, or satisfactory placement. Recomm: MAT 120 strongly recommended.

  • Teacher: Catherine Devlin

Catégorie: 202401

BIO-126-4-202301 BIO 126 4 Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (5)

CourseDescription: An introduction tocellular and molecular biology.Major topics include the biochemical basisof life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics,DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis.Students engage thescientific method by designing, conducting and evaluating laboratoryexperiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function,enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology.

  • Teacher: Catherine Devlin

Catégorie: 202301

BIO-126-A-202301 BIO 126 A Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (6)

An introduction to cellular and molecular biology. Major topics include the biochemical basis of life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics, DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis. Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting, and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function, enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology. NOTE: Students may receive credit for BIO 119 or BIO 126, but not for both. Prereq: ENG 090, ENG 094, and a grade of C or better in MAT 095 (MAT 105), or satisfactory placement. Recomm: MAT 096 strongly recommended.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202301

BIO-126-B-202309 BIO 126 B Biology I

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (7)

An introduction to cellular and molecular biology. Major topics include the biochemical basis of life, cell biology, photosynthesis, respiration, mitosis, meiosis, genetics, DNA structure and replication and protein synthesis. Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting, and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in cell structure and function, enzymes, respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and molecular biology. NOTE: Students may receive credit for BIO 119 or BIO 126, but not for both. Prereq: ENG 090, ENG 094, and a grade of C or better in MAT 095 (MAT 105), or satisfactory placement. Recomm: MAT 096 strongly recommended.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202309

BIO-127-A-202301 BIO 127 A Biology II

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (8)

An introduction to organismal biology with a focus on evolution, the diversity of life and ecology. Major topics include the processes and outcomes of microevolution, macroevolution and the history of life, a survey of the major groups of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, basic plant and animal structures and their functions, and ecology. Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in evolution, organismal diversity, and ecology. Field-based lab experiences train students to observe, identify, collect, measure and monitor organisms in the wild. Special Requirement: Field trips. Students assume any travel costs. Prereq: BIO 126 or BIO 102; MAT 095. Recomm: ENG 101 and MAT 096 strongly recommended.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202301

BIO-127-A-202401 BIO 127 A Biology II

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (9)

An introduction to organismal biology with a focus on evolution, the diversity of life and ecology. Major topics include the processes and outcomes of microevolution, macroevolution and the history of life, a survey of the major groups of eukaryotic organisms, basic plant and animal structures and their functions, and ecology. Students engage the scientific method by designing, conducting and evaluating laboratory experiences that include selected topics in seedless plants, seed plants, invertebrates, chordates, animal behavior, ecology and evolution. Field-based lab experiences train students to observe, collect, measure and monitor organisms in the wild. Special Requirement: Field trips. Students assume any travel costs.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202401

BIO-133-A-202301 BIO 133 A Research Experience in Biology

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (10)

Provides learning opportunities beyond those available in a typical classroom setting, allowing for in-depth, hands-on experiential learning. Students participate in the collection and management of biological data as part of a research project in any of the major fields of biology (e.g. botany, ecology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology). Through this research experience, students understand larger biological principles as they observe them in the natural world. Students employ basic field and/or laboratory techniques, discuss research ethics, keep a detailed field journal, and prepare for future research and study.Students will study population ecology of red-backedsalamanders in GCC's forest. Participation in fieldresearch outside of scheduled class time is required.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202301

BIO-220-A-202309 BIO 220 A Foundations of Ecology

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (11)

The study of the complex inter-relatedness of organisms and the environment. Topics include the study of the individual, population, community, ecosystem and global levels of ecology with emphasis on conservation and sustainability of natural resources. Students engage the scientific method through laboratory experiences in forest, field, stream and pond habitats. Note: Students may receive credit for BIO 220 or BIO 103, but not for both.

  • Teacher: Amanda Hyde

Catégorie: 202309

CIS-145-1-201805 CIS 145 1 Relational DataBase Dsgn/Appl

  • Teacher: Doug Wilkins

CRJ-103-A-202309 CRJ 103 A Criminal Law






  • Teacher: Elda James

Catégorie: 202309

EDU-148-2-202401 EDU 148 2 Understanding and Guiding

This course addresses various approaches to understanding and interpreting children's behaviors and how to support children's social and emotional development. The course introduces strategies for observing and reflecting on behavior from various perspectives. The course examines the concept of guidance as a proactive and positive tool to help children become their best selves. The course includes topics that impact children's behavior such as, culture, disposition, mental health, trauma, experience, and environment. Students practice elements of guidance, articulate a philosophy towards behavior and guidance, and create a resource toolkit.

  • Teacher: Vanessa Pashkoff
  • Teacher: Vince Youngwell

Catégorie: 202401

EGR-122-2-202301 EGR 122 2 Intro to Programming w/ Python

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (12)

  • Teacher: Trevor Kearns

Catégorie: 202301

EVS-101-13-201907 EVS 101 13 Envir Stud: Issues in Sustaina

  • Teacher: Beth Moonstone

EVS-205-2-201801 SANDBOX EVS 205 2 Understanding Climate Change:SANDBOX

Climate change is "the issue" for the emerging generation. Many courses address the science behind climate change but additional skills like critical thinking, discernment and empowerment are especially necessary in these times of reality distortion i.e. fake news, deniers and alternative facts.This course will supply students with an understanding of climate change from a policy perspective in order to gain a better understanding of how to apply climate change concepts for employment in government, business, and non-governmental organizations. This course may be counted toward degree options in Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency, Environmental Science, Food and Farm Systems, and as an elective toward a general Liberal Arts Degree.

  • Teacher: Michael Pattavina

Catégorie: Sandbox Courses

FST-157-2-202301 FST 157 2 Fire Protection Hydraulics

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (13)

Catalog description:Provides a foundation oftheoretical knowledge in order to understand the principles of the use of waterin fire protection and to apply hydraulic principles to analyze and to solve watersupply problems.

Detailed description:A study inincompressible fluids including fluid properties, principles of fluid status,fluid flow system principles, pipe friction, flow measurements, pumps, andother hydraulic devices and machinery. Students study the applications of fireprotection systems such as sprinklers, standpipes, hoses, nozzles, pumpers, andwater supply systems. Demonstrations illustrate and supplement the principlesdeveloped in the class.

Goal:The goal of this courseis to make students familiar with the physical laws and formulas that governthe use of water and other agents for extinguishing fires. Students shouldbecome competent in performing calculations using standard fire service formulas,and be able to relate such formulas to actual fire scenarios. This course willbe an excellent step in preparing a student to become a pump operator, and willfurther the knowledge base of those who are already pump operators.

This is a hybrid class, meeting in-person four times (Thursday evenings) over the course of the semester as noted in the course schedule. First class will be in-person on Thursday, January 26th, from 6pm to 8:50pm in the East building of GCC in RM. # E129. A snapshot of the required text is attached.

  • Teacher: Lindsay Stromgren

Catégorie: 202301

GWS-115-2-202301 GWS 115 2 Intro Gender/Wo's Stud.

  • Teacher: Christine Monahan

Catégorie: 202301

GWS-115-8-202401 GWS 115 8 Intro Gender/Wo's Stud.

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (14)

  • Professor: Christine Monahan

Catégorie: 202401

HIS-102-A-202401 HIS 102 A Western Civilizat'n Since1500

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (15)

This course presents students with an analysis of ideas, attitudes, and developments of Western Civilization from the dawn of the modern age to the present. Topics include the scientific and industrial revolutions; the rise and triumph of nation states; the French and Russian revolutions; European imperialism in Asia and Africa; socialism, communism, and fascism; dictatorships and World War II; challenge of the non-Western world.

  • Teacher: Sean Hough

Catégorie: 202401

HIS-105-1-201805 HIS 105 1 History of Amer People to 1865

HST 105: History of the American People to 1865

Summer ?2018?

Instructor: John Lund, Ph.D.

Main Building (Main Campus) N333, T R ?9:00 - 12:00 (May 22 ? July 5)

Office Hours: by appointment. lundj@gcc.mass.edu?

Course Overview:

Economic, social, and cultural development of the American people prior to the Civil War. Utopianism; the Revolutionary Era; the development of national consciousness; consensus and conflicts; constitutionalism; the roots of American foreign policy; race relations; slavery and war. NOTE: Students may receive credit for HIS 105 or 107, but not for both.

Required Reading:

There are no textbooks to purchase for this course.? Instead the course will be using Open Education Resources (OER) extensively, including the U.S. History textbook from Rice University?s OpenStax College.? The goal of OER is to make education affordable for all.

Teaching Procedures:

While important historical context will be provided, the essential in-class activity will be the discussion of the assigned material with a special emphasis on the analysis of primary sources (real evidence). ?This will sometimes involve group work. ?Every week there will be an in-class writing assignment where students will analyze one or more primary sources.

Instructional Objectives:

  • Knowledge of major trends in American civilization from the sixteenth to late nineteenth century.
  • Critical thinking and reading skills through the analysis of primary sources.
  • Fluency in the use and possibilities of Open Education Resources (OER)

Criteria for Evaluating Student Performance:

Each week there will be a short in-class writing assignment based on your reading of the assigned material.? The in-class writing assignments are worth a total of 40% of the final grade.? It is critical to read the textbook in order to place primary sources in their rightful historical context.

The mid-term and final are each worth 20% (40% of the final grade).? These exams require students to write well-crafted short answers based on their understanding of the assigned course material.?

Attendance and participation in-class is worth 20%.?

Attendance Policy:

Your success in this course requires you to attend class. You are allowed 3 un-excused absences.? Thereafter, your grade will drop by one half-grade for each subsequent un-excused absence.?

Since life throws us curves every now and again (medical, work, etc), you may not be able to attend class.? If you have a legitimate reason why you can not attend, please let me know so that you will not be given an un-excused absence. Email me if you can?t make it to class.

Course Schedule:? Please note this is a SEVEN WEEK course.? Try to read as much as you can before class.? We will explore the text together in class and focus on primary sources as indicated by ****.? You will receive hard copies of most of these primary sources.

Week 1: Early Globalization

May 22: New World For All

??????????? ****Read: Columbus?s 1493 letter

May 24: Labor. Commerce, and the Columbian Exchange

????????? Read: Chapter 1 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????????? Chapter 2 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

Week 2: Colonial Societies, 1500 - 1700

May 29: Colonization

????????? Read: Chapter 3 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

????????? Chapter 4 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

????????? ****Read: Servants and Slaves in Virginia 1705

????????? Slavery in Dorchester, Massachusetts

May 31: Imperial Wars

?????????****Read: ?Recollections of an Old Soldier? by David Perry



Week 3: Imperial Reforms, Colonial Protests, and War 1763-1783

June 5: The British National Debt and the War for Indpedence

????????? Read: Chapter 5 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

?????????**** ?The Able Doctor, Or, America Swallowing the Bitter Draught? 1774

??????????? Chapter 6 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

????????? ****Washington?s Letter September 30, 1776

June 7: Creating Republican Governments

??????????? Read: Chapter 7 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ****Read: Federalist #10

Week 4: The New American Republic

June 12: Federalists and Democratic Republicans

??????????? Read: Chapter 8 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

June 14:? FIRST EXAM


Week 5: Industrial and Democratic Revolutions

June 19:? Industrial Revolution

??????????? ?Read: Chapter 9 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ?****Read:? The Factory System

?June 21: Democratic Revolution

??????????? Read: Chapter 10 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ****Read: Tocqueville, Democracy in America Chapter XIV

??????????? ****Read: Tocqueville, Democracy in America Chapter XV


Week 6: Westward Expansion and Antebellum Reform

June 26: ?Western Expansion

??????????? Read: Chapter 11 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ?Read: Chapter 12 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ****Read: 1848 Free Soil Party Platform

June 28: Antebellum Reform

??????????? Read: Chapter 13 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ?Read: Frederick Douglass, Chapter 1.

?Week 7: The 1850 and the Civil War

July 3: The 1850s and Civil War

??????????? Read: Chapter 14 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? ****Read: George Fitzhugh

??????????? Read: Chapter 15 in U.S. History (OpenStax)

??????????? **** Read: Lincoln?s Letter to Horace Greeley 1862

??????????? ****Read: 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

?July 5:? Final Exam


  • Teacher: John Lund

HIS-106-2-202301 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

  • Teacher: Alyssa Arnell

Catégorie: 202301

HIS-106-2-202307 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

  • Teacher: Alyssa Arnell

Catégorie: 202307

HIS-106-2-202309 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

  • Teacher: Alyssa Arnell

Catégorie: 202309

HIS-106-2-202401 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

  • Teacher: Alyssa Arnell

Catégorie: 202401

HIS-106-2-202407 HIS 106 2 History/Amer People Since 1865

  • Teacher: Alyssa Arnell

Catégorie: 202407

Afficher tous les 44

Résultats de la recherche | GCC (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.